
Scribble's Scribbles: Luna's Little Daydream

May 27th, 2015
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  1. >Celestia moved elegantly around the castle, humming gently as she passed by bust after bust of previous royal members, a small spring in her step as the sun shone brightly through the skylights above.
  2. >It was a beautiful day to roam the many halls of the castle, taking in the stunning architecture that seemed to embody perfection even with the slight wear of time.
  3. >A soft snoring could be hear just outside one of the large doors as Celestia walked past, a sly smile crossing her lips.
  4. >There was an ability that the royal sisters had, and while Luna had control of dreams during the night. Celestia was able to look into daydreams. [spoiler]It’s cannon now.[/spoiler]
  5. >She opened the door as silently as she could, trotting over to her younger, sleeping sister, who’s mane flew just as freely as her own.
  6. >Her horn lit up, lightly touching Luna’s, and everything went black.
  7. >It always took a few moments to adjust, but with eyes open, her lay Luna’s dreams. They were simple, they always were, but there was beauty in this world.
  8. >Today was a dream of a memory, the first time they had played in the castle, slipping on crystal floors, giggling and just learning how to fly. Memories could breed such beautiful things.
  9. >And there was Luna, minding the garden she loved so dearly, moon lilies as they were called. Always stayed shut during the day, but beautiful and luminescent during the night.
  10. >Watching the two little fillies run and play a little while longer, Celestia sighed happily and pulled herself from the dream.
  11. >Kissing Luna gently on the cheek she smiled
  12. >”I’ll go find some moon lilies to give you when it’s your turn to raise the moon, dear sister.”
  13. >A small kiss on the cheek, responded with the light shifting of Luna’s body.
  14. >And just like that, Celestia slipped out the door to fulfill her promise.
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