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Jan 21st, 2016
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  1. Name: The Eridian Hegemony
  2. Species/Subrace: Eridnus Maximus
  3. MH Member Species: No
  4. Fluff: A lone civilization on the fringes of the Hegemony, having resisted absorption though military means; having just been engaged with a "diplomatic" fleet to "convince" the Eridians to "peacefully integrate" the home fleet was completely unprepared when the Enemy arrived in orbit around their world, razed the planet, they didn't stop there, the pushed on, cracking the planet in two. The Eridian defense fleet lied in pieces in orbit around the detritus of their former world, the lifeless bodies of billions of souls floated in cold void, a warning to other species of the horrors to come. Now all that remains of the Eridians is what few ships managed to escape the planet when the Enemy arrived. The E.C.S Ferdinand was such a ship. The Eridan's themselves are bipedal sophants, and this design is reflected in their war machines. Towering metal machinations that provide support for their troops and ships. Known as "Gardes" They function as both orbital and ground support units, and fill a role usually occupied by much more squat and robust vehicles. As a military society, it go without saying that the Eridian people are spartan in dress and home, rejecting the luxury and comforts of modern life and only valuing performance on the battlefield.
  5. >Racial Bonus: DCS Frontliners
  6. Known best for Peacekeeping operations and general DCS Space security, your people are a strong example of the warrior ethic. +10 to offensive combat rolls against the Enemy, +10 to defensive combat rolls in support of Fleet ships. -20 to Retreat rolls.
  7. Liveship - E.C.S. Ferdinand
  8. 2000 Population
  9. 4 ATK, 9 DEF, 7 PRP
  10. 2 Gardes 4/2 ATK/DEF
  11. 1 Prototype Rail-Garde 4/2/4 ATK/DEF/PRP
  12. 100% Shields
  13. >Resources
  14. 3 Fuel
  15. 3 Food
  16. 6 Water
  17. 6 Raw Metal
  18. 3 Exotic Metal
  19. >Ship Bonus: "Garde"-based Combat Carrier
  20. Your ship has a complement of 2 "Garde"
  21. Class Fighters, with 4/2 ATK/DEF. (They inherit traits from default fighters, see combat reference for details)
  23. >Research:
  24. Chemical Lasers (3 Turns Remaining, 2 Water, 2 Exotic Metal)
  25. >+4 Damage to Lasers for two rounds
  26. > Ability Cost: 1 Water
  27. >3 Round Cooldown
  29. Rail-Garde mass production model
  30. >4/2/4 ATK/DEF/PRP
  31. >Equipped with 1d6 Railgun instead of Lasers.
  32. >5 Turns, 4 Raw 2 Exotic
  34. > Resource Efficiency (1 Turns, No Prototype)
  35. > Once per three turns, you may ignore a single ship's upkeep.
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