
Norman and Scott play xbox

Aug 1st, 2013
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  1. >be Norman
  2. >at school bored as fuck
  3. >lunch break, time to get a sub
  4. >your "racist" status wards off most people from talking with you, except the occasional insult
  5. >in line, several girls are talking
  6. >they look back and see me
  7. >"hey, its the racist guy, Norland I think"
  8. >who the fuck is Norland?
  9. >more of the girls come in line with their friends, putting more distance between you and your sub
  10. >finally it's your time to order
  11. "Yeah, I'd like a sub"
  12. >"sorry kid, we ran out"
  13. >contemplating whether or not to shoot up the school
  14. "I'll just have a turkey sandwich instead
  15. >after receiving inferior sandwich, you go sit down at the least populated table
  16. >you see Scott, the only other male student besides Brad whom you have talked to
  17. >Scott looks bored, and has barely eaten his sandwich
  18. >not wanting to eat another lunch alone, you walk to the seat next to Scott and sit down
  19. "Hey Scott, whats up?"
  20. >"Oh hey Norman. just a bit out of it today"
  21. "Oh really?"
  22. >"yeah. Kinda wish I was at home playing xbox and eating a sub, or something other than this sandwich
  23. >didnt know he had an xbox, we should play together sometime
  24. "Yeah, I understand. It beats sitting in class all day"
  25. >Scott nods in agreement
  26. "So whats your gamertag?"
  27. >"oh, I don't have multiplayer"
  28. "Well thats alright, we can just play at my house"
  29. >"All right then"
  30. >finally, a bro to hang out with
  31. >last bell rings, you see Scott at his locker
  32. "Hey Scott, still game for some xbox at my house?"
  33. >"Of course man."
  34. >You and Scott walk to your house, chatting about random stuff, sports, movies, food, chicks
  35. >topic shifts to girls at our school
  36. >"So you like any girls at school ,Norman?"
  37. "What?"
  38. >"Well I see you hang out with that new girl, Twilight and her friends."
  39. >Usually you would change the topic, but Scott seems like a cool dude
  40. "Well I do like the white one"
  41. >"Rarity, right?"
  42. "Yeah, but don't tell her, okay"
  43. >"Don't worry man, I won't"
  44. "Thanks. By the way, is there any girls you like?"
  45. >Scott looked up at the sky for a moment
  46. >"I don't really like any girl in that way"
  47. "Really, no one?"
  48. >"I guess the girls at our school just aren't my type"
  49. >You arrive at your house, and unlock your door
  50. >Parents aren't home, nice
  51. >You lead Scott to your room upstairs
  52. >you start up the xbox and find 2 controllers
  53. >you give Scott the controller you usually don't use
  54. "You want to play some CoD?"
  55. >"Not really, I'm not good at shooters"
  56. "Well we could play something else. I got some racing games"
  57. >"Sure"
  58. >you pick gran turismo, which was the first racing game you see
  59. >you decide to race against only each other
  60. > you both pick random car
  61. >at the start of the race, Scott gains the lead, but you're right on his tail
  62. >you bump his right rear just as a sharp curve comes up
  63. >Scott crashes into the railing while you speed ahead
  64. >you hear "screenlooker" uttered faintly from Scott
  65. >Scott manages to catch up to your car, and is to your right side
  66. >Scott's car rams into yours and forces it to grind against the railing
  67. "Hey! You bastard"
  68. >you reach over to Scott and grab his left hand, forcing his thumb off the analog stick
  69. >Scott retaliates by grabbing the right side of your controller and forcefully takes it away
  70. "Hey give it back, you cheater!"
  71. >"You cheated first!"
  72. >you reach for the controller, but Scott has his arm extended just beyond your fingertips
  73. >you wrap your free arm around his waist and push forward, pinning him to the ground
  74. >you extend your arms, realizing you are on top of another man
  75. >Scott stares into your eyes
  76. >your gaze meets his, intense eye contact
  77. >your heart beats faster, suddenly the room feels hot
  78. >a submissive Scott blushes, his breathing becoming deep
  79. >fuck, this got gay really fast
  80. >but it feels, sorta right
  81. >Scott not resisting shows his willingness to...
  82. "Oh, sorry"
  83. >you quickly stand up, moving away from Scott
  84. >you look away from Scott, but you can't stop thinking about that moment
  85. >his lips looked soft and moist, and his cute soft blush gave off the aura of a pure maiden
  86. >A maiden you could have gave your first kiss to
  87. "Let's not talk about this, okay"
  88. >"But I'll never forget it"
  89. >you won't either
  90. >Scott is just staring at you
  91. >you turn your head, avoiding any possible intense moment like the one earlier
  92. >you remember how Scott didn't like any of the girls at school
  93. >now you know why none of the girls are his "type"
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