
Syncfusion Essential Studio 11.2-DVTiSO cracked + [key]

Oct 2nd, 2013
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  1. Syncfusion Essential Studio 11.2-DVTiSO cracked + [key] download
  16. Syncfusion delivers high performance for your applications by harnessing the best possible optimizations that each development platform has to offer. All our controls are built with performance integrated into them from initial design and at every stage of development. An enterprise-class toolkit with 433 unique controls with ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, Mobile MVC, Silverlight, WinForms, Windows Phone 8, WinRT and WPF platforms.
  17. Feel at home with Visual Studio when you develop with Syncfusion controls. Full Visual Studio integration, additional utilities to manage control-application integration, and an intuitive object model all mean increased productivity.
  20. Syncfusion Essential Studio 11.2-DVTiSO cracked + [key] download
  21. Syncfusion Essential Studio 11.2-DVTiSO
  23. Essential Studio includes several custom styles that help you quickly implement application-wide UI enhancements. Creating a functional UI control can take up to one year to fully test and build; applications end up with a just-good-enough UI that can look outdated. Syncfusion offers these assets out of the box. You can use them to deliver a very rich, beautiful user interface.
  24. Syncfusion Essential Studio 11.2-DVTiSO cracked + [key] download
  26. With our sophisticated Direct-Trac support system built from the ground up to support enterprise customers, you will have a streamlined experience working with our support team.
  28. Our licensing options can fit whatever your project needs. We offer everything from per-user licensing, to site licenses that cover all the users in one building, to global licenses. If none of our pre-defined flexible licensing options quite fits what you need, we can customize. We offer simple, hassle-free licensing, with no royalties or server-deployment charges.
  29. Syncfusion Essential Studio 11.2-DVTiSO cracked + [key] download
  30. When you work with Syncfusion, complete, easy-to-work-with source code is available for all components. We also ensure that the source code can be used with minimum effort—it’s very closely integrated and we have a build management system that lets you step in and build any assembly from scratch at any point. The availability of source code also makes our products easier to extend and helps users build reusable frameworks.
  31. Syncfusion Essential Studio 11.2-DVTiSO cracked + [key] download
  32. ASP.NET
  33. We offer more than 60 AJAX-enabled controls/frameworks with complete documentation and samples for the ASP.NET platform. Our unique wrappers for jQuery UI controls allow you to easily add advanced jQuery UI features to your Web Forms applications.
  36. Designed especially for the ASP.NET MVC framework, this comprehensive component set features extremely lightweight components that help build high-performance, scalable Web sites. Custom Syncfusion VS.NET project templates help you start using our components in new projects very quickly.
  38. Silverlight
  39. Featuring more than 20 user interface components/frameworks with complete documentation and samples, this high-performance, lightweight component set includes Office 2007-style ribbons, gauges, business charts, and much more. It also Includes several built-in themes that make it easy to style your application.
  41. Windows Forms
  42. We offer more than 100 user interface components/frameworks with complete documentation and samples for the Windows Forms platform. Our high-performance, lightweight component set includes an Excel-like grid, docking managers, Office 2007-style controls, menus, business charts, Visio-like diagramming, and much more. Extensive design-time experience helps incorporate the latest UI in your application in minutes.
  43. Syncfusion Essential Studio 11.2-DVTiSO cracked + [key] download
  44. WPF
  45. Featuring more than 35 user interface components/frameworks with complete documentation and samples, this high-performance, lightweight component set includes an Excel-like grid, docking managers, Office 2007-style controls, gauges, business charts, Visio-like diagramming, and much more. It includes several built-in themes that make it easy to style your application.
  47. WinRT (XAML)
  48. Essential Studio for WinRT contains all the controls you need to build line-of-business applications, including charts, gauges, maps, diagrams, and radial menus. It also includes a unique set of controls for reading and writing Excel, Word, and PDF documents in Windows store apps.
  49. Syncfusion Essential Studio 11.2-DVTiSO cracked + [key] download
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