
agent kallas

Feb 25th, 2016
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  1. Standing at a substantial 1.95 meters tall, the prestigious and brave Imperial Agent code-named ISB-021, otherwise known as Agent Kallus takes his first steps into the Millenium Inn. His expression a mix of disgust and interest for such a pitiful location. He has never been to a bar on the Outer Rim before, but he quite imagined it to be more full of Scum, Rebels and alike, but the one he appeared was seemingly empty for a Cantina. [br] Decked out in his full imperial uniform, excluding his helmet, he stands almost in awe at the state of the bar, it's absolutely filthy to his standards, and he would condemn it, if only the lingering Imperial presence reached this far in the Outer Rim.
  3. He felt [i]obligated[/i] to bring order to this seemingly lawless bar, but Agent Kallus also felt very worn out, and like sitting down. Maybe he could hunt for Imperial scum and get a Caf on the side, that wouldn't be too bad would it? Then again, it's not like the Empire even cares what he does, as long as he gets his missions done and doesn't put the Empire in any form of jeopardy he is fine. The worst that can happen is he will end up with a crimson blade through some part of his body, but he knew how disposable he was the day he graduated from the Imperial Academy.
  5. Moving to the bar, Kallus sighs at the state of the Cantina, it was absolutely filthy even to Outer Rim standards. Taking a seat at the bar, he lets out a rather loud sigh, an obvious sign of irritation and calls for the person behind the bar who he assumes is the bartender on duty. "Hello Bartender? Double shot Caf, no sugar, extra strong, thanks." placing his order he rubs idly at his eyes, attempting to get the sleep out of them.
  7. "And you're job isn't far important enough to even ask about my uniform, now where is my coffee." Kallus wasn't getting angry, he was simply irritated at the fact he didn't have his Caf yet, he usually was. He wonders why this bartender hadn't got his Caf, She had even got herself a drink, it was so unprofessional. He should condemn this space station as unsafe for business practices.
  9. He had almost gone off at the lady, before realizing his own mistake. His cheeks had begin to flush light in colour from embarrassment. He had once again assumed to much of someone, and managed to make a complete fool of himself, it wasn't often this happened, but when it did it was possible the most embarrassing thing. "Oh... I apologize then, I assumed you worked here."
  11. He glanced around the bar, noticing there wasn't any other serves on the bar, only a few waiters and waitresses who are bringing plates of food to people. Kallus somewhat wishes he had just sat at a table and waited for the Waiters to come serve him, but there's no time for change now. Thinking for a moment, Kallus' finally decides he just wants a Caf. "I'm not much of an Ale drinker, I really just need a Caf."
  13. Kallus was a tad bit confused when the lady had disappeared, he thought maybe she had to go somewhere, however it wasn't until he heard heavenly mechanical noises and some curses even he hadn't heard that he realized what she was doing. She was making him a Caf. He hadn't had anyone do such a nice act for him in a long time. "You actually made me a Caf.... Thank you." He takes the warm beverage and takes a long sip, not before paying the price for the drink, but instead of 5 credits he dished out a lovely 20 credits, he wasn't expecting change.
  15. He raised an eyebrow at the woman, she was clearly a rebel, he had spotted that the moment she faced him, but he didn't care, he wasn't officially working and he wasn't going to do his duties when he didn't have to. "I do not want anything, I just wanted a Caf, however do not think I will turn a blind eye to any illegal activity in this sector, Be warned." He would still happily take custody of any rebels actively working against the empire, he did have some loyalties.
  17. "I won't be taking anything, this area is out of jurisdiction of the Empire currently, but don't hold your breath [i]Rebel[/i]." he scoffs the word rebel, as if it was the most foul word he's ever muttered. "However, I won't be doing anything either, I am not on duty and would rather not have to do work in my very limited spare time." He finishes his sentence, finally finishing his Caf. He really didn't care about the Outer Rim, they were terrible and the Empire should just leave them alone.
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