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Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. I recently went to a homecoming dance, and saw the guy I'm interested in, who was a grade above me. My friend decided to ask if he'd dance with me without me knowing, and he came up behind me wanting to talk to me. This happened quite a few times, where he kept getting close because he wanted to dance. We danced for a minute, and then I became more comfortable and started dancing with friends. According to my friends, and even I saw him looking at me multiple times. I believe he even took a girl and got right by me to make me jealous. However, today was just an ordinary day - and it was like the way he was acting was just a dream. He has talked to me once or twice, but never how I thought. It upsets me that even his friends are happy being around me. Did I do something wrong? I was told I left him wanting more, and that's why he kept staring? I really need help. Thank you.
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