
Unknown Armies #0, 12/27/2016

Dec 27th, 2016
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  1. Icon [] entered the room. (6:39:24 PM)
  2. LittleSection [~section@2607:fea8:a75f:ff67:1cb0:7ca5:fd11:565b] entered the room. (6:40:48 PM)
  3. 6:41:03 PM LittleSection: where does this name come from, anyway?
  4. 6:41:11 PM Anonus: i dunno ask Calica
  5. 6:41:15 PM Anonus: i think this is his channel
  6. 6:41:21 PM LittleSection: I want to know whether I can say "Ha ha! Thassa joke!" to it or not
  7. 6:41:31 PM Anonus: oh it is
  8. 6:41:32 PM Anonus: he owns it
  9. 6:41:47 PM LittleSection: I'm logging now BTW
  10. 6:42:16 PM Anonus: ok
  11. 6:42:17 PM Anonus: cool
  12. CentralAve [] entered the room. (6:45:39 PM)
  13. LittleSection is now known as Section42L (6:46:36 PM)
  14. 6:47:15 PM Section42L: I've got it downloaded now
  15. 6:47:47 PM Anonus: ok cool
  16. Yarrun [] entered the room. (6:48:24 PM)
  17. 6:48:30 PM Yarrun: -test-
  18. 6:48:30 PM Anonus: hi Yarrun
  19. 6:48:32 PM Yarrun: hi
  20. 6:48:34 PM Anonus: got the book?
  21. 6:48:44 PM Yarrun: never gave me a link to it?
  22. 6:48:55 PM Section42L: Anonus: UA looks very Neil Gaiman
  23. 6:48:56 PM Section42L: I dig it
  24. 6:49:01 PM Anonus: ooh
  25. 6:49:05 PM Section42L: Yarrun: look in the PM grou[
  26. 6:49:07 PM Section42L: *group
  27. 6:49:20 PM Section42L: Anonus: maybe not Gaiman specifically, but the illustrations and the spelling of "magick" feel very 1990s Vertigo
  28. 6:49:44 PM Anonus: that makes sense
  29. 6:49:51 PM Yarrun: got it
  30. SF_Sorrow [] entered the room. (6:50:26 PM)
  31. 6:50:46 PM Anonus: hi SF_Sorrow
  32. 6:53:13 PM Anonus: >You follow Buddha or Allah or Shiva? Thry don't reward you with j:lCk except maybe inner pe:lce, and you can buy that shit dowl1Iown for fifteen bucks a pop.
  33. 6:53:28 PM Anonus: goddamn the way preview parses this text is wack
  34. 6:53:38 PM CentralAve: Anonus: OCR
  35. 6:53:43 PM Icon: omg
  36. 6:53:44 PM Anonus: anyway I don't know what "inner peace" refers to? beer? crack?
  37. 6:53:59 PM Icon: rong chat
  38. 6:54:05 PM CentralAve: Icon: cute though
  39. 6:54:10 PM Icon: Yes
  40. 6:54:46 PM Section42L: nice
  41. 6:58:11 PM Icon: I wonder who will Gee Emm
  42. 6:58:19 PM Anonus: we don't know yet
  43. 6:59:15 PM Anonus: I'm reading through the book and I'm not sure if y'all would prefer Street, Global, or Cosmic
  44. 7:00:15 PM Icon: Street, personally
  45. 7:00:34 PM Yarrun: Well, all of us are novices when it comes to this game, so it'll be easier for us and easier for whoever the untested GM is to start with Street.
  46. 7:00:47 PM Yarrun: once we're done with the main campaign, we can take on Global & Cosmic
  47. 7:00:52 PM CentralAve: Street sounds good to me
  48. 7:02:17 PM Section42L: yeah, Street
  49. 7:02:38 PM Anonus: Street seems like fun
  50. 7:08:26 PM Anonus: I'm not sure who's GMing yet either, Section42L and Icon both expressed interest I think?
  51. 7:08:47 PM Icon: Oh my god the Curb Service example is so Hotline Miami
  52. 7:09:01 PM Anonus: I said I would if no one else was going to, but I admit I am having a bit of trouble parsing the book, I'll get the hang of it though
  53. 7:09:57 PM Icon: So what're we doing here aside from reading the book...
  54. 7:12:15 PM Anonus: I figured if we had time/interest we'd come up with characters, but if tonight isn't the best night for that we can do that another night
  55. 7:12:37 PM Section42L: it'll have to be Thursday if we do
  56. 7:12:39 PM Section42L: I'm working tomorrow
  57. 7:12:42 PM CentralAve: Well we need to work out a GM first
  58. 7:13:35 PM Icon: So we basically only need to read Book 1, which simplifies things
  59. 7:13:50 PM Icon: Save for the GM and the GM part of the book ofc
  60. 7:14:36 PM Anonus: ok
  61. 7:14:39 PM Section42L: the talk about archetypes feels Gaiman-like
  62. 7:14:56 PM Anonus: I like having a Noble Passion
  63. 7:20:06 PM Icon: I don't think I'm doen for being the GM rn.
  64. 7:20:09 PM Anonus: >Leo: Leadership and authority are your strengths. Arrogance and an insaiiable hunger for approval are your weaknesses. You need people to do things to. You'd make a good CEO or cult leader,
  65. 7:20:13 PM Anonus: Icon: I understand
  66. 7:21:59 PM Section42L: I'm not sure I could do the GM either
  67. 7:22:05 PM Section42L: I'd be willing to give it a try if I had to, btu I dunno
  68. 7:22:07 PM Section42L: *but
  69. 7:25:17 PM Anonus: well, in case it falls to me, let me go look at the "For the GM" chapters
  70. 7:26:05 PM Section42L: yeah, see if you can do it
  71. 7:26:10 PM Yarrun: I can't even get a decent CYOA going. I think if I try to GM, the whole thing'll collapse within a week
  72. 7:29:38 PM Anonus: >Sorry to break the fourth wall and everything
  73. 7:29:40 PM Anonus: Sorry?
  74. 7:29:52 PM Anonus: so yeah for GMing it seems to be down to me or Section42L
  75. 7:30:02 PM Anonus: i am reading over the "For the GM" stuff
  76. 7:30:45 PM Anonus: ooh Saint-Germain seems badass
  77. 7:30:53 PM CentralAve: insert Rarity joke
  78. 7:30:59 PM Anonus: yeah i thought of her too
  79. 7:33:34 PM Anonus: ugh i'm probably reading this book in the wrong order
  80. 7:33:45 PM Anonus: there's stuff about the Otherside Room and stuff and I don't know how to even work that in
  81. 7:34:19 PM Section42L: I'm only on page 24 so far but I have to say I do much prefer this book to the Sorcerer one already
  82. 7:34:24 PM Icon: I said we should have like, read this as a baseline and then planned from wherever. :/
  83. 7:34:25 PM Anonus: Section42L: do you find it any easier, or harder, to understand?
  84. 7:34:27 PM Icon: Section42L: 30s-40s
  85. SF_Sorrow left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 206 seconds). (7:34:56 PM)
  86. 7:34:57 PM Section42L: Anonus: I haven't really got up to the game stuff yet, but it just feels so much more colourful
  87. 7:38:02 PM Anonus: ooh
  88. 7:38:21 PM Anonus: Section42L: well I meant do you "get" this stuff better than I do?
  89. 7:38:29 PM Icon: The game stuff is... much more intensive, and has a lot more moving parts, than Sorcerer, never mind Dogs in the Vineyard.
  90. 7:38:32 PM Section42L: I don't think so?
  91. 7:38:33 PM Icon: IMO
  92. 7:38:34 PM Anonus: oh
  93. 7:38:36 PM Section42L: yeah, agreed with Icon
  94. 7:38:56 PM Section42L: I really like the prose in this book, but Sorcerer was definitely easier to understand
  95. 7:39:13 PM Anonus: Calica said the rules were a bit tough to understand!
  96. 7:39:29 PM Anonus: Ugh I seem to be in over my head hre
  97. 7:39:31 PM Anonus: *here
  98. 7:39:35 PM CentralAve: this does seem to be a rather complex game
  99. 7:39:37 PM Icon: They are more complex.
  100. 7:39:40 PM Icon: Timing, eh.
  101. 7:39:46 PM CentralAve: makes me wish i'd looked at the book before now
  102. 7:39:52 PM Icon: Cough, cough cough...
  103. 7:40:20 PM Anonus: Icon: I'm sorry I kept putting it off >_<
  104. 7:40:27 PM CentralAve: Anonus: we all did, so
  105. 7:40:47 PM Icon: Well I mean I already read parts of it years ago, but like.
  106. 7:40:48 PM Section42L: yeah...
  107. 7:40:54 PM Icon: Planning.
  108. 7:43:35 PM Anonus: I understand
  109. 7:44:00 PM Anonus: If you were up for it I thought you'd make a good GM because you just seem so focused and organized and stuff
  110. 7:45:03 PM Icon: Not in the best headspace even tho I'd otherwise be down for it, but I'd have to read the book thoroughly, figure out how to setup character sheets, etc.
  111. 7:46:26 PM Anonus: OK
  112. 7:46:49 PM Anonus: I'm not sure what order to read the book in, tbh
  113. 7:46:55 PM Icon: It's in the intro
  114. 7:47:15 PM Icon: Like, around page 5
  115. 7:47:41 PM Icon: Like I said, all of us only need to read at least book 1, but book 4 is for the Gamemaster, so...
  116. 7:48:00 PM Anonus: Alright
  117. 7:48:05 PM Icon: So up to page ~78 and then page whatever to whatever for GMing
  118. 7:48:25 PM Icon: 228+ for GMing
  119. 7:50:08 PM Anonus: Icon: well, when do you feel you'll be in a better headspace? I am open to GMing but still, just asking
  120. 7:50:13 PM Icon: Suggestion: We set this aside for now, and plan to meet here, again, at exactly the same time, 2 or however many days later. Know how the game works, brainstorm characters indvidually, and then sand off any rough edges - as this is a collaborative game - during Session 0... point 2.
  121. 7:50:19 PM Icon: Anonus: I dunno lol year's been hard
  122. 7:50:24 PM Anonus: I'm sorry
  123. 7:50:48 PM Anonus: Anyway yeah let's call it a night and come back on, oh, Thursday or Friday?
  124. 7:51:13 PM Anonus: I've still got the book open
  125. 7:51:25 PM Icon: IMO Friday, although I'll be transparent and say I'm suggesting that because Thursday is PokeNight
  126. 7:51:40 PM Icon: (And Myr's streams but, I don't know for sure about making all of those etc.)
  127. 7:51:51 PM Section42L: there's no stream this Thursday, so we could do it then if we wanted to
  128. 7:51:58 PM Section42L: Friday would probably be better overall, though
  129. 7:52:06 PM Icon: Oh, right.
  130. 7:52:17 PM CentralAve: Friday sounds good to me.
  131. 7:52:26 PM Anonus: Yeah Friday seems good to me too
  132. 7:53:25 PM Yarrun: Hmm
  133. 7:53:45 PM Yarrun: I will say that Friday's usually martial arts underground RP with Kraken
  134. 7:53:53 PM Yarrun: But it wouldn't be the first time I've had to multitask
  135. 7:54:25 PM Anonus: well, good luck
  136. 8:03:35 PM Yarrun: when will we most likely be starting?
  137. 8:04:05 PM Anonus: Sometime next month? I'll be visiting Centie from January 3-8 so that adds a wrinkle
  138. 8:04:26 PM CentralAve: Anonus: that's only really one week we'd have to skip
  139. 8:04:34 PM Anonus: CentralAve: yeah, it is
  140. 8:04:44 PM Anonus: i dunno it's just, i dunno how to balance this with school and stuff
  141. 8:05:02 PM Anonus: I'm not taking any in-person classes this Spring Semester so that ought to make things a tad easier on my end
  142. 8:05:08 PM Yarrun: Oh, I meant when in the day
  143. 8:05:09 PM CentralAve: alright
  144. 8:05:13 PM Yarrun: like, clock time
  145. 8:07:42 PM Icon: Presumably 8 ET
  146. 8:07:53 PM Anonus: Yeah
  147. 8:07:56 PM Icon: Unless something different works, which, hey
  148. 8:07:57 PM Anonus: Around then would work
  149. 8:09:28 PM Yarrun: suggestion
  150. 8:09:28 PM Section42L: 8 ET would probably be good, yeah
  151. 8:09:32 PM Section42L: yeah?
  152. 8:09:37 PM Yarrun: the book mentions something about a 'circle of friends'
  153. 8:09:47 PM Yarrun: i.e. we've all known each other before magic shit starts happening
  154. 8:09:56 PM Icon: Yep.
  155. 8:09:58 PM Yarrun: so maybe we're part of an occult club or something like that?
  156. 8:10:15 PM Anonus: ooh
  157. 8:10:42 PM Icon: Before going off to get food I was actually going to comment all "BTW, we should brainstorm setting ideas here for later, before we final them."
  158. 8:10:49 PM Anonus: Yeah that sounds good
  159. 8:10:53 PM Icon: So, guess I'l ldo that
  160. 8:11:06 PM Anonus: Character ideas too or nah?
  161. 8:11:25 PM Yarrun: and maybe we finally got our first real clue a few weeks ago, and since then everyone's felt off for some undiscernable reason
  162. 8:12:34 PM Icon: Anonus: If you want, I guess.
  163. 8:13:00 PM Icon: I'm personally going to keep mum on my girl until I wrangle something out
  164. 8:13:04 PM Yarrun: Of course, that's just one option
  165. 8:13:39 PM Icon: Tht and I don't rly need to brainstorm it in a group, nor does anyone need to really. It's individuals and a collective unit working concurrently, so, yannow
  166. 8:13:48 PM Icon: Yarrun: I'll keep open to it at least
  167. 8:14:05 PM Icon: Now food
  168. 8:15:18 PM Anonus: ok
  169. 8:15:39 PM Anonus: I'm blanking on character ideas
  170. 8:16:39 PM CentralAve: Anonus: I thought you were the GM
  171. 8:16:43 PM Yarrun: So far (I'm reading as I go), the book has suggested 'circle of friends' (i.e. we're friends first and wacky magic people scond), 'occult investigators' (i.e. we are first and foremost about finding wacky magic stuff) or 'vigilantes' (i.e. we fuck other people's shit up)
  172. 8:17:28 PM Anonus: CentralAve: Well, that's not 100% certain yet, unless no one else is interested
  173. 8:18:43 PM Yarrun: Also, Anonus, tell me you don't want to be a plutomancer
  174. SF_Sorrow [] entered the room. (8:19:24 PM)
  175. 8:22:23 PM Anonus: do plutomancers exist on street level?
  176. 8:25:06 PM Yarrun: Well, not necessarily
  177. 8:25:25 PM Yarrun: Adepts and Avatars aren't recommended for street level
  178. 8:25:33 PM Yarrun: At least, not at first
  179. 8:25:54 PM Yarrun: But you could always make your obsession 'cash money' and maybe you can finagle that into becoming an Adept Plutomancer later
  180. 8:25:59 PM Yarrun: Maybe. Again, I'm still reading
  181. 8:26:59 PM Anonus: It seems fun but I'm not sure I wanna be a Gordon Gekko type
  182. 8:28:48 PM Yarrun: Doesn't have to be a corporate type
  183. 8:28:58 PM Yarrun: the X-mancies are usually a little bit flexible
  184. 8:29:22 PM Anonus: oh
  185. 8:29:46 PM Anonus: well, I'm thinking about how Henrico Magellan was basically ABC Warner-me with the serial numbers filed off
  186. 8:29:58 PM Anonus: I'm not sure I'm overly interested in being that type of character here
  187. 8:33:03 PM Yarrun: That's fair
  188. 8:35:42 PM Anonus: I don't know, "cash money" for an obsession? What's a good obsession?
  189. 8:36:24 PM Anonus: I'm not sure I like "cash money"? Reverting to childhood? Getting my parents back together to return to some idealized vision of life?
  190. 8:36:36 PM Anonus: Reverting to childhood seems more like CentralAve though, unless she wants something else
  191. 8:36:56 PM CentralAve: that is pretty me
  192. 8:40:24 PM Anonus: CentralAve: well, what obsession do you want to have?
  193. 8:41:03 PM CentralAve: Anonus: I'm gonna sleep on it
  194. 8:42:05 PM Anonus: CentralAve: ok
  195. 8:42:29 PM Anonus: Icon: what do you think is a good setting
  196. 8:43:53 PM Icon: Right now I'm not thinking about yhis, I'm eating
  197. 8:43:58 PM Icon: And doing other stuff.
  198. 8:44:21 PM Icon: Called setting aside chunks of time to concentrate on it, reading in set increments or intervals, and other stuff
  199. 8:45:18 PM Icon: Anonus: Definitions for obsessions are in the books, ctrl-f obsession
  200. 8:45:27 PM Icon: Page 29
  201. 8:45:54 PM Anonus: Icon: Oh oop I'm sorry
  202. 8:46:10 PM Anonus: Icon: I looked at the obsessions like Entertainment and stuff I thought like
  203. 8:46:16 PM Anonus: that was just an example and not to be actually used
  204. 8:46:35 PM Anonus: Oh wait that was a passion nvm
  205. 8:46:37 PM Anonus: got confused
  206. 8:47:19 PM Anonus: Pleasure? Sounds like playing a Pinkie Pie expy or something
  207. 8:47:28 PM CentralAve: hee hee
  208. 8:48:59 PM Yarrun: I think I'm moving towards a support character
  209. CentralAve is now known as ShowerAvenue (8:49:32 PM)
  210. 8:50:52 PM Icon: I'm still mulling it over in general so
  211. 8:51:01 PM Anonus: a support character?
  212. 8:51:17 PM Anonus: anyway I'm still mulling over a character in case someone besides me ends up GMing this
  213. 8:51:56 PM Yarrun: Someone who probably won't be throwing punches or pulling off crazy stunts
  214. 8:52:59 PM Yarrun: Someone who spends most of their time making sure no one else dies or goes mad
  215. 8:53:10 PM Yarrun: Also might do a face character. The guy who does most of the talking
  216. 8:54:01 PM Anonus: ooh
  217. 8:56:45 PM Anonus: maybe my character, if I end up playing one, should be, like, fixated on comedy and laughter
  218. 8:56:56 PM Anonus: of course that's basically an exaggeration of myself ._.
  219. 9:04:15 PM Anonus: I'm honestly not sure I have enough of an understanding at this point to confidently say I will be the GM
  220. 9:04:25 PM Anonus: Of course it doesn't seem like anything's nailed down yet
  221. ShowerAvenue is now known as CentralAve (9:09:02 PM)
  222. 9:10:22 PM Anonus: i'm kinda tired
  223. 9:10:35 PM Anonus: anybody else still wanna exchange ideas or anything?
  224. 9:10:49 PM Icon: I might later in PMs
  225. 9:10:54 PM Anonus: ok
  226. 9:12:19 PM Anonus: i'm just wondering if we oughta call it quits for this formalized session, meet back here on Friday, and maybe look at the book and talk about things informally in the meantime?
  227. 9:13:55 PM CentralAve: Anonus: That sounds good to me
  228. 9:25:43 PM Yarrun: Psychologist. I believe I'll be playing a psychologist
  229. 9:25:47 PM Yarrun: That is all. Good night.
  230. Yarrun left the room (quit: Quit: Web client closed). (9:25:51 PM)
  231. 9:25:51 PM Anonus: Good night
  232. 9:26:28 PM Anonus: So are we done for the night? I'd like to know so I can pastebin this
  233. 9:27:47 PM CentralAve: Anonus: I think so
  234. 9:27:49 PM Anonus: OK
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