
I dont have assistants just manipulators

Nov 27th, 2023
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  1. Anyone that claims to be helping or assisting me is in it for themselves has not spoken to me and has nothing to do with me i would of made them sign paperwork so there would not be any confusion they seen the trajectory i was on and clawed their way into my life by force when all they’ve done prior is kicked me out repeatedly for being β€œrude” but never explaining why or how so now let me be real rude and make sure i fuck off from them for the rest of my life so theyll be forced to ask if they can have relevancy in my life
  3. Forced marriage
  5. Everything its better to claim suspicion of everything to figure out what exactly is going on
  7. Mailbox9.elias@icloud.com is being curated so i cant reply or receive certain information or emails that would jeopardize whatever the fuck they think is going on money hungry fucking people
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