

Dec 29th, 2016
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  1. Obi-Wan hit the deck hard and slid perilously close to the edge-close enough to hear the great waves breaking against the platform's stilts below him. He caught a hold and reached into the Force, using it to grab his lightsaber, recognizing that he was suddenly vulnerable.
  3. He heard a shot from the side, not the screech of a blaster bolt, but a pfizzt sound, and rolled as far as he could.
  5. But not far enough. He lost his concentration, along with his grasp on his lightsaber, as a thin wire slid under his wrists, then wrapped about them, securing him tightly.
  7. And then he was sliding, back up the sloping skirt and across the platform, towed by the rocket-man. With reflexes honed by years of intensive training, and with the Force-strength of a Jedi Master, Obi-Wan snap-rolled his body forward, back up over his outstretched arms, tumbling to his feet, then leaping out to the side as the towline again went taut, jerking him along. He rolled about a pylon and came back to his feet again, now having the leverage of the metal pole helping to hold him there.
  9. Reaching deeply in the Force once more, he grounded himself, becoming, for an instant, almost as one with the platform.
  11. Immovable.
  13. The wire snapped tightly, but Obi-Wan didn't budge.
  15. He felt the angle of the pull change dramatically as the rocket-man plunged to the deck, his pack breaking away.
  17. Obi-Wan started around the pole, but stopped and shielded his eyes as Jango Fett's rocket pack exploded with a burst of light and a tremendous concussion.
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