
SciTwi & Anon Part 4

Jul 10th, 2015
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  1. >The school bell rings, meaning that it's finally time for lunch.
  2. >"Don't forget that the holocaust report is due next week," Ms. Shekelstein announces as everyone's packing their things. "And if any of you deny that at least six gorillion died in the camps, there'll be a heavy price to pay. You can bet on that."
  3. >Of course, Ms. Shekelstein. Of course.
  4. >You exit the class and join the mindless drones called students as they head for the cafeteria.
  5. >A hand reaches out and grabs you, pulling you out of the current.
  6. "Hey, what gives?"
  7. >You look down and see that the hand is attached to the mad scientist that almost got you killed multiple times over.
  8. >Twilight drags you to an empty classroom. She looks rather giddy.
  9. "Let me guess. The cure also gives me a shark dick and a sharp sense of smell."
  10. >"Nope. Even better," she says with glee as she pulls out a rectangular device. "I discovered this crystal that has the ability to conduct thoughts. And I was able to integrate it into what I call the 'thought-box.'"
  11. "Uh-huuuuh."
  12. >"Thoughts, Anon! Now privacy is finally dead. Let me show you. Put your finger in this hole here."
  13. >You sigh and stick your index finger in one end of the box. Twilight puts a finger in the other side and turns it on.
  14. >"Okay Anon. Think something."
  15. "If you say so."
  16. >You roll your eyes and wonder what's on the menu today.
  17. >"Cheeseburgers, a lettuce leaf, and a penny for whatever reason," Twilight's voice echoes in your head.
  18. >You jerk out your finger and leap back.
  19. "What the fuck was that?"
  20. >"Isn't it neat? I just have to find a way to send thoughts wirelessly, and communication will never be the same. Can you imagine? It's practically impossible to control what you think. It'll be like everyone suddenly developed tourettes!"
  21. "Nothing good can possibly come out of this."
  22. >"We can't progress as a society if we're too afraid of the unknown, Anon. Come on, let's try it again."
  23. >Your interest gets the better of you and you stick your finger back in.
  24. "Okay, go ahead. Think something."
  25. >Twilight closes her eyes and furrows her brow. You wait for her voice to enter your mind, but nothing happens.
  26. >"Hear that?"
  27. "Nope."
  28. >"Huh. A wire must be loose or something."
  29. >Twilight does what any intelligent person would do and bangs the box with her free hand, and a sudden bolt of electricity goes through the both of you.
  30. >How much electricity you ask? Enough to knock you out.
  31. "Ow, fuck that hurt," you groan with your eyes clenched shut.
  32. >Your brain feels like it's trying to break out of your skull. You feel dizzy, and your senses are probably fucked up since you can't even hear properly.
  33. >In fact, your voice sounds a rather lot like...Twilight's?
  34. >You open your eyes and look down. This is definitely not your body. Different clothes. Smaller hands. You're wearing glasses.
  35. >Then you look up to see yourself rubbing your head.
  36. >"What just happened?" your body asks.
  37. >It then looks itself, then at you.
  38. "Twilight?"
  39. >"Anon?"
  40. "Me?"
  41. >"Uh oh."
  42. >You, er, Twilight looks around and finds the thought-box. The surface is cracked and some wires are sticking out.
  43. "Please tell me it's not broken."
  44. >"It's not broken."
  45. "Really?"
  46. >"No. But hey, at least we can cross another item off our list of science cliches that happened."
  47. >Fuck. Your life is ruined. You had a good run as a male, and now you have to live the rest of your life with a vagina.
  48. >"Don't worry. You'll have your dick back eventually."
  49. >You freeze.
  50. "Did you my thoughts?"
  51. >Twilight stops and looks at you.
  52. >"You didn't say that aloud?"
  53. "No."
  54. >"Uh oh," she thinks.
  55. "Uh oh indeed," you think back.
  56. >"Well then," her mind goes on. "I can't fix this until I get home, so we'll just have to ride this through for the rest of school."
  57. "Great."
  58. >Your body puts the broken box in your backpack and gets up.
  59. >"Try not to fuck things up for me in the meantime," you hear her think.
  60. "Did you just curse?"
  61. >Twilight doesn't respond and leaves the classroom. You can still hear her thoughts loud and clear.
  62. >"Fucking shit why the hell did this have to happen in the mothercunting middle of school..."
  63. >You can't help but laugh. You never took Twilight for a potty mouth.
  64. >"Fuck you Anon."
  65. >Fuck you too.
  67. >You are Anon, er, Twilight. You're both. You're an Anon trapped in a Twilight's body. Yes.
  68. >And you're eating lunch by yourself like a Twilight normally would.
  69. >"Not cool."
  70. >Come on, Twi. Everyone knows you don't have any friends.
  71. >"Look who's talking, fuckface."
  72. >Woah, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
  73. >By the way, is it okay to eat this burger?
  74. >"What? No. Do you know what goes in those?"
  75. >What was that? Eat it? Okay.
  77. >Relax, Twi. It's just a burger.
  79. >You stop.
  80. >Fair enough. I'll just eat the one leaf.
  81. >"Good."
  82. >One day where you and Twilight have each other hostage. It'd be so much more fun if it was more of a one way thing.
  83. >"Tell me about it."
  84. >"Hey, Twi."
  85. >You look up to see Flash Sentry. Or Trash, as you liked to call him.
  86. >He had a hard-on for Twilight. Or more specifically, the one Twilight from out of state or something. And since the new Twilight looks the same and has the same name, he probably has the hots for her, too.
  87. >You never liked Trash, the guitar-playing jock and overall douchebag that you are totally not envious of.
  88. >Hey Twi, Flash says hello. I think he's going to hit on me.
  89. >"Well turn him down."
  90. >You smile on the inside.
  91. >Why not? He seems like a good enough guy. I might let him have his way with me on the first night. You ever wanted to have kids, Twi?
  92. >"DON'T. YOU. DARE."
  93. >What a worthwhile prank that would be. Fortunately for Twilight, you have to side with her on this one.
  94. >The only way you'd ever fuck Trash would be in a figurative manner.
  95. "Have we met?" you innocently look up at him and ask.
  96. >"Yes. Well, sorta. There was this one girl exactly like you."
  97. >You cross your arms and raise an eyebrow.
  98. "Oh?"
  99. >Flash realizes what he just said.
  100. >"I didn't mean it like that. It's just that, uhh, as strange as it seems, there really was this one girl who looked exactly like you. She even had the same name."
  101. >You put on your best unamused expression.
  102. "Mmmhmm."
  103. >He rubs the back of his head and blushes.
  104. >"I'm sorry if I offended you. It's just that..."
  105. >Flash sighs.
  106. >"Can we start over?"
  107. >He extends a hand.
  108. >"I'm Flash."
  109. "I'm eating."
  110. >"What? But your name is...ohhhh, I see. Right. You're eating...lunch."
  111. >Awkward silence.
  112. >"You're not mad, are you?"
  113. "What? Me? No. I'm just trying to enjoy the only break I have during the entire day to relax and forget about all my problems."
  114. >You're beginning to see why girls guilt trip so much.
  115. >"Really Anon?"
  116. >Do you want Flash to sweep your delicate body off its feet?
  117. >"...carry on."
  118. >At this point Flash is clearly embarrassed. You never saw the guy so flustered.
  119. >It takes all your self-control not to break up into side-splitting laughter.
  120. >"Anon? I think you're enjoying this a little too much."
  121. >Oh yes you are.
  122. >Flash tries to form the words.
  123. >"I'm so sorry. I'll just, uhhh..."
  124. >He looks around.
  125. >"I'll let you finish your lunch in peace then."
  126. >He walks away, his spirits clearly crushed.
  127. >You try your best not to smile, but man does it feel so good.
  128. >You're cold. Ice cold.
  129. >Forget about your sparse lunch. His hurt feelings are just absolutely delicious.
  130. >Hey Twi? Mission accomplished.
  131. >"Fuck you."
  133. >You are Twilight.
  134. >Just as intelligent as before.
  135. >But right now, well...
  136. >"Anon? Can you tell us the answer?"
  137. "Benzene."
  138. >"Correct. Now moving on..."
  139. >"Gee Anon. How did you know that?" the person next to you asks. You assume he's a friend of Anon's.
  140. >You hate being social with people. They always try to pry you from your shell.
  141. >But today, you guess you can pretend to not be a complete shut-in.
  142. "Just did some studying last night."
  143. >Anon's friend gives you a weird look.
  144. >"But we were up all night playing competitive."
  145. >"We did. Won almost all of those matches, too," Anon's voice chimes in.
  146. >Shut up.
  147. "Oh, I, uhhh, multitasked."
  148. >"You...'multitasked?'"
  149. "Heh, yep. Because I'm such a pro at multitasking..."
  150. >What was his name again?
  151. >Fuck.
  152. "...dawg."
  153. >You didn't know this was possible, but you can actually feel Anon mentally facepalm.
  154. >"Try not to completely destroy my social life, okay?" he thinks. "Unlike you, I would actually like to keep my friendships."
  155. >"Anon? Are you alright? You seem kinda out of it."
  156. >Before you can speak, the door opens and a rather large person walks in.
  157. >The teacher looks over to him and beams, as if she's been expecting him.
  158. >"Ah, there you are. Class? I'd like you to mean our newest student. Why don't you introduce yourself, Mr....?"
  159. >"Tyrone," he says with a surprisingly deep voice for someone his age.
  160. >Wait a minute.
  161. >He sounds familiar.
  162. >"Who sounds familiar?"
  163. >We have a new kid. He's a very...big guy. Looks like he could easily snap a person in two.
  164. >"Like the guy I fought at the club?"
  165. >"Give Tryone a warm welcome, class."
  166. >"Hello, Tyrone," they say with extreme monotony.
  167. >"'Sup, dudes. It's a pleasure to be here."
  168. >Exactly like the guy you fought, Anon.
  169. >"...well shit."
  170. >"Why don't you take that empty seat over there?"
  171. >"Certainly, miss."
  172. >He goes over to an empty chair a couple seats away from you.
  173. >As he does so, your eyes momentarily meet his.
  174. >You immediately look away. But you can still feel his eyes boring into your skull.
  175. >Maybe it's just a coincidence, right? People of a certain group could look similar. It's entirely possible, although a bit racist. Just a bit.
  176. >As he sits down, you glance at the back of his head.
  177. >Yep, those are stitches.
  178. >We're so fucked.
  179. >"'We?' Nah, I'm safe in your body. You're the one that's getting beat into a pulp."
  180. >Can you take this a little more seriously? I'm pretty sure he recognized your stupid face.
  181. >"Okay, first of all, don't be envious of my beauty. Second, it was pretty dark in that club. I doubt he'd even recognize anyone he got close enough to kiss."
  182. >You two fought in close quarters.
  183. >"Okay, that's a valid point. I don't know, just get the hell outta Dodge as soon as the bell rings."
  184. >You hate to admit it, but Anon has a valid plan.
  185. >"Thanks."
  186. >Anon's friend leans in.
  187. >"You alright man? You don't look too good...dawg."
  188. "Y-yeah. Perfectly fine. Why would I n-not be fine?"
  189. >"You're sweating bullets right now, but alright. Hey, can I borrow your gaming mouse this weekend? I got a serious match coming up."
  190. >"Tell him no."
  191. "S-sure."
  192. >"Thanks, man. I'll try get get it back to you in one piece."
  193. >"Twilight Sparkle you fucking bitch."
  195. >The bell rings after the longest thirty minutes of your life.
  196. >Just grab your things and go. Grab your things and go. Grab--
  197. >"Wanna do some matches later tonight?"
  198. "Sure," you automatically respond as you get up and rush out the door. "Later!"
  199. >"Uh, okay?"
  200. >Almost tripping on a desk on the way out, you somehow manage to make it into the now crowded hallway.
  201. >You keep fast-walking until you realize that Anon's next class was the other way.
  202. >Fuck.
  203. >Oh well. It's not like he can find you amongst this many people, right?
  204. >As you're walking back, you bump into a giant wall and almost fall flat on your male ass.
  205. "Sorry about that," you mumble as you get up and look at the person you just assaulted with your face.
  206. >"I knew you looked familiar. You're that fuckboy who stole that girl from me!"
  207. >The passerby hear this and slow down as they witness something about to go down.
  208. >Fuck shit fuck.
  209. "I don't know w-who you're talking about. There must be s-some sort of misunderstanding."
  210. >"I'd recognize your pussy ass any day."
  211. >"Shit's about to hit the fan, isn't it?" you hear Anon think.
  212. >Yep.
  213. "H-how about we calm down and d-discuss this like civil gentlem-men?"
  214. >Tyrone grabs you by the collar with his massive hand and lifts you up.
  215. >"Fuck that shit, fuckboy. I'mma fuck you up."
  216. >He starts carrying you down the hall and towards one of the exits.
  217. >The suddenly excited crowd of students follow him while giving him plenty of space.
  218. >Fuck fuck shit fuck cunt fuck fuck.
  219. >"Twi. Speak to me."
  220. >He's gonna beat us to a pulp at the front yard. Fuck fuck fuck.
  221. >"Do you know how to fight?"
  222. >Not in this body.
  223. >"I'll get there as soon as I can. Try not to die before I get there."
  224. >The doors flies open and Tyrone continues to carry you outside and down the stairs. Once he's reached the bottom, he tosses you onto the grass.
  225. >You grunt as the wind gets knocked out of you.
  226. >"Just run, Twi. I don't care about pride. Just fucking run."
  227. >But you can't run. You're surrounded by the bloodthirsty students who form an imperfect circle around you.
  228. >"Show him who's boss, Anon!"
  229. >"Yeah! beat his ass into next Friday!"
  230. >"I hope you die, Anon! You still owe me five bucks!"
  231. >Apparently Anon has enemies.
  232. >You get up on shaky legs and assume the best fighting stance you could muster.
  233. >Anything would be better than this. It's like life took what you hated the most and combined them all into one single punishment.
  234. >All the judging faces.
  235. >The claustrophobia.
  236. >Fighting a fight you are most certainly going to lose.
  237. >You don't want to be here.
  238. >You just want to go home and do some science.
  239. >Is that really so much to ask for?
  240. >Fuck. This. Shit.
  241. >Where are you, Anon?
  242. >"Almost at the front. It's hard to move through crowds with this tiny body of yours."
  243. >Well hurry the fuck up.
  244. >"And what do you expect me to do once I get there?"
  245. > don't know.
  246. >Tyrone steps forward and throws the first swing.
  247. >You dodge to the side, but end up on the floor again.
  248. >Anon's body is not exactly as light as yours. Different balance, too.
  249. >With a roll, you get up again.
  250. >"Okay," Anon thinks. "I'm in front. Fuck, he's bigger than I remember. What now?"
  251. >Help us not lose as badly.
  252. >"And how do you expect me to do that?"
  253. >Just think of something!
  254. >"Alright, alright. Let's see if I can put this brain of yours to use. Watch out!"
  255. >Just as Anon shouts that last sentence, your opponent's fist connects with your stomach. Anon's stomach.
  256. >And it hurts. A lot.
  257. >You are Anon.
  258. >And you can't help but wince as your body takes a blow to the gut.
  259. >The crowd "ooohs" as Twilight hits the ground. They're absolutely loving this.
  260. >That's going to hurt in the morning.
  261. >You okay, Twi?
  262. >"I feel like dying."
  263. >"Get up! I'm not done with you yet, fuckboy!" Tryone shouts.
  264. >On the one hand, it feels good to finally not be the one suffering.
  265. >On the other hand, you're still the one who's suffering.
  266. >Are you still you? Or is Twilight you?
  267. >"This isn't the time for an existential crisis!"
  268. >Right.
  269. >Think, Anon. Use your allegedly smarter brain.
  270. >Tyrone's a bigger guy. No doubt about that.
  271. >But he's too big, meaning that he's also slower.
  272. >A blow against him with your original body wouldn't do much good, unless you could hit his pressure points when he's vulnerable.
  273. >But if you get too close and he catches you, it's over.
  274. >Hmmm.
  275. >Twilight, I've got a plan.
  276. >"Spill it."
  277. >She dodges another swing.
  278. >I'm going to be your coach. Do as I say.
  279. >"This isn't a movie!"
  280. >You have any better ideas?
  281. >"Can you shoot him or something?"
  282. >Dodge to the left!
  283. >Twilight leaps to your left, but gets clotheslined by Tyrone's trunk of an arm.
  284. >Another cheer from the crowd.
  285. >Twilight! You okay?
  286. >"I haven't gotten this fucked up since the bombings of that one Seventh Echelon Conference."
  287. >The what? Nevermind.
  288. >Next time, when you say left, you mean left. Are you stupid?
  289. >"I did go to the left, you brain-dead shit."
  290. >Oh. Your left. Her right. Right.
  291. >Uh, let's go with your left. Sorry.
  292. >"Youre stupidity really is going to get me killed."
  293. >Shut up and focus.
  294. >It's time to work as a team. But this time you're in charge.
  295. >Tryone closes his right hand and brings it back.
  296. >From the right! Go right!
  297. >Twilight moves to the right. The large fist only grazes her shoulder, but otherwise makes it out fine.
  298. >After missing that punch, Tyrone prepares his left fist for the second part of his volley.
  299. >How typical.
  300. >Left!
  301. >Twilight side steps to the left.
  302. >Another successful dodge.
  303. >Go back before he grabs you.
  304. >Twilight jumps a few feet back as her opponent tries to grab her, although she wobbles a bit when she lands.
  305. >This goes on for a bit.
  306. >The more they fight, the more you see a pattern.
  307. >Tyrone is by no means skilled in martial arts. That much is obvious. All he probably knows is if you see something you want dead, you hit it or grab it.
  308. >After all, you can't defeat an invincible force..
  309. >But he's not invincible.
  310. >"But he sure as hell looks like it," Twilight mentally responds.
  311. >You can see the sweat forming on his brow as he frustratedly tries to make contact, but to no avail.
  312. >"Holy shit, this might actually work."
  313. >It might.
  314. >Tyrone throws another punch, this time a lot slower than before.
  315. >Twilight dodges it easily.
  316. >"Booo!" someone shouts. "This is a fight! Not a dance! Hit 'im, Anon!"
  317. >"Yeah! Hit him! Make him bleed!"
  318. >"Bleed! Bleed! Bleed!" they chant like madmen.
  319. >Don't hit him. Not yet.
  320. >Tyrone is running out of stamina.
  321. >How are you feeling, by the way?
  322. >"Like I'm gonna vomit."
  323. >Don't do that. Watch out, he's charging again!
  324. >Twilight steps to the side and evades another attempt to knock her down.
  325. >Her opponent's side is momentarily vulnerable.
  326. >His lower ribs! Now!
  327. >She gives a rather clumsy uppercut to his lower side, but it connects.
  328. >Tyrone gives a visual wince as he takes it.
  329. >The crowd cheers.
  330. >On instinct, he swings an arm around.
  331. >Duck!
  332. >Twilight squats, and the massive arm harmlessly flies above her. His middle is exposed.
  333. >Diaphram! Now!
  334. >Twilight throws a palm, and it hits the soft spot right between the lower part of the ribs.
  335. >He automatically clutches his gut as the air gets knocked out of him.
  336. >Who knew you could hit that hard?
  337. >Or maybe your body is just overexerting itself since it's fighting for its life.
  338. >"Trust me, it's definitely the latter."
  339. >Tyrone throws a backhand towards, Twilight, and she dodges on your command.
  340. >However, his other hand suddenly grabs her by the throat and slams her to the ground.
  341. >That swing was a dupe.
  342. >You didn't see that one coming.
  343. >"You're dead now, fuckboy!" Tyrone bellows directly into Twilight's face.
  344. >B-but he was following a pattern! He wasn't supposed to break the pattern!
  345. >Now you're starting to sound like Twilight, who by the way isn't talking to you because she's too busy praying for her life.
  346. >What can you do?
  347. >Your mind frantically races for an answer. But nothing comes.
  348. >It's over.
  349. >Tyrone slowly raises his fist as he aims for Twilight's head. He's going to do this executioner style.
  350. >So what do you do?
  351. >The only thing a girl would do.
  353. >Everyone goes silent.
  354. >Tyrone freezes.
  355. >All eyes fall on you.
  356. >The victor narrows his eyes as he looks you up and down.
  357. >"Wait a minute. You're that bitch this fuckboy stole from me."
  358. >Does he ever stop using that word?
  359. >Tyrone gets up and walks over to you.
  360. >Before, he was a good head taller than you. But in your smaller frame, he's a fucking giant.
  361. "W-what do you mean, stole from you?" you ask, trying to put on a tough-girl attitude.
  362. >"Girl, don't be lyin'. We were warmin' up to each other and shit, and this..."
  363. >He points to your body, still on the ground and barely conscious.
  364. >Don't say fuckboy.
  365. >"...fuckboy right here tried to take you away even though I had dibs. Fought dirty, too. No honor, that fuckboy."
  366. "Okay, first of all," you say, clearly pissed off. "You did not have 'dibs.' That's bullshit."
  367. >"You go, girl!" one of the more well-known feminists of the school shouts.
  368. "You shut your whore mouth and let me finish!"
  369. >The now confused feminist shuts up.
  370. >"Is that really Twilight?" you hear a student ask.
  371. >"Looks like her. Didn't know she had balls though," he friend replies.
  372. >"Kinda hot."
  373. "And second of all, we came there together! If anything, he had dibs!"
  374. >The audience starts murmuring amongst one another.
  375. >"But, but..."
  376. >Tyrone is visibly confused.
  377. >"But you were alone, and..."
  378. "And Anon was buying Twi--, uh, me a drink."
  379. >You still alive, Twi?
  380. >"What have you done?" she thinks.
  381. >Saved my body and your life.
  382. >The big guy tries to come up with a response, but fails to come up with one.
  383. >"Yo, Flash, you gettin' this?" a voice can be heard saying. "That Anon dude stole yo girl."
  384. >"So are you sayin' that you were already taken? And then I came on to you?"
  385. >You nod.
  386. >Tyrone puts his head in his hands and groans.
  387. >"Aww, shit. I really nigged out back there, didn't I?"
  388. >He turns around and goes to Twilight, who is still horizontal on the grass.
  389. >"Dis bitch tellin' the truth?"
  390. >"In a manner of speaking."
  391. >"Sheeeeeeit."
  392. >Tyrone grabs her by the shoulders and brings her to her feet.
  393. >"Look man, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to steal yo girl. Just looking for some action is all. We fucked each other up pretty good back there, didn't we?"
  394. >He tries to swat some dirt off Anon's clothes, but that only makes the mess worse.
  395. >"As granny once said, you never take another man's girl. That is, unless she comes on to you."
  396. >You can't believe what you're hearing or seeing.
  397. >From the looks of it, neither can the rest of the watchers.
  398. >"As a way of sayin' sorry, I now consider you an honorary nigga. We cool?"
  399. >Twilight coughs.
  400. >"Yeah.," she rasps.
  401. >Tyrone holds out a fist, but Twilight's too exhausted to bump it.
  402. >He grabs her arm with his other hand and completes the 'peace-treaty.'
  403. >"Aight. See you around, nigga."
  404. >He leaves the ring, and the speechless crowd parts to let him through.
  405. >Twilight collapses on her knees, and you rush over to make sure your body's not hurt too badly.
  406. >With the fight over, the crowd of students slowly disperse and go back to class.
  407. >"Anon and TWILIGHT?"
  408. >"Who would've guessed?"
  409. >"Maybe he's desperate."
  410. >"I don't know, man. She seems like she'd be a monster in bed."
  411. >"In that case, she's definitely a keeper."
  412. >You rest a hand on her back to make sure she doesn't fall flat.
  413. >"Did we win?" Twilight asks, this time verbally.
  414. "Well, I wouldn't say that we lost. We made a pretty good team back there, didn't we?"
  415. >"You messed up in the end," she says with another cough. "I would've won if you actually did your job."
  416. >That's probably the closest you'll probably get to "nice work, Anon."
  417. >"I can still hear your mind, you know."
  418. "Ready to go to class?"
  419. >"You know what? Screw it. Let's go back to the lab. I can't focus when I'm in this shape."
  420. >Selfless as always.
  421. >You pull her up using both hands.
  422. "You? Skip class? Maybe it truly is the end of times."
  423. >She slings her arm over your shoulder and together you make your way out the school grounds.
  424. "Oh man, you should start lifting."
  425. >"Easier said than done when you're of the stronger sex."
  426. "Isn't that sexist?"
  427. >"It's a fact."
  429. >Celestia and Luna watch the whole spectacle from their office window.
  430. >"Is there ever a time when boys fight over something that's not a girl?" Luna asks.
  431. >Celestia sips her coffee.
  432. >"Probably not."
  433. >The school supervisor's voice crackles over a walkie-talkie on the desk.
  434. >"Did you guys see that fight? Probably the best one this year."
  435. >"Yeah," Celestia replies. "Kinda wished Twilight didn't intervene when she did, though. It was starting to get really good."
  437. "What's the code?"
  438. >"4242"
  439. >You punch the numbers in, and the door slides up.
  440. >"Welcome, Twilight and guest," the computer speaks.
  441. >You enter and your partner follows on her own. She's recovered enough strength to walk by herself.
  442. >Meaning she also has enough energy to go to a fridge and pull out a shot of cure-all.
  443. "Uh, are you sure that's safe?"
  444. >Twilight injects herself with the stuff, but doesn't expend all the contents. Within seconds, her bruises go away.
  445. >"Relax. It's just a small dose. Chances of cancer are almost nonexistent."
  446. "You said that before, but I got a tumor anyways."
  447. >"Still have some shark DNA left. Don't worry about it."
  448. >She puts the partially-used shot down on a table and picks up a test tube.
  449. >"Now I'm gonna go jerk it into this really quick. Hope you don't mind."
  450. "What?"
  451. >"I need a sample, and I figured that it's easier to get it when I'm in control of your body."
  452. >Your mouth hangs open.
  453. >She never ceases to surprise you.
  454. "Why would you need my cum? For science?"
  455. >"Well, yes. But it's also for your benefit."
  456. "How so?"
  457. >"I'm going to make sure that the cure I gave you isn't going to give you shark-babies."
  458. "That's a thing?"
  459. >Twilight twiddles the tube with her fingers.
  460. >"Only one way to find out."
  461. "Twi, of all the things you ask of me, this is by far the weirdest."
  462. >"Look. I know that you're insecure about virtually everything at this point in your life, but this honestly isn't that big a deal. I'll even do it in the bathroom if it makes you feel any better."
  463. >You have to admit, as confused as you are right now, you can't help but feel a little turned on by the request.
  464. >"I'll take that as a yes."
  465. >Oh, that's right. You can still read each other's thoughts.
  466. >Twilight immediately starts heading over to the lab bathroom, test tube in hand.
  467. >"Don't worry. It'll probably take no more than a couple minutes."
  468. >Ouch.
  469. >And with that she closes the door.
  470. >You wait outside and lead against the wall, wondering at what point in your life did everything go so wrong.
  471. >"So that's what it looks like up close," she thinks.
  472. >Can you hurry up, Twi?
  473. >"I thought that it would be...bigger. No offense," you hear her say through the walls.
  474. "And what's your idea of big, exactly?""
  475. >"Well, not this small."
  476. "It's not even hard right now, is it?"
  477. >"Oh."
  478. >Pause.
  479. >"How do I fix that?"
  480. "By getting aroused like people always do?"
  481. >"And how do boys usually get aroused?"
  482. >You sigh.
  483. >This is going to take a while.
  484. "Just think about stuff that gets you hot and bothered. Should be enough."
  485. >"I'm not sure, Anon. You can hear my thoughts."
  486. "Well this was your bright idea in the first place. Feel free to give up at any time."
  487. >"No! I'm said I'm gonna do it. No going back."
  488. >Whatever.
  489. >The bathroom goes silent as she starts using her imagination.
  490. >Now what makes Twilight Sparkle soak her panties? Or in this case, get her dick hard?
  491. >This should be interesting.
  492. >"Hey, Twilight," you hear a male voice say seductively in her mind. "Want to go read some books together on the top floor of the library? There's a nice spot by the window we can share."
  493. >Really?
  494. >"Shut up! I'm trying to think here!"
  495. >"Oh my, this encyclopedia is so...big. I don't think I can handle it all by myself, Twilight," the male voice resumes. "Want it together under the moonlight?"
  496. >At this point you're trying your best not to laugh out loud.
  497. >Your face starts to heat up as your sides threaten to explode into a million tiny little pieces.
  498. >This is too rich.
  499. >Talk about blackmail material.
  500. >Maybe you can have some fun with this.
  501. >Yes, Twilight. Let's read this one book under the moon's elegant rays. It's a spinoff of one of my favorite literary classics. I think you'll love it.
  502. >"Anon! Stop it!"
  503. >Would you, could you, in a house?
  504. >Would you, could you, in a blouse?
  505. >Would you, could you, in my bed?
  506. >Would you, could you, give me head?
  507. >At this point you're covering your mouth as you're struggling to remain upright.
  508. >Your lungs might burst at any second.
  509. >"Fuck this," she thinks. "I'll just jerk it until I'm done."
  510. >A half minute passes of complete silence as she tries to get it up.
  511. >"There we go. So what now?"
  512. "Keep rubbing it until stuff comes out."
  513. >"Okay, here goes nothing...ooh, so this is what it's like to have a dick."
  514. >Fucking weirdo.
  515. >You know what? No. If she gets to jerk off in your body, then you get to jerk off in hers. It's only fair.
  516. >No protest is heard as you strip off your clothes and toss them to the side.
  517. >Well, well, Twi. What nice breasts you have.
  518. >You give them a firm squeeze.
  519. >How do you like that, huh?
  520. >Still no response.
  521. >No, that won't do. You're not going to lose here.
  522. >You look down and examine her bare, lower bits. It's odd not seeing your junk where it's supposed to be. Then again, it's odd having tits. And being in a different body.
  523. >With a finger, you tease the outside. It's warm and wet, and you shiver as you run your finger up and down its length.
  524. >There are at least a hundred different ways this is fucked up.
  525. >This isn't turning you on. Nope. You're just trying to get back at Twilight is all.
  526. >"Take that, test tube. You're my bitch now," you hear her mentally grunt.
  527. >She better not be actually fucking the test tube.
  528. >"Don't worry. I'm not."
  529. >Phew.
  530. >You then start sticking your finger inside.
  531. >It feels different than having a dick. That's for sure.
  532. >All warm and wet, and the texture is rather--
  533. >"Gonna write me a novel there, doctor?"
  534. >Fuck this. Choo choo, motherfucker. You're going to ram a train into this bitch.
  535. >You start to furiously finger-fuck yourself as you tease a nipple with the other hand.
  536. "How do you, nnnngh, like that, Twi? An eye for an eye."
  537. >"Whatever, ahh, Anon."
  538. >Oh, it's on.
  539. >You increase your pace and start moaning, your voice echoing across the spacious lab.
  540. >Let's see who enjoys this more, eh?
  541. >Soon, you feel your body reaching its peak, and you fly over it like a coked-up jokey on a rocket-powered semi.
  542. >The orgasm ripples across your body and your quivering legs struggle to keep you up.
  543. >As it subsides, you pull out your hand and examine it.
  544. >It's soaking wet, and some strands of her fluids are roped between her fingers.
  545. >Heh. Take...that, Twi. I win.
  546. >"Oh, fuck," she thinks.
  547. >Yeah. Doesn't feel good to be in second place, does it?
  548. >"It's not that, idiot."
  549. >What?
  550. >A pause.
  551. >"Don't be mad, but I might have gotten your dick stuck in the tube."
  552. >WHAT?
  553. >"It's your fault! Your stupid antics got me carried away!"
  554. >You open the door in your naked glory to find your body with its pants down, the tip of its dick stuck in the still empty glass object.
  555. >Looks like in the end, the test tube is the one who made Twilight its bitch.
  556. "You gotta be fucking kidding me."
  557. >Twilight blushes as she gives an apologetic shrug.
  558. >"Care to lend me a hand?"
  559. "Alright, let me figure something out," you say with a sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.
  560. >Let's see. There's a sink, a cup, and some soap.
  561. >That'll do.
  562. >You go over and prepare a warm cup of soap water.
  563. "Alright, Twi. Hold my dick steady while I hold the tube."
  564. >You kneel down and grab the tube with your free hand.
  565. >With careful aim, you pour some water over the stuck appendage.
  566. "Now pull."
  567. >She jerks back a bit, but the head moves only a little.
  568. "Okay, let's try this again."
  569. >You apply some more water.
  570. "Again."
  571. >It slides out a little bit more.
  572. >Almost there. Come on.
  573. >You empty the cup.
  574. "Okay, that should be enough. Now pull gently."
  575. >Twilight's biting her lip as she slowly removes her dick from the tube.
  576. >It then pops out, and the sensation causes her to start cumming...
  577. >...all over you.
  578. >The first spurt hits you directly in the face, blinding you on the spot.
  579. >The second and third land on your neck and chest.
  580. >Some even gets in your mouth.
  581. >You clutch at your throat and start to dry heave.
  582. >It tastes so gross.
  583. >Oh jeez this is fucking disgusting what the fucking fuck.
  584. >Meanwhile Twilight looks like she's in heaven.
  585. >"Oh man. That was...interesting."
  586. >You rush over to the sink and try to clean your mouth with the running water, but the taste just won't go away.
  587. >"Hey, Anon. You okay?"
  588. "Just switch our bodies back. Please. I think I'm gonna be sick."
  589. >"Okay, but first..."
  590. >She brings up the test tube and scrapes the opening against your face, where your seed still is.
  591. >After she seems satisfied with the amount collected, Twilight heads out the bathroom.
  592. >"Alright. Come on out when you're ready."
  593. >You look at your teary-eyed, cum-covered body in the mirror.
  594. >Is this what it feels like to be a slut?
  595. >If you ever have a daughter, you're going to do everything in your power to make her a lesbian.
  596. >"Oh grow up. A little splooge won't kill you."
  597. >Then why do you feel so dead inside?
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