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Sep 9th, 2017
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  1. 6473fdc3ed59ef60e485249d3c493d669362e26d [maven-release-plugin] prepare release apache-mime4j-project-0.8.1
  2. 7a54eebe73a582ee9ead995a4e783d3e190fcf47 JAMES-2045 DateTimeFieldImpl should assume 19xx century when date without century >= 70
  3. e32e83fbc6980e278e268007187d5a6be69bf2d2 JAMES-2045 LenientDateTimeField should support partial years
  4. 5acd2cf3c221b88e6e14cc4d18b2f4553d430f60 JAMES-2045 Correct DateTimeTests
  5. 149e3010ade21239c2c4a2f9f28ddf7626017832 JAMES-2045 Improve DateTimeTest readability with assertJ messages
  6. 7829f79a69bd3f07bfea324edbb30ab850b8c886 JAMES-2045 Add century when parsing dates without
  7. 5c5830375afc12b71055a73ce76e5895f0ab846e MIME4J-262 deprecated all MessageBuilder and replace it by Message.Builder
  8. c14019ca08174d36f16ad45d6798ebb4f4f771cf MIME4J-262 bugfix of MessageBuilder regarding getDate
  9. fdb3756b55c8d8e865f17469f5156dcaee10450e JAMES-1900 Offer header value sanitizing out of the box
  10. f3a1cc5ca9622789efa9fb72de99a1fecf639e07 JAMES-1994 correct dead link
  11. 4dcab3508d51e58e7dbdc9521b3fb47e184e2f23 JAMES-1994 Update top bar
  12. 5ce7d4ff875bccbb65ac0c26dc651030311a7061 Merge pull request #2 from chibenwa/JAMES-1852
  13. 9854eeddf3ff7e8615c27818088474d849851f2d JAMES-1852 Name consistently MIME4J section
  14. 2f9165a1e65d5cc150009c861864b3f1b44910c1 Adding link to mailing list
  15. ad58b95e48650772618a68463ea0916cd293567b JAMES-1852 Reorganize MIME4J side bar
  16. 536b30af13e2add1406c6aa50a7b27948d1b4743 Merge pull request #1 from chibenwa/JAMES-1850
  17. c216b737347d6a2ff28ff15c77ef507e0ecae14b JAMES-1850 Mime4J should have same top links than James
  18. cb48082fb7cbbfb111c926cc8ae953d7261c235c JAMES-1831 Use james-skin for rendering website
  19. 6b20d691794203658d2d406bdb14bff6b06066ea JAMES-1831 Mime4J should use new logo
  20. a7e814430a07162bff718884c4e226ff6d61a942 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
  21. 2aaa6715e57feb7d7c537d041b0147ff23f46db1 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release apache-mime4j-project-0.8.0
  22. 3cce991ac3ebf15c8995437bae82d41757da914a Revert "[maven-release-plugin] prepare release apache-mime4j-project-0.8.0"
  23. 2108ec9f25b40bd64e0423cc89ae01cd06f31cd6 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release apache-mime4j-project-0.8.0
  24. e9508f070886a626c604828bb0c195d85c909b94 MIME4J-252 Apache parent pom should have version 18
  25. be14cb4d59c87b81aaf988f7d81512cee6c5c945 MIME4J SCM is now git
  26. 510ce331047ae5fdd0cc50d15474bbd10f89dbd7 MIME4J-252 Specify java version to 1.6
  27. 320042eee91cbf9d5c8dd757e3c438e3d25d3d95 MIME4J-252 mime4J should have a groupId
  28. 53b701e6db985ca88a4cf8aae1b0de4a7cafe143 MIME4J We should not depend on james/project
  29. 96126301575fff168df0403588833daa42192c50 JSIEVE-73 correcting folder name
  30. cfd093ec61bc0b120a2bcc6792868a6ca947ffed MAILBOX-266 Update to guava 18.0
  31. 0d03d112d57e1bf897f43975cd42c59f6b93f417 JSIEVE-73 Factorize code for message body matching
  32. f5e5db7f5aa9b6b341dfa3f3ab226e4cef635791 MIME4J-245 Use FileUtils when deleting files - contributed by Antoine Duprat
  33. 76707283aed555961d8cbc50f39733e0a4f85c98 MIME4J-245 Don't run jar on pom packaging projects - contributed by Matthieu Baechlor
  34. 0614063e97dcc72974ff1b420f8f2c63a3d8d288 MIME4J-245 Update maven parent to 1.8.3-SNAPSHOT - contributed by Matthieu Baechlor
  35. 6573d1401b4a8a4ccb782d3c0bf437a33172732a MIME4J-244: QP decoder incorrectly throws IOException in strict mode when LF is the first character in content stream Contributed by Detelin Hadzhiev <detelin.hadzhiev at>
  36. 8a109f0ccdffebe6f15b3e29483a5e22b401e6dc Rename AddressBuilder to DefaultAddressBuilder and introduce a common interface for DefaultAddressBuilder/LenientAddressBuilder
  37. dbe2d960888dfbb92cb555dfb0d3215151b310e0 BasicBodyFactory to use strict mode when used by message builder to parse messages in strict mode
  38. 2ae2cb54a1cfa1ca17e70487eb91c65752a7c962 MIME4J-218: improves defaultCharset handling improves messages for limit exceptions with details about limit sizes Contributed by Wolfgang Fahl <wf at>
  39. 0d5247fed64edf0494362b72ee52aa5ec5012592 fixes license header
  40. d1aaa00e44c76234ccc9f9c7c6bf44038bc74533 MIME4J-218: Content-Type fallback character set contributed by Wolfgang Fahl <wf at>
  41. eaa51e9a52f5411fe910dfb0ff4ff57cb864def1 MIME4J-242 Added more geenric From line matcher
  42. 2ea38c1c5c324b79b18e6a530317b0162b5e4c51 Moved Message, Header and Entity implementation test cases
  43. 165ca378610334025d3293889542001537886446 Removed mutators from DOM interfaces (Message, BodyPart, Multipart, etc) that are now provided by corresponding builders
  44. 6c31bd1e8f8b97cc432bbf9580e7383f00de1506 Added unit tests for MultipartBuilder and MessageBuilder
  45. 58f05c63cd48120f56c5a84cc9573e6be1399043 Added typed #getField methods
  46. ecf5be54d9066357580a7f38a22028f5056d2551 Added unit tests for AbstractEntityBuilder and BodyPartBuilder; incremental improvements in builder implementations
  47. 98399d48b50352ccd624771b24a5d243a241d2fc EntityBuilder -> /ParserStreamContentHandler; minor cleanups
  48. eb818c43d11980d230b57ff922dfdb0b709b942b Extended new builder classes with methods to create copies of message elements and to parse message from content stream
  49. 6c969882a833b1ad5fed9e66daba6dde3c898c93 Added builder class for BodyPart and Multipart instances
  50. bf706690989e893d8d1926b17ea92f339dd1a313 Moved common MIME entity building logic to a separate class
  51. e56e143ff1457d4ae346eac4d44b84842f7ac8ce Minor code refactoring and cleanup in MessageBuilder; SingleBodyBuilder to use BodyFactory to instantiate TextBody and BinaryBody
  52. d07958db2a265b96bf883c3cbc82a9c37e3c5ea5 Added builder class for Message instances
  53. 9e764429c88e77a226c4629b5c77045a429f3cf7 MIME4J-241: inconsistent StringInputStream read zero behavior
  54. 0f68a8f9ab6638ac5b71466eb59e27e473125b67 MIMEJ-237: fixed bug in RawFieldParser#parseValue() causing incorrect parsing of field values with quoted and unquoted content
  55. 685de05ebe4cd1df500f4798084845758857ec21 MIME4J-236: invalid handling of soft line breaks in strict mode
  56. d0d17ec02579e07e4ae7264f0afce507ec65d461 MIME4J-235: Content-Type fields containing RFC 2231 formatted boundary attribute cause NPE
  57. 96700349bd451c706a7feec2250ece668e368979 MIME4J-232: Problem paring date with extra leading space(s) Contributed by Lukas Vlcek <lukas.vlcek at>
  58. 8f8c265cfa628885b9c74dfe452772c1b54b1a44 Removed redundant class
  59. 017b78f5d6f9d7b9bd68da3d674774a8e0d1952a Added builder class for BinaryPart and TextPart instances
  60. ead7a4634659a05fd5b9ed7ac48c41b8ebe3f90d Eliminated duplicate class in dom module
  61. 602def139d88c814bc03a92de79609fedc26a898 Made MimeConfig immutable
  62. a26b15d3ffe714b8399fd79d1a80280fce62bdd0 Throw checked i/o exception instead of unchecked one in case of an unsupported / invalid charset in body descriptor
  63. 8415f921fc92246301831e7284094c547dda771c Moved CodecUtil methods to ContentUtil / EncoderUtil
  64. 7dc58eb8ab952be26c85f6e806ba44b362430a23 Moved standard charsets to a separate class
  65. 4bba3178297288dc18f72fd16d570ec32650a6e0 Refactored sample message based test suites; fixed frivolous usage of file based resources
  66. b6ea5829bae1b4da04f3de7682e035bc9ff2d155 Cleanups in core unit tests; removed unnecessary test utils
  67. ec79f41b3667e63fdc085081e8f15b120a54ecd3 Use more efficient implementations for byte array and string backed input stream implementations that attempt to minimize intermediate copying while streaming data
  68. 5c79f1fc1e03052c8a8837a6dbf10f47bc224423 Fixed resource leak warnings
  69. 8a3703fbfd081783dc82b974951b61e579848377 Restored full Java 1.5 compatibility
  70. c0c7c23367d4c232ea1eb3391cd734e0d2c55a28 MIME4J-229: test cases
  71. 409b162b49bbcd04e6f57b2dae0b9ca244c9c5dd MIME4J-226 changed compiler source and target to java 1.5
  72. f3a5ae285d1c60db9b7ad0ec06e477c7a51e8c70 Fixes MIME4J-225 and MIME4J-222
  73. 39212b84156c2faaa448d088c0d836d3cdbff1f9 Changed version format to tree component style 0.8.0
  74. 222ed3681dc35a89c1589f9b1c35f054dd0fba1d Updated commons-io to 2.4 fixed some tests
  75. 8743eee34c6af9eb5a620f5c8af510fa25b8e6c1 Upgraded to apache-james-project 1.8.2
  76. cd362e02fd37faaf8150c15ee7a53424777d2f08 MIME4J-221 Pom cleanup and IDE code analisys improvements
  77. c3c53363df2cdcf46f695d9f7b79e249aaba65f1 MIME4J-218: rethrow UnsupportedCharsetException as a checked I/O exception
  78. d2b77debec4a5d83a223307853a76b351aa2665f MIME4J-218: made it easier to map a charset name to Charset implementation (added BasicBodyFactory#resolveCharset method)
  79. 4b59934fef38ccd8d5a44286632dad872192fa01 MIME4J-221 Updated most tests to junit-4 style
  80. a1b701c0aa7c18671c65584dcce7ea050caee9a0 MIME4j-219 Added new DateTime format and test. Added also the message sample to test/resources.
  81. 6b38bd810c794edbcf03530aad0f529dda460582 fix svn:ignore properties
  82. 4d1730d067c5f688fd73a4a3f1f6220523437c10 Made DomainList immutable, fixes MIME4J-217
  83. 0ddf3aaa5f7b3f1e1dfe20951f8f0ddd1e308461 MIME4J-215: Make MboxIterator compatible with target.jdk=1.5 Eclipse's .settings, .project and .classpath added to svn:ignore
  84. 16eb70ffdfcccd7321eba573ab2c18dabfc42834 Removed Guava from dependencies.
  85. 9c3b4c5557bc8452824fa40157c2cd8d0c98fe00 Integrated Mbox Iterator to Apache James Mime4j
  86. 7679f5d3c447c5516267242c3ee591766cca3bd8 use 1.8.1 parent to generate correct site
  87. bbfef0a014d83c33c999b50019b0d18e0fff3732 MIME4J-213: OSGi metadata fix Contributed by Raman Gupta <rocketraman at>
  88. 6ff1dc47f32eb38348f07e6ed3307dfd7e99eb88 MIME4J-212: DefaultMessageBuilder#parseHeader ignores MimeConfig
  89. f5ea3a491d251cfd97c3a7e1cc1f20b31940d672 MIME4J-211: Add an optional fallback charset argument to DecoderUtil.decodeEncodedWords Contributed by TzeKai Lee <chikei at>
  90. 54f25b51d2c64eabbc49f1af8e4abdf603350d09 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
  91. 1f0805a7546b9b4151b44fb519c5c959432860a0 [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag apache-mime4j-project-0.7.2
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