
Top 5 electronic music artists 2017

Mar 20th, 2018
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  1. It's another year gone and so I'll do one of these again. My top 5 music artists of 2017. Without further ado:
  3. 1. Ujico*/Snail's House
  4. I didn't discover Ujico in 2017, I'd discovered him in 2016, but he continued to release amazing tracks and through his Discord server I got to interact with him directly. While his music lost its "newness" to me, it never lost its charm. His 2017 releases continued to be uplifting and bouncy tracks that you couldn't help but move to. I watched his live set streamed from Anime Expo in LA, which only makes me want to see him live, and my interactions with the person have been nothing but great. He's a wonderful person and he displays a bottomless well of talent with the variety of music he can produce. Of note were his collabs with Moe Shop, his collab with LVGHST, the Pixel Galaxy Music Video, and Lullaby. He's trending hard and one to watch in 2018!
  9. 2. Porter Robinson
  10. What a guy. I started 2017 with a bang when I bought Worlds on CD and soon afterward saw Shelter Live. It was my first concert and it was a life changing experience. I'll never forget that night. Since then, Porter has been continuing to release music under a pseudonym, Virtual Self. With Virtual Self he's been releasing... retro? Early 00s edm techno and trance, attached to an alternate reality game of some sort. Can I just mention that the recent MVs have been fucking PEAK AESTHETIC? Good lord, it's like a Final Fantasy game. Off the Virtual Self EP my favourite track would have to be Particle Arts, though the whole EP is amazing. It's nostalgic and modern at the same time, with Porter's artistic style woven throughout.
  15. 3. HoneyComeBear
  16. I'm not sure whether I discovered this pair in late 2016 or in 2017 with how hectic my last year has been, but I know that they were my favourite new discovery of the past year. Made up of Monkey doing the melodies and Kaako doing the lyrics and vocals, they're an embodiment of Japanese Future Bass, and come very close behind Ujico in that regard. Really close. The pair's synergy is perfect, and I always anticipate their next release with baited breath. They blend Kaako's melancholic and hopeful lyrics with absolutely awe inspiring future bass chords and beats. I really can't describe the way their songs make me feel. They don't have a massive repertoire of songs, at only six by my count, but they have a fairly solid release schedule of every few months, and they have yet to let me down. I highly anticipate these two moving up these rankings in 2018.
  17. Warning, scantily clad anime girls
  22. 4. Lido
  23. I saw Lido for the first time live as an opening act at Shelter, where he fucking blew my mind. With a drum set, a synth, and a keyboard (and some other fiddly bits) he said "Are you ready to feel Everything?". And he did. He absolutely fucking killed it on the drums and I lost count of how many sticks he broke (one or two, to be fair), and by the end of it I was hooked. I bought his album a month later and I was raving about it forever. That album, 'Everything', still gets a load of playtime from me. It embodies a break up and all its stages. The melancholy, grief, rage and finally acceptance. There are so many good songs on that album and I highly recommend listening to it properly. It may help you get over a breakup. In addition to that album, I watched him play hip hop/electronic with an entire orchestra, listened to his I Love You EP, and looked up many of his remixes. It's too bad I only have three slots for songs, or I would link all of them. Here are my favourites.
  28. 5. Madeon
  29. Madeon falls surprisingly low on this list, especially compared to last year's. I've been a fan of his for years, ever since I listened to his remix of Deadmau5' Raise Your Weapon in 2011 (still a classic). He hasn't made any new releases in 2017 as far as I know, but seeing the man himself at Shelter was an experience, and I'm glad my first concert was to see one of my all time favourite artists on only his second trip to Australia. Adventures was a wonderful album that got a lot of play time from me this past year, on and off up to today. He has preserved and expanded on his unique style throughout the 6 years that I've been following him, and he'll remain a staple in my music favourites.
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