

Mar 2nd, 2018
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  1. GabrielVanLightFang: -is curled up in a ball crying and hugging his stuffed animal-
  2. QnDebShadow: -walks over and sits next to him- Pain?
  3. GabrielVanLightFang: I think my momma abandoned me -he sniffled wiping the tears from his eyes-
  4. QnDebShadow: awww why do you say that?
  5. GabrielVanLightFang: She hasnt been on in almost 2 weeks and she wont respond to my messages -he cried squeezing his stuffed animal- she doesnt love me anymore -sobs-
  6. QnDebShadow: awww honey, maybe something happened in rl that she cant get on
  7. GabrielVanLightFang: How would i know shes always invisible
  8. QnDebShadow: last date she was on
  9. GabrielVanLightFang: Idk im on mobile
  10. QnDebShadow: whats her avi name
  11. GabrielVanLightFang: KendalStJohn
  12. QnDebShadow: are you Raiyu?
  13. QnDebShadow: to her?
  14. GabrielVanLightFang: Mhm
  15. QnDebShadow: she hasnt been on since feb 21st
  16. QnDebShadow: 8 days ago
  17. QnDebShadow: unless she was checking something on her webpage
  18. GabrielVanLightFang: But she wont reply to my messages
  19. QnDebShadow: you 2 didnt have a fight before she stopped coming, did you?
  20. GabrielVanLightFang: Noo i always behaved for her i was always a good boy
  21. QnDebShadow: maybe she lost net
  22. GabrielVanLightFang: She would find away to talk to me
  23. GabrielVanLightFang: To let me know she didnt just leave me behind
  24. QnDebShadow: you guys talk elsewhere besides imvu?
  25. GabrielVanLightFang: No
  26. GabrielVanLightFang: We were gonna talk on skype but she forget to tell me her skype name
  27. QnDebShadow: would you like me to leave her a message?
  28. GabrielVanLightFang: -he shook his head- its no use she doesnt love me anymore -curled up tighter and cried-
  29. QnDebShadow: I messaged her anyways, saying how upset you are, and how i have been taking care of you until the day she returns, and if she hasnt abandoned you, to let you or I know
  30. QnDebShadow: -pulls him onto her lap- dont asume that, i am sure there is an explanation
  31. QnDebShadow: so, why does she go invisible?
  32. GabrielVanLightFang: Idk
  33. QnDebShadow: does she go to college? I see she is only 18
  34. QnDebShadow: and lives in Australia
  35. QnDebShadow: big time zone difference
  36. GabrielVanLightFang: -he rose up from her lap leaving a mangled stuffed animal in his place as he moved away from Deb his sobs turned to growls his saddness turned to anger as he dropped on all fours and began slamming his fists down onto the ground sending out shockwaves like massive earthquakes- grrr i hate you -he slammed his fists down once more- you bitch -he slammed his fists down again- you will pay on blood -he let out a roar breathing out flames that covere the landscape ahead of him burning all in its path turning trees to piles of ash and rivers and ponds to steam instantly as the flames connected-
  37. QnDebShadow: Gabriel
  38. QnDebShadow: .what happens if you find out she lost net? Or was very sick? How would you feel about what you just did
  39. GabrielVanLightFang: She would have found a way to tell me but she didnt -he punched the ground as it split open, he rose to his feet clinching his fist- she will pay for this pain -he growled violently- I have endured to much pain and have let it all go unpunished because i try to be nice and polite to everyone but no more -he growled- no more will i be weak and fragile, i will be strong and rutheless like a Gore should be
  40. QnDebShadow: I see, so ruthless will get you what you want?
  41. QnDebShadow: If she is sick, she may not be able to tell you, and without internet, how would she tell you?
  42. GabrielVanLightFang: Would you rather i be hurt again and again for being to nice? -he looked over his shoulder to her- I know pain is apart of life but there is such a thing as to much and to much of anything is not good for you.
  43. GabrielVanLightFang: I have been through more families than i care to remember all because i was to nice or to weak
  44. QnDebShadow: so, you would rather hurt first? Cause being ruthless, you hurt people, and will not take pain away. Being nice is not considered weak, trust me
  45. GabrielVanLightFang: My family before her threw me out for being to nice and i had a mental break down
  46. QnDebShadow: .what did they expect? A monster?
  47. GabrielVanLightFang: They expected a rutheless warrior who showed no merch a killer a vicious weapon. A true Gore.
  48. GabrielVanLightFang: Mercy*
  49. QnDebShadow: is that what you WANT to be? Or just because it is expected of you
  50. GabrielVanLightFang: Being nice gets me nothing but pain
  51. QnDebShadow: you think i am nice?
  52. GabrielVanLightFang: My adult form feels no pain just rage n hate maybe he is right
  53. GabrielVanLightFang: Yes you are but it is different for u
  54. GabrielVanLightFang: You have a family and a home
  55. GabrielVanLightFang: Your a queen
  56. GabrielVanLightFang: Im just a weak runt that no one wants
  57. GabrielVanLightFang: 27
  58. QnDebShadow: i have heard of many Queens that are not nice. You think i have never been hurt?
  59. GabrielVanLightFang: 27 families in total last i counted
  60. QnDebShadow: my family, all are nice
  61. QnDebShadow: i dont expect anyone to be ruthless
  62. QnDebShadow: i would rather they were not
  63. GabrielVanLightFang: Why are you so nice to me? Why do you care for me so much? -he looked to the desolated landscape before him- im a nobody. Your family could have killed me and no would have cared
  64. QnDebShadow: -She walks over to him and kneels next to him- Because i can see in your heart. You are a very sweet young man. My family would never kill you because they have no reason to, they dont kill just to kill, i wont allow it and they know it
  65. GabrielVanLightFang: A sweet young man who keeps getting hurt by the people he cares about
  66. QnDebShadow: you know how many kids and exes have hurt me? I just move on, because in reality, they are just another stepping stone to those that care, and mean it
  67. GabrielVanLightFang: I cannot do that
  68. GabrielVanLightFang: I maybe be sweet but my split personality is what keeps me from letting go of all that hate and rage
  69. QnDebShadow: there was a time i couldnt, then i stopped and looked back and realized all i did was hurt people, and thats one thing i hate to do, it tore me apart
  70. GabrielVanLightFang: Its what makes me hate people who hurt me and that hate and hurt never go away
  71. GabrielVanLightFang: I thought if i was nice and kind to eveyone they would be nice and kind back and he would change but he wont
  72. GabrielVanLightFang: I cannot get rid of him
  73. QnDebShadow: Hate is not a good emotion, will ruin the person that carries it in their heart
  74. GabrielVanLightFang: When your family abandons you kicks you out and treats you like you never exsisted on the first place hate is all you have
  75. GabrielVanLightFang: Hate brought me back from my breakdown
  76. QnDebShadow: i have an rp Mother that has decided not to return, she has a rl friend that says Dad is cheating on her, which he never would, he loves her with all his being, so she quit coming, instead of being here for her kids. -Shrugs- It is her loss, not ours
  77. QnDebShadow: We still have our Dad
  78. GabrielVanLightFang: Its because of people that i cannot let go of my hate its because of them i cannot fully let go
  79. QnDebShadow: -holds out her arms- let me show you
  80. GabrielVanLightFang: My hate will always be there in the back of my mind
  81. GabrielVanLightFang: -he hesitates and steps closer to her- i cant let go my hate is all i have its what keeps me alive
  82. QnDebShadow: -She wraps her arms around him, hugging him, running her hand over his hair- You havent foud the right family is all. When people come on here, they seem to think they dont have to be nice. I am the same on here as i am in rl
  83. QnDebShadow: found*
  84. GabrielVanLightFang: I try to be the same as far as the split personality goes i am
  85. GabrielVanLightFang: But its not severe like it is on here
  86. GabrielVanLightFang: Irl i dont get sad i go straight to angry
  87. GabrielVanLightFang: On here its like a light switch from sad to angry
  88. GabrielVanLightFang: And it starting to happen when my bones hurt i get so angry that i dont feel the pain today i laid still for almost 7 hours of pain just to see if i could handle it and i did because i was angry
  89. QnDebShadow: in RP i have a demon side, which i let out when i get angry, so i can calm down, my family knows when she comes out, they need to find out what happened
  90. GabrielVanLightFang: I can handle physical pain
  91. GabrielVanLightFang: I can do that because of my anger
  92. GabrielVanLightFang: But emotional pain does not go away
  93. QnDebShadow: it does in time, mine has
  94. GabrielVanLightFang: It lingers around and will not leave it just builds up and builds
  95. GabrielVanLightFang: I still hate my cousin for treating me like shit just so he could look cool infront of his gf when he was 13 and i was 9
  96. GabrielVanLightFang: I almost bashed his skull in with a hammer for it but i still hate him
  97. GabrielVanLightFang: I still hate my older cousin for trying to throw me out his house because his gf said she didnt like me and that was 4 years ago i put my gun to his head and beat him half to death for that
  98. GabrielVanLightFang: I still hate my brother when we argued when i was 7 and he called me Brittle Bones and he was 15
  99. QnDebShadow: brothers will always be that way
  100. GabrielVanLightFang: I shoved him through a sliding glass door for that
  101. GabrielVanLightFang: I developed a split personality because of my anger
  102. QnDebShadow: do you see someone about it?
  103. GabrielVanLightFang: No and i refuse to
  104. QnDebShadow: and why is that
  105. GabrielVanLightFang: I still hate my mother for trying to force me on medication when i was a kid
  106. QnDebShadow: she is only trying to make you feel less pain hun
  107. GabrielVanLightFang: Because unlike most people i like my split personality
  108. GabrielVanLightFang: It was because a doctor said i have adhd
  109. QnDebShadow: ohhh
  110. GabrielVanLightFang: And those pills literally made me starve half to death
  111. QnDebShadow: werent hungry when you took them, right?
  112. GabrielVanLightFang: I couldnt eat
  113. GabrielVanLightFang: I threw up whatever i ate
  114. QnDebShadow: my grandson had no appetite on one of the meds he was on, she told the dr. to take him off, he started eating again
  115. GabrielVanLightFang: The main difference between me irl and me in rp
  116. GabrielVanLightFang: Is irl im so easy to set off its dangerous
  117. GabrielVanLightFang: I get pissed at the smallest things
  118. GabrielVanLightFang: I stub my toe i smash the dress top
  119. GabrielVanLightFang: I hear them talk about something stupid on the news i throw the remote and shut the tv off
  120. GabrielVanLightFang: I cut my mouth eating captn crunch i smash the bowel
  121. GabrielVanLightFang: I cut my finger once trimming weeds and bent the steel blades on the shears
  122. QnDebShadow: its a hard cereal
  123. GabrielVanLightFang: I stubbed my toe once when i was 10 on a 1500lbs fourwheel and i tipped it over on its backend without breaking a sweat
  124. QnDebShadow: that was an adrenaline rush from getting hurt
  125. GabrielVanLightFang: So i started meditating and blacksmithing to help releive some of the stress and anger and it helps but not much
  126. QnDebShadow: maybe you need something else
  127. GabrielVanLightFang: Its not adrenaline anymore
  128. GabrielVanLightFang: Its full blown rage
  129. QnDebShadow: is your rl family afraid of you?
  130. GabrielVanLightFang: My dad says it comes from our bloodline were 100% viking berzerkers
  131. GabrielVanLightFang: The men are
  132. QnDebShadow: .why the men
  133. GabrielVanLightFang: Because no matter how angry i get i cannot hurt a woman
  134. QnDebShadow: so what do you do instead
  135. GabrielVanLightFang: I break things
  136. GabrielVanLightFang: I almost smashed in the hood on a truck one time
  137. GabrielVanLightFang: Theres a movie called Split the main chara has 23 personalities and the last one is called The Beast and he is indestructible he cant be killed
  138. GabrielVanLightFang: He also cannot be reasoned with
  139. QnDebShadow: so whats the name of your other personality
  140. GabrielVanLightFang: His names Green
  141. GabrielVanLightFang: Well thats the nickname my little brother gave him cause he thinks he is the hulk hehe
  142. QnDebShadow: the reason this does not shock me, i have an rp son, who is like my rl son, and he has many personalities he knows of, and some he hasnt met yet
  143. GabrielVanLightFang: But his name is Billy
  144. GabrielVanLightFang: My dads dad says im like this because im the only son on both sides of the family that is both an Aesir and a Vanir Berzerker
  145. GabrielVanLightFang: My dad is a pure Aesir and my mom is a pure Vanir both sides trace back to berzerkers from the viking era
  146. QnDebShadow: I see
  147. GabrielVanLightFang: I have 1 other personality but i dont see him much
  148. QnDebShadow: oh?
  149. GabrielVanLightFang: His names Kraven Sinwest he is a vampire
  150. QnDebShadow: nice
  151. QnDebShadow: .when has he shown himself
  152. GabrielVanLightFang: Heh you say that but his a horn dog because he feeds through sexual energy which is 1 of the 3 ways vampires feed
  153. GabrielVanLightFang: He showed up the first i met Logan South he opened my eyes to something that i have been doing my whole life
  154. GabrielVanLightFang: Logan South leads the vampire court of austin in austin texas
  155. QnDebShadow: ahhh
  156. GabrielVanLightFang: He explained to me what a vampire is and i realised that i have been one all along
  157. GabrielVanLightFang: And thus Kraven was born
  158. GabrielVanLightFang: Kraven feeds through all 3 forms of feeding blood energy and sexual energy
  159. GabrielVanLightFang: Sexual energy does not have to be a sex act just the arousel of 2 or more people
  160. GabrielVanLightFang: Energy feeding is feeding of a crowd of people like good vibes
  161. GabrielVanLightFang: And blood pretty much explains itself
  162. QnDebShadow: i never knew there were three forms
  163. GabrielVanLightFang: Mhm
  164. GabrielVanLightFang: Not many people do cause of the movies
  165. GabrielVanLightFang: They also think vampires have super powers cause of the movies
  166. GabrielVanLightFang: "Can you fly can you control peoples minds? Etc"
  167. QnDebShadow: so they dont run fast?
  168. GabrielVanLightFang: Vampires have certain hightend human traits after they feed
  169. GabrielVanLightFang: Smell, taste, hearing, increase in strength agility etc
  170. GabrielVanLightFang: Stamina endurance etc
  171. GabrielVanLightFang: And another thing
  172. GabrielVanLightFang: I hate to burst the whole underworld bubble but no vampires do not hate "werewolves" because their not ignorant assholes
  173. GabrielVanLightFang: And werewolves prefer to be refered to as wolves
  174. GabrielVanLightFang: Because the term werewolves insinuates that they will change from a man into a beast and their going to drop on all fours and their skins gonna fly off
  175. GabrielVanLightFang: Thank you movies for ruining that too
  176. GabrielVanLightFang: No wolves have a primal instinct and understanding and they embody that at all times
  177. GabrielVanLightFang: Its not a change "oh one day im a man one day im a wolf" no its 24/7
  178. QnDebShadow: i thought it only happened on a full moon
  179. GabrielVanLightFang: Nope
  180. GabrielVanLightFang: Movies again
  181. GabrielVanLightFang: You know superstition has ruined a great many things for example
  182. QnDebShadow: i dont believe in superstition
  183. GabrielVanLightFang: Did you know that in the remote regions of romania if a person dies a brutal death or commits suicide after the funeral the villiagers will go back dig up the body drive a wooden stake through the bodys heart pinning it to the ground just because of the superstition of vampires
  184. GabrielVanLightFang: And the first known case of vampirism was not dracula that was bram stokers turning a blood drinking lunatic into an even bigger monster
  185. GabrielVanLightFang: Nope it was Jan Valic in 1374 Prauge
  186. GabrielVanLightFang: The church performed an ancient forbidden exorcist ritual on him that destroyed his body but the spirit remained afterwards their buried him not long after that there were reports of him being seen at night found bodies with puncture wounds on the necks and drained of blood they checked his grave and it was empty
  187. GabrielVanLightFang: I have always been interested in monsters and creatures that live in the shadows
  188. GabrielVanLightFang: Im sorry for rambling
  189. QnDebShadow: its ok, i enjoy it
  190. GabrielVanLightFang: I do that sometimes
  191. GabrielVanLightFang: But tbh i have stopped Kraven from coming out around you
  192. QnDebShadow: me?
  193. GabrielVanLightFang: He would make you dislike me because he does not care about if your taken or not
  194. GabrielVanLightFang: So long as he gets to feed
  195. GabrielVanLightFang: Mhm
  196. QnDebShadow: well, now that i know, i wont dislike you
  197. GabrielVanLightFang: I can let him out if you want to meet him but im warning you he can be pretty pushy
  198. GabrielVanLightFang: And kind of annoying and doesnt care about personal space all that much
  199. QnDebShadow: i can be pretty stubborn lol
  200. GabrielVanLightFang: So can he
  201. GabrielVanLightFang: Idk who is more hard headed him or Billy
  202. QnDebShadow: lol.
  203. QnDebShadow: i would rather talk to you
  204. GabrielVanLightFang: Probably Billy tbh
  205. GabrielVanLightFang: :)
  206. GabrielVanLightFang: Kraven and Billy could take over but they let me stay in control until they feel needed
  207. GabrielVanLightFang: And it gives me someone to talk to
  208. QnDebShadow: you ever go anywhere? or are you in too much pain to try?
  209. GabrielVanLightFang: Kraven is elegant sophisticated and strong willed in his pursuit of women
  210. GabrielVanLightFang: What you mean?
  211. QnDebShadow: outside, shopping, do you work at all? im just curious about you
  212. GabrielVanLightFang: Yes i work on a farm with cows and horses
  213. GabrielVanLightFang: Im a cowboy
  214. QnDebShadow: oh sweet
  215. GabrielVanLightFang: And im a blacksmith too but i rarely work on that
  216. GabrielVanLightFang: I normally do that with my dad its our bonding thing
  217. QnDebShadow: i love horses
  218. GabrielVanLightFang: Me too
  219. GabrielVanLightFang: Theres a Black Andelusian on the farm but she wont let anyone ride her but im working on her
  220. GabrielVanLightFang: I call her Freya
  221. QnDebShadow: they are beautiful, and muscular
  222. GabrielVanLightFang: Mhm
  223. GabrielVanLightFang: I can get close to her and pet her no one else can
  224. GabrielVanLightFang: I brush her down in the fields after work somedays
  225. GabrielVanLightFang: I even give her her shots
  226. GabrielVanLightFang: She doesnt fuss or fight but im the only one who can get close enough to do it
  227. GabrielVanLightFang: Theres also Skull Cracker
  228. GabrielVanLightFang: Hes a Branvieh Bull
  229. GabrielVanLightFang: 2000lbs of pure muscle
  230. GabrielVanLightFang: One mean sob
  231. GabrielVanLightFang: He crept up on me awhile back and when i turned around from working on the truck he was with in arms reach
  232. QnDebShadow: oh boy
  233. GabrielVanLightFang: I went back to work hehe
  234. GabrielVanLightFang: He just stood their and watched me hehe
  235. QnDebShadow: you are one animals trust
  236. GabrielVanLightFang: Afterwards i patted him on the head and drove off
  237. GabrielVanLightFang: Scared the hell out my boss "he said in the 5 years Skull Crackers been on the farm no one has ever gotten that close without him going off let alone touch him"
  238. GabrielVanLightFang: Its because i respect them
  239. GabrielVanLightFang: But idk who would win between Billy n Skull Cracker hehe
  240. GabrielVanLightFang: Billy did beat down a Mastif when he bit my little brother Geo
  241. GabrielVanLightFang: Like one hit cracked the dogs skull
  242. GabrielVanLightFang: It didnt die but it knew it had been in one hell of a fight
  243. QnDebShadow: lol.
  244. GabrielVanLightFang: Ive survived alot of hits because of Billy
  245. GabrielVanLightFang: I took a beer bottle over the head, stabbed, cut, broken bones etc
  246. GabrielVanLightFang: Billy did kill one cow cause it was attacking the boss
  247. GabrielVanLightFang: He took a pipe wrench and hit it between the eyes
  248. GabrielVanLightFang: I felt bad and boss was mad but he was also glad he didnt get killed
  249. GabrielVanLightFang: Billy may be mean and coldhearted but he has his reasons ik that
  250. GabrielVanLightFang: I may not agree with them but i accept them
  251. GabrielVanLightFang: Im getting sleepy :(
  252. QnDebShadow: -cuddles him-
  253. GabrielVanLightFang: But i dont wanna sleep cause im going to wake up in pain
  254. GabrielVanLightFang: -clings to her-
  255. QnDebShadow: but you need sleep hun
  256. GabrielVanLightFang: Nooo i need to stay awake cause i have it down to a science
  257. QnDebShadow: oh?
  258. GabrielVanLightFang: 15-20 minutes into the pain and Billy comes out then its bad all day
  259. GabrielVanLightFang: If i can get the strength to move before then im ok
  260. GabrielVanLightFang: But it depends on how i sleep
  261. GabrielVanLightFang: If i blink and 8-12 hours goes by i have no energy to move
  262. QnDebShadow: you have slept that long?
  263. GabrielVanLightFang: It varies
  264. GabrielVanLightFang: Sometimes i can sleep up to 16 hours
  265. GabrielVanLightFang: But its very rare
  266. GabrielVanLightFang: Most times i sleep 4-6 at most
  267. GabrielVanLightFang: Then it starts hurting
  268. GabrielVanLightFang: N thats if im lucky
  269. GabrielVanLightFang: Last time i slept for almost 2 hours and it started hurting
  270. GabrielVanLightFang: Grr now Kraven wants to come out but im to tired to deal with him
  271. QnDebShadow: tell him to just relax and rest and let you rest
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