
Mouthbreathers united rules

May 29th, 2022
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  1. 1. Military movements
  2. a) No going through neutral territory in player vs player wars.
  3. b) No using exiled troops and military access to infiltrate countries before wars
  4. c) You cannot retreat more than one province.
  5. d) No retreating behind enemy lines
  7. 2. Peace
  8. a) If a side surrenders in a war, all battles should be retreated from by the losing side and the victorious side will be able to take 101 warscore from the surrendering side. (101 is fine because of decimals)
  9. b) Surrender must first be agreed to by all participants on a side of the war.
  10. c) Surrenders can not be rejected, nor rescinded once they have happened.
  11. d) The victors must do no other harm to the surrendered side other than the 101% (Do not follow up units)
  12. e) Seperate surrenders in a great war may be rejected
  13. f) No taking territory from China outside of Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet, Formosa, Hainan and treaty ports if there is not a china player
  14. g) No releasing nation ruining countries with wargoals until 1870
  15. h) Peacedeals can not create enclaves, coastal states do NOT count as an enclave. (Exceptions can be made for small colonial states, ask GM if there is any confusion)
  16. i) no seperate peacing ai in a player war
  18. 3. War
  19. a) When declaring war on a player or their sphere, you must announce it in chat.
  20. b) All other participants must also declare that they are joining if they are.
  21. b1. Players that accept the defensive call the arms do not need to announce, but if they join midwar join the war they must announce before they join 2 months in advance, and which side they are joining.
  22. b2. Players must not hold the defensive call to arms and can only join join within the first week, or else they need to wait the 2 months.
  23. c) The max peacedeal that can ever be taken in a war from the defeated size is 101
  24. c2. wars may be merged at the GM's discretion (the basis for this is cooperation among participants in different wars against the same target)
  25. d) You may only mobilize for a war once, you may not demobilize and then remobilize mid war.
  26. e) In a player war, peace deals to the ai count to the total war score of 101
  27. f) No deleting factories during a war.
  28. h) No joining wars to fish truces that you have no reason/intent to participate in or contribute to the war.
  29. i) Players must wait a year to declare war on someone who has lost a player war to be able to take the full 101
  30. j) No exploiting rebel units
  32. 4. Random
  33. a) Players may not deliberately make their country weaker.
  34. b) No ragequitting. You must have your nation declared irrelevant to the game by the host and request to leave or rejoin to the host.
  35. c) Do not ally AI china
  36. d) Avoid using the word "Rehost" to avoid confusion, unless the host/gm announced
  37. e) Player nations may be declared protected by the host, protected nations can not be allied by a player nation unless they are their spherling or declared war on. In the event you find yourself at a war with them it is up to the GM.
  38. f) Do not manually stockpile non mil goods
  39. g) Do not hijack a crisis by accepting an offer and immediately surrending it for a player nation
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