
Birthdays on ice

Feb 21st, 2018
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  1. Covet: Felix had Steph in the passenger seat, blindfolded, but he was holding her hand the entire time because he knew that being blindfolded could be risky and make her nervous. He pulled up to the hockey rink and stopped, "Okay.. we're here.. give me just a second, I've got to grab things out of the back then I'll walk with you to the doors." He told her then climbed out of the vehicle so that he could get the cooler and the couple of boxes. Once he had those things he walked over to her side of the Jeep and opened up her door. " Okay, hold onto my arm, and just follw along with me." Felix explained to her.
  2. Alexithymiaa: "Arizona..." She said a little cautiously as he let go of her hand to climb out of the Jeep, her hand quickly pulling back into her lap as she sat motionless. She turned when he opened her door, reaching her hands out for his arm before slipping out of her seat, clinging onto his arm as she blindly reached out to push the door shut. "When can I see?"-
  3. Covet: "Soon. We just have a little ways to go." Felix said. Once he got to the main door he set the cooler down and opened the door for her, guiding her inside before he grabbed the cooler again and walked into the arena. " Okay... Have a seat here... and I'll get the blindfold off." He said guiding her to a seat. Once she was sat down he put the larger box ont to her lap, before taking the blindfold off. He was smiling at her as he spoke, "Happy Birthday, Red."
  4. Alexithymiaa: -She stepped gingerly forward as they walked into the arena, carefully lowering herself into the chair. Taking a deep breath when he removed the blindfold, she blinked a few times to adjust to the lights, looking around and then looking down at the box in her lap with a growing smile. "We're going ice skating?"-
  5. Covet: "Sort of. Open the box" He told her, sitting down next to her. "You get to open this one now, then we'll get out on the ice for a bit before I show you the rest." Felix added waiting for her to open the box. Inside was a pair of Red and black, women's hockey skates in her size. [ ] He leaned over to the other items and pulled out a pair of hockey skates for himself too.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -She couldnt wipe the smile from her face as she pulled the box open to reveal the hockey skates, her eyes instantly shooting up to look at him. "I can't believe you remembered talking about this..." She pulled the skates out of the box, her hands moving as she laced them up. "I make no guarantees about falling on my face though."-
  7. Covet: [Hockey skate options SUCK but those aren't TERRIBLE XD]
  8. Covet: "Of course I remember." He told her leaning over to give her a kiss. "I have no expectations, because I'll probably fall just as much if not more, as I have never skated in my life." Felix said with a laugh as he took his shoes off and started getting his skates on. "They should be nice and sharp too."
  9. Alexithymiaa: (LMFAO theyre fine)
  10. Alexithymiaa: -She leaned into his kiss before leaning down to unlace her boots, pulling her feet out of them and setting the skates down in front of her to slip her feet into. She started lacing them up tightly, struggling just a bit because lacing hockey skates is different than figure skates. "They're so much more comfortable than figure skates. They actually have cushion in them."-
  11. Covet: "They feel like hiking boots, honestly. Pretty comfortable. I take it figure skates are hell on the feet?" He asked her as he finished getting himself laced up. Felix stood up and was a little wobbly but didn't see to be too bad at least not on the ice. " This isn't bad, I can totally do this." He said with a grin, holding his hand out to her so they could head over to the gate that lead out to the ice.
  12. Alexithymiaa: -She finished lacing up the skates and pushed up to her feet, putting her hand in his as they both staggered toward the entrance to the ice. "This is not at all like being on the ice. But yeah, figure skates are insanely stiff with no padding at all." She stepped out onto the and started to glide forward, spinning around to face him.-
  13. Covet: "Wouldn't that give you blisters?" He asked as he got to the ice and looked at it. "Okay... one two three go?" He asked looking at her as she effortlessly stepped out on the ice. "And you were worried that you'd fall. You're doing fine." He said then stepped out with one foot, still holding onto the railing while he got his other foot out onto the ice.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Yes. It would. Badly." She spoke quickly because honestly I still have scars from the last time I skated. "YEah, I'm worried I'm going to fall when I try to do things that are actually different. Gliding is gliding." She put her hands out for him as she watched him cling to the side, letting out a small laugh. "Push to the side with your foot and then switch and push outward with the other foot."-
  15. Covet: "No laughing" Felix said giving her a glare as he turned around to look at her. He went to push off with one foot, but mostly pushed off with his arms towards her. His arms were spread out past him and his legs were about as far, "I really don't think I'm doing this right." He reached out for her but only got about halfway to her before he started to stop. "I really hope you're enjoying this...because I'm pretty sure you've got me beat on this one."
  16. Alexithymiaa: -She pursed her lips in an attempt to stifle her laughter at him, pushing off to glide forward to him to close the distance between the two. "It's your first time on ice, cut yourself some slack. Look." She moved to stand beside him, pushing off her right foot and gliding forward on her left. "Very simple. Stopping is another story. I don't know how to stop in hockey skates."-
  17. Covet: Felix watched her feet and attempted to do the same pushing off with one foot then the other, but he so didn't have the balance down and quickly had both feet back in his weird straddle position. "Don't they just do that sideways slide thing?" He asked her, trying to stand up more straight to see if that would help, but he pushed his feet out in front of him when he did it and the next thing he knew his feet were kicking on the ice and he was falling backwards, landing hard on his ass on the ice. "Ouch.. that hurts."
  18. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes. "Yes, they hockey stop. But I don't know how to actually do it. With figure skates, you have a toe pick and you kind of graze it across the ice to stop yourself. You have to rely on like pure sideways speed to hockey stop and I've never done that before." When she saw him start to fall, she put her hands out in an attempt to help him catch his balance, but she wasnt doing great and ended up falling onto her butt with him. "It's a good thing I'm used to you being a pain in my ass."-
  19. Covet: "Ha ha" He said to her rolling his eyes as she shook his head, looking at her. "Maybe it's time for the rest of your surprise?" He asked because that seemed more safe and definitley less painful. "We can just crawl back over there right? That's acceptable?"
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Depends what the surprise is. But come on, I'll help you." She climbed up to her feet, brushing the ice off the back of her dress before bracing herself and leaning over with her arms stretched out to him to try to help him up. "You can do it."-
  21. Covet: "Depends on what the surprise is? What's that supposed to mean?" He asked her with a laugh as he sat up and did his best to get back up to his feet. He held onto her hands and again tried to push one foot and the other to get himself to glide, even if he was leaning clear over. "I think we're going to have to make this a more regular thing." He chuckled, "At least if you expect me to do this with you."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "It was a joke, calm down." She said with a laugh, holding onto his hands and gliding backwards slowly toward where they had come onto the ice. "I don't expect it. But if you'd like to, I'd be more than happy to skate with you whenever you wanted." When they reached the edge, she moved his hands from hers to the railing, giving him a gentle pat. "Not too bad."-
  23. Covet: "I'm calm, I'm calm... sort of...get me off the ice and I'll be calm." He said with another laugh. "That'd be fun, something we can do every couple of weeks or so maybe?" Felix suggested to her. He clung to the railing and was happy to be on not ice again, making his way back over to the seats their stuff was at. "Okay...sit..sit sit.. I should have done this part first, because that's the proper order of thigns, but, I dont do shit normally, so it's all out of order." He told her as he picked up the cooler, setting it on the floor between his feet.
  24. Alexithymiaa: -She nodded her head and stepped off the ice with him, staggering over to her seat to drop down onto her butt. "We can definitely do that. Maybe I'll get used to these skates and be able to skate circles around you even more than I already can." She started to laugh, clearly enjoying herself before looking down to the cooler. "What's that?"-
  25. Covet: Felix rolled his eyes at her, because he sucked at losing, "Yeah yeah, I'll give you this win, only cause I get all of the others." He said slightly bitterly, before changing his mood. "Uh.. one sec and you'll see, close your eyes" He said putting his hand over her face as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his lighter and a candle, putting them in the 'cake' and lit it. Once he had the candle lit he reached into the cooler and pulled out the cake, and started singing happy birthday, which was her cue to open her eyes again. [CAKE sorta...XD : ]
  26. Alexithymiaa: -She smirked and closed her eyes, sitting with her hands folded in her lap until she heard him start singing. Opening her eyes, she watched the sushi cake with baited breath, squeezing her hands together to wait for him to finish singing before she leaned forward and blew out the candle. "Of course you would figure out a way to give me a cake I would actually eat."-
  27. Covet: "What can I say, when I'm good, I'm good." He told her all cocky like. "There is one more thing, I have for you too. It was a little more last minute, but it's something you didn't have, that I felt like you should have." He told her pulling out the other smaller gift box, setting the sushi cake down on his lap so she could open up the other gift as he handed it over. [ ]
  28. Alexithymiaa: "And so humble." She said as she fanned herself jokingly, taking the box from him. She carefully opened it to pull out the macro lens, her eyes slowly lifting to stare at him. "Babe... this is expensive. This is too much. The skates are expensive enough. I can't... you can't... " She started to shake her head.-
  29. Covet: "Always." Felix smirked, watching her open the box, trying to refrain from eating any of the sushi sitting in his lap. Which was hard, because food. He grinned as she pulled out the lense then stared at him. "Too late. I already did. And I'm not giving you the reciept to take it back either." He added. "The reciept for the skates is in it's box though because I wasn't sure if the sizes ran the same as shoes, so in case you needed to trade them out for ones that do fit better. They weren't too bad price wise, I got them on sale." But what he didn't realize is that he put the wrong reciept in the box, and instead, Steph had the receipt for the two cartons of cigarettes he'd purchased that day instead.
  30. Alexithymiaa: (DAMMIT FELIX.)
  31. Covet: [XD I figured she could yell at him for that tomorrow.. or build it up even more for him to lie about it tomorrow and she can bust him on Thursday.]
  32. Alexithymiaa: "I think they're okay, but I'll hang onto it for a little while just in case." She leaned down to pull the skates off her feet, setting them in the box and stacking her two boxes together as she slipped her feet back into her boots. "Now I say we get home and hide in the room with our sushi cake and pretend Noah isn't in the house." She said with a smirk, pushing up to her feet.-
  33. Alexithymiaa: (Definitely needs a full blown fight on Thursday, but I need to figure out how this will transpire.)
  34. Covet: "Yes. I agree" Felix grinned as he put the sushi cake back into the cooler and started getting his skates off, "Pretend he's not in the house, like.. do what we want as loud as we want kind of pretend?" He asked her looking over at her as he got his shoes back on, in what seemed like record time.
  35. Covet: [Oh for sure. I expected as much. I told you it was kind of going to piggy back on her birthday, but kind of not XD]
  36. Alexithymiaa: (Part of me wants her to put the receipt on the fridge for him to find so he KNOWS hes in deep shit before he actually sees her.)
  37. Covet: [AHAHAHAHAH Yes. LMAO He'll come home with like flowers and shit. XD]
  38. Alexithymiaa: (Another part of me is like "Make her bait him into lying about it even though she already knows so she can be like NO! WRONG! YOU LIE!")
  39. Covet: [Either way it's going to be a shit show.. Cause he'd totally lie to her about it like he already has been XD]
  40. Alexithymiaa: "Maybe not as loud as we want because that would be kind of weird, but something like that." She said with a laugh, gathering her things into her arms and waiting on him so they could walk out together.-
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