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Sep 12th, 2021
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  1. Changes
  2. Level 34 → 38
  3. Berserker Level 30 → 35
  4. Vitality 85 → 90
  5. Upgrade: Leadership 5 → 6
  6. Upgrade: Throwing Proficiency 3 → 4
  7. Upgrade: Regrow Limb 3 → 4
  8. Upgrade: Lifesurge 8 → 9
  9. Upgrade: Not A Scratch Level 8 → 9
  10. Upgrade: Regeneration 11 → 12
  11. Upgrade: Headsman 3 → 4
  12. Upgrade: Heat Resistance 4 → 6
  14. Passive Skill Learned!
  15. Name: Pyromania (RARE)
  16. Prerequisite: Deal extreme amounts of damage to enemies and/or terrain using fire without casting spells. Express a deep-seated and borderline unhealthy interest in fire.
  17. Description: Acquiring this Skill automatically puts you on a special FBI watch list. Deal 20% extra damage when using fire that isn’t cast from spells. This fire also burns 20% hotter and spreads 20% faster.
  20. --
  23. Character Sheet
  24. Name: Rob
  25. Level: 38
  26. Race: Human
  27. Class: Berserker (LV 35)
  28. Sub-Class: Crystal Bearer (LV 3)
  30. HP: 893 / 893 (913 / 913; Battle Fever +2)
  31. Stamina: 1 / 300 (21 / 320; Battle Fever +2)
  32. MP: -3 / 200 (17 / 220; Battle Fever +2)
  34. Status Effects: Leveling High (Mild), Melancholia, Corruption (-7), Last Legs (Advanced), Pyromania (Moderate)
  36. Strength: 38
  37. Vitality: 90
  38. Endurance: 30
  39. Dexterity: 45
  40. Perception: 33
  41. Mind: 28
  42. Magic: 20
  43. Unspent Points: 15
  45. Class Skills:
  46. Berserker Rank 1 – Lifesteal
  47. Berserker Rank 2 – Battle Fever
  48. Berserker Rank 3 – Blood for Blood
  49. Berserker Rank 4 – Rampage
  50. Berserker Rank 5 – Enmity
  52. Crystal Bearer Rank 1 – Spatial Storage
  53. Crystal Bearer Rank 2 – Class Alteration
  54. Crystal Bearer Rank 3 – Waymark
  55. Crystal Bearer Rank ??? – Attunement
  57. Bound Items:
  58. Half-Broken Dwarven Shortsword
  59. EXP Share (Amulet of Allocation)
  60. Ruined Ranger Trainee’s Garb
  62. Active Skills:
  63. Strength – Bulk Up (LV 5), Power Slash (LV 4)
  64. Vitality – Do Not Go Gently (LV 3) (RARE), Lifesurge (LV 9), Not A Scratch (LV 9)
  65. Endurance – Second Wind (LV 1)
  66. Dexterity – Stealth (LV 3), Step of the Wind (LV 6)
  67. Perception – N/A
  68. Mind – Identify (LV 2), Recall (LV 1), Quick Thinking (LV 3), Auto-Translate (Elvish Writing), Auto-Translate (Elvish Speech)
  69. Magic – N/A
  71. Passive Skills:
  72. Human Racial Bonus – Fast Learner
  73. Strength – Climbing (LV 2), Brawling (LV 3), Grappling (LV 3)
  74. Vitality – Regeneration (LV 12), Tough Skin (LV 5), Poison Resistance (LV 8), Disease Resistance (LV 3), Platelet Party (LV 8), Vitamin D(efense) (LV 4), Regrow Limb (LV 4), Reflective Skin (LV 1), Heat Resistance (LV 6), Push Through (LV 3) (DEACTIVATED)
  75. Endurance – Deep Breathing (LV 2)
  76. Dexterity – Swordsmanship (LV 7), Fleet of Foot (LV 4), Dagger Proficiency (LV 5)
  77. Perception – Foraging (LV 4), Hunting (LV 5), Heightened Senses (LV 3), Analyze Weakness (LV 1)
  78. Mind – Speed Reading (LV 3), Diplomacy (LV 11), Arachnophobia (LV 3) (RARE), Mathematics (LV 4), Leadership (LV 6), Headsman (LV 4) (RARE), Deception (LV 4), Sense Mana (LV 1), Seduction (LV 2), Mind Resistance (LV 4), Throwing Proficiency (LV 4), Pyromania (LV 1) (RARE), Melancholy Resistance (LV 5) (RARE) (DEACTIVATED), ???
  79. Magic – N/A
  82. Class Skills
  84. Berserker Rank 1 Ability: Lifesteal (Passive)
  85. Prerequisite: Berserker Level 3
  86. Description: Heal yourself for 25% of any damage dealt to a living creature. Normal plants like trees and grass don’t count. No loopholes. Only works when the Berserker Class is equipped.
  88. Berserker Rank 2 Ability: Battle Fever (Passive)
  89. Prerequisite: Berserker Level 7
  90. Description: For every 30 seconds spent in battle, increase all of your stats by 1. Bonus caps at +7 for each stat. Max cap increases by 1 every 10 Berserker Levels. The effect ends after a minute of not being in a combat scenario. Bonus hard caps at +3 if the Berserker Class is not equipped.
  92. Berserker Rank 3 Ability: Blood for Blood (Passive)
  93. Prerequisite: Berserker Level 10
  94. Description: Your damage dealt increases by 1% for each 1% of your missing Max HP. Bonus caps at 50%. If Berserker is not equipped, bonus is .4% per 1% missing HP, and caps at 20%.
  96. Berserker Rank 4 Ability: Rampage (Active)
  97. Prerequisite: Berserker Level 13
  98. Description: Quickly rocket straight forward. Your next attack has highly increased damage. Costs 50 MP.
  100. Berserker Rank 5 Ability: Enmity (Active)
  101. Prerequisite: Berserker Level 25
  102. Description: Draw the attention of a single enemy. For the next 30 seconds, they will become temporarily enraged and focus their attacks on you. This effect can be nullified or partially resisted by a high Mind stat. Your damage against an enemy that does not nullify Enmity increases by 25%. Costs 50 MP to use. Five minute cooldown.
  104. Crystal Bearer Tier 1 Ability: Spatial Storage
  105. Prerequisite: Crystal Bearer Level 1
  106. Description: Can put inanimate items in touch range into a dimensional storage. Items in storage can be produced at will. Limit of 50 pounds or 125 cubic feet of storage per person. Maximum of 50 people using storage allowed. Maximum of 100 total items in storage allowed.
  108. Crystal Bearer Tier 1 Ability: Class Alteration
  109. Prerequisite: Crystal Bearer Level 1
  110. Description: Allows you to change the Class of yourself or others if given permission. In addition, you can transfer the gained Class Levels of one Class into another. Each function can be used once per day.
  112. Crystal Bearer Tier 1 Ability: Waymark
  113. Prerequisite: Crystal Bearer Level 1
  114. Description: Grants you the ability to put two invisible, undetectable Marks on surfaces. When standing next to one Mark, if the Skill is activated, the user and every member of his Party will be teleported to the other Mark. Limit two Marks per 24 hours, and one teleport per 24 hours.
  116. Crystal Bearer Tier 3 Ability: Attunement
  117. Prerequisite: Attune to a Locus of Power
  118. Description: Grants you the ability to Attune to Loci of Power. Each Attunement will advance this Skill to greater heights. Attune to a sufficient number of Loci, and you may be able to (*#(!)@)#$&#)!
  119. 1 Attunement: Take 50% less damage when Attuning to a Locus of Power.
  120. 2 Attunements: ???
  123. Active Skills
  125. Name: Bulk Up (LV 5)
  126. Prerequisite: Strength 40, devote a significant portion of time to training your muscles.
  127. Description: Increases Strength by +9 for 30 seconds.
  128. Cooldown: 5 Minutes
  130. Name: Power Slash (LV 4)
  131. Prerequisite: Strength 35, hit twenty worthwhile enemies with a full-strength attack while wielding a shortsword or longsword.
  132. Description: Damage of next melee sword attack is increased by 20%.
  133. Cooldown: 5 Minutes
  135. Name: Do Not Go Gently (LV 3) (RARE)
  136. Prerequisites: Vitality 80, go through three near-death experiences, and exhibit the unyielding will to survive.
  137. Description: When HP falls below 25%, double Vitality and double the effectiveness of all defense and Vitality-based skills, with the exception of Lifesurge.
  138. Duration: 2 Minutes
  139. Cooldown: 10 Minutes
  141. Name: Lifesurge (LV 9)
  142. Prerequisite: Vitality 90, fall below 5% of your Max HP at least once.
  143. Description: Rapidly restores 55% of your Max HP.
  144. Cooldown: 1 Hour
  146. Name: Not A Scratch (LV 9)
  147. Prerequisite: Vitality 90, take damage from enemies at least 130 different times.
  148. Description: Outright ignore the damage of a single attack from a single enemy. Physics still apply. Consumes 50 Stamina upon usage.
  149. Cooldown: 1 Hour
  151. Name: Second Wind (LV 1)
  152. Prerequisite: Endurance 30, reach 1% or lower Stamina at least once.
  153. Description: Get back on your feet, you lazy bag of bones. You can rest when you’re dead. Take a single deep breath to instantly restore 30% of your maximum Stamina. Cannot be used without breathable oxygen in the area. Cannot be used if your lungs are nonfunctional.
  154. Cooldown: 24 Hours
  156. Name: Stealth (LV 3)
  157. Prerequisite: 25 Dexterity, successfully sneak by someone or something at least three times.
  158. Description: Get a little better at taking quiet steps and appearing unobtrusive. Drains 1 Stamina per second in use.
  160. Name: Step of the Wind (LV 6)
  161. Prerequisite: Dexterity 45, devote a significant amount of time to running and moving quickly.
  162. Description: Increases Dexterity by +10 for 30 seconds.
  163. Cooldown: 5 Minutes
  165. Name: Identify (LV 2)
  166. Prerequisites: Mind 15, spend at least one year of your life specifically seeking out new knowledge.
  167. Description: Imparts knowledge of the scanned object to the user.
  168. Cooldown: N/A
  170. Name: Recall (LV 1)
  171. Prerequisites: Mind 15
  172. Description: Activate to permanently remember any written or spoken words read/heard by the user within the last five minutes. Words committed to memory through Recall can be forgotten at-will at any time. Max 200 words stored.
  173. Cooldown: 1 Hour
  175. Name: Quick Thinking (LV 3)
  176. Prerequisite: Mind 30
  177. Description: Slightly improves your speed of thought. Drains 3 Stamina per second while active. Mentally taxing when used for too long.
  179. Name: Auto-Translate (Elvish Writing)
  180. Prerequisite: 30 Mind, read at least 30 worthwhile books, spend some time learning the Elvish language.
  181. Description: Automatically translates any Elvish writing you read into English.
  183. Name: Auto-Translate (Elvish Speech)
  184. Prerequisite: 30 Mind, listen to at least several hundred hours of conversation in Elvish, and spend a moderate amount of time trying to understand it.
  185. Description: Automatically translates any Elvish speech you hear into English.
  188. Passive Skills
  190. Name: Climbing (LV 2)
  191. Prerequisite: Endurance 10, Dexterity 10, climb up harsh terrain for at least five feet, climb terrain without pre-made handholds or footholds.
  192. Description: Tap into your latent monkey DNA to get better at climbing.
  194. Name: Brawling (LV 3)
  195. Prerequisite: Strength 15, Dexterity 15, participate in a fight while unarmed, and defeat at least one worthwhile opponent while unarmed.
  196. Description: Become more proficient with humanity’s oldest weapons.
  198. Name: Grappling (LV 3)
  199. Prerequisite: Strength 20, grapple at least one worthwhile enemy.
  200. Description: Hold on tight! Slightly increases your grip strength and your ability to put people in holds.
  202. Name: Regeneration (LV 12)
  203. Prerequisite: Vitality 90
  204. Description: Heals 120% of Max HP every hour.
  206. Name: Tough Skin (LV 5)
  207. Prerequisite: Vitality 70, take grievous physical damage at least four times.
  208. Description: Reduces physical damage incurred by 30%.
  210. Name: Poison Resistance (LV 8)
  211. Prerequisite: Vitality 60, endure prolonged poison damage on numerous occasions.
  212. Description: Gain resistance to the damage caused by foreign, damaging substances in your body.
  214. Name: Disease Resistance (LV 3)
  215. Prerequisite: Come down with a potentially life-threatening disease.
  216. Description: Helps you fight off nasty microorganisms. Sadly, you won’t get EXP from them.
  218. Name: Platelet Party (LV 8)
  219. Prerequisite: Vitality 70, receive Bleeding (Moderate) on at least 27 different occasions.
  220. Description: Your external and internal bleeding will fix itself slightly faster. The sources of the bleeding (such as a cut or a wound) will heal at the same rate as before.
  222. Name: Vitamin D(efense) (LV 4)
  223. Prerequisite: Vitality 50, break bones on at least fourteen different occasions.
  224. Description: Your bones are slightly more durable and will heal slightly faster.
  226. Name: Regrow Limb (LV 4)
  227. Prerequisite: Vitality 100, lose at least three appendages.
  228. Description: Some things in life cost an arm and a leg, but at least you can get a refund. Regrow any lost limbs over a period of 3 hours. Assuming you can stay alive that long.
  230. Name: Reflective Skin (LV 1)
  231. Prerequisite: Vitality 20, take grievous magical damage at least once.
  232. Description: Reduces magical damage incurred by 10%.
  234. Name: Heat Resistance (LV 6)
  235. Prerequisite: Vitality 75, take massive heat or fire damage from a nonmagical source at least six times.
  236. Description: Looks like today’s gonna be another scorcher! Reduces heat or fire-related damage by 30%, whether from magical or nonmagical means.
  238. Name: Push Through (LV 3) (DEACTIVATED)
  239. Prerequisite: Vitality 40, receive at least 16 moderate injuries, experience large amounts of pain in a short period of time.
  240. Description: Reduces the pain felt by your body by 30%.
  242. Name: Deep Breathing (LV 2)
  243. Prerequisite: Endurance 20, breathe heavily numerous times in a one-week period.
  244. Description: Air is life. Every deep breath or two normal breaths you take restores 1.5 Stamina.
  246. Name: Swordsmanship (LV 7)
  247. Prerequisite: Dexterity 40, spend at least two weeks wielding a sword, and defeat at least three worthwhile opponents while using a sword.
  248. Description: Become more proficient with sharp-edged, bladed weapons with the shape and weight of a sword.
  250. Name: Fleet of Foot (LV 4)
  251. Prerequisite: 30 Endurance, 30 Dexterity, spend a moderate amount of time running for an extended period.
  252. Description: Adds 8 functional Dexterity to your running speed when running for longer than 30 seconds.
  254. Name: Dagger Proficiency (LV 5)
  255. Prerequisite: Dexterity 30, defeat at least six worthwhile opponents while using a dagger or a knife.
  256. Description: Become more proficient with sharp-edged, bladed weapons with the shape and weight of a dagger or knife.
  258. Name: Foraging (LV 4)
  259. Prerequisite: Perception 20, spend at least several days hunting for food and water in the wilderness.
  260. Description: Gain an instinctive sense for where food and water are located when out in the wilderness.
  262. Name: Hunting (LV 5)
  263. Prerequisite: Perception 25, spend at least several days hunting animals in the wilderness, and successfully hunt at least one worthwhile creature.
  264. Description: Gain an instinctive sense for where fresh game is located when out in the wilderness.
  266. Name: Heightened Senses (LV 3)
  267. Prerequisite: Perception 30
  268. Description: Your senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and balance are all slightly improved.
  270. Name: Analyze Weakness (LV 1)
  271. Prerequisite: Perception 20, Identify 2
  272. Description: When Identifying an enemy, has a small chance of revealing a minor weakness.
  274. Name: Speed Reading (LV 3)
  275. Prerequisites: Mind 15, read at least 15 books.
  276. Description: Your personal reading speed is increased by 40% without a reduction in memory retention or comprehension.
  278. Name: Diplomacy (LV 11)
  279. Prerequisite: Mind ---, defuse numerous tense situations using words and body language.
  280. Description: Become more proficient in the art of negotiation. With your personality, this may be the Skill you need the most.
  282. Name: Arachnophobia (LV 3) (RARE)
  283. Prerequisite: Kill at least 50 worthwhile insects, bugs, and arachnids, and experience a moment of intense loathing towards spiders.
  284. Description: You hate all creepy crawlies, but you hate spiders the most. Deal 50% extra damage to things that skitter and an additional 300% extra damage against spiders.
  286. Name: Mathematics (LV 4)
  287. Prerequisite: 40 Mind, successfully solve at least 200 worthwhile math problems.
  288. Description: You know your times tables and everything. Your speed at solving math problems is slightly increased.
  290. Name: Leadership (LV 6)
  291. Prerequisite: Mind 50, exhibit strong leadership in at least six tense situations.
  292. Description: Slightly strengthens your ability to exhibit strong leadership and inspire people.
  294. Name: Headsman (LV 4) (RARE)
  295. Prerequisite: Kill nine major enemies with head strikes or decapitations in a relatively short period of time.
  296. Description: You’re a walking, talking, guillotine. Gain 25% damage when attacking an enemy’s head or neck area.
  298. Name: Deception (LV 4)
  299. Prerequisite: Mind 40, pull the wool over someone’s eyes using words and body language several times.
  300. Description: Little white lies never hurt anyone, right…? Become slightly more proficient at lying to people and getting away with it.
  302. Name: Sense Mana (LV 1)
  303. Prerequisite: Mind 30, Magic 20, spent a moderate amount of time trying to sense mana through study and concentration.
  304. Description: Gain the ability to sense ambient mana, one of the fundamental building blocks of the world. Is a general prerequisite for being able to cast spells.
  306. Name: Seduction (LV 2)
  307. Prerequisite: Mind 20, noticeably increase someone’s degree of attraction for you who didn’t already possess at least a major crush on you, and increase someone’s degree of attraction that was already attracted to you.
  308. Description: Ooh-la-la! Looks like your Cupid’s Arrow hit its mark. This Skill adjusts your mannerisms to be more charismatic and appealing, allowing you to become better-adept at wooing others. Will have no effect on those who have no possible romantic interest in you. Go get ‘em, tiger!
  310. Name: Mind Resistance (LV 4)
  311. Prerequisite: Mind 30, suffer under the effects of strong magic related to illusions, hypnosis, mind attacks, brainwashing, or mind control for an extended period of time.
  312. Description: Your mind is a temple – just make sure you install a good security system. Increases resistance to magic effects related to illusions, hypnosis, mind attacks, brainwashing, or mind control. Resistance scales with your Mind stat.
  314. Name: Throwing Proficiency (LV 4)
  315. Prerequisite: Defeat or heavily injure at least seven worthwhile opponents using throwing implements. Improvised implements count.
  316. Description: Been practicing your fastball? Apparently, the answer is yes. Slightly increases your aim when throwing shit at shit. Damage incurred by hitting an enemy with a thrown weapon or object is increased by 20%.
  318. Name: Pyromania (LV 1) (RARE)
  319. Prerequisite: Deal extreme amounts of damage to enemies and/or terrain using fire without casting spells. Express a deep-seated and borderline unhealthy interest in fire.
  320. Description: Acquiring this Skill automatically puts you on a special FBI watch list. Deal 20% extra damage when using fire that isn’t cast from spells. This fire also burns 20% hotter and spreads 20% faster.
  322. Name: Melancholy Resistance (LV5) (RARE) (Deactivated)
  323. Prerequisite: Experience a deep-seated, soul-crushing sadness. Five times.
  324. Description: Allows you to get back on your feet more quickly.
  326. ???
  327. Prerequisites: Reach Level 99, ???
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