

Aug 12th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 Stunt: The aura- your <em>Anima</em>- flares silver as you rush forward, Sasuke answering you in kind. Your fists meet in a cacophony of muffled thumps, each impact driving you further on. What strikes you can't block, you dodge, flowing around Sasuke's attacks in a way that's more reminiscent of his fighting style than your own. Eventually, you score the first strike, your fist sinking into his abdomen even as his own attack seeks out your head.: (John At DAwn)
  2. [X] 1 Stunt: The aura- your Anima- flares silver as you rush forward, Sasuke answering you in kind. Your fists meet in a cacophony of muffled thumps, each impact driving you further on. What strikes you can't block, you dodge, flowing around Sasuke's attacks in a way that's more reminiscent of his fighting style than your own. Eventually, you score the first strike, your fist sinking into his abdomen even as his own attack seeks out your head.: (codeRR)
  3. [X] 2 You rush, intent on making the best of your newfound power. Let the Teme eat his words, you were never one to give up, and neither you intend to start now. You strike, an upward kick to the face and he evades low. But that was only the first shot. A pair of shadow clone follow through with straight punches to both sides of his head forcing him to block. A third turns a ground-sliding kick into a handstand, again manifesting your grudge with his face. His arms occupied, he has no way to guard, but you hadn't finished: your last clone of this batch has just finished aiming you down, and down you come, your fist on his skull like a meteor, driving the back of it to the earth.: (Mu-Sensei, Diller)
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