

Oct 20th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Okay so here's my current supplement & dietary setup. Most of this is from my own trial & error and research over the years, and recommendations from more professional nutritionists and athletes.
  3. If you're reading this you also already know the obvious stuff like getting 7+ hrs sleep, limiting/avoiding alcohol and sugars, lifting weights, maintaining good posture, 10-20 min of daily sun exposure (as unclothed as you can get away with), eating local/organic greens, red meat, organ meat, animal fats, eggs and dairy, so I will not restate the obvious there. If you're new to all that then you might want to start here instead otherwise my list below will not help you much:
  5. Context: I'm mid-30s male, testosterone levels last measured at 554ng/dl on the low end if depressed/sick, mid 600's when I'm of average mood & adequate rest. In my teens and much of my 20s I was varying levels of fat, skinnyfat, or skinny, getting frequently sick or depressed, before becoming as fit as I am now. As I've been taking the nutrients listed below and keeping an active lifestyle, I've had consistently much higher energy levels, better mental focus & creativity, better mood, lower instances of inflammation, and very rarely get sick (maybe 2-3 times a year at most),
  9. With what brands to get, generally avoid anything made in China if at all possible. EU has best quality, followed by US/CAN. "GMP" seal is a good indicator of organic/non-GMO quality according to my Russian herbmancing stepmother.
  11. Pills:
  12. - Life Extension Two Per Day multivitamin - - (if you can afford only 1 thing on this list, make it this one. Everything else you can probably do fine without, but if you're still feeling deficient consider trying them out.)
  13. - Tumeric-Curcumin - - (helps reduce inflammation, very useful for athletes & artists at risk for tendonitis or carpal-tunnel. Consume with a dollop of coconut oil to aid bioavailability, otherwise it won't absorb well)
  14. - Choline CDP - - (your brain needs this for fuel. Normally sourced from eggs and animal fats, but modern diets are often deficient in it. I take this before bed since it makes me a little too relaxed)
  16. Probiotics:
  17. - BioGaia Gastrus - - (Great probiotic. Improves all-around wellness associated with having healthy gut microbia.)
  19. Powders
  20. - Creatine Monohydrate - - (vital for weightlifting, may also be a mild focus enhancer)
  21. - L-Citrulline - - (similar to L-Arginine but with better taste, kind of like lemon powder. Improves vascularity/blood pump, great for all physical exercises. Men with ED may benefit from this I am told)
  22. - Glycine - - (I take 4tsp before sleep. Promotes healthy skin, rest, muscle tissue recovery from workouts. Also gives you insane psychedelic dreams. Also has a nice sweet taste so it's a good sugar alternative in coffee/tea)
  23. - Maca root powder - - (T-booster possibly. Also just plain tastes good in chocolate milk)
  24. - Raw cacao powder - - (full of antioxidants, improves blood flow. Add it to smoothies, pancayks, make your own chocolate, etc.)
  26. Food things:
  27. - Whey protein - -(any brand that has fewest artificial ingredients. Before/after workouts or as a meal substitute if you're in a hurry. Avoid ones with sucralose sweetener, try to go for stevia instead)
  28. - Fermented foods: kvass, garlic, cabbage, carrots, and kimchi all homemade (all probiotic and promote healthy gut. Most people on modern diets have poor gut microbia which effects everything from mood to immune system to endocrine system. This helps replenish it. Also very very tasty, and garlic is very powerful immune system & T-levels booster)
  29. - Raw ginger in smoothies
  30. - Raw garlic as a garnish. Crushing the garlic before eating apparently releases more beneficial enzymes than if you just ate it whole or cooked.
  31. - On raw vegetables: some people get really bad stomach discomfort from certain raw veggies, but cooking them can also lessen the nutrient quality. I love broccoli but putting it into smoothies would give me mega-bloating. WAT DO? Ferment them! It's easy, fun, delicious, and a great way to preserve vegetables for months. Any search engine for "fermented [veggie here]" will find you recipes.
  33. Stimulants (I use these only when needed, and try to take periodic tolerance-reset breaks):
  34. - Coffee (Limited to 2 cups per day. Black or blended with ghee & coconut oil. I use medium or dark roast b/c of lower caffeine. Throw in 1tsp glycine to get a nice calm level of alertness)
  35. - Phenylpiracetam 200mg (originally made for Soviet cosmonauts, can now be bought from most nootropic outlets. You need to take choline before you take this otherwise it's like driving a race car without engine oil. In my experience it only works if you're well-rested and will multiply your energy/focus like a "cleaner" Adderall.)
  37. Misc:
  38. - Carlson's Fish Oil - - (Great for joint health, also some small T-boosting qualities)
  39. - Magnesium oil (apply it to skin before sleep, usually on sensitive skin areas like inner arms and inner thighs) helps relaxation and magnesium is effective when absorbed epidermally. Not 100% necessary since my LifeExtension multi contains magnesium.
  40. - Exercise your jaw. Chew tough foods, chew sugar-free gum. I like cinnamon-flavored xylitol gum to freshen the mouth, but I more commonly chew Greek mastic gum ( ). It's all natural, may have some health benefits, and it's super tough so it gives your jaw muscles a nice pump.
  41. - I'm selective about my carbs, usually prefer to eat them before a big workout or on weekends.
  42. - I don't eat breakfast til 12pm/1pm, and try to eat only as much as I need to no longer feel hungry. I have a large dinner instead. Eating normal breakfast in the morning seems to make me really sluggish around noon. The EXCEPTIONS to this are workout days, where I usually have a scoop of oatmeal, banana and protein powder blended up to fuel my workout.
  43. - Force yourself to smile periodically throughout the day. It'll firm your cheeks up like Charles Bronson and possibly release dopamine.
  44. - When I'm trying to cut weight, I do intermittent fasting and eat only between 1pm and 7pm. Having a firm start/end time for eating is way easier than counting calories and resisting snacks, but that's just me.
  46. Previous supplements I'm not taking at the moment:
  47. - Beet root powder (Tried this out for a while, didn't really notice anything from it. Beets are good for you though so it can't hurt to try if you see it on sale)
  48. - L-Theanine (energy booster/regulator. Takes the edge off caffeine and gives you a smoother alertness. Helps lower my anxiety/hypervigilance which in turn improves mood and focus. Sometimes elicits feelings of monastic contentment & bliss.)
  49. - Ashwaghanda (promotes improved mood and relaxation. Not sure I notice its effexts as much as I do L-Theanine, need to experiment more. I usually take this before bed since it does seem to make me sleepy.)
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