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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use feature qw(say);
- use List::AllUtils qw(firstidx);
- use Math::Vector::Real;
- my ($y,$x) = Math::Vector::Real->canonical_base(2);
- my @Dirs = ($y, -$x, -$y, $x);
- # Read in grid, adding sentinel ~s to right and bottom
- my @Grid = map { chomp; [split(//), '~'] } <>;
- push( @Grid, [('~') x $Grid[0]->@*] );
- sub grid_at ($) { my $p = shift; return ($Grid[$p->[0]][$p->[1]]) }
- my $start_pos;
- my $face = 2;
- foreach my $y (0 .. $#Grid) {
- my $x = firstidx { $_ eq '^' } $Grid[$y]->@*;
- if ($x != -1) {
- $start_pos = V($y,$x);
- last;
- }
- }
- sub test_block {
- my ($block, $pos, $face, $path) = @_;
- my %visit;
- $Grid[$block->[0]][$block->[1]] = '#';
- while (&grid_at( $pos ) ne '~') {
- my $ahead = $pos + $Dirs[$face];
- if (&grid_at( $ahead ) eq '#') {
- $face = ($face + 1) % 4;
- } else {
- last if ($visit{$ahead}{$face} or ($path->{$ahead} and $path->{$ahead}{$face}));
- $pos = $ahead;
- }
- $visit{$pos}{$face}++;
- }
- $Grid[$block->[0]][$block->[1]] = '.';
- return (&grid_at( $pos ) ne '~');
- }
- my %path;
- my %block;
- my $pos = $start_pos;
- my $count = 0;
- $path{$pos}{$face}++;
- while (&grid_at( $pos ) ne '~') {
- my $ahead = $pos + $Dirs[$face];
- print ::stderr "$count\r" if (++$count % 500 == 0);
- if (&grid_at( $ahead ) eq '#') {
- $face = ($face + 1) % 4;
- } else {
- if (&grid_at( $ahead ) eq '.' and !$block{$ahead} and !$path{$ahead}) {
- $block{$ahead}++ if (&test_block( $ahead, $pos, $face, \%path ));
- }
- $pos = $ahead;
- }
- $path{$pos}{$face}++;
- }
- say "Part 1: ", (scalar keys %path) - 1;
- say "Part 2: ", (scalar keys %block);
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