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Oct 16th, 2019
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  1. variables:
  2. {bounty::%player%} = 0
  4. options:
  5. version: v1.4
  7. every 1 second:
  8. loop all players:
  9. if {bounty::%loop-player%} isn't set:
  10. set {bounty::%loop-player%} to 0
  12. command /bounty [<text>] [<player>] [<integer>]:
  13. trigger:
  14. if arg-1 is set:
  15. if arg-1 is "add":
  16. if arg-2 is set:
  17. if arg-3 is a integer:
  18. set {bcooldown} to difference between {bcooldown.%player%} and now
  19. if {bcooldown} is less than 2 minutes:
  20. send "&8➡ &cERROR &7You must wait %difference between {bcooldown} and 2 minutes% to bounty again."
  21. play sound "" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  22. stop
  23. set {bcooldown.%player%} to now
  24. if arg-2 isn't the player:
  25. if player's balance >= arg-3:
  26. if arg-3 is bigger than 0:
  27. add arg-3 to {bounty::%arg-2%}
  28. remove arg-3 from player's balance
  29. broadcast "&e&m&l---&6&m&l*&e&m&l-----------&6&l BOUNTIES &e&m&l-----------&6&m&l*&e&m&l---"
  30. broadcast "&7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &6%player% &7Bountied &6%arg-2%%nl%&7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7For &6$%arg-3%&7."
  31. play sound "mob.villager.yes" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  32. else:
  33. send "&8➡ &cERROR &7You cannot bounty players with 0 or below."
  34. play sound "" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  35. else:
  36. send "&8➡ &cERROR &7You do not have enough money."
  37. play sound "" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  38. else:
  39. send "&8➡ &cERROR &7You cannot bounty yourself."
  40. play sound "" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  41. if arg-1 is set:
  42. if arg-1 is "check":
  43. if arg-2 is set:
  44. send "&e&m&l---&6&m&l*&e&m&l-----------&6&l BOUNTIES &e&m&l-----------&6&m&l*&e&m&l---"
  45. send "&8➡ &7Username: &e%arg-2%"
  46. send "&8➡ &7Bounty: &e$%{bounty::%arg-2%}%"
  47. play sound "mob.villager.yes" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  48. else:
  49. if player doesn't have the permission "bounty.admin":
  50. send "&e&m&l---&6&m&l*&e&m&l-----------&6&l BOUNTIES &e&m&l-----------&6&m&l*&e&m&l---"
  51. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty add (player) (amount) &7Gives a player a bounty."
  52. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty check (player) &7Check your or another player's bounty info."
  53. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty info &7The skript info."
  54. else:
  55. send "&e&m&l---&6&m&l*&e&m&l-----------&6&l BOUNTIES &e&m&l-----------&6&m&l*&e&m&l---"
  56. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty add (player) (amount) &7Gives a player a bounty."
  57. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty check (player) &7Check your or another player's bounty info."
  58. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty info &7The skript info."
  59. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty addbounty (player) (amount) &7This is a admin command it adds a player's bounty."
  60. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty setbounty (player) (amount) &7This is a admin command it sets a player's bounty."
  61. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty resetbounty (player) &7This is a admin command it resets a player's bounty"
  62. play sound "mob.villager.yes" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  63. play sound "mob.villager.yes" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  64. else:
  65. if player doesn't have the permission "bounty.admin":
  66. send "&e&m&l---&6&m&l*&e&m&l-----------&6&l BOUNTIES &e&m&l-----------&6&m&l*&e&m&l---"
  67. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty add (player) (amount) &7Gives a player a bounty."
  68. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty check (player) &7Check your or another player's bounty info."
  69. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty info &7The skript info."
  70. else:
  71. send "&e&m&l---&6&m&l*&e&m&l-----------&6&l BOUNTIES &e&m&l-----------&6&m&l*&e&m&l---"
  72. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty add (player) (amount) &7Gives a player a bounty."
  73. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty check (player) &7Check your or another player's bounty info."
  74. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty info &7The skript info."
  75. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty addbounty (player) (amount) &7This is a admin command it adds a player's bounty."
  76. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty setbounty (player) (amount) &7This is a admin command it sets a player's bounty."
  77. send "&8 &8➡ &e/bounty resetbounty (player) &7This is a admin command it resets a player's bounty"
  78. play sound "mob.villager.yes" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  79. play sound "mob.villager.yes" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  80. if arg-1 is set:
  81. if arg-1 is "addbounty":
  82. if arg-2 is set:
  83. if arg-3 is a integer:
  84. if player has the permission "bounty.admin":
  85. add arg-3 to {bounty::%arg-2%}
  86. loop all players:
  87. if loop-player has the permission "bounty.admin":
  88. send "&8 &8➡ &7%player% Has added $%arg-3% to %arg-2%'s bounty."
  89. play sound "mob.villager.yes" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  90. else:
  91. play sound "" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  92. if arg-1 is set:
  93. if arg-1 is "setbounty":
  94. if arg-2 is set:
  95. if arg-3 is a integer:
  96. if player has the permission "bounty.admin":
  97. set {bounty::%arg-2%} to arg-3
  98. loop all players:
  99. if loop-player has the permission "bounty.admin":
  100. send "&8 &8➡ &7%player% Has set $%arg-3% to %arg-2%'s bounty."
  101. play sound "mob.villager.yes" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  102. else:
  103. play sound "" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  104. if arg-1 is set:
  105. if arg-1 is "resetbounty":
  106. if arg-2 is set:
  107. if player has the permission "bounty.admin":
  108. set {bounty::%arg-2%} to 0
  109. loop all players:
  110. if loop-player has the permission "bounty.admin":
  111. send "&8 &8➡ &7%player% Has reset %arg-2%'s bounty."
  112. play sound "mob.villager.yes" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  113. else:
  114. play sound "" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  115. if arg-1 is set:
  116. if arg-1 is "info":
  117. send "&e&m&l---&6&m&l*&e&m&l-----------&6&l BOUNTIES &e&m&l-----------&6&m&l*&e&m&l---"
  118. send "&8 &8➡ &fMade by Botable"
  119. send "&8 &8➡ &fVersion: &7{@version}"
  120. send "&7(Thanks to Viagrin and Ezzenix for allowing me to make this skript.)"
  121. play sound "mob.villager.yes" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at player's location for player
  123. on death:
  124. if attacker is a player:
  125. if {bounty::%victim%} is bigger than 0:
  126. broadcast "&e&m&l---&6&m&l*&e&m&l-----------&6&l BOUNTIES &e&m&l-----------&6&m&l*&e&m&l---"
  127. broadcast "&7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &6%attacker% &7Has claimed &6%victim%'s%nl%&7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7 &7Bounty &6(%{bounty::%victim%}%)."
  128. add {bounty::%victim%} to attacker's balance
  129. set {bounty::%victim%} to 0
  130. loop all players:
  131. play sound "random.orb" with volume 3 and pitch 1 at loop-player's location for loop-player
  133. every 1 second:
  134. loop all players:
  135. if {bounty::%loop-player%} is bigger than 0:
  136. set loop-player's tablist name to "%loop-player's prefix%%loop-player% &6(%{bounty::%loop-player%}%)"
  137. else:
  138. set loop-player's tablist name to "%loop-player's prefix%%loop-player%"
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