
First #ThermalExpansion log

May 12th, 2013
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  1. ### Log-Sitzung gestartet am Di 24. Jul 21:04:11 2012 ###
  2. [21:04:11] Kilobyte [] hat #ThermalExpansion betreten
  3. [21:04:12] Channel in 1.0 Sekunden synchronisiert
  4. [21:04:13] [*@*] hat den Channel-Modus +nt gesetzt
  5. [21:04:13] Der Channel wurde am Di 24. Jul 21:03:45 2012 erstellt
  6. [21:04:17] <12,8Kilobyte> hello
  7. [21:04:22] <9,3@King_Lemming> Heyas, hehe
  8. [21:04:49] theereflex [webchat@] hat #ThermalExpansion betreten
  9. [21:04:55] <3,8theereflex> damn, thought I'd be first :P
  10. [21:04:59] <9,3@King_Lemming> hah
  11. [21:05:42] <12,8Kilobyte> already on autojoin list
  12. [21:06:41] <3,8theereflex> how do you set that?
  13. [21:06:50] <12,8Kilobyte> depends on client
  14. [21:06:59] <3,8theereflex> xD
  15. [21:07:16] <12,8Kilobyte> oh, u use wechat
  16. [21:07:22] <12,8Kilobyte> i use kvirc
  17. [21:07:29] <3,8theereflex> ya, whats a good client?
  18. [21:07:35] <3,8theereflex> I'll try that]
  19. [21:07:40] <12,8Kilobyte> i recommend kvirc
  20. [21:07:59] <9,3@King_Lemming> I'm just on chatzilla myself, I'm not too big on irc
  21. [21:08:15] <9,3@King_Lemming> it works well enough
  22. [21:08:21] <3,8theereflex> recently I am, imanoob :P
  23. [21:08:23] <12,8Kilobyte> yeah... but good enouth for school
  24. [21:08:24] Dashkal [] hat #ThermalExpansion betreten
  25. [21:08:53] <3,8theereflex> Lemming, on the wiki do you mean gunpowder when you say sulpher?
  26. [21:09:07] Super_Random [] hat #ThermalExpansion betreten
  27. [21:09:20] <9,3@King_Lemming> no I mean sulphur, it's a new thing
  28. [21:09:25] <3,8theereflex> ok
  29. [21:09:33] <9,3@King_Lemming> it's actually used in making gunpowder
  30. [21:09:41] <3,8theereflex> 'cos gunpowder used to be called sulpher :)
  31. [21:09:51] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah I know </Notchcode>
  32. [21:09:54] <4,11Dashkal> King_Lemming: This thing is awesome. Thank you :)
  33. [21:10:10] <3,8theereflex> lemming where did you learn to mod?
  34. [21:10:18] <9,3@King_Lemming> Thanks, Dashkal, glad you like it :)
  35. [21:10:25] <9,3@King_Lemming> I just sort of picked it up, reflex
  36. [21:10:33] <12,8Kilobyte> hehe... first time autocrafting refined iron in powered furnace
  37. [21:10:38] <9,3@King_Lemming> started about 3 months ago because I wanted a way to learn java
  38. [21:10:42] <3,8theereflex> from looking at source?
  39. [21:10:47] <3,8theereflex> or tutorials etc.
  40. [21:10:53] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah, I basically got the buildcraft source and figured it out
  41. [21:10:58] <9,3@King_Lemming> I do have a programming background though
  42. [21:11:01] <3,8theereflex> o.o
  43. [21:11:12] <9,3@King_Lemming> initially I did look at some tutorials for an overall idea
  44. [21:11:16] <12,8Kilobyte> damn it! why is this taking so long
  45. [21:11:19] <9,3@King_Lemming> but the BC source helped me way more
  46. [21:11:21] <3,8theereflex> I'm the other way around. I want a way to learn java so I can mod :P
  47. [21:11:37] <9,3@King_Lemming> why is what taking so long, Kilobyte? :(
  48. [21:12:08] <12,8Kilobyte> the cooking. i requested it like 1 minute ago and it didn't arrive yet
  49. [21:12:17] <9,3@King_Lemming> okay that's odd
  50. [21:12:20] <3,8theereflex> use a RM furnace? xD
  51. [21:12:32] <12,8Kilobyte> itis cooked in the chest
  52. [21:12:44] <9,3@King_Lemming> oh so the error isn't on my end
  53. [21:12:46] <9,3@King_Lemming> carry on then :-D
  54. [21:12:58] Miku-chan [] hat #ThermalExpansion betreten
  55. [21:13:04] Miku-chan [] hat #ThermalExpansion verlassen
  56. [21:13:16] <3,8theereflex> :( ^
  57. [21:13:24] <12,8Kilobyte> it should get pulled out
  58. [21:13:33] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah I need to figure out how to suppress join/leave
  59. [21:13:34] <3,8theereflex> is enderville that server that failed or something?
  60. [21:13:42] <3,8theereflex> by maxdt
  61. [21:14:12] <12,8Kilobyte> 1. its pretty popular now. 2. he is waxdt
  62. [21:14:46] <3,8theereflex> ah, almost right :)
  63. [21:14:50] <12,8Kilobyte> damn it
  64. [21:15:00] <3,8theereflex> I thought it failed because it was too popular :P
  65. [21:15:02] <12,8Kilobyte> why the fuck is this not working
  66. [21:15:14] <9,3@King_Lemming> hrm, what's your setup exactly?
  67. [21:15:19] <12,8Kilobyte> theereflex: look on for server stats
  68. [21:15:25] <3,8theereflex> k
  69. [21:15:31] <12,8Kilobyte> King_Lemming: screenshot?
  70. [21:15:35] <9,3@King_Lemming> sure
  71. [21:18:09] <9,3@King_Lemming> mode #ThermalExpansion +Lcnt
  72. [21:18:11] <9,3@King_Lemming> augh
  73. [21:18:20] King_Lemming [~KingLemmi@] hat den Channel Modus +c gesetzt
  74. [21:18:31] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah didn't think I could do that, heh
  75. [21:18:41] <9,3@King_Lemming> no conference option :/
  76. [21:18:47] <12,8Kilobyte> c won't allow to send colors to the chat
  77. [21:19:18] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah like I said, never use IRC at all
  78. [21:19:55] King_Lemming [~KingLemmi@] hat den Channel Modus -c gesetzt
  79. [21:20:02] <9,3@King_Lemming> there we go then
  80. [21:20:20] <12,8Kilobyte> u chanserved it, right?
  81. [21:20:34] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah no idea
  82. [21:20:52] <9,3@King_Lemming> I just /joined to start this up, didn't want to clutter up DW20
  83. [21:21:50] <12,8Kilobyte> do u have a nickserv account?
  84. [21:21:50] <4,11Dashkal> I'd suggest opening a query to ChanServ, typing HELP, and reading up. It's a good idea for you to claim this channel formally.
  85. [21:22:07] <12,8Kilobyte> Dashkal: i'll explain it now
  86. [21:22:12] <12,8Kilobyte> step by step
  87. [21:22:16] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah, thanks
  88. [21:22:23] <9,3@King_Lemming> and I am registered with NickServ, yeah
  89. [21:22:27] <12,8Kilobyte> do /msg ChanServ register #ThermalExpansion24 [21:22:57] [PRIVMSG >>> Botserv]: help
  90. [21:22:57] *BotServ* ***** BotServ Help *****
  91. [21:22:57] *BotServ* BotServ allows users to request a custom bot for their channel.
  92. [21:22:57] *BotServ*
  93. [21:22:57] *BotServ* For more information on a command, type:
  94. [21:22:57] *BotServ* /msg BotServ help <command>
  95. [21:22:57] *BotServ*
  96. [21:22:57] *BotServ* The following commands are available:
  97. [21:22:57] *BotServ* ACT  Makes the bot do the equivalent of a "/me" command.
  98. [21:22:57] *BotServ* ASSIGN  Assigns a bot to a channel.
  99. [21:22:57] *BotServ* BOTLIST  Lists available bots.
  100. [21:22:57] *BotServ* HELP  Displays contextual help information.
  101. [21:22:57] *BotServ* INFO  Allows you to see BotServ information about a channel or a bot.
  102. [21:22:57] *BotServ* SAY  Makes the bot say the given text on the given channel.
  103. [21:22:57] *BotServ* SET  Configures bot options.
  104. [21:22:57] *BotServ* UNASSIGN  Unassigns a bot from a channel.
  105. [21:22:57] *BotServ* ***** End of Help *****
  106. [21:23:04] <9,3@King_Lemming> done
  107. [21:23:24] [PRIVMSG >>> BotServ]: help assaign
  108. [21:23:25] *BotServ* No help available for assaign.
  109. [21:23:26] *BotServ* If you're having trouble, you may want to join the help channel #help or visit the help webpage
  110. [21:23:40] [PRIVMSG >>> BotServ]: help assign
  111. [21:23:41] *BotServ* ***** BotServ Help *****
  112. [21:23:41] *BotServ* Help for ASSIGN:
  113. [21:23:41] *BotServ*
  114. [21:23:41] *BotServ* Assigns a bot pointed out by nick to the channel chan. You
  115. [21:23:41] *BotServ* can then configure the bot for the channel so it fits
  116. [21:23:41] *BotServ* your needs.
  117. [21:23:41] *BotServ*
  118. [21:23:41] *BotServ* Syntax: ASSIGN <chan> <nick>
  119. [21:23:41] *BotServ*
  120. [21:23:41] *BotServ* Examples:
  121. [21:23:41] *BotServ* /msg BotServ ASSIGN #help Security
  122. [21:23:41] *BotServ* ***** End of Help *****
  123. [21:24:10] <12,8Kilobyte> do /msg BotServ ASSIGN zsh
  124. [21:24:17] <12,8Kilobyte> that will get zsh in here
  125. [21:24:48] zsh [] hat #ThermalExpansion betreten
  126. [21:24:48] [*@*] hat den Modus +o zsh gesetzt
  127. [21:24:49] <9,3@King_Lemming> alright
  128. [21:25:01] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah this would have taken a bit to figure out
  129. [21:26:21] <12,8Kilobyte> now you can use !voice !devoice !op !deop !quiet !dequiet !ban !unban !kick and more. WARNING: if you forget to set a name it will aply to yourself
  130. [21:26:40] <12,8Kilobyte> so just !ban would ban yourself
  131. [21:26:47] <9,3@King_Lemming> that'd be unfortunate
  132. [21:27:08] <9,3@King_Lemming> !op Kilobyte98 [21:27:08] zsh [] hat den Modus +o Kilobyte gesetzt
  133. [21:27:13] <9,3@King_Lemming> there ya go
  134. [21:27:18] <12,8@Kilobyte> like this :P
  135. [21:27:29] <4,11Dashkal> huh, so that's what zsh is for.
  136. [21:28:09] <12,8@Kilobyte> this will also op me every tme i join as long as i'm nickserved
  137. [21:29:16] <9,3@King_Lemming> good deal then
  138. [21:29:34] <9,3@King_Lemming> something I have no objection to, unless you would prefer I de-op you
  139. [21:29:47] <12,8@Kilobyte> yep
  140. [21:30:01] <12,8@Kilobyte> and the screenshot is ready
  141. [21:31:13] <12,8@Kilobyte>
  142. [21:31:39] <12,8@Kilobyte> the items are ejected into the chest(as intended) but are not pulled out
  143. [21:31:41] <15,2Super_Random> yay for random op!
  144. [21:31:51] <12,8@Kilobyte> not today lol
  145. [21:32:00] <12,8@Kilobyte> !deop Super_Random79 [21:32:01] *zsh* You are not authorized to perform this operation.
  146. [21:32:07] <12,8@Kilobyte> oh nice
  147. [21:32:16] <12,8@Kilobyte> i can't even op/deop
  148. [21:32:28] <12,8@Kilobyte> don't have permissions
  149. [21:32:35] <4,11Dashkal> Kilobyte: I've never known logi crafting pipes to know to inject into one inventory but pull from another that way. To accomplish that I'd use a satelite pipe to tell it to inject into the machine, and the crafting pipe on the chest to extract it.
  150. [21:32:38] <9,3@King_Lemming> that correct then? lol
  151. [21:32:50] <9,3@King_Lemming> or you can you still kick/ban?
  152. [21:32:50] <15,2Super_Random> Kilobyte: it would help if I was op
  153. [21:33:06] <15,2Super_Random> I should be op before I'm deopped
  154. [21:33:09] <12,8@Kilobyte> Dashkal: i use a satelite pipe to put the items into the 'hopper'
  155. [21:33:33] <12,8@Kilobyte> Super_Random: no, but i don't have creator permissions
  156. [21:33:36] <4,11Dashkal> hmm, fail on recognizing pipes. sorry
  157. [21:34:00] <12,8@Kilobyte> sattelite pipe is hidden hehind the hopper/relay
  158. [21:34:00] <9,3@King_Lemming> hrm so yeah, there's a lot there that I don't really know what's going on, but walk me through where it breaks down
  159. [21:34:10] <4,11Dashkal> Gotcha
  160. [21:34:13] <12,8@Kilobyte> well... i'll try
  161. [21:34:23] <4,11Dashkal> And is the network connected? I can't see behind the thing
  162. [21:35:11] <12,8@Kilobyte> i can request the refined iron. it gets also cooked. but it won't be pulled out
  163. ### Log-Sitzung gestartet am Di 24. Jul 21:58:15 2012 ###
  164. [21:58:15] Stiepen [] hat #ThermalExpansion betreten
  165. [21:58:15] Channel in 0.0 Sekunden synchronisiert
  166. [21:58:21] [*@*] hat den Channel-Modus +nt gesetzt
  167. [21:58:21] Der Channel wurde am Di 24. Jul 21:03:45 2012 erstellt
  168. [21:58:23] Stiepen [] heißt nun Kilobyte24 [21:58:52] <12,8Kilobyte> !op
  169. [21:58:52] *zsh* You are not authorized to perform this operation.
  170. [21:58:58] <12,8Kilobyte> fuck you
  171. [21:59:05] <12,8Kilobyte> i meant zsh24 [21:59:16] <12,8Kilobyte> he refused to op me
  172. [22:00:18] Anfrage zum Verlassen des Channels wurde gesendet, warte auf Antwort...
  173. ### Log-Sitzung beendet am Di 24. Jul 22:00:18 2012 ###
  174. ### Log-Sitzung gestartet am Di 24. Jul 22:00:28 2012 ###
  175. [22:00:28] Kilobyte [] hat #ThermalExpansion betreten
  176. [22:00:29] Channel in 0.0 Sekunden synchronisiert
  177. [22:00:29] [*@*] hat den Channel-Modus +nt gesetzt
  178. [22:00:30] Der Channel wurde am Di 24. Jul 21:03:45 2012 erstellt
  179. [22:00:41] <12,8Kilobyte> ok, relog didn't do anything
  180. [22:01:10] <4,11Dashkal> You likely need to be on the channel list. Before you had direct ops.
  181. [22:01:37] <9,3@King_Lemming> hrm, so what do I need to do there? :/
  182. [22:01:55] <12,8Kilobyte> lemme rad the manual on chanserv/botserv
  183. [22:02:16] <12,8Kilobyte> for now
  184. [22:02:49] <9,3@King_Lemming> !op Kilobyte98 [22:02:50] zsh [] hat den Modus +o Kilobyte gesetzt
  185. [22:03:01] <12,8@Kilobyte> do /msg ChanServ FLAGS #ThermalExpansion Stiepen +O
  186. [22:03:10] <12,8@Kilobyte> or wait
  187. [22:03:17] <12,8@Kilobyte> do !op Stiepen
  188. [22:03:26] <12,8@Kilobyte> thats my nickserv account name
  189. [22:03:39] <9,3@King_Lemming> !op Stiepen
  190. [22:03:42] <9,3@King_Lemming> not online
  191. [22:03:48] <12,8@Kilobyte> ok, lemme test
  192. [22:03:53] Anfrage zum Verlassen des Channels wurde gesendet, warte auf Antwort...
  193. ### Log-Sitzung beendet am Di 24. Jul 22:03:53 2012 ###
  194. ### Log-Sitzung gestartet am Di 24. Jul 22:03:58 2012 ###
  195. [22:03:58] Kilobyte [] hat #ThermalExpansion betreten
  196. [22:03:59] Channel in 1.0 Sekunden synchronisiert
  197. [22:03:59] [*@*] hat den Channel-Modus +nt gesetzt
  198. [22:03:59] Der Channel wurde am Di 24. Jul 21:03:45 2012 erstellt
  199. [22:04:09] <12,8Kilobyte> ok do the other method
  200. [22:04:17] *3,* [ChanServ:#ThermalExpansion] King_Lemming set flags +O on Stiepen.
  201. [22:04:22] <12,8Kilobyte> make sure to use a capital O
  202. [22:04:23] <9,3@King_Lemming> okay, try now
  203. [22:04:33] <9,3@King_Lemming> I did, gave you a big O :P
  204. [22:04:44] Anfrage zum Verlassen des Channels wurde gesendet, warte auf Antwort...
  205. ### Log-Sitzung beendet am Di 24. Jul 22:04:44 2012 ###
  206. ### Log-Sitzung gestartet am Di 24. Jul 22:04:55 2012 ###
  207. [22:04:55] Kilobyte [] hat #ThermalExpansion betreten
  208. [22:04:56] Channel in 0.0 Sekunden synchronisiert
  209. [22:04:56] zsh [] hat den Modus +o Kilobyte gesetzt
  210. [22:04:56] [*@*] hat den Channel-Modus +nt gesetzt
  211. [22:04:57] Der Channel wurde am Di 24. Jul 21:03:45 2012 erstellt
  212. [22:04:59] <12,8@Kilobyte> yay
  213. [22:05:01] <9,3@King_Lemming> woooo there we go
  214. [22:05:07] <9,3@King_Lemming> also, if you would be so kind
  215. [22:05:09] <9,3@King_Lemming>
  216. [22:05:20] <12,8@Kilobyte> !deop Super_Random79 [22:05:21] *zsh* You are not authorized to perform this operation.
  217. [22:05:22] <9,3@King_Lemming> that shouldn't change any config stuff or break anything vs 1.0.4
  218. [22:05:33] <9,3@King_Lemming> just lemme know if it fixes the NEI thing
  219. [22:05:34] <12,8@Kilobyte> still no perms for opping/seopping
  220. [22:05:43] <15,2Super_Random> DAMMIT
  221. [22:05:50] <15,2Super_Random> STOP DEOPING ME
  222. [22:05:55] <9,3@King_Lemming> haha
  223. [22:06:26] <12,8@Kilobyte> !devoice Super_Random:
  224. [22:06:27] *zsh* You are not authorized to perform this operation.
  225. [22:06:34] <15,2Super_Random> ...
  226. [22:06:58] Super_Random kills Kilobyte with fire
  227. [22:06:58] <15,2Super_Random> idea
  228. [22:06:58] <4,11Dashkal> !kick Super_Random
  229. [22:06:58] <4,11Dashkal> >.>
  230. [22:06:58] <15,2Super_Random> ...
  231. [22:07:04] <12,8@Kilobyte> btw.
  232. [22:07:09] <9,3@King_Lemming> yarr wtb nei download
  233. [22:07:11] <15,2Super_Random> !op Dashkal24 [22:07:20] <12,8@Kilobyte> we wanna shocky?
  234. [22:07:24] <15,2Super_Random> thanks for telling me that zsh25 [22:07:27] <9,3@King_Lemming> not particularly
  235. [22:07:36] <15,2Super_Random> R.I.P. crow
  236. [22:07:43] <4,11Dashkal> Oh no, you don't want me with perms. I get bored and curious when given access to bots :P
  237. [22:07:46] <12,8@Kilobyte> RIP Sporkk
  238. [22:08:33] <15,2Super_Random> I should make a bot
  239. [22:09:31] <4,11Dashkal> I keep getting tempted, but the IRC protocol scares me (and the API for the IRC libraries I've found scare me more)
  240. [22:09:51] <12,8@Kilobyte> King_Lemming: can u give me +r (kick/ban perms) and +t (allow to change topic, optional)?
  241. [22:09:52] <15,2Super_Random> lulz
  242. [22:09:56] Kilobyte [] hat das Thema geändert auf »Test«
  243. [22:10:13] <12,8@Kilobyte> aleady have +t
  244. [22:10:15] <15,2Super_Random> you can change topic
  245. [22:10:16] *3,* [ChanServ:#ThermalExpansion] King_Lemming set flags +r on Stiepen.
  246. [22:10:20] Kilobyte [] hat das Thema geändert auf »«
  247. [22:10:21] <9,3@King_Lemming> gave you r
  248. [22:10:28] <12,8@Kilobyte> i saw. thanks
  249. [22:10:36] <15,2Super_Random> I wish I had special privilages....
  250. [22:10:40] <9,3@King_Lemming> now do me a favor and give me testing ;)
  251. [22:10:49] <12,8@Kilobyte> King_Lemming: sure
  252. [22:10:54] <9,3@King_Lemming> thanks
  253. [22:11:00] <12,8@Kilobyte> !quiet Super_Random45 [22:11:01] zsh [] hat den Modus +q *!* gesetzt
  254. [22:11:04] <9,3@King_Lemming> kind of annoyed with the NEI situation
  255. [22:11:08] <12,8@Kilobyte> sorry, couldn't resist
  256. [22:11:15] <12,8@Kilobyte> !unquiet Super_Random79 [22:11:15] *zsh* Unquieted Super_Random on #ThermalExpansion (1 ban removed).
  257. [22:11:16] zsh [] hat den Modus -q *!* gesetzt
  258. [22:11:23] <15,2Super_Random> ...
  259. [22:11:25] <15,2Super_Random> ABUSE
  260. [22:11:33] Super_Random feels abused
  261. [22:11:37] <12,8@Kilobyte> you wanted special perms
  262. [22:11:58] <15,2Super_Random> most people don't get what they wish for
  263. [22:12:08] <15,2Super_Random> and in this case I did not expect any
  264. [22:12:52] <15,2Super_Random> well, guess I was wrong
  265. [22:12:59] <9,3@King_Lemming> hehe
  266. [22:13:00] <15,2Super_Random> plus, you pulled a Mead on me
  267. [22:13:06] <12,8@Kilobyte> what?
  268. [22:13:15] <15,2Super_Random> nvm...
  269. [22:13:17] <15,2Super_Random> well
  270. [22:13:21] <15,2Super_Random> I gotta go do stuff
  271. [22:13:34] Super_Random [] heißt nun Super_Random|stuff24 [22:13:40] <12,8@Kilobyte> mead is the one who has done most kicks
  272. [22:14:00] <0,12Super_Random|stuff> actually, that would be an iChun
  273. [22:14:01] <4,11Dashkal> mead just had to +q some twit in #direwolf2024 [22:14:14] <12,8@Kilobyte> i got like 3 times kicked from #direwolf20 (i spammed the bot and it always was mead
  274. [22:14:30] Super_Random|stuff has only got kicked a few times
  275. [22:14:36] <0,12Super_Random|stuff> mostly for funny things
  276. [22:14:45] <0,12Super_Random|stuff> I think pah kicked me once for spamming
  277. [22:14:55] <12,8@Kilobyte> want your first kick in here lol
  278. [22:15:00] <0,12Super_Random|stuff> Sure!
  279. [22:15:00] <12,8@Kilobyte> just kidding
  280. [22:15:36] <12,8@Kilobyte> 1 <3 multimc
  281. [22:15:43] <9,3@King_Lemming> it is pretty nice
  282. [22:16:01] <12,8@Kilobyte> so. new version installed
  283. [22:16:05] <12,8@Kilobyte> lemme test
  284. [22:16:09] <9,3@King_Lemming> yaaay
  285. [22:16:37] <12,8@Kilobyte> 42 mods installed? wtf
  286. [22:16:47] <9,3@King_Lemming> mine counts as 2 :P
  287. [22:16:51] <12,8@Kilobyte> i'm a hardcore modder lol
  288. [22:17:16] <9,3@King_Lemming> I'm structured as multiple mods like BC and RP, but I'm not in it for the cash, so 1 file
  289. [22:17:17] <12,8@Kilobyte> no, it says 2 because it also counts forge
  290. [22:17:32] <12,8@Kilobyte> ah ok
  291. [22:17:32] <9,3@King_Lemming> nono, I'm telling you, there are 2 mods in that zip file ;)
  292. [22:17:40] <12,8@Kilobyte> :P
  293. [22:17:45] <9,3@King_Lemming> and there will be more, it's modular design
  294. [22:17:54] <9,3@King_Lemming> if you check TE in the mod list, you can see the installed Modules
  295. [22:18:00] <9,3@King_Lemming> as well as the snazzy logo
  296. [22:18:05] <12,8@Kilobyte> but please leave the single-file download
  297. [22:18:28] <9,3@King_Lemming> I will try my best to do so on that, if hosting ever starts to cost me money I'll have to split it up somehow :/
  298. [22:18:41] <9,3@King_Lemming> I'm not in this for the money but I'm not going to starve for my art either
  299. [22:18:55] <12,8@Kilobyte> yeah nei no longer shows up in your dialouges
  300. [22:19:06] <4,11Dashkal> Is there a way to throw money at you so I can adblock with a clean concience?
  301. [22:19:06] <9,3@King_Lemming> so it's fixed then? sweet
  302. [22:19:10] <12,8@Kilobyte> yep
  303. [22:19:17] <9,3@King_Lemming> will post that up then, thanks
  304. [22:19:30] <9,3@King_Lemming> not atm, Dashkal, but the download link is just direct dropbox right now
  305. [22:19:37] <9,3@King_Lemming> and as long as Dropbox is okay with that, so am I
  306. [22:19:45] <4,11Dashkal> *nods* sounds good
  307. [22:19:56] <12,8@Kilobyte> time for more OPness
  308. [22:20:03] <9,3@King_Lemming> hey hey, it's balanced
  309. [22:20:08] <9,3@King_Lemming> at least I tried to make it fair
  310. [22:20:16] <12,8@Kilobyte> no, i mean my world
  311. [22:20:17] <4,11Dashkal> If you do find yourself having to adfly, please give me a donate link. Adfly broke the golden rule, it autoplays audio at me.
  312. [22:20:26] <9,3@King_Lemming> sure thing Dashkal25 [22:20:32] <9,3@King_Lemming> thanks for being willing to support :)
  313. [22:20:39] <12,8@Kilobyte> i have the power of 7x83.3 combustion engines
  314. [22:21:31] <12,8@Kilobyte> i can get up to 250 MJ/t
  315. [22:21:56] <12,8@Kilobyte> that IS overpowered
  316. [22:22:05] <9,3@King_Lemming> it's a good bit of power yeah
  317. [22:22:09] <4,11Dashkal> That sounds kinda familiar. I got my solar farm up to 4 HVs. 4x512 EU/t, which can be converted to MJ at 6:2.
  318. [22:22:20] <9,3@King_Lemming> oh btw, if the Thermal Expansion machines are fully charged, they do NOT drain power
  319. [22:22:28] <9,3@King_Lemming> they don't request more than they can use
  320. [22:22:34] <9,3@King_Lemming> and if they're idle and full, they stfu
  321. [22:22:34] <12,8@Kilobyte> Dashkal: only 4??
  322. [22:22:38] <12,8@Kilobyte> i have 37
  323. [22:22:50] <4,11Dashkal> Heh, the crafting line isn't automatic
  324. [22:22:56] <4,11Dashkal> I'm going to toy with that later
  325. [22:23:06] <12,8@Kilobyte> King_Lemming: i already noticed that
  326. [22:23:08] <4,11Dashkal> I haven't worked out how to get the proportions right yet (no logistics pipes)
  327. [22:23:36] Kilobyte [] heißt nun Kilogame37 [22:23:47] Kilogame [] heißt nun Kilobyte20 [22:24:58] Kilogame [] hat #ThermalExpansion betreten
  328. [22:25:37] <4,11Dashkal> ooo, MMPL license
  329. [22:26:02] <8,1Kilogame> @msg NickServ identify Pichepich
  330. [22:26:09] <12,8@Kilobyte> fuck
  331. [22:26:11] <9,3@King_Lemming> well I'm not releasing it all under that, Dashkal, just the core module first
  332. [22:26:30] <9,3@King_Lemming> and it's not because I'm all super-secretive about it, hell people have already decompiled it already
  333. [22:26:38] <4,11Dashkal> ahh, misread. drat, nevermind
  334. [22:26:55] <9,3@King_Lemming> oh feel free to use/study/whatever from that part though
  335. [22:27:06] <4,11Dashkal> My reasonsing has little to do with source access (I have a hatred for the Java language). It's because FOSS is easier to send to players on my server.
  336. [22:27:26] <9,3@King_Lemming> oh they're picky about it?
  337. [22:27:44] <4,11Dashkal> No, I just like reducing moving parts. The less things I need to ask them to do, the leass headache for me.
  338. [22:28:00] <9,3@King_Lemming> hrm, I'm sorry :/ let me think on it a bit
  339. [22:28:02] <4,11Dashkal> I'm pointedly avoiding the badly connotated term 'modpack'.
  340. [22:28:15] <4,11Dashkal> Oh no worries. They can deal with one more. This is going in the next server life :P
  341. [22:28:17] <9,3@King_Lemming> well, the config part is all OSS now
  342. [22:28:35] <9,3@King_Lemming> honestly the Core module is the real meat of the mod, everything else builds on it and is just boring logic
  343. [22:28:41] Kilobyte [] heißt nun tmp25 [22:28:53] <4,11Dashkal> To be clear, what I'm referring to is redistribution rights.
  344. [22:29:03] <9,3@King_Lemming> you have my permission
  345. [22:29:07] <4,11Dashkal> Danke :)
  346. [22:29:24] <9,3@King_Lemming> that's actually why I've stayed silent on the issue, people who want to do so will do it, and it's whatever ;)
  347. [22:29:32] <4,11Dashkal> With that, I add the mod to the server zip I send people (contains mostly configuration)
  348. [22:29:36] <8,4@tmp> how to change a nickserv password lol
  349. [22:29:46] <9,3@King_Lemming> no idea :/
  350. [22:30:07] <4,11Dashkal> . /msg nickserv set password
  351. [22:30:14] <8,4@tmp> got it
  352. [22:30:23] <8,4@tmp> had to log out and then ic an do it
  353. [22:30:33] tmp [] heißt nun Kilobyte25 [22:30:50] <9,3@King_Lemming> btw don't add that one just yet Dashkal25 [22:30:58] <9,3@King_Lemming> I'm about to release to fix the nei issue
  354. [22:31:14] <4,11Dashkal> Meh, I really hope come 1.4 I can do away with the need to reobfuscate. It's the only thing standing between me and using Scala to write them.
  355. [22:31:29] <4,11Dashkal> No immediate hury. Next life will be on MC 1.3.
  356. [22:31:44] <4,11Dashkal> Time to do a full server wipe so I can change mods and reset everybody's tech.
  357. [22:32:47] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah I'm hoping that will be the last version I have to put out for BC2
  358. [22:32:49] <9,3@King_Lemming> the support is a pain
  359. [22:33:10] <4,11Dashkal> Well, it's dead and buried for 1.3 at least.
  360. [22:33:37] <4,11Dashkal> Last I heard on the subject they've already deleted that code (bc2) from the repo.
  361. [22:33:56] <9,3@King_Lemming> they have, took me a while to find the api :P
  362. [22:34:11] <4,11Dashkal> hah
  363. [22:34:48] <12,8@Kilobyte> ok, pw changed
  364. [22:36:35] <9,3@King_Lemming> updated downloads on
  365. [22:36:38] <8,1Kilogame> i'll use a rm furnace for my autosmelting stuff for now. that works too
  366. [22:37:03] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah sorry Kilo, I can't compete with the red matter stuff
  367. [22:37:15] <9,3@King_Lemming> well I could I suppose, but I don't want to do that
  368. [22:37:49] <12,8@Kilobyte> maybe you add an upgraded induction smelter with a input/output inventory like rmp furnace later
  369. [22:39:25] <9,3@King_Lemming> well the big thing is that I don't want to get into 1 operation per tick territory
  370. [22:39:39] <9,3@King_Lemming> because once I do that, the mod can run into issues on servers
  371. [22:40:04] <9,3@King_Lemming> by keeping the 2.5s minimum processing speed, I can play around with the internal clock on the mod itself and have it run at the same speed even if the server is slow
  372. [22:40:30] Kilobyte [] hat das Thema geändert auf »Here is the Place to Discuss everything related to ThermalExpansion. Get it here: Or check out the wiki:«
  373. [22:41:01] <4,11Dashkal> hmm, I'd have mixed feelings on that, given all my timer circuitry (RP2) is tickrate sensitive.
  374. [22:41:26] <9,3@King_Lemming> it would be a .cfg changable option
  375. [22:41:33] <4,11Dashkal> *nods*
  376. [22:41:39] <9,3@King_Lemming> but don't worry, it's not in there yet anyways
  377. [22:41:52] <4,11Dashkal> Not really a good thing that anything is tickrate sensitive, but there you go I suppose.
  378. [22:42:32] <8,1Kilogame> nice, you can build a setup which automatically smelts a geed amount of stuff easily with therexp iu
  379. [22:42:44] <8,1Kilogame> *if u use rp
  380. [22:43:46] <4,11Dashkal> I'm actually hoping to drop much of RP. Keeping only the redstone stuff itself, dropping machinery. BC/Forestry/Logistics Pipes/TE will handle my tech needs.
  381. [22:44:13] <4,11Dashkal> There's a persistant rumour I've not seen confirmed saying that IC2 is skiping 1.3, if it's false, that too.
  382. [22:44:29] <9,3@King_Lemming> well, I'll be updating for 1.3 ;)
  383. [22:44:35] <8,1Kilogame> i use relay chains to make a 'to-do' list for the furnace and put a diamond chest on the output side
  384. [22:44:46] <9,3@King_Lemming> so hopefully you don't lose too much IC2-style functionality
  385. [22:45:11] <4,11Dashkal> King_Lemming: That decision of yours is why I'll get to do an MC 1.3 server. You're providing the critical stuff.
  386. [22:45:50] <9,3@King_Lemming> well I'm flattered that you think it's critical
  387. [22:45:56] <4,11Dashkal> But again, totally uncomfirmed rumour. Waiting for something on the blog that isn't Al's new writing project.
  388. [22:46:22] <4,11Dashkal> Automated ore processing is pretty much a must-have for me. And I really like the angle you chose for doing it.
  389. [22:47:11] <4,11Dashkal> Still, I really hope I can keep IC2. I'm a fan of solar power.
  390. [22:47:17] <9,3@King_Lemming> I'm working on power options
  391. [22:47:26] <9,3@King_Lemming>
  392. [22:47:28] <9,3@King_Lemming> really :)
  393. [22:47:33] <0,12Super_Random|stuff> Solar power is for noobs
  394. [22:47:36] <9,3@King_Lemming> but yeah, I know people love their solars
  395. [22:47:37] <0,12Super_Random|stuff> Geothermal FTW
  396. [22:47:48] <9,3@King_Lemming> that's what that engine is, Super_Random
  397. [22:47:51] <4,11Dashkal> Geo is finite.
  398. [22:48:01] <4,11Dashkal> Bees notwithstanding
  399. [22:48:04] <9,3@King_Lemming> actually I'm making it sort of renewable
  400. [22:48:06] <0,12Super_Random|stuff> Dashkal: that's what EE is for
  401. [22:48:09] <0,12Super_Random|stuff> silly
  402. [22:48:13] <4,11Dashkal> *shake* EE goes too far
  403. [22:48:16] <9,3@King_Lemming> but it's ugly renewable
  404. [22:48:24] <4,11Dashkal> I like infinite power, not infinite everything forever.
  405. [22:48:36] <9,3@King_Lemming> the magma crucible lets you get lava from netherrack, and let's be honest, there's lots of netherrack
  406. [22:48:44] <9,3@King_Lemming> so that's practically infinite
  407. [22:48:53] <4,11Dashkal> I've been toying with the idea of making a BC storage block for a good while now. A flywheel, to keep the theme of the kind of energy.
  408. [22:49:15] <4,11Dashkal> So is lava once I get the nether involved.
  409. [22:49:30] <9,3@King_Lemming> that's why I made the crucible, Dashkal25 [22:49:35] <9,3@King_Lemming> flowing lava blocks = bad for servers
  410. [22:49:40] <9,3@King_Lemming> so now you can mine netherrack instead
  411. [22:49:47] <9,3@King_Lemming> the end result is the same -> nether = all the lava you want
  412. [22:49:51] <4,11Dashkal> mmm
  413. [22:49:53] <4,11Dashkal> Gotcha
  414. [22:50:18] <9,3@King_Lemming> and yeah, the energy storage is a work in progress, there's some animation to it right now
  415. [22:50:24] <9,3@King_Lemming> but I don't want to make the block so "pretty" that it lags
  416. [22:50:26] <4,11Dashkal> I /really/ need your cobblegen. Sad that I cannot get TE into the existing server. Vanilla cobblegen + Railcraft chunkloader = really screwed up lava physics
  417. [22:50:39] <9,3@King_Lemming> hehe
  418. [22:50:54] <9,3@King_Lemming> the water pump helps a lot too with the chunk issues
  419. [22:51:48] <4,11Dashkal> As for animation, I can make blocks, but modeling is very much a mystery to me.
  420. [22:51:59] <8,1Kilogame> i prolly should put a collector next to my rm furnace#
  421. [22:52:28] <4,11Dashkal> And my artistic talent is nil. When futzing around with MCP I was making items with giant letters on them for textures.
  422. [22:52:56] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah I was thinking about making a series of blocks that would spell out "DONT USE IC2 ANYMORE" in NEI
  423. [22:53:03] <8,1Kilogame> why is this collector not on full bright livel?
  424. [22:53:06] <4,11Dashkal> lol
  425. [22:53:25] <8,1Kilogame> i still want rubber :(
  426. [22:53:28] <4,11Dashkal> IC2 does offer some damn cool tech. And some things I can do without. I turned off uranium generation in the config
  427. [22:53:47] <9,3@King_Lemming> I might add rubber as a secondary sawmill output for those RP2 logs
  428. [22:53:50] <8,1Kilogame> well i still want ciderboats
  429. [22:53:51] <9,3@King_Lemming> because god I hate those stupid trees
  430. [22:53:52] <4,11Dashkal> Last thing I need is some chunkloader failure to cause a meltdown in the reactor under the city.
  431. [22:54:06] <9,3@King_Lemming> I'm really on the fence about doing something like nuclear
  432. [22:54:08] <0,12Super_Random|stuff> King_Lemming: STICKY RESIN
  433. [22:54:17] <8,1Kilogame> nice... but your owne forgeordict rubber
  434. [22:54:22] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah, the resin, not the rubber itself
  435. [22:54:34] <4,11Dashkal> Meh, I just want RP2 world gone. Frames are nice, but they aren't worth the volcanoes to me.
  436. [22:54:35] <8,1Kilogame> a that you mean
  437. [22:54:55] <9,3@King_Lemming> right, I'm trying to accomodate other mods as much as I can
  438. [22:55:00] <8,1Kilogame> turn volcano gen off
  439. [22:55:14] <9,3@King_Lemming> believe me, my Ore Handler is VERY weird compared to most other mods'
  440. [22:55:15] <4,11Dashkal> No such option
  441. [22:56:03] <4,11Dashkal> She flatly refuses to allow her terrain gen options to be turned of citing that they'll be fixed, but her release cycle is so slow that that will take years.
  442. [22:56:09] <8,1Kilogame> i use a relaychin with 6 relays leading into an powered furnace
  443. [22:56:21] <0,12Super_Random|stuff> hmm...
  444. [22:56:27] <0,12Super_Random|stuff> I no like 32 bit JRE
  445. [22:56:34] <8,1Kilogame> as a buffer
  446. [22:57:49] <8,1Kilogame> what is important in an autocraft system?
  447. [22:58:49] <4,11Dashkal> The largest difficulty I've had in setting up autocrafting is getting the proportions of mats correct.
  448. [22:59:56] <9,3@King_Lemming> ah, the crafting talk reminds me of something I've been pondering
  449. [23:00:20] <9,3@King_Lemming> would there be any interest in an autocrafting table that has the same features as the other TE machines?
  450. [23:00:22] <8,1Kilogame> hehe now i can autocraft rockwool
  451. [23:00:30] <9,3@King_Lemming> basically redstone control and reconfig sides
  452. [23:00:45] <9,3@King_Lemming> I feel like it's a thing that is handled well enough already
  453. [23:00:46] <4,11Dashkal> Craft on pulse?
  454. [23:00:54] <8,1Kilogame> sounds nice... it will be compatible with rp then?
  455. [23:00:54] <9,3@King_Lemming> that would be possible yeah Dashkal2 [23:01:04] <9,3@King_Lemming> it would be kilo, yeah
  456. [23:01:11] <9,3@King_Lemming> just wondering if there's even a point to making something like that
  457. [23:01:30] <12,8@Kilobyte> don't say kilo :( that pings my regula client
  458. [23:01:36] <9,3@King_Lemming> oh I'm sorry
  459. [23:01:46] <4,11Dashkal> that's about the only thing I can think of that's missing from existing solutions. BC tech (sans logistics pipes) is good for 'flowing' crafting, where you end up with an indeterminate numer of outputs. Craft on pulse would allow some certainty.
  460. [23:01:48] <8,1Kilogame> you couln't know that
  461. [23:01:56] <9,3@King_Lemming> true
  462. [23:02:28] <9,3@King_Lemming> also how about a machine that goes the other way?
  463. [23:02:29] <8,1Kilogame> lets build some farms
  464. [23:02:33] <4,11Dashkal> That brings me to the one thing I'll miss if I drop RP2 machines: the ability to pump one item out of a chest...
  465. [23:02:35] <9,3@King_Lemming> finished product -> all the stuff that went into it
  466. [23:02:51] <4,11Dashkal> Uncrafting would be interesting, but it's an ambigious problem.
  467. [23:03:04] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah, it would only work on "crafting table" recipes
  468. [23:03:13] <8,1Kilogame> nice my teleporter elevator
  469. [23:03:22] <4,11Dashkal> Thanks to that ambiguity, you'd end up with resource conversion vectors. Ex: A bucket is 3xIron or 3xTin.
  470. [23:03:43] <9,3@King_Lemming> true, but it'd be a case of first come first serve
  471. [23:03:50] <9,3@King_Lemming> although yeah, the tin -> iron conv is bad
  472. [23:04:18] <4,11Dashkal> Even vanilla has this: 1xStick + 1xCoal or 1xStick + 1xCharcoal -> 4 Torches
  473. [23:04:20] <9,3@King_Lemming> the sawmill already does that function for wooden items, but I can't think of how that can break anything offhand
  474. [23:04:41] <9,3@King_Lemming> good point
  475. [23:05:18] <4,11Dashkal> The Tin -> Iron exploit is available on my server thanks to RP2's alloy furnace. Not really a concern for us when we have multi-thousand EU power plants and mass fabs, though.
  476. [23:05:39] <12,8@Kilobyte> lemme update forestry+
  477. [23:06:02] Kilogame [] hat den Server verlassen: Remote host closed the connection
  478. [23:06:41] <12,8@Kilobyte> oh i have to set up an obby gen
  479. [23:06:55] <12,8@Kilobyte> useing you guessed it
  480. [23:07:25] <9,3@King_Lemming> I might speed that up, the more I think about it, the less I can justify the 7.5s time
  481. [23:07:35] <9,3@King_Lemming> just that it's still way faster than a diamond pickaxe
  482. [23:07:54] <4,11Dashkal> I mine obsidian only with a diamond drill
  483. [23:07:56] <9,3@King_Lemming> actually, I can make it an option in the .cfg file
  484. [23:08:03] <9,3@King_Lemming> I'll do that :)
  485. [23:08:05] <4,11Dashkal> In vanilla, I need 14 of the stuff pretty much ever.
  486. [23:08:13] <12,8@Kilobyte> wait a cobblecen using the laver/water combine block + the watergen should be selfsustauining?
  487. [23:08:35] <9,3@King_Lemming> oh yes
  488. [23:08:46] <9,3@King_Lemming> in fact, if all you want is cobblestone, you only ever have to put 1 bucket of water in it
  489. [23:08:46] <12,8@Kilobyte> nice
  490. [23:08:52] <9,3@King_Lemming> 1 bucket of lava and water = infinite
  491. [23:08:58] <12,8@Kilobyte> NICE
  492. [23:09:01] <9,3@King_Lemming> if you want smooth stone though, you have to keep adding *some* lava
  493. [23:09:06] <9,3@King_Lemming> obsidian drains both tanks
  494. [23:09:10] <9,3@King_Lemming> so you'll need to run pipes
  495. [23:09:31] <12,8@Kilobyte> me plans on making an op cobblegen
  496. [23:10:00] <9,3@King_Lemming> yeah if you check the wiki I have some example setups where all I did was take the cobblegen and give it 1 bucket of lava and water
  497. [23:10:11] <9,3@King_Lemming> if you place a bucket into the slot, it will fill the respective tank
  498. [23:10:17] <9,3@King_Lemming> assuming there's room in the tank
  499. [23:11:26] <12,8@Kilobyte> i have still a forestry version where el. engines don't have an interface
  500. [23:11:50] Kilobyte also switches now to utility mode in his op bc world
  501. [23:12:12] <12,8@Kilobyte> so no more cheating for now
  502. [23:13:10] Channel-Thema ist: Here is the Place to Discuss everything related to ThermalExpansion. Get it here: Or check out the wiki:
  503. [23:13:10] Das Thema wurde von am Di 24. Jul 22:40:31 2012 gesetzt
  504. [23:15:26] <12,8@Kilobyte> well... i only need a few insigniut extruders and a couple iton pipes
  505. [23:15:39] <12,8@Kilobyte> can't spell these names
  506. [23:16:26] <9,3@King_Lemming> wait, iron pipes for what?
  507. [23:17:03] <12,8@Kilobyte> so the cobble gets into the right direction
  508. [23:17:23] <12,8@Kilobyte> and darn. my tin ore or so became a valve pipe lol
  509. [23:17:30] <9,3@King_Lemming> technically if you have a row of them, you only need 1 iron pipe
  510. [23:17:46] <12,8@Kilobyte> well maybe
  511. [23:17:48] <9,3@King_Lemming> they may get the initial direction wrong, but you can use an iron pipe to reverse them when they reach the end of the "wrong" way
  512. [23:17:51] <9,3@King_Lemming> no trust me
  513. [23:17:53] <12,8@Kilobyte> i have enouth iron
  514. [23:17:55] <9,3@King_Lemming> the machines do not accept input
  515. [23:18:00] <12,8@Kilobyte> i know lol
  516. [23:18:45] <12,8@Kilobyte> if my quarry now pick ups valve pipes i'll laugh
  517. [23:19:32] <12,8@Kilobyte> i prolly should install forestry nei plugin as well
  518. [23:19:58] <9,3@King_Lemming> oh my GOD
  519. [23:20:01] <9,3@King_Lemming>
  520. [23:20:05] <9,3@King_Lemming> Sengir just linked that to me
  521. [23:20:28] <12,8@Kilobyte> nice
  522. [23:20:38] <12,8@Kilobyte> german nice
  523. [23:22:38] <12,8@Kilobyte> i can't understand how u can enjoy vanilla mc anymore lol
  524. [23:23:27] <12,8@Kilobyte> nice... just crashed
  525. [23:23:54] <9,3@King_Lemming> my fault? :(
  526. [23:23:58] <12,8@Kilobyte> nope
  527. [23:24:25] <12,8@Kilobyte> my fault
  528. [23:24:42] <12,8@Kilobyte> installed wrong version of nei forestry plugin
  529. [23:25:34] <12,8@Kilobyte> will there be powergens later?
  530. [23:25:43] <9,3@King_Lemming> oh yeah
  531. [23:25:44] <12,8@Kilobyte> (aka. engines)
  532. [23:25:59] <9,3@King_Lemming>
  533. [23:26:01] <9,3@King_Lemming> :)
  534. [23:26:03] <9,3@King_Lemming> working on it
  535. [23:26:21] <9,3@King_Lemming> that's BC energy storage yes
  536. [23:26:23] <12,8@Kilobyte> overpowered engine( build with bedrock and bedrock gears lol)
  537. [23:26:27] <9,3@King_Lemming> but there's one major difference
  538. [23:26:42] <9,3@King_Lemming> if you destroy that energy storage and move it, it remembers how much energy it has
  539. [23:26:44] <12,8@Kilobyte> runs for free and outputs insane energy amounts?
  540. [23:26:48] <12,8@Kilobyte> just kidding
  541. [23:26:49] <9,3@King_Lemming> as a result, they don't stack, sorry
  542. [23:27:03] <12,8@Kilobyte> well... yes
  543. [23:27:12] <9,3@King_Lemming> actually that engine takes just lava to run and puts out between 1 and 4 MJ
  544. [23:27:19] <9,3@King_Lemming> however efficiency changes
  545. [23:27:31] <9,3@King_Lemming> and the engine operates on a torque-speed curve to ensure that it isn't wasting power
  546. [23:27:36] <12,8@Kilobyte> there might come sth different later
  547. [23:28:40] <12,8@Kilobyte> looks nice
  548. [23:29:11] <12,8@Kilobyte> damn i need gold
  549. [23:29:30] <12,8@Kilobyte> and i should cheat myself some tp pipes lol
  550. [23:31:10] Kilogame [] hat #ThermalExpansion betreten
  551. [23:42:59] <8,1Kilogame> PROTIP: don't rightclick redmorningstar instide your base
  552. [23:45:28] <4,11Dashkal> Protip, ALWAYS leave tools at minimum charge
  553. [23:45:47] <8,1Kilogame> yeah it was luckily just on lvl 1
  554. [23:46:57] Super_Random|stuff [] hat den Server verlassen: Ping timeout: 190 seconds
  555. ### Log-Sitzung beendet am Mi 25. Jul 00:00:00 2012 ###
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