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Mar 18th, 2023
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  1. [11:14] Attempts to attack alongside Karisa
  2. (Kronos)
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. [11:17] She would declare, as she ripped into her hand through the air. A wave of corrupted ethereal magic wades over herself and her companion undead. Through the break of corrupted magics, a glimpse of hel breaks through. A curse and boon of magic that finds it's way into the circruits of the man before them.
  7. "Labe et pati, Hel super te praevalebit!"
  9. A chant is loudly spoken, allowing the helish magic to seep into Niclous's circruits. Swaying and urging him to tear apart this undead.
  10. (Karisa)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [11:17] Labe et pati, Hel super te praevalebit.
  14. [11:19] Kronos spots his prey sneaking through the swamp... alone.
  17. Pefect. Him and his hunting companion were sure to make quick work of this one.
  20. The undead shuffled forward, pulling down his hood and revealing his mangled face. He drew his blade from the sheath on his side.
  22. Flesh blood drips from the blade, as if it had been used recently.
  24. Finally, he speaks.
  27. "You. Mortal. In the name of my Master, and in worship of the deep one, you will be slaughtered."
  29. Kronos moved forward to attack
  31. "Prepare yourself."
  32. (Kronos)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [11:23] The boy Ranger moving through the wood happened upon two undead that seemed to be hunting. "Tch, not my lucky day it seems."
  37. The boy's words cut off as the one in front began to chant something, a shiver being sent down the boy's spine as he would see a flash of what he could only describe as pure darkness to his heart. The scene causing something to shift in the boy as his emotion's began to be heightened to what he thought was a flight or fight response.
  39. His right hand reached back to grab hold of his bow as he moved to defend himself. Taking aim with an arrow materialized from lightning that he formed on his bowstring. "You guys are getting annoying."
  41. A cold response to the threat as he readied his bow to let his arrow flow out at them.
  42. (Niclous Runeclaw)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [11:31] {Won Dangerous RPB against Kronos}
  46. [11:31] ** Niclous Runeclaw has inflicted an injury upon Kronos. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (2 days)") **
  47. [11:36] The battle being hard fought on both ends with the blood of the magi before being manipulated in way's he had never seen. Moving through his defense with ease and closing the gap on more then one occasion. The boy doing his best to fend off the slash's from his foe's sword. Time and time again taking a minor cut to the body or just barley avoiding a fatal injury.
  49. In the last moment's of the fight just when the boy thought all was lost he saw an opening. Notching an arrow into his bow and firing it off quickly to move though the blood into the swordsman's area of attack. To simply clap his hands together loudly and send a shockwave of sound out much akin to a loud boom of thunder.
  51. The undead off balance and disoriented now Nic would strike quickly and with precision. His next shot being notched as an arrow of electricity was shot forth through the wind and lodged itself into the undead ending the fight or at least putting it into Nic's favor and ending the current melee. "Prey huh."
  53. He said under his breath as he stood at the ready should the other one wish to chase him as well.
  54. (Niclous Runeclaw)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [11:37] Kronos was so, so close.
  60. He was getting stronger and he knew it. So even in loss, it was a victory.
  63. He clutched at his singed chest, and Kronos laughed.
  66. "Pathetic"
  68. He would spit blood at the traveler, before stumbling to his feet, and walking away slowly into the shadows.
  69. (Kronos)
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. [11:40] Returned with bits of blood dripping from his face and clothes. "Anyone know about hex's... Some fucking undead attacked me."
  73. (Niclous Runeclaw)
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