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Quiplash Prompts: Base Game

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Sep 19th, 2015
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  1. “Knock, knock!” “Who’s there?” (BLANK)
  2. “On the 147th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...”
  3. “This just in! A (BLANK) has won the election and will become the new governor of Texas.”
  4. A bad campaign slogan for a congressperson
  5. A bad first line for your presidential inauguration speech
  6. A bad name for a brand of bottled water
  7. A bad name for a brand of hot sauce
  8. A bad name for a hospital
  9. A bad name for a pet goldfish
  10. A bad name for a water park
  11. A bad name for an Italian restaurant
  12. A bad occupation for a robot to have
  13. A bad place for your rocket ship to crash would be The Planet of the (BLANK)
  14. A bad place to skinny-dip
  15. A bad reason to call 911
  16. A bad substitute for a toothbrush
  17. A bad thing to say to a cop as he writes you a speeding ticket
  18. A bad thing to yell during church
  19. A bad title for a self-help book
  20. A bad use for clam chowder
  21. A bad way to remove unsightly chest hair
  22. A bad, one-word slogan for a presidential campaign
  23. A better name for dandruff
  24. A better name for France
  25. A better name for testicles
  26. A better name for the game Duck Duck Goose
  27. A better name for the human bladder
  28. A better name for the Washington Monument
  29. A birthday present you shouldn’t get for your grandmother
  30. A body of water you definitely shouldn’t swim in
  31. A brand name for a medication that intentionally CAUSES male impotence
  32. A business or service that shouldn’t have a drive-through window
  33. A catchy name for a sperm bank
  34. A clever thing for James Bond to say as he throws someone out of an airplane
  35. A club you wish they had in high school
  36. A college major you don’t see at many universities
  37. A completely untrue rumor about Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks
  38. A completely wrong way to spell “Jennifer Aniston”
  39. A crazy thing to find during a colonoscopy
  40. A creepy thing to find scribbled onto a dollar bill
  41. A cute name for hemorrhoids
  42. A dangerous thing to do while driving
  43. A double rainbow doesn’t have gold at the end of it. Instead, it has (BLANK)
  44. A Facebook status you don’t want your grandparents to see
  45. A faster way to get home from the Land of Oz is to click your heels three times and say <BLANK>.
  46. A fun outfit to dress up the statue of David in
  47. A fun thing to do with a bowl of pudding
  48. A fun thing to think about during mediocre sex
  49. A fun thing to yell as a baby is being born
  50. A fun trick to play on the Pope
  51. A fun trick to play on your doctor
  52. A funny thing to write down on a form when it asks for your sex
  53. A gift nobody would want: The (BLANK) of the Month Club
  54. A Girl Scouts cookie name that got rejected because it was just too ridiculous-sounding
  55. A good catchphrase to yell every time you finish pooping
  56. A good fake name to use when checking into a hotel
  57. A good improvement to make to Mt. Rushmore
  58. A good name for a dog country singer
  59. A good name for a pet cemetery
  60. A good name for a restaurant that serves animals with the faces still on them
  61. A good name for a sex robot
  62. A good name for an elderly nudist colony
  63. A good name for an erotic bakery
  64. A good place to hide boogers
  65. A good post-music career for Justin Bieber
  66. A good puck replacement if they run out of pucks in a game of hockey
  67. A good sign that you’ve drunk too much Mt. Dew
  68. A good sign that your dog is really an a-hole
  69. A good sign that your house is haunted
  70. A good stage name for a chimpanzee stripper
  71. A good thing to give trick-or-treaters on Halloween when you’ve run out of candy
  72. A good use for toenail clippings
  73. A good way to get fired
  74. A great birthday present for your worst enemy
  75. A great brand name for extra-extra-large condoms
  76. A great gag gift would be an exploding (BLANK)
  77. A great name for a nude beach in Alaska
  78. A great name to have on a fake I.D.
  79. A great new invention that starts with “Automatic”
  80. A great nickname for your armpit hair
  81. A great opening line to start a conversation with a stranger at a party
  82. A great pet name for a parasitic worm that lives in your ear
  83. A great place to hide an Easter egg
  84. A great thing to yell before jumping out of an airplane
  85. A great way to cure the hiccups
  86. A great way to kill time at work
  87. A great way to start a conversation with a weird loner on the subway
  88. A group activity at a really bad summer camp
  89. A hip, new advertising slogan for socks
  90. A historical event that would make a bad theme for a restaurant
  91. A horrible charity: (BLANK) for Tots
  92. A just-so-crazy-it’s-brilliant business idea to pitch on <i>Shark Tank</i>
  93. A kinky weird thing that does NOT happen in 50 Shades of Grey (as far as you know)
  94. A lawn decoration sure to make the neighbors mad
  95. A lesser-known ingredient in most microwave pizza pockets
  96. A lesser-known Knight of the Round Table: Sir (BLANK)
  97. A lesson that probably wouldn’t be taught on <i>Sesame Street</i>
  98. A little known-perk of being U.S. president
  99. A little-known fact about Canada
  100. A little-known fact about the Jolly Green Giant
  101. A little-known nickname for New Orleans
  102. A little-known way to get gum out of your hair
  103. A magazine that should never have a nude centerfold
  104. A mean text you would send to break up with a Muppet
  105. A message found in a bottle floating in the sea
  106. A more environment-friendly alternative to toilet paper
  107. A movie that could use some nudity
  108. A movie that should never be made into a theme park ride
  109. A name for a board game designed to give children nightmares
  110. A name for a brand of designer adult diapers
  111. A name for a new cereal that’s for adults only
  112. A name for a really bad Broadway musical
  113. A name for a really cheap hotel
  114. A name for a really scary swamp: (BLANK) Swamp
  115. A new ice cream flavor that no one would ever order
  116. A new name for kumquats
  117. A new slang term for impotence
  118. A new word for people that drive too slow in the fast lane
  119. A new, completely BS holiday that greeting card companies would make up to sell more cards
  120. A not-very-scary name for a pirate
  121. A peculiar thing to see in a Help Wanted ad would be “Help Wanted: (BLANK)”
  122. A phrase you would love to hear Morgan Freeman say
  123. A place where you’re not likely to spot Bigfoot
  124. A polite way to say “booger”
  125. A poor substitute for a necktie
  126. A poor substitute for underwear
  127. A possible entry in Gary Busey’s dream journal: “Tonight I dreamed (BLANK)”
  128. A prank the Supreme Court Justices probably play on each other
  129. A punch line for a joke that would make children cry
  130. A real weirdo would fall asleep to the sounds of (BLANK)
  131. A realistic, honest fast-food slogan
  132. A really odd thing to say on your deathbed
  133. A really stupid idea for a phone app (that would still make you millions of dollars)
  134. A reason to get into a fist fight with a koala bear
  135. A reason to travel back in time to two weeks ago
  136. A rejected crayon color
  137. A rejected name for a ship in the U.S. Naval Fleet: the USS (BLANK)
  138. A rejected phrase for one of those Valentine heart candies
  139. A rejected safety technique for when you catch fire was to “stop, drop, and (BLANK)”
  140. A rejected shape for Marshmallow Peeps
  141. A rejected tagline for <i>Star Trek</i> instead of “Space: the final frontier” was “Space: (BLANK)”
  142. A rejected title for <i>The Good, The Bad and the Ugly</i> was <i>The Good, the Bad and the <BLANK></i>
  143. A ridiculous government agency that no one knows about: The Department of (BLANK)
  144. A secret ability of boobs
  145. A secret way to get stubborn ketchup out of the bottle
  146. A sequel to the painting “Dogs Playing Poker”
  147. A short motto everyone should live by
  148. A sign that you’re a bad teacher
  149. A sign you probably shouldn’t put up in your yard
  150. A sign you wouldn’t want to see at a seafood restaurant
  151. A slogan to get everyone excited about corn
  152. A Socrates quote that nobody bothered to write down
  153. A Starbucks coffee that should never exist
  154. A strange place to hold a family reunion
  155. A strange poster to hang in a college dorm room
  156. A strange side effect to hear during a drug commercial
  157. A strange thing to keep as a pet
  158. A strange thing to read on a door mat
  159. A street name you never see
  160. A sure sign that a drifter has been secretly living in your house
  161. A surprising job entry on Abraham Lincoln’s resume
  162. A surprising purchase on Willy Wonka’s credit card statement
  163. A surprising thing to find inside a piñata
  164. A surprising thing to hear in a nature documentary
  165. A terrible food truck would be one that goes around selling only (BLANK)
  166. A terrible name for a 1930s gangster
  167. A terrible name for a clown
  168. A terrible name for a cruise ship
  169. A terrible name for a funeral parlor
  170. A terrible name for a king
  171. A terrible name to have if you’re running for public office
  172. A terrible sportscaster catchphrase for when somebody dunks a basketball
  173. A terrible talent to have for the Miss America Pageant
  174. A terrible theme for a high school prom
  175. A terrible thing to sign on the cast of your friend’s broken leg
  176. A terrible vacation idea: going to visit The Museum of (BLANK)
  177. A terrible wedding gift
  178. A terrifying fortune cookie fortune
  179. A theme for a desk calendar that wouldn’t sell very well
  180. A thought that keeps Santa Claus awake at night
  181. A title of a self-help book for rats
  182. A TMZ headline you really want to see
  183. A tourist attraction in Hell
  184. A trick you shouldn’t teach your dog
  185. A trick you’d like to see a poodle do
  186. A Tweet from a caveman
  187. A unique way to escape from prison
  188. A vanity license plate a jerk in an expensive car would get
  189. A very unnecessary surgery
  190. A weapon that should be added to the game Clue
  191. A weird photo to keep in your wallet
  192. A weird physical way to greet someone
  193. A weird thing for a bank robber to demand in a hostage situation
  194. A weird thing to find in your grandparents’ bedside table
  195. A weird thing to hear from your doctor: “I’m afraid you have (BLANK)”
  196. A weirdly enticing subject line for an email in your SPAM folder
  197. A word that should be in the dictionary but isn’t
  198. A word that should never follow “Beef”
  199. Advice: Never stick your tongue into (BLANK)
  200. After the Heimlich Maneuver, the second-best way to stop someone from choking
  201. An alternate name for The Mona Lisa
  202. An alternate use for a banana
  203. An angry internet comment on a pet store’s website
  204. An angry review you’d give this game (Quiplash)
  205. An animal Noah shouldn’t have saved
  206. An excuse to avoid riding the mechanical bull
  207. An experiment mice actually like having performed on them
  208. An idea for Lady Gaga’s next crazy outfit: a (BLANK) dress
  209. An ill-advised outfit to wear to your first day at a new job
  210. An image that would make the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling look more badass
  211. An inappropriate theme for a set of kids’ pajamas
  212. An inappropriate thing for a detective to say at a crime scene
  213. An inappropriate thing to do at a cemetery
  214. An inappropriate thing to say via skywriting
  215. An invention by Thomas Edison that never caught on
  216. An inventive way to get rid of head lice
  217. An item NOT found in Taylor Swift’s purse
  218. An item on every pervert’s grocery list
  219. An odd casting choice would be Clint Eastwood as (BLANK)
  220. An odd painting to hang above your bed
  221. An Olympic sport that never made it: Synchronized (BLANK)
  222. An unusual “Special Skill” to include on your resume
  223. An unusual motif for a baby’s nursery
  224. An unusual object to bludgeon someone to death with
  225. An unusual theme for a kid’s lunchbox
  226. Another name for a rectal thermometer
  227. Another name for a sex-change operation
  228. Another name for Canada
  229. Another name for the Grand Canyon
  230. Another name for toe jam
  231. Another use for cooked spaghetti
  232. Another use for gravy
  233. Another use for marshmallows
  234. Another use for tampons
  235. Aw screw it... just type in something dirty
  236. Bad advice for new graduates
  237. Brand name of a bottled water sold in the land of Oz
  238. Briefly describe your imaginary friend
  239. CBS should air a TV show about lawyers who are also (BLANK)
  240. Combine any two words to make a fun, new made-up word
  241. Come up with a catchier, more marketable name for the Bible
  242. Come up with a great title for the next awkward teen sex movie
  243. Come up with a name for a beer made especially for monkeys
  244. Come up with a name for a fast food chain that only serves rabbit meat
  245. Come up with a name for a generic brand of hot dogs that you probably shouldn’t buy
  246. Come up with a name for a kooky ostrich who solves mysteries
  247. Come up with a name for a new beer marketed toward babies
  248. Come up with a name for a new, very manly cocktail
  249. Come up with a name for a rock band made up entirely of baby ducks
  250. Come up with a name for a salad dressing by Lindsay Lohan
  251. Come up with a name for a sitcom about a bunch of wacky nuns
  252. Come up with a name for the most difficult yoga pose known to mankind
  253. Come up with a new dessert that contains the name of a U.S. state
  254. Come up with a really bad football penalty that begins with “Intentional”
  255. Come up with a really bad TV show that starts with “Baby”
  256. Come up with a slogan for the Russian Tourism Board
  257. Come up with a three-word sequel to the book “Eat, Pray, Love”
  258. Come up with a title for an adult version of any classic video game
  259. Come up with the name for a new TV show with the word “Spanky” in it
  260. Come up with the name of a country that doesn’t exist
  261. Come up with the name of book that would sell a million copies, immediately
  262. Coming soon to a theater near you: Benedict Cumberbatch is (BLANK)
  263. Everyone knows that monkeys hate (BLANK)
  264. Everyone knows there’s no such thing as (BLANK)
  265. Everything tastes better with (BLANK)
  266. Finish this sentence: “When I’m rich, my mansion will have a room called The (BLANK) Room.”
  267. Four out of five dentists agree you should never (BLANK)
  268. Fun thing to do if locked in the mall overnight
  269. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney’s rap duo name
  270. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t spank you right now
  271. Graffiti you might find in a kindergarten
  272. Helpful advice you would give to Super Mario
  273. How do you like it?
  274. How far is too far?
  275. How Garfield the cartoon cat will eventually die
  276. How many monkeys is too many monkeys?
  277. How would YOU fix the economy?
  278. HR would probably get the most complaints on “Bring your (BLANK) to work” day
  279. If a genie gives you three wishes, the best things to wish for are: 1) a billion dollars, 2) eternal life, and 3) (BLANK)
  280. If a winning coach gets Gatorade dumped on his head, what should get dumped on the losing coach?
  281. If animals took over, an exhibit you’d see at the human zoo
  282. If at first you don’t succeed...
  283. If God has a sense of humor, he welcomes people to heaven by saying, “(BLANK)”
  284. If we can’t afford to bury or cremate you, what should we do with your body?
  285. If we only use 10% of our brains, what’s the other 90% doing?
  286. If you don’t have extra money, an odd thing to use as a tip for your waiter
  287. If you really want to impress the Olympic diving judges, try a dive that involves (BLANK)
  288. If you really, really love something, let it (BLANK)
  289. If you were allowed to name someone else’s baby any weird thing you wanted, what would you name it?
  290. If you’d never heard the term “great white shark,” what might you call it when you saw one for the first time?
  291. In a shocking poll, it was discovered that three out of four Americans (BLANK)
  292. In the future, RoboCop actually retires from the police force and becomes Robo-<BLANK>
  293. In the future, scientists discover that the secret to eternal youth is (BLANK)
  294. Invent a Christmas tradition sure to catch on
  295. Invent a family-friendly replacement word that you could say instead of an actual curse word
  296. Invent a holiday that you think everyone would enjoy
  297. Invent a new word for the toilet that sounds like it’s from Shakespeare
  298. Invent a silly British term for pooping
  299. It never ends well when you mix (BLANK) and (BLANK)
  300. It would be awesome to win <i>Jeopardy</i> with the phrase, “What is <BLANK>, Alex?”
  301. It would be most awesome for Chuck Norris to fight (BLANK)
  302. It would be scary to read on a food package, “May contain trace elements of <BLANK>.”
  303. It’s bad to be buried alive. It’s worse to be buried alive with <BLANK>.
  304. It’s disappointing to put together a 1,000 piece puzzle and realize it’s just a picture of (BLANK)
  305. It’s illegal to yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater, but it should also be illegal to yell, “<BLANK>!”
  306. Italy’s newest tourist attraction: The (BLANK)Tower of Pisa
  307. Jesus’s REAL last words
  308. Kennedy’s original speech said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask (BLANK)”
  309. Life hack! Lower your heating bills by...
  310. Life would be so much better if we all lived in (BLANK)
  311. Like “dinger,” “grand salami,” and “jack,” come up with a new slang term for a home run in baseball
  312. Like chicken fingers or chicken poppers, a new appetizer name for your fun, theme restaurant: chicken _____
  313. Like Plutonium or Einsteinium, what would you name the next Periodic Table element they discover?
  314. Little-known fact: A secret area in the White House is the (BLANK) room
  315. Little-known fact: An unaired episode of <i>The Brady Bunch</i> had the family dealing with (BLANK)
  316. Little-known fact: Over the course of a lifetime, an average person accidentally eats ten (BLANK)
  317. Little-known fact: the fourth Wise Man gave baby Jesus the worst gift of all: (BLANK)
  318. Little-known fact: The government allows peanut butter to contain up to 10% (BLANK)
  319. Little-known fact: The human body is approximately 80% (BLANK)
  320. Little-known fact: the scariest animal in the world is the (BLANK) cobra
  321. Make up a curse word
  322. Make up a name for a silent-film porno from the 1920s
  323. Make up a name for the space between your nostrils
  324. Make up a schoolyard game that children should never play at recess
  325. Make up a word for the watery substances that come out of a ketchup bottle when you first squeeze it
  326. Make up a word that describes the sound of farting into a bowl of mac & cheese
  327. Make up a word that means “to make up a word”
  328. Make up the title of a movie that is based on the first time you had sex
  329. Miley Cyrus’ Wi-Fi password, possibly
  330. Miller Lite beer would make a lot of money if they came up with a beer called Miller Lite _____
  331. Mother Teresa’s deepest secret
  332. Name a candle scent designed specifically for Kim Kardashian
  333. Name a children’s book by someone who hates children
  334. Name a new movie starring a talking goat who is president of the United States
  335. Name a new reggae band made up entirely of chickens
  336. Name a TV drama that’s about a vampire doctor
  337. Name the eighth dwarf, who got cut at the last minute
  338. Name the next big sexually transmitted disease
  339. Name the sequel to <i>Titanic</i> if there were one. <i>Titanic 2: <BLANK></i>
  340. Name your new haircutting establishment
  341. Never pay more than $3 for (BLANK)
  342. New movie idea: <i>The Muppets Take <BLANK></i>
  343. New requirement at amusement parks: “You must be this (BLANK) to ride”
  344. New show idea: <i>America’s Next Top <BLANK></i>
  345. New sport idea: professional (BLANK)
  346. No one would guess this is where the treasure is buried
  347. Okay... fine! What do YOU want to talk about then?!!!
  348. On your wedding night, it would be horrible to find out that the person you married is (BLANK)
  349. One place a finger shouldn’t go
  350. One thing never to do on a first date
  351. Ozzy Osbourne’s Twitter password, probably
  352. Pants would be a whole lot better if they (BLANK)
  353. Paul Bunyan’s replacement for Babe The Blue Ox when he dies
  354. People wouldn’t respect He-Man as much if, to gain his power, he held up his sword and shouted “____________________”
  355. Pick any city name and make it sound dirty
  356. Queen Elizabeth’s deepest, darkest secret
  357. Really awful cheerleaders would yell “<BLANK>!”
  358. Rename any famous work of literature so that it is ruined by the word “butt”
  359. Rename Winnie-the-Pooh to something more appropriate/descriptive
  360. Safety tip! Don’t eat a half hour before you (BLANK)
  361. Santa Claus would be a bigger badass if his sleigh were driven by eight tiny…
  362. Scientists say erosion, but we all know the Grand Canyon was actually made by (BLANK)
  363. Sleepwalking can be a problem but it’s not as bad as sleep(BLANK)
  364. So... what was that movie <i>Birdman</i> about anyway?
  365. Something a talking doll probably should NOT say when you pull the string
  366. Something a weatherman might yell if he completely snapped during the weather forecast
  367. Something awful to hold in your mouth for an hour
  368. Something fun to ask the old wise man on top of the mountain
  369. Something fun to do with your kidney stones after you pass them
  370. Something fun to scream at a farmer’s market
  371. Something fun to scream when you win in a game of bingo, other than “Bingo!”
  372. Something fun to yell during an opera
  373. Something Godzilla does when he’s drunk
  374. Something in a weirdo’s bedroom
  375. Something inappropriate to do at the gym
  376. Something it’d be fun to throw off the Eiffel Tower
  377. Something it’s not a good idea to put in the overhead bin on an airplane
  378. Something overheard at the Last Supper
  379. Something people used to do for fun before electricity
  380. Something pirates probably aren’t very good at
  381. Something squirrels probably do when no one is looking
  382. Something that absolutely doesn’t make you think of a penis on some level
  383. Something that is currently legal that should be banned
  384. Something that is probably on Nicolas Cage’s “To Do” list
  385. Something that should never be “homemade”
  386. Something that will get you thrown out of a Wendy’s
  387. Something that would make a creepy replacement for the horses on a merry-go-round
  388. Something that would make an awful hat
  389. Something that would not work as well as skis
  390. Something that would not work well as a dip for tortilla chips
  391. Something that’s made worse by adding cheese
  392. Something the devil is afraid of
  393. Something they will probably never make a series of commemorative stamps for
  394. Something upsetting you could say to the cable guy as he installs your television service
  395. Something you can make out of body hair
  396. Something you can only do in a Walmart if no one’s looking
  397. Something you do not want to do while standing in a police lineup
  398. Something you don’t expect to see when you spy on your neighbors
  399. Something you don’t want to find in your Christmas stocking
  400. Something you probably shouldn’t bring on a trip across the Sahara desert
  401. Something you probably shouldn’t try to sell on eBay
  402. Something you promise to yell if you win this game
  403. Something you rarely see used as a car decoration
  404. Something you should never put on an open wound
  405. Something you should never say as the captain of a bowling team
  406. Something you should never say to your mother
  407. Something you should never stick up your butt
  408. Something you should never try to heat in the microwave
  409. Something you should never use as a scarf
  410. Something you should not put in your kid’s sandbox
  411. Something you should not say in front of a parrot
  412. Something you should not whisper to your grandmother
  413. Something you shouldn’t buy at a yard sale
  414. Something you shouldn’t buy off of Craigslist
  415. Something you shouldn’t get your significant other for Valentine’s Day
  416. Something you shouldn’t stuff with cheese
  417. Something you shouldn’t use a chainsaw for
  418. Something you shouldn’t wear to a job interview
  419. Something you would like to fill a swimming pool with
  420. Something you wouldn’t expect a Ouija board to say
  421. Something you’d be surprised to see a donkey do
  422. Something you’d be surprised to see come out of a pimple you pop
  423. Something you’d love to smash with a wrecking ball
  424. Something you’d make a butler do the moment you hired him
  425. Something you’d probably find a lot of in God’s refrigerator
  426. Something you’d sneak into space, if you were an astronaut
  427. Something you’d yell to heckle the performing dolphins at Sea World
  428. Sometimes John Travolta wildly mispronounces names. How might he wildly mispronounce his own name?
  429. Sometimes, after a long day, you just need to (BLANK)
  430. Superman’s special power that he never tells anyone about
  431. Surprising first words for your baby to speak
  432. Survival tip! Start a fire by rubbing (BLANK)
  433. Take any U.S. president’s name and turn it into something inappropriate
  434. Take any well-known restaurant and slightly change its name to something inappropriate
  435. The #1 reason penguins can’t fly
  436. The 11th Commandment: Thou shalt not...
  437. The 6,077th layer of Hell is reserved for (BLANK)
  438. The beauty pageant no one wants to see: Miss (BLANK)
  439. The best name for an obese rapper
  440. The best news you could get today
  441. The best part about being Donald Trump
  442. The best pick-up line for an elderly singles mixer
  443. The best place to bury all those bodies
  444. The best prize you could find in a Cracker Jack box
  445. The best question to ask God when you meet him
  446. The best reason to go to Australia
  447. The best shirt to wear next to somebody who’s wearing an “I’m with stupid” T-shirt
  448. The best thing about being really dumb
  449. The best thing about being thrown into a volcano
  450. The best thing about going to prison
  451. The best thing about living in an igloo
  452. The best thing to use when you’re out of toilet paper
  453. The best title for a new national anthem for the USA
  454. The best use for a leftover meatball
  455. The best way to catch a leprechaun
  456. The best way to defeat terrorism is...
  457. The best way to keep warm on a cold winter night
  458. The best way to quickly blow a million dollars
  459. The best way to scare a burglar
  460. The best way to start your day
  461. The best way to survive a bear attack is (BLANK)
  462. The best way to tell if a tomato is ripe
  463. The best way to tell if someone is dead
  464. The biggest complaint of people in Hell
  465. The biggest downside to living in Hell
  466. The biggest issue facing the town of Margaritaville
  467. The biggest secret the government keeps
  468. The celebrity you’d eat first if you were a cannibal, and the side dish you’d eat them with
  469. The coolest way to die
  470. The crime you would commit if you could get away with it
  471. The difference between Grade A beef and Grade B beef
  472. The dumbest method of birth control
  473. The dumbest person in the history of all time
  474. The first and second rules of Fight Club are “Don’t talk about Fight Club,” but what’s the 387th rule of Fight Club?
  475. The first commandment in the new religion you started
  476. The first inductee of the A-hole Hall of Fame
  477. The first names of each of your nipples
  478. The first sign that you’re old
  479. The first thing a pig would say if it could talk
  480. The first thing that pops into your mind right now
  481. The first thing to do if you’re attacked by a shark
  482. The first thing you would do after winning the lottery
  483. The Four Horsemen wouldn’t be as scary if they were the Four (BLANK)men of the Apocalypse
  484. The futuristic invention you can’t wait to see exist
  485. The government should legalize...
  486. The grossest thing you could find at the bottom of a swimming pool
  487. The grossest thing you’d put in your mouth for $18
  488. The hardest part about living in a submarine
  489. The hardest thing about being Batman
  490. The hit song from the Broadway show <i>Fart: The Musical</i>
  491. The Katy Perry Super Bowl halftime show would have been better with (BLANK)
  492. The last person you’d consider inviting to your birthday party
  493. The least appetizing name for a restaurant
  494. The least impressive Boy Scout badge
  495. The least popular item in the Victoria’s Secret catalog
  496. The least romantic place to propose marriage
  497. The least-threatening name for a serial killer: The Boston (BLANK)
  498. The liquid that would make for the worst salad dressing
  499. The most awesome Guinness World Record to break
  500. The most bitching thing you can airbrush on your van
  501. The most boring graffiti you could see in the subway
  502. The most common thing you’d hear if you could read people’s thoughts
  503. The most creative thing you can make entirely out of boogers
  504. The most embarrassing crime to get caught committing
  505. The most embarrassing name for a dog
  506. The most G-rated term for an erection
  507. The most obnoxious name someone could give their kid
  508. The most popular T-shirt slogan in Mississippi, probably
  509. The most presidential name you can think of (that isn’t already the name of a president)
  510. The most stereotypical country song title
  511. The most surprising person to admit to being the Zodiac Killer
  512. The name of a canine comedy club with puppy stand-up comedians
  513. The name of a clothing store for overweight leprechauns
  514. The name of a cocktail for hillbillies
  515. The name of a dog food brand you probably should not buy
  516. The name of a font nobody would ever use
  517. The name of a hairstyle that will never catch on
  518. The name of a law firm you shouldn’t hire
  519. The name of a new game show that sounds terrible
  520. The name of a new perfume by Betty White
  521. The name of a new U.S. state you would never visit
  522. The name of a painting Michelangelo was ashamed he created
  523. The name of a pizza place you should never order from
  524. The name of a really bizarre diet that just never caught on
  525. The name of a sexy new dance move
  526. The name of a shampoo for hippies
  527. The name of a species of dinosaur you wouldn’t want to meet
  528. The name of a toilet paper specifically designed for the Queen of England
  529. The name of an all-male version of Hooters
  530. The name of Jesus’ 13th apostle
  531. The name of that cheese shop you’re going to open some day
  532. The name of the music playlist that will definitely put an end to the party
  533. The name of the next hot boy band
  534. The name of the reindeer Santa didn’t pick to pull his sleigh
  535. The name of the website that probably gave your computer a virus
  536. The name of your new plumbing company
  537. The name that cavemen probably gave to diarrhea
  538. The name you would give to a really mopey pig
  539. The newest health food: (BLANK) juice
  540. The next product for Matthew McConaughey to endorse
  541. The official medical term for belly button lint (probably)
  542. The Old English term for “vagina”
  543. The one phrase the NSA is tired of watching us type into Google
  544. The one thing that isn’t better dipped in chocolate
  545. The one thing you wish a politician would just say already
  546. The password to the secret, high-society sex club down the street
  547. The perfect day off is just twelve straight hours of (BLANK)
  548. The perfect meal would be a (BLANK) stuffed in a (BLANK) stuffed in a (BLANK)
  549. The perfect name for a second head that sprouts on your shoulder
  550. The perfect song to hum on the toilet
  551. The Pyramids would be even more impressive if they contained (BLANK)
  552. The real reason the dinosaurs died
  553. The real secret to living to age 100
  554. The real way you can tell an alligator from a crocodile
  555. The reason Pluto isn’t a planet anymore
  556. The second thing said on the moon
  557. The secret to a great marriage
  558. The secret to a happy life
  559. The secret to a healthy head of hair
  560. The secret to being a great kisser
  561. The Seven Deadly Sins are lust, gluttony, greed, envy, pride, wrath, and sloth. The Eighth Deadly Sin is...
  562. The Skittles flavor that just missed the cut
  563. The sound a tree actually makes when it falls and no one is around to hear it
  564. The strangest reason to get a divorce
  565. The terrible fate of the snowman Olaf in a director’s cut of <i>Frozen</i>
  566. The three ingredients in the worst smoothie ever
  567. The title of a new YouTube cat video that’s sure to go viral
  568. The title of the most boring porno ever
  569. The title you’d come up with if you were writing the Olympics theme song
  570. The Tooth Fairy’s other job
  571. The toy surprise in an Unhappy Meal
  572. The unsexiest thought you can have
  573. The weirdest combination of three items that you could buy at the store
  574. The weirdest room you could see in an airport would be one specifically designated for (BLANK)
  575. The weirdest thing you can buy at the Vatican gift shop
  576. The world’s most boring video game
  577. The worst advice a doctor could give
  578. The worst advice your boxing coach could give you
  579. The worst air freshener scent
  580. The worst album: “(BLANK) Sings the Blues”
  581. The worst breakfast: pancakes shaped like (BLANK)
  582. The worst car feature that ends with “holder”
  583. The worst charity: Save the (BLANK)
  584. The worst children’s board game would be “<BLANK>, (BLANK) Hippos”
  585. The worst combination of two actors that could possibly star in the next season of <i>True Detective</i> together
  586. The worst excuse for showing up late to work
  587. The worst family secret that could come out over Thanksgiving dinner
  588. The worst flavor for a sno-cone
  589. The worst halftime show: The (BLANK) Dancers
  590. The worst Halloween costume for a young child
  591. The worst invention that starts with “Spray-On”
  592. The worst job title that starts with “Assistant”
  593. The worst material from which to make a pair of pajamas
  594. The worst material with which to make a snowman
  595. The worst menu item that starts with “All You Can Eat”
  596. The worst name for a “big and tall” store
  597. The worst name for a funeral home
  598. The worst name for a mountain
  599. The worst name for a race horse
  600. The worst name for a rap artist
  601. The worst name for a robot
  602. The worst name for a summer camp
  603. The worst name for a tanning salon
  604. The worst name for an SUV
  605. The worst person to narrate the audiobook of <i>Fifty Shades of Grey</i>
  606. The worst person to receive a sponge bath from
  607. The worst person to share a hot tub with
  608. The worst pizza is <BLANK>-style pizza
  609. The worst question to ask during a White House tour
  610. The worst ringtone for a cell phone
  611. The worst shape for an animal cracker
  612. The worst slogan for an erectile dysfunction pill
  613. The worst song to play when stripping for your lover
  614. The worst soup flavor: Cream of (BLANK)
  615. The worst tattoo to have on your forehead
  616. The worst theme for a pinball machine
  617. The worst theme for your kid’s first dance recital
  618. The worst thing a plastic surgeon could say after he botched your surgery: “I’m sorry, I accidentally (BLANK)”
  619. The worst thing about being a billionaire
  620. The worst thing about Canada
  621. The worst thing for an evil witch to turn you into
  622. The worst thing that could crawl out of your toilet
  623. The worst thing that could jump out of a bachelor party cake
  624. The worst thing to find frozen in an ice cube
  625. The worst thing to find growing on your neck
  626. The worst thing to find stuck in your teeth
  627. The worst thing to overhear during your surgery
  628. The worst thing to receive for trick-or-treat
  629. The worst thing to say when trying to adopt a pet
  630. The worst thing to try to sell door-to-door
  631. The worst thing to vomit into when you suddenly need to vomit
  632. The worst thing to wear to your court trial
  633. The worst thing to whisper during pillow talk
  634. The worst thing to yell while a professional golfer putts
  635. The worst thing you can tell the kids about the death of the family dog
  636. The worst thing you could discover in your burrito
  637. The worst thing you could rub all over your face
  638. The worst thing you could stick in a toaster
  639. The worst thing you could stuff a bed mattress with
  640. The worst things to juggle
  641. The worst toy store: Build-A-<BLANK> Workshop
  642. The worst Vegas casino: (BLANK) Palace
  643. The worst warning to read on some medicine you just swallowed
  644. The worst way to be murdered
  645. The worst way to fly: (BLANK) Airlines
  646. The worst way to remove pubic hair
  647. The worst way to spell Mississippi
  648. The worst word that can come before “fart”
  649. The worst words to say for the opening of a eulogy at a funeral
  650. The years 2011 to 2020 will be remembered as “The (BLANK) Age”
  651. There’s Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff, but what’s the Hogwarts house few have ever heard of?
  652. There’s only one time that murder is acceptable and that is when (BLANK)
  653. Thing you’d be most surprised to have a dentist a find in your mouth
  654. Three things are certain in life: Death, Taxes, and (BLANK)
  655. Three things MacGyver needs to make a bomb
  656. Tip: Never eat at a place called “Kentucky Fried (BLANK)”
  657. Today’s music needs more (BLANK)
  658. Tomorrow’s news headline: “Scientists Are Shocked to Discover That (BLANK)”
  659. Trash talk you would hear at a chess meet
  660. Turns out, the meaning of life is (BLANK)
  661. Two people from history that should definitely have sex
  662. USA! USA! America is still number one in...
  663. Using only two words, a new state motto for Texas
  664. Usually, it’s bacon, lettuce and tomato, but come up with a BLT you wouldn’t want to eat
  665. We can all agree that (BLANK)
  666. What a dog sext message might say
  667. What aliens do with you after the anal probe
  668. What an alarm clock could say that would wake you right up
  669. What bears dream about all winter
  670. What Big Foot complains about to his therapist the most
  671. What Chewbacca has really been yelling all these years
  672. What deer would use for bait if they hunted hunters
  673. What do kittens dream of?
  674. What do vegans taste like?
  675. What dogs think when they see people naked
  676. What FDR meant to say was “We have nothing to fear, but (BLANK)”
  677. What happens to circumcision skin
  678. What is a tree thinking all day?
  679. What John Goodman’s belches smell like
  680. What kittens would say if they could talk
  681. What makes hot dogs taste so good?
  682. What mustaches SHOULD be called
  683. What really cracked the Liberty Bell?
  684. What really happened to Amelia Earhart
  685. What really happens if you stare at the sun too long
  686. What really happens if you tear off that mattress tag
  687. What robots dream about
  688. What Sam Elliott probably nicknames his mustache
  689. What Santa does with a dead elf
  690. What Smokey the Bear does when he’s not fighting forest fires
  691. What sperm yell as they swim
  692. What tattoo should Justin Bieber get next?
  693. What the boogeyman is afraid of
  694. What the Easter Bunny does with his free time
  695. What the genitalia on a Tofurky is called
  696. What the government is hiding from the public in Area 497
  697. What the hot trend in weddings will be in the year 2046
  698. What the Statue of Liberty is hiding beneath that robe
  699. What they call pooping in the Land of Oz
  700. What they really found in King Tut’s tomb
  701. What time is it?
  702. What to do when your parachute fails
  703. What to say to get out of jury duty
  704. What two words would passengers never want to hear a pilot say?
  705. What would make baseball more entertaining to watch?
  706. What would you do if you were left alone in the White House for an hour?
  707. What you call a baby sasquatch
  708. What you hope the Mars Rover finds
  709. What you think the word “pandiculation” means
  710. What you want your gravestone to read
  711. What you would do with two free hours and a flamethrower
  712. What you’d guess is an unadvertised ingredient in most hot dogs
  713. What your dog thinks when he sees you naked
  714. What your pancreas tests revealed
  715. What’s actually causing global warming?
  716. What’s black and white and red all over?
  717. What’s lurking under your bed when you sleep?
  718. What’s really at the center of the Earth?
  719. What’s really in a camel’s hump?
  720. What’s that stain?
  721. What’s the first thing you would do if you could time travel?
  722. What’s the Mona Lisa smiling about?
  723. What’s wrong with these kids today?
  724. Where do babies come from?
  725. Where do you think the beef really is?
  726. Where missing socks go
  727. Where’s Jimmy Hoffa?
  728. Where’s the best place to hide from the shadow monsters?
  729. Which new marshmallow should Lucky Charms cereal introduce?
  730. Who let the dogs out?
  731. Why did the mortician cross the road?
  732. Why does the Tower of Pisa lean?
  733. Why is the sky blue?
  734. Why should you never turn your back on a penguin?
  735. Why so serious?
  736. Write a newspaper headline that will really catch people’s attention
  737. You know you’re in for a bad taxi ride when (BLANK)
  738. You know you’re really drunk when...
  739. You need three things to live: food, water, and (BLANK)
  740. You never forget your first (BLANK)
  741. You never know when you’re going to need insurance. You could wake up tomorrow and (BLANK)
  742. You probably shouldn’t hire a moving company called (BLANK)
  743. You should never (BLANK) and (BLANK) at the same time
  744. You should never give alcohol to (BLANK)
  745. You should never share (BLANK) with someone else
  746. You shouldn’t get a massage at a place called (BLANK)
  747. You would never go on a roller coaster called (BLANK)
  748. You wouldn’t want to share a prison cell with someone named (BLANK)
  749. Your first decree after being named Supreme Ruler of Earth
  750. Your personal catchphrase if you were on one of those <i>Real Housewives</i> shows
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