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Dec 18th, 2015
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  1. 2015-12-18 18:45:54] [Output] : [English] ((Tim Harrison)) Megaphone <O: Drive to the side of the road
  2. [2015-12-18 18:45:58] [Output] : Opening The Mako Span heading South toll gates.
  3. [2015-12-18 18:45:58] [Output] : Opening The Mako Span heading North toll gates.
  4. [2015-12-18 18:46:03] [Output] : Opening The Mako Span heading South toll gates.
  5. [2015-12-18 18:46:03] [Output] : Opening The Mako Span heading North toll gates.
  6. [2015-12-18 18:46:03] [Output] : Opening The Mako Span heading South toll gates.
  7. [2015-12-18 18:46:03] [Output] : Opening The Mako Span heading North toll gates.
  8. [2015-12-18 18:46:03] [Output] : Opening The Mako Span heading South toll gates.
  9. [2015-12-18 18:46:03] [Output] : Opening The Mako Span heading North toll gates.
  10. [2015-12-18 18:46:14] [Output] : Speed camera has been deactivated.
  11. [2015-12-18 18:46:14] [Output] : *Tim Harrison unbuckles their seatbelt.*
  12. [2015-12-18 18:46:18] [Output] : 2015 Dodge SRT© Charger Hellcat Police Package
  13. [2015-12-18 18:46:18] [Output] :
  14. [2015-12-18 18:46:18] [Output] : (( This vehicle belongs to San Andreas Highway Patrol. ))
  15. [2015-12-18 18:46:32] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: License and registration please.
  16. [2015-12-18 18:46:35] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Sure.
  17. [2015-12-18 18:46:53] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster digs into his pocket, withdrawing his walllet, examining it.
  18. [2015-12-18 18:47:03] [Output] : [English] [#911.1337] Michael Duffy says: Charlie One to dispatch, assisting Charlie Two at a 10-55 on a black harley davidson,
  19. [2015-12-18 18:47:11] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster hands Tim the Motorcycle license slightly, whilst keeping a hold of it.
  20. [2015-12-18 18:47:15] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: May I know why I was stopped?
  21. [2015-12-18 18:47:48] [Output] : [English] [#911.1337] Michael Duffy says: Plates YA35997, code four on I89, The Mako Span, over
  22. [2015-12-18 18:47:49] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison extends his hand to the license as he takes it.
  23. [2015-12-18 18:47:55] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Sit tight.,
  24. [2015-12-18 18:47:57] [Output] : ★ Brad Holds onto it. ((Brad Foster))
  25. [2015-12-18 18:48:02] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Hold on.
  26. [2015-12-18 18:48:06] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I've asked a question, nicely.
  27. [2015-12-18 18:48:09] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Are you going to answer/
  28. [2015-12-18 18:48:13] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: You were driving recklessly.
  29. [2015-12-18 18:48:18] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: How?
  30. [2015-12-18 18:48:20] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: How?
  31. [2015-12-18 18:48:21] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Proof?
  32. [2015-12-18 18:48:32] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I was rammed the fuck off my bike.
  33. [2015-12-18 18:48:38] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I didn't do jack shit.
  34. [2015-12-18 18:48:42] [Output] : [ADM] (80) Admin Jerry Johnson (Theno): sorry, im dealing with my staff reports
  35. [2015-12-18 18:48:46] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: How were you rammed off the ibke if you are on the bike.
  36. [2015-12-18 18:48:57] [Output] : [ADM] (22) Admin Tim Harrison (SantaClaus): How many of them?
  37. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : [SUP] (66) Admin Dexter: ri 5
  38. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : Administration Team:
  39. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] :
  40. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Head Admin (Hidden) Justin Almeida (Almeida) - On Duty
  41. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Admin Garry Hopkins (Kalevipoeg) - Off Duty
  42. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Admin Jerry Johnson (Theno) - Off Duty
  43. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Admin Lucy Cruise (Dexter) - On Duty
  44. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Admin Tim Harrison (SantaClaus) - Off Duty
  45. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Admin Vanessa Xanders (Joe) - Off Duty
  46. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Trial Admin David Peters (44Theory) - Off Duty
  47. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Trial Admin Jay Knight (GentleFart) - On Duty
  48. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] :
  49. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : Support Team:
  50. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] :
  51. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Supporter Brittney Clifford (PauloGoncas) - Off Duty
  52. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Supporter Donnie Balistrieri (Donnie Spilotro) - On Duty
  53. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Supporter Emily Miller (kazang95) - On Duty
  54. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Supporter Michelle Mckenzie (BusterAces) - On Duty
  55. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] :
  56. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : Vehicle Consultation Team:
  57. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] :
  58. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Member Jasmine Rylands (EPICxNUTS)
  59. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : - Leader Ethan Lawrence (zimak)
  60. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] :
  61. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] : Scripters:
  62. [2015-12-18 18:48:58] [Output] :
  63. [2015-12-18 18:49:01] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Erm, would you like to look at it steaming away?
  64. [2015-12-18 18:49:03] [Output] : [ADM] (80) Admin Jerry Johnson (Theno): 2
  65. [2015-12-18 18:49:10] [Output] : [ADM] (80) Admin Jerry Johnson (Theno): that I know about
  66. [2015-12-18 18:49:16] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: That doesnt happen without any great force applied to it does it?
  67. [2015-12-18 18:49:27] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Common sencse.
  68. [2015-12-18 18:49:30] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( sense* ))
  69. [2015-12-18 18:49:39] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: You literally just said, you got rammed off your vehicle.
  70. [2015-12-18 18:49:43] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Give me that license.
  71. [2015-12-18 18:49:49] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: A while back yeah.
  72. [2015-12-18 18:49:51] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( Shit. ))
  73. [2015-12-18 18:49:53] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( Lemme check inv ))
  74. [2015-12-18 18:50:02] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison pulls the license out of Brad's hand, unless something stops tim.
  75. [2015-12-18 18:50:08] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( Void my license RP. ))
  76. [2015-12-18 18:50:12] [Output] : Tim Harrison: (( Okay. ))
  77. [2015-12-18 18:50:15] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( I've somehow not got it in my bike or hand... ))
  78. [2015-12-18 18:50:17] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: So you don't have a license?
  79. [2015-12-18 18:50:23] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( SO i guess I'll have to RP it like that. ))
  80. [2015-12-18 18:50:26] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I'm sure I had it.
  81. [2015-12-18 18:50:32] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I was stopped yesterday...
  82. [2015-12-18 18:50:41] [Output] : [ADM] (1) Trial Admin David Peters (44Theory): Who's slapping Jeff? xD
  83. [2015-12-18 18:50:45] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster ruffles his pockets around stressfully whilst sighing afterwards.
  84. [2015-12-18 18:50:49] [Output] : [FORCE APP] Admin Dexter sent Jeff Xavier Anderson back to the application stage.
  85. [2015-12-18 18:50:49] [Output] : [FORCE APP] Reason: Insufficient knowledge of roleplay, below standards.
  86. [2015-12-18 18:50:53] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Fuck sakes.
  87. [2015-12-18 18:51:11] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Get off the bike.
  88. [2015-12-18 18:51:18] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Is this an arrest?
  89. [2015-12-18 18:51:34] [Output] : [PLY #1] (65) Benard Carter reported (37) Brandon Clayton at 17:41.
  90. [2015-12-18 18:51:34] [Output] : Reason: mging
  91. [2015-12-18 18:51:34] [Output] : [#1] This report is being handled by Lucy Cruise (Dexter).
  92. [2015-12-18 18:51:34] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster sighs heavily, whilst not refusing to get off the bike.
  93. [2015-12-18 18:51:48] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster lifts himself fairly slowly, whilst shaking his head in complete dishonorable motion.
  94. [2015-12-18 18:51:48] [Output] : *Brad Foster removes their helmet.*
  95. [2015-12-18 18:51:59] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( QLemme remove autopark ))
  96. [2015-12-18 18:52:22] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster lifts his hands to the wall, spreading out his legs.
  97. [2015-12-18 18:52:23] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster's Radio: /look Matthew
  98. [2015-12-18 18:52:25] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Usual routine...
  99. [2015-12-18 18:52:31] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster's Radio: Disregard that.
  100. [2015-12-18 18:52:53] [Output] : ADVERT: Great classical RUF, RRP of $300,000+, going very cheap! - | ##### (( Ethan Lawrence ))
  101. [2015-12-18 18:53:00] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Alright and you happen to have an ID card'
  102. [2015-12-18 18:53:02] [Output] : ADVERT: A legendary classic is now for sale! Street modified 1972 Datsun 510, one of a kind - | #629629 (( Ethan Lawrence ))
  103. [2015-12-18 18:53:08] [Output] : ADVERT: A brand new 2007 Roadman 1250 Yacht is now for sale, grab yourself a bargain for the summer - | #629629 (( Ethan Lawrence ))
  104. [2015-12-18 18:53:17] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I do, and I can say my whole ID correctly without lying, Sir.
  105. [2015-12-18 18:53:24] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Brad James Foster.
  106. [2015-12-18 18:53:26] [Output] : ADVERT: A great garage is now up for sale, out of town in a very good area, place your bid today! - | #629629 (( Ethan Lawrence ))
  107. [2015-12-18 18:53:27] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Okay give me it.
  108. [2015-12-18 18:53:29] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Aged 35.
  109. [2015-12-18 18:53:37] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Married to Jane Adams Foster.
  110. [2015-12-18 18:53:37] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Oh sure.
  111. [2015-12-18 18:53:44] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: I dont give a shit about that, give me the ID:
  112. [2015-12-18 18:53:57] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster slowly digs his right hand to his pocket, lifting out his wallet, looking to Tim.
  113. [2015-12-18 18:54:05] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I'm trying to be as calm as I possibly can.
  114. [2015-12-18 18:54:11] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: And you wonder why people evade?
  115. [2015-12-18 18:54:19] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison raises his hand as he scratches his chin.
  116. [2015-12-18 18:54:23] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Hold on, I'm going to call a supervisor down.
  117. [2015-12-18 18:54:26] [Output] : [ADM] (1) Trial Admin David Peters (44Theory): If I put DND on TS, can I still hear whispers?
  118. [2015-12-18 18:54:30] [Output] : [ADM] (33) Admin Vanessa Xanders (Joe): no
  119. [2015-12-18 18:54:34] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Either I do that, or get your other officer.
  120. [2015-12-18 18:54:35] [Output] : [ADM] (1) Trial Admin David Peters (44Theory): *sigh*
  121. [2015-12-18 18:54:40] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Oh sorry.
  122. [2015-12-18 18:54:42] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I mean Trooper.
  123. [2015-12-18 18:54:42] [Output] : [ADM] (33) Admin Vanessa Xanders (Joe): why lol
  124. [2015-12-18 18:54:44] [Output] : [ADM] (1) Trial Admin David Peters (44Theory): This guy is spamming me after he was force-apped
  125. [2015-12-18 18:54:45] [Output] : *Brad Foster takes out a cellphone.*
  126. [2015-12-18 18:54:53] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Let me call one for you.
  127. [2015-12-18 18:54:55] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Shall I'
  128. [2015-12-18 18:54:58] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: No.
  129. [2015-12-18 18:55:00] [Output] : *Brad Foster puts down his cellphone.*
  130. [2015-12-18 18:55:00] [Output] : *Brad Foster's cellphone starts to ring.*
  131. [2015-12-18 18:55:01] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I'm 35 myself.
  132. [2015-12-18 18:55:05] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Or, just DIG into your pocket and take out a fucking phone.
  133. [2015-12-18 18:55:05] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I aint a child.
  134. [2015-12-18 18:55:10] [Output] : *Brad Foster takes out a cellphone.*
  135. [2015-12-18 18:55:11] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: I will think you have a gun and I will shoot at you.
  136. [2015-12-18 18:55:14] [Output] : Brad Foster [Cellphone]: Hold on Matthew.
  137. [2015-12-18 18:55:17] [Output] : *Brad Foster puts down his cellphone.*
  138. [2015-12-18 18:55:22] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison lays his hand on the holster.
  139. [2015-12-18 18:55:24] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: You think I have a gun?
  140. [2015-12-18 18:55:25] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster laughs.
  141. [2015-12-18 18:55:34] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Whatever you do, do not fucking reach for anything.
  142. [2015-12-18 18:55:38] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Thats why I said, search me first pal.
  143. [2015-12-18 18:55:47] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Turn around.
  144. [2015-12-18 18:55:47] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: No, this is corruption.
  145. [2015-12-18 18:55:53] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I'm calling an supervisor.
  146. [2015-12-18 18:55:56] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: As my right.
  147. [2015-12-18 18:55:58] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: If you reach for anything.
  148. [2015-12-18 18:56:18] [Output] : [English] [#911.1337] Garry Hopkins says: Lieutenant Hopkins reporting status-1 under a callsign ALPHA-2, 10-30, 10-8, over.
  149. [2015-12-18 18:56:35] [Output] : ((San Andreas Highway Patrol)) William Carson: hi
  150. [2015-12-18 18:56:36] [Output] : [English] [#911.1337] Tim Harrison says: 2-C to A-2, could you come to my 20'?
  151. [2015-12-18 18:56:38] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Shoot me, I don't care. This is corruption, you're on CCTV mate.
  152. [2015-12-18 18:56:50] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( /look Brad ))
  153. [2015-12-18 18:56:53] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: If you reach for anything I can think you have a lethal weapon.
  154. [2015-12-18 18:56:55] [Output] : [English] [#911.1337] Garry Hopkins says: Charlie-2 to last, 10-4, will be there in a minute, over.
  155. [2015-12-18 18:56:55] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( I do have the item if needed. ))
  156. [2015-12-18 18:57:02] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I'll slowly move then.
  157. [2015-12-18 18:57:07] [Output] : ((San Andreas Highway Patrol)) William Carson: Kavi, mind if you take me off loa for now? posted on the topic
  158. [2015-12-18 18:57:19] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster turns around, applying his hands clearly to his mobile, tapping the screen.
  159. [2015-12-18 18:57:24] [Output] : ★ Allowing Tim to see his actions. ((Brad Foster))
  160. [2015-12-18 18:57:31] [Output] : *Brad Foster takes out a cellphone.*
  161. [2015-12-18 18:57:34] [Output] : Tim Harrison: (( Sure, first include all the RP you did about installing it, and switching battery and so on ))
  162. [2015-12-18 18:57:36] [Output] : Tim Harrison: (( then we can talk. ))
  163. [2015-12-18 18:57:47] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: And I already called him.
  164. [2015-12-18 18:57:53] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( It's all admin aqquired. Other officers have been fine with it. ))
  165. [2015-12-18 18:57:54] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: So you don't have to waste extra words.
  166. [2015-12-18 18:58:07] [Output] : The 'Red' unit (LSFD) has enabled their radio backup beacon!
  167. [2015-12-18 18:58:09] [Output] : Tim Harrison: (( If you have proper RP made with it, i hav eno problem. ))
  168. [2015-12-18 18:58:17] [Output] : The 'Red' unit (LSFD) no longer requires assistance. Resume normal patrol.
  169. [2015-12-18 18:58:17] [Output] : *Brad Foster puts down his cellphone.*
  170. [2015-12-18 18:58:40] [Output] : [English] [DEPARTMENT] Khalil Martinez says: FD to PD, We need a unit!
  171. [2015-12-18 18:58:41] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( My RP is 10/10 with it, I do RP my disadvantages and advantages of it correctly. ))
  172. [2015-12-18 18:58:50] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( No one's had a problem at all, ever since I started using this. ))
  173. [2015-12-18 18:58:52] [Output] : [English] [DEPARTMENT] David Peters says: PD to FD, 10-10?
  174. [2015-12-18 18:59:02] [Output] : [English] [DEPARTMENT] Khalil Martinez says: FD to last, Upcoming beacon, Hit N Run
  175. [2015-12-18 18:59:02] [Output] : The 'Red' unit (LSFD) has enabled their radio backup beacon!
  176. [2015-12-18 18:59:03] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: That's him?
  177. [2015-12-18 18:59:12] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Actually it is.
  178. [2015-12-18 18:59:17] [Output] : *Garry Hopkins unbuckles their seatbelt.*
  179. [2015-12-18 18:59:21] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Oh hello!
  180. [2015-12-18 18:59:24] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster smiles to Garry.
  181. [2015-12-18 18:59:25] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Greetings.
  182. [2015-12-18 18:59:30] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Good afternoon Lieutenant.
  183. [2015-12-18 18:59:36] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Please may you take over on the traffic stop please?
  184. [2015-12-18 18:59:42] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I'm being calm and respectful to this man.
  185. [2015-12-18 18:59:47] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: And all I get is harrassment.
  186. [2015-12-18 18:59:57] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I do as he asks.
  187. [2015-12-18 19:00:05] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: All I get is "Turn fucking around.
  188. [2015-12-18 19:00:10] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I'm showing no sign of resistance.
  189. [2015-12-18 19:00:12] [Output] : [English] [DEPARTMENT] David Peters says: PD to FD, I can't see that beacon of yours, over.
  190. [2015-12-18 19:00:15] [Output] : *Garry Hopkins reaches at his belt, taking off his radio before speaking into it while holding the PTT button.*
  191. [2015-12-18 19:00:19] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Hu-huh.
  192. [2015-12-18 19:00:25] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: His appliance to the job, is appauling.
  193. [2015-12-18 19:00:33] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I want you to take over.
  194. [2015-12-18 19:00:52] [Output] : [English] [DEPARTMENT] David Peters says: PD to FD, was it a brown sedan?
  195. [2015-12-18 19:00:53] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Can't really do that since he was the one who initated it, he should be aware of the -
  196. [2015-12-18 19:01:02] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: You can check his dashcam.
  197. [2015-12-18 19:01:08] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: But I aint complying with his disrespect.
  198. [2015-12-18 19:01:09] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Full story behind the situation, however I can stay here in case it's needed, and yes, I will do
  199. [2015-12-18 19:01:13] [Output] : Payslip
  200. [2015-12-18 19:01:13] [Output] :
  201. [2015-12-18 19:01:13] [Output] : Wage Paid: $650
  202. [2015-12-18 19:01:13] [Output] : Bank Interest: $882 (≈0.45%)
  203. [2015-12-18 19:01:13] [Output] : Income Tax of 10%: $65
  204. [2015-12-18 19:01:13] [Output] : Vehicle Tax: $510
  205. [2015-12-18 19:01:13] [Output] : Property Expenses: $18
  206. [2015-12-18 19:01:13] [Output] : Gross Income: $939
  207. [2015-12-18 19:01:13] [Output] : Remark(s): Transferred to your bank account.
  208. [2015-12-18 19:01:14] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: By law.
  209. [2015-12-18 19:01:20] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I'm allowed to have another officer.
  210. [2015-12-18 19:01:21] [Output] : [English] [DEPARTMENT] Khalil Martinez says: FD to last, I see couple of your units not doing nothing.
  211. [2015-12-18 19:01:21] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: That after the situation is dealth with.
  212. [2015-12-18 19:01:23] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: If no one wants to do it.
  213. [2015-12-18 19:01:24] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I can go.
  214. [2015-12-18 19:01:25] [Output] : Garry Hopkins: (( dealt* ))
  215. [2015-12-18 19:01:25] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison laughs gently at the conversation.
  216. [2015-12-18 19:01:37] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: No.
  217. [2015-12-18 19:01:39] [Output] : [English] [DEPARTMENT] David Peters says: PD to FD, that's because you're failing to update us, inform us with the vehicle desc
  218. [2015-12-18 19:01:39] [Output] : ription please, over.
  219. [2015-12-18 19:01:49] [Output] : [English] [DEPARTMENT] Logan Carriger says: PD to FD, how copy?
  220. [2015-12-18 19:01:55] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Someone's either going to be the polite one, or I can just walk off from here.
  221. [2015-12-18 19:02:00] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Simple as that.
  222. [2015-12-18 19:02:08] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: If no one wants to do it, I'll be happy to go.
  223. [2015-12-18 19:02:20] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Sir, just continue on with the traffic stop, and I will see whether the trooper..
  224. [2015-12-18 19:02:24] [Output] : ★ Garry Hopkins eyes towards Tim
  225. [2015-12-18 19:02:32] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Will continue with his attitude or no.
  226. [2015-12-18 19:02:37] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison nods at Garry.
  227. [2015-12-18 19:02:39] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: As stated by you.
  228. [2015-12-18 19:02:50] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Alright, first off.
  229. [2015-12-18 19:02:52] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I'd like to state.
  230. [2015-12-18 19:03:05] [Output] : [English] [DEPARTMENT] Khalil Martinez says: FD to PD, The male works at United Auto's on West Viewood
  231. [2015-12-18 19:03:05] [Output] : ✪ Michael Duffy rolls their windows down.
  232. [2015-12-18 19:03:10] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: One of the officers or trooper has my motorcycle license as they've forgot to hand it back.
  233. [2015-12-18 19:03:15] [Output] : [English] Michael Duffy says: Yo, you still need me?
  234. [2015-12-18 19:03:25] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Not entirely sure.
  235. [2015-12-18 19:03:27] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: I think you can go.
  236. [2015-12-18 19:03:30] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Well, was the situation dealt with already?
  237. [2015-12-18 19:03:34] [Output] : [English] Michael Duffy says: Aight, have a good one.
  238. [2015-12-18 19:03:36] [Output] : ADVERT: I have a Santa Hat for Sell. Make a good offer and take it. Call now! | #328921 (( Yassir Ibn La Ahad ))
  239. [2015-12-18 19:03:40] [Output] : ✪ Michael Duffy rolls their windows up.
  240. [2015-12-18 19:03:40] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: The one before, yes.
  241. [2015-12-18 19:03:47] [Output] : ADVERT: Selling Spider-man Costume | Call me with your offer | #400539 (( Hector Frank ))
  242. [2015-12-18 19:03:54] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: This one, I'm appauled I wasnt given my license back.
  243. [2015-12-18 19:03:54] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Like completely? If not I'm pretty sure the trooper had intensions to give it back.
  244. [2015-12-18 19:04:07] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison clears his throat as he speaks.
  245. [2015-12-18 19:04:10] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Well that's against his job isn't it then?
  246. [2015-12-18 19:04:27] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: He's not clarified any removal from my license, and took it without any justifications.
  247. [2015-12-18 19:04:30] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison whispers: Nevermind.
  248. [2015-12-18 19:04:50] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: So he just..
  249. [2015-12-18 19:04:53] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: -took it-?
  250. [2015-12-18 19:04:59] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Looks like it.
  251. [2015-12-18 19:04:59] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison raises his hand as he places the on the door, closing it.
  252. [2015-12-18 19:05:01] [Output] : *Tim Harrison presses on the key to lock the vehicle. ((2015 Dodge SRT© Charger Hellcat Police Package))*
  253. [2015-12-18 19:05:01] [Output] : *Tim Harrison presses on the key to unlock the vehicle. ((2015 Dodge SRT© Charger Hellcat Police Package))*
  254. [2015-12-18 19:05:06] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: It's not on me or my bike.
  255. [2015-12-18 19:05:12] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I know that was the last time I had it.
  256. [2015-12-18 19:05:14] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison slowly lets himself fall on the hood of the vehicle.-
  257. [2015-12-18 19:05:21] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I've only just realised right now.
  258. [2015-12-18 19:05:26] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: I see, I see..
  259. [2015-12-18 19:05:30] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Just ehh, hold on a minute.
  260. [2015-12-18 19:05:34] [Output] : [English] [DEPARTMENT] David Peters says: PD to FD, third time coming now, is it a brown sedan, over.
  261. [2015-12-18 19:05:37] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Trooper, over here please.
  262. [2015-12-18 19:05:38] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: However, I'd like to just go on with a ticket.
  263. [2015-12-18 19:05:48] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: It's not my fault, and I deserve to go.
  264. [2015-12-18 19:05:52] [Output] : [English] [DEPARTMENT] Khalil Martinez says: FD to last, Its a Brown Sedan that caused the Hit N Run.
  265. [2015-12-18 19:05:57] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: With a ticket or so.
  266. [2015-12-18 19:05:58] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison places his both hands on the hood, raising himself up.
  267. [2015-12-18 19:06:16] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Alright, I still need that ID.
  268. [2015-12-18 19:06:19] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster slouches back to the wall, withdrawing his hands to his stomach, 'fiddling' with them.
  269. [2015-12-18 19:06:20] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Sure.
  270. [2015-12-18 19:06:33] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Make sure to not make any sudden movements.
  271. [2015-12-18 19:06:41] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster digs into his pocket, withdrawing a Crimsoms Leather Waller, taking out his ID slowly.
  272. [2015-12-18 19:06:48] [Output] : [ADM] (1) Trial Admin David Peters (44Theory): [English] Igor Galkin says: DAFUQ ARE YOU DOING nigga
  273. [2015-12-18 19:06:58] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster slowly extends his right hand, proposing his ID Card to Tim.
  274. [2015-12-18 19:07:02] [Output] : ✪ Brad Foster gives Tim Harrison a Driver's License - Automotive.
  275. [2015-12-18 19:07:05] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: It's all on there.
  276. [2015-12-18 19:07:08] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Check it up if you need.
  277. [2015-12-18 19:07:25] [Output] : *Brad Foster looks at a piece of paper.*
  278. [2015-12-18 19:07:39] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison extens his hand to the license as he takes it.
  279. [2015-12-18 19:07:43] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Okay, follow me please.
  280. [2015-12-18 19:08:04] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Stand here, infront of the cruiser while i run you down on MDC:
  281. [2015-12-18 19:08:14] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster extends his hands to the trunk, peering down at it, whilst awaiting for Tim.
  282. [2015-12-18 19:08:23] [Output] : 2015 Dodge SRT© Charger Hellcat Police Package
  283. [2015-12-18 19:08:23] [Output] :
  284. [2015-12-18 19:08:23] [Output] : (( This vehicle belongs to San Andreas Highway Patrol. ))
  285. [2015-12-18 19:08:46] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison quickly glances at the license's picture and at Brad thorough the window.
  286. [2015-12-18 19:08:54] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster kicks his left foot to his right ankle lightly, sighing heavily, and shaking his head at the
  287. [2015-12-18 19:08:57] [Output] : ★ ...same time. ((Brad Foster))
  288. [2015-12-18 19:09:11] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison inspects the license carefully before placing it next to the MDC.
  289. [2015-12-18 19:09:21] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison begins typing on the MDC, running Brad down.
  290. [2015-12-18 19:09:24] [Output] : Tim Harrison: (( searching him ))
  291. [2015-12-18 19:09:25] [Output] : Tim Harrison: (( not ))
  292. [2015-12-18 19:09:50] [Output] : *Tim Reid takes a lukas lk-9750 duo professional - 1080p dash camera from the 2015 Dodge SRT© Charger 392.*
  293. [2015-12-18 19:09:57] [Output] : *Tim Reid unlocks the vehicle doors.*
  294. [2015-12-18 19:09:59] [Output] : *Tim Reid unbuckles their seatbelt.*
  295. [2015-12-18 19:10:43] [Output] : *Tim Reid shows everyone a LUKAS LK-9750 Duo Professional - 1080p Dash Camera.*
  296. [2015-12-18 19:11:00] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster peers back to Tim, sighing.
  297. [2015-12-18 19:11:57] [Output] : ★ Tim Reid raises the screen up to Garry making sure that he has a clear view of the dashcam-
  298. [2015-12-18 19:11:58] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison closes the MDC and grabs ahold of the license before exiting the vehicle.
  299. [2015-12-18 19:12:05] [Output] : *Tim Harrison presses on the key to lock the vehicle. ((2015 Dodge SRT© Charger Hellcat Police Package))*
  300. [2015-12-18 19:12:06] [Output] : *Tim Harrison presses on the key to unlock the vehicle. ((2015 Dodge SRT© Charger Hellcat Police Package))*
  301. [2015-12-18 19:12:09] [Output] : *Tim Harrison presses on the key to lock the vehicle. ((2015 Dodge SRT© Charger Hellcat Police Package))*
  302. [2015-12-18 19:12:09] [Output] : ★ playback screen as he would press the various buttons to rewind the device. ((Tim Reid))
  303. [2015-12-18 19:12:11] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Alright.
  304. [2015-12-18 19:12:14] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Now stay here.
  305. [2015-12-18 19:12:19] [Output] : [ADM] (1) Trial Admin David Peters (44Theory): Can someone like
  306. [2015-12-18 19:12:20] [Output] : ★ The footage would begin playing on the screen. ((Tim Reid))
  307. [2015-12-18 19:12:22] [Output] : [ADM] (1) Trial Admin David Peters (44Theory): Take my report pls
  308. [2015-12-18 19:12:33] [Output] : [ADM] (1) Trial Admin David Peters (44Theory): MG'ed my name, RP is horrfiic, English is shit.
  309. [2015-12-18 19:12:41] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison clears his throat before he speaks.
  310. [2015-12-18 19:12:45] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison whispers: Lieutenant
  311. [2015-12-18 19:12:46] [Output] : [ADM] (92) Admin Michael Walsh (Krispy): Needs an RP school then really
  312. [2015-12-18 19:12:51] [Output] : [ADM] (42) Trial Admin Jay Knight (GentleFart): so you want him like... forceapp'd
  313. [2015-12-18 19:12:54] [Output] : [ADM] (92) Admin Michael Walsh (Krispy): No point in jailing hin
  314. [2015-12-18 19:13:01] [Output] : [ADM] (1) Trial Admin David Peters (44Theory): Yes, /fa
  315. [2015-12-18 19:13:05] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Lieutenant.
  316. [2015-12-18 19:13:08] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Hold on.
  317. [2015-12-18 19:13:11] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: Caught this back when I noticed them cutting an intersection through a path, I'd thought that-
  318. [2015-12-18 19:13:19] [Output] : ADVERT: San Andreas National Guard - "Alway Ready, Always There." - Now recruiting - Located behind the DMV. | #- (( Jason Gordon ))
  319. [2015-12-18 19:13:20] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: This would soon enough become useful if I ever came across him again.
  320. [2015-12-18 19:13:21] [Output] : [ADM] (42) Trial Admin Jay Knight (GentleFart): krispy this is your big moment
  321. [2015-12-18 19:13:28] [Output] : The 'Red' unit (LSFD) no longer requires assistance. Resume normal patrol.
  322. [2015-12-18 19:13:30] [Output] : [ADM] (92) Admin Michael Walsh (Krispy): I'm on a report
  323. [2015-12-18 19:13:31] [Output] : [ADM] (42) Trial Admin Jay Knight (GentleFart): /fa that clown :)
  324. [2015-12-18 19:13:32] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Sir.
  325. [2015-12-18 19:13:34] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Wait wait.
  326. [2015-12-18 19:13:35] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: What did I tell you?
  327. [2015-12-18 19:13:36] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: I see.
  328. [2015-12-18 19:13:38] [Output] : ADVERT: Looking for Mechanic or Someone who can install black film roll to my car | #628065 (( Edmund Kozlov ))
  329. [2015-12-18 19:13:39] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Hold on.
  330. [2015-12-18 19:13:48] [Output] : ★ Tim Reid would press the button on the dashcam pausing the footage, glancing up at Garry raising-
  331. [2015-12-18 19:13:54] [Output] : ★ his brows momentarily while rolling his eyes. ((Tim Reid))
  332. [2015-12-18 19:13:55] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I know this man.
  333. [2015-12-18 19:14:01] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I fucking know this prick.
  334. [2015-12-18 19:14:01] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: You were to told to stand there, you are not listening to my lawful orders.
  335. [2015-12-18 19:14:16] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Infront of the cruiser!
  336. [2015-12-18 19:14:28] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Well, make sure the troopers sees this aswell, since he is the one initating, he has more -
  337. [2015-12-18 19:14:29] [Output] : [ADM] (92) Admin Michael Walsh (Krispy): I'm watching
  338. [2015-12-18 19:14:43] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: Of course, I'll rewind it for you Trooper..
  339. [2015-12-18 19:14:44] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Information on the current situation than I do, I'm just here as an supervisor, as one was calle
  340. [2015-12-18 19:14:47] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Called in.
  341. [2015-12-18 19:14:48] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Mhmm.
  342. [2015-12-18 19:15:00] [Output] : ★ Tim Reid glances back down at the device pressing the rewind button once again and he would turn-
  343. [2015-12-18 19:15:13] [Output] : ★ the dashcam around making sure Tim has full view of the screen playing the footage. ((Tim Reid))
  344. [2015-12-18 19:15:34] [Output] : PM From (79) Tim Reid: You would notice Brad and another induvidual on a hyperbike racing through Pershing-
  345. [2015-12-18 19:15:36] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison glances at the footage, inspecting it clearly.
  346. [2015-12-18 19:15:41] [Output] : PM From (79) Tim Reid: Square at around 210 KM/H.
  347. [2015-12-18 19:15:48] [Output] : PM Sent to (79) Tim Reid: OKAY BOSS
  348. [2015-12-18 19:15:51] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Hmm, I see.
  349. [2015-12-18 19:15:57] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Okay, sir, Can I talk to you now?
  350. [2015-12-18 19:15:57] [Output] : [ADM] (92) Admin Michael Walsh (Krispy): Jesus
  351. [2015-12-18 19:16:02] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Yes.
  352. [2015-12-18 19:16:11] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison whispers: I've checked his history and its horrific.
  353. [2015-12-18 19:16:13] [Output] : ★ Tim Reid turns the screen around pressing the button to pause the footage and then powers-
  354. [2015-12-18 19:16:25] [Output] : [English] [DEPARTMENT] Khalil Martinez says: FD to PD, Its really not the time, please contact IA i need to rush to the Hospita
  355. [2015-12-18 19:16:25] [Output] : l.
  356. [2015-12-18 19:16:27] [Output] : ★ off the dashcam to save battery while gazing back up at- ((Tim Reid))
  357. [2015-12-18 19:16:29] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison whispers: He's been caught speeding in LS two times today, way over the speed limit.
  358. [2015-12-18 19:16:38] [Output] : ★ Tim listening in. ((Tim Reid))
  359. [2015-12-18 19:16:51] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: And, this sir here just showed us a video of him speeding once again.
  360. [2015-12-18 19:17:04] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: I suggest we give him a ticket and suspend his license.
  361. [2015-12-18 19:17:05] [Output] : [English] [#911.1337] William Carson says: 227, show me status one, 10-8, 10-30 as one Charlie, state wide patrol, starting fr
  362. [2015-12-18 19:17:05] [Output] : om dillimore
  363. [2015-12-18 19:17:15] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: He is dangerous for himself and for other people.
  364. [2015-12-18 19:17:20] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: Well honestly I don't appreciate the comment that I just received too Trooper.
  365. [2015-12-18 19:17:23] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: How would you handle that?
  366. [2015-12-18 19:17:28] [Output] : ADVERT: San Andreas National Guard - "Always Ready, Always There." - Now recruiting behind the DMV, old USMCR Building. | #850792 (( Jason Gordon ))
  367. [2015-12-18 19:17:32] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins whispers: Fair enough.
  368. [2015-12-18 19:17:46] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Can you repeat?
  369. [2015-12-18 19:18:01] [Output] : [Government OOC] Steven Ferrari: d
  370. [2015-12-18 19:18:08] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Oh.. I get what you mean.
  371. [2015-12-18 19:18:19] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: The induvidual is not abiding by your requests and even decided to make a remark to-
  372. [2015-12-18 19:18:26] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: Myself and I don't appreciate it whatsoever.
  373. [2015-12-18 19:18:29] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster turns to his right, leaning forwards to the wall, sighing emotionally.
  374. [2015-12-18 19:18:34] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Yeah.
  375. [2015-12-18 19:18:36] [Output] : ★ Continuously shaking his head. ((Brad Foster))
  376. [2015-12-18 19:19:02] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Hehe, all I can do really is sit him in the donkey chair for bad kids hehe.
  377. [2015-12-18 19:19:07] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: A bit of a joke here.
  378. [2015-12-18 19:19:18] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: Sure go ahead, if it straightens him out.
  379. [2015-12-18 19:19:20] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Okay, so, sir. I can continue with suspending his license and writing him a ticket.
  380. [2015-12-18 19:19:22] [Output] : ★ Garry Hopkins eyes over towards the trooper as he raises his eyebrow before speaking.
  381. [2015-12-18 19:19:40] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins whispers: Continue on, yes however send me the dashcam footage after it has been dealt with.
  382. [2015-12-18 19:19:48] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison whispers: Alright.
  383. [2015-12-18 19:19:52] [Output] : ADVERT: Looking to buy a SUV for 15 grand Call/SMS | #793803 (( Dylan Banks ))
  384. [2015-12-18 19:19:57] [Output] : [ADM] (92) Admin Michael Walsh (Krispy): Burn.
  385. [2015-12-18 19:20:10] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins whispers: From the beginning of the situation, also send me all information related to the situation -
  386. [2015-12-18 19:20:13] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins whispers: Aswell please.
  387. [2015-12-18 19:20:15] [Output] : [ADM] (1) Trial Admin David Peters (44Theory): Why haven't you /fa'ed him yet?
  388. [2015-12-18 19:20:20] [Output] : [Government OOC] Khalil Martinez: when does PD pull over FD
  389. [2015-12-18 19:20:21] [Output] : *Brad Foster takes out a cellphone.*
  390. [2015-12-18 19:20:23] [Output] : [ADM] (1) Trial Admin David Peters (44Theory): His RP is shit and he can't even speak English. :l
  391. [2015-12-18 19:20:27] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison whispers: Roger.
  392. [2015-12-18 19:20:28] [Output] : [Government OOC] Emily Foster: lol
  393. [2015-12-18 19:20:30] [Output] : [Government OOC] Marvin Williams: anytime they blow the rules
  394. [2015-12-18 19:20:33] [Output] : [Government OOC] Marvin Williams: without having lights on
  395. [2015-12-18 19:20:44] [Output] : [Government OOC] Khalil Martinez: heard of Internal Affairs?
  396. [2015-12-18 19:20:45] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Alright sir.
  397. [2015-12-18 19:20:46] [Output] : *Brad Foster puts down his cellphone.*
  398. [2015-12-18 19:20:49] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: I need you to hangup.
  399. [2015-12-18 19:20:53] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Hold on.
  400. [2015-12-18 19:20:54] [Output] : [Government OOC] Marvin Williams: a stop sign violation is not taken to IA
  401. [2015-12-18 19:20:55] [Output] : [Government OOC] Brandon Clayton: You're not special my child.
  402. [2015-12-18 19:20:57] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I want to see this video.
  403. [2015-12-18 19:20:59] [Output] : [Government OOC] David Peters: PD can pull over FD, you know?
  404. [2015-12-18 19:21:01] [Output] : *Brad Foster's cellphone starts to ring.*
  405. [2015-12-18 19:21:04] [Output] : *Brad Foster takes out a cellphone.*
  406. [2015-12-18 19:21:05] [Output] : [Government OOC] Marvin Williams: nothing puts you over the law
  407. [2015-12-18 19:21:08] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Now, I will be writing you a citation and you will have your license suspended.
  408. [2015-12-18 19:21:09] [Output] : Brad Foster [Cellphone]: Son...
  409. [2015-12-18 19:21:10] [Output] : [Government OOC] Marvin Williams: IA is used on felonies, not misdemanors
  410. [2015-12-18 19:21:11] [Output] : SYNTAX: /takelicense [Player Nick] [Type] (Hours - leave blank for indefinitely)
  411. [2015-12-18 19:21:11] [Output] : Type 1 = Drivers License
  412. [2015-12-18 19:21:11] [Output] : Type 2 = Motorcycle License
  413. [2015-12-18 19:21:11] [Output] : Type 3 = Boating License
  414. [2015-12-18 19:21:11] [Output] : Type 5 = Fishing Permit
  415. [2015-12-18 19:21:11] [Output] : Type 6 = Tier 1 F/A
  416. [2015-12-18 19:21:11] [Output] : Type 7 = Tier 2 F/A
  417. [2015-12-18 19:21:12] [Output] : [Government OOC] Michael Walsh: You're not suppose to pull over Emergancy vehicles unless they cause a threat to life but
  418. [2015-12-18 19:21:14] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Hangup, now.
  419. [2015-12-18 19:21:17] [Output] : [Government OOC] Michael Walsh: it's IC I guess.
  420. [2015-12-18 19:21:19] [Output] : Brad Foster [Cellphone]: I'll call you back.
  421. [2015-12-18 19:21:19] [Output] : [Government OOC] Logan Carriger: If they are on duty write an IA if you're off duty then you get punished as a citizen
  422. [2015-12-18 19:21:22] [Output] : *Brad Foster puts down his cellphone.*
  423. [2015-12-18 19:21:28] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Motorcycle?
  424. [2015-12-18 19:21:30] [Output] : [Government OOC] Tim Reid: All of you quit it please and take it in character.
  425. [2015-12-18 19:21:34] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Correct.
  426. [2015-12-18 19:21:40] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Alright, fair enough.
  427. [2015-12-18 19:21:50] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I'll just call my friend down to pick my bike up.
  428. [2015-12-18 19:21:52] [Output] : [FORCE APP] Admin Krispy sent Igor Galkin back to the application stage.
  429. [2015-12-18 19:21:52] [Output] : [FORCE APP] Reason: Subpar knowledge of English, Breaking multiple rules.
  430. [2015-12-18 19:21:58] [Output] : [ADM] (1) Trial Admin David Peters (44Theory): Thanks.
  431. [2015-12-18 19:22:04] [Output] : ((San Andreas Highway Patrol)) Tim Harrison: For how long do i suspend him, are we talking hours or just revoke it
  432. [2015-12-18 19:22:13] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: But first, I want to speak with him.
  433. [2015-12-18 19:22:20] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster eyes TIm Reid, shaking his head.
  434. [2015-12-18 19:22:21] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Go ahead.
  435. [2015-12-18 19:22:23] [Output] : ((San Andreas Highway Patrol)) Garry Hopkins: If in hours, don't give him much since he has to spend those hours in-game.
  436. [2015-12-18 19:22:37] [Output] : ((San Andreas Highway Patrol)) Garry Hopkins: 3-5 will be enough.
  437. [2015-12-18 19:22:39] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Hello there.
  438. [2015-12-18 19:22:44] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: Howdy..
  439. [2015-12-18 19:22:47] [Output] : ADVERT: San Andreas National Guard - "Always Ready, Always There." - Now recruiting behind the DMV, old USMCR Building. | #850792 (( Jason Gordon ))
  440. [2015-12-18 19:22:49] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: You know me don't you.
  441. [2015-12-18 19:22:59] [Output] : ((San Andreas Highway Patrol)) Tim Harrison: u really are a eh how do i call it
  442. [2015-12-18 19:23:03] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: Sure, I can say I have a rough knowledge on you.
  443. [2015-12-18 19:23:09] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Perhaps my love of my life might just clarify your silge towards her.
  444. [2015-12-18 19:23:30] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster peers to his own fists, then to Tim, speaking slightly.
  445. [2015-12-18 19:23:31] [Output] : ((San Andreas Highway Patrol)) Tim Harrison: I was thinking of like 8 atleast
  446. [2015-12-18 19:23:32] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: What's the point?
  447. [2015-12-18 19:23:35] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: Repeat again for me?
  448. [2015-12-18 19:23:41] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: You're hitting on my wife.
  449. [2015-12-18 19:23:41] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: What exactly is a silge.
  450. [2015-12-18 19:23:56] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: I'm hitting on your wife?
  451. [2015-12-18 19:24:00] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Ehm.
  452. [2015-12-18 19:24:03] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: She's told me herself.
  453. [2015-12-18 19:24:07] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Lads please, don't see how this is relevant to the situation.
  454. [2015-12-18 19:24:11] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: You took her to your house.
  455. [2015-12-18 19:24:21] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: That is what I thought, can you get him to step away for me?
  456. [2015-12-18 19:24:22] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: You know how much that hurts?
  457. [2015-12-18 19:24:28] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Okay.
  458. [2015-12-18 19:24:30] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Sir, come with me.
  459. [2015-12-18 19:24:52] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster shakes his head vigerously to Tim, giving him a share look from anger.
  460. [2015-12-18 19:25:14] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( Not Tim Harrison BTW ))
  461. [2015-12-18 19:25:16] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( Reid XD ))
  462. [2015-12-18 19:25:22] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison reaches down to his duty belt as he takes a citation book off it, scribbles something on the
  463. [2015-12-18 19:25:30] [Output] : ★ - front page and rips it off. ((Tim Harrison))
  464. [2015-12-18 19:25:38] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison extends his hand to Brad, offering it to him.
  465. [2015-12-18 19:25:40] [Output] : ★ Tim Reid glances down at his suit jacket briefly patting it down with his free left hand and then-
  466. [2015-12-18 19:25:49] [Output] : ★ would raise his head back up gazing over to the scene. ((Tim Reid))
  467. [2015-12-18 19:25:50] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster digs his hands into his right breast pocket, swiveling his own pen out, taking the citation.
  468. [2015-12-18 19:25:57] [Output] : ★ The ticket would say: Ticket for speeding 800$ ((Tim Harrison))
  469. [2015-12-18 19:26:14] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster scribbles his signature to the space below, folding it into his pocket, along with his pen.
  470. [2015-12-18 19:26:19] [Output] : ★ But first, showing Tim the signature. ((Brad Foster))
  471. [2015-12-18 19:26:23] [Output] : ADVERT: A legendary classic is now for sale! Street modified 1972 Datsun 510, one of a kind - | #629629 (( Ethan Lawrence ))
  472. [2015-12-18 19:26:28] [Output] : ADVERT: A great garage is now up for sale, out of town in a very good area, place your bid today! - | #629629 (( Ethan Lawrence ))
  473. [2015-12-18 19:26:32] [Output] : ADVERT: Great classical RUF, RRP of $300,000+, going very cheap! - | ##### (( Ethan Lawrence ))
  474. [2015-12-18 19:26:32] [Output] : You ticketed Brad Foster for 800. Reason: Speeding.
  475. [2015-12-18 19:26:43] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: ALright sir, I suggest you call a cab.
  476. [2015-12-18 19:26:44] [Output] : AdmWrn: Jerry_Johnson respawned 6 and deleted 0 district vehicles in '5, Palin Street - Garage, Red County, Red County'.
  477. [2015-12-18 19:26:45] [Output] : SYNTAX: /takelicense [Player Nick] [Type] (Hours - leave blank for indefinitely)
  478. [2015-12-18 19:26:45] [Output] : Type 1 = Drivers License
  479. [2015-12-18 19:26:45] [Output] : Type 2 = Motorcycle License
  480. [2015-12-18 19:26:45] [Output] : Type 3 = Boating License
  481. [2015-12-18 19:26:45] [Output] : Type 5 = Fishing Permit
  482. [2015-12-18 19:26:45] [Output] : Type 6 = Tier 1 F/A
  483. [2015-12-18 19:26:45] [Output] : Type 7 = Tier 2 F/A
  484. [2015-12-18 19:26:50] [Output] : ADVERT: A brand new 2007 Roadman 1250 Yacht is now for sale, grab yourself a bargain for the summer - | #629629 (( Ethan Lawrence ))
  485. [2015-12-18 19:26:54] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I'll call my Son.
  486. [2015-12-18 19:26:58] [Output] : *Brad Foster takes out a cellphone.*
  487. [2015-12-18 19:27:02] [Output] : Tim Harrison: (( did it work? ))
  488. [2015-12-18 19:27:07] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( Yeah ))
  489. [2015-12-18 19:27:09] [Output] : Tim Harrison: (( Kk ))
  490. [2015-12-18 19:27:14] [Output] : *Tim Harrison presses on the key to unlock the vehicle. ((2015 Dodge SRT© Charger Hellcat Police Package))*
  491. [2015-12-18 19:27:15] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( IC'ly you'd stay right? ))
  492. [2015-12-18 19:27:17] [Output] : 2015 Dodge SRT© Charger Hellcat Police Package
  493. [2015-12-18 19:27:17] [Output] :
  494. [2015-12-18 19:27:17] [Output] : (( This vehicle belongs to San Andreas Highway Patrol. ))
  495. [2015-12-18 19:27:19] [Output] : Brad Foster: (( TO make sure i dont use the bike XD ))
  496. [2015-12-18 19:27:25] [Output] : 2015 Dodge SRT© Charger Hellcat Police Package
  497. [2015-12-18 19:27:25] [Output] :
  498. [2015-12-18 19:27:25] [Output] : (( This vehicle belongs to San Andreas Highway Patrol. ))
  499. [2015-12-18 19:27:25] [Output] : *Brad Foster puts down his cellphone.*
  500. [2015-12-18 19:27:30] [Output] : Tim Harrison: (( i need to MDC check if it worked ))
  501. [2015-12-18 19:27:30] [Output] : Tim Harrison: (( one sec ))
  502. [2015-12-18 19:27:34] [Output] : *Tim Reid puts a lukas lk-9750 duo professional - 1080p dash camera inside the 2015 Dodge SRT© Charger 392.*
  503. [2015-12-18 19:27:39] [Output] : *Tim Reid presses on the key to lock the vehicle. ((2015 Dodge SRT© Charger 392))*
  504. [2015-12-18 19:27:39] [Output] : *Tim Reid presses on the key to unlock the vehicle. ((2015 Dodge SRT© Charger 392))*
  505. [2015-12-18 19:27:40] [Output] : ADVERT: Looking for Mechanic or Someone who can install black film roll to my car | #628065 (( Edmund Kozlov ))
  506. [2015-12-18 19:27:50] [Output] : Tim Harrison: (( mhm it worked. ))
  507. [2015-12-18 19:27:58] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Alright sir, your license.
  508. [2015-12-18 19:28:05] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster eyes Reid, squinting angryly, whilst shaking his head.
  509. [2015-12-18 19:28:14] [Output] : [English] Tim Reid says: You can quit glaring at me and listen to the Trooper, please.
  510. [2015-12-18 19:28:18] [Output] : ★ Tim Harrison extends his hand towards Brad, offering him the plastic card.
  511. [2015-12-18 19:28:22] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Or else what?
  512. [2015-12-18 19:28:31] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster takes it with his left hand, keeping his visual to Reid.
  513. [2015-12-18 19:28:34] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: You will be arrested for failing to follow lawful commands.
  514. [2015-12-18 19:28:51] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: He's nothing of the law, but a sex offender, and a relationship breaker.
  515. [2015-12-18 19:28:53] [Output] : *Brad Foster's cellphone starts to ring.*
  516. [2015-12-18 19:28:56] [Output] : *Brad Foster takes out a cellphone.*
  517. [2015-12-18 19:29:03] [Output] : Brad Foster [Cellphone]: Son.
  518. [2015-12-18 19:29:15] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: I suggest you talk to a shrink about that, I have not enough power to deal with that.
  519. [2015-12-18 19:29:21] [Output] : Brad Foster [Cellphone]: Do you think you could get your metal rack ready? And your car? Down to Las Venturas
  520. [2015-12-18 19:29:23] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Is the situation dealt with? Don't see a need of unrelevant arguments here right now.
  521. [2015-12-18 19:29:23] [Output] : Brad Foster [Cellphone]: Tolls.
  522. [2015-12-18 19:29:33] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Trooper, don't forget the dashcam footage.
  523. [2015-12-18 19:29:44] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Just forward it to me.
  524. [2015-12-18 19:29:46] [Output] : Brad Foster [Cellphone]: For my bike.
  525. [2015-12-18 19:29:50] [Output] : Brad Foster [Cellphone]: Suspended license.
  526. [2015-12-18 19:29:52] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: I will wait for his son to pick him and the bike up.
  527. [2015-12-18 19:29:58] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Mhmm.
  528. [2015-12-18 19:30:04] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: However.
  529. [2015-12-18 19:30:05] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: I will head out unless I'm needed here.
  530. [2015-12-18 19:30:09] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: I do not have access to the dashcam.
  531. [2015-12-18 19:30:18] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: You -don't-?
  532. [2015-12-18 19:30:26] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: I believe we troopers don't.
  533. [2015-12-18 19:30:27] [Output] : Brad Foster [Cellphone]: Good, be quick.
  534. [2015-12-18 19:30:30] [Output] : Tim Harrison: (( atleast thats how it used to be ))
  535. [2015-12-18 19:30:38] [Output] : *Brad Foster puts down his cellphone.*
  536. [2015-12-18 19:30:43] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: That's how it used to be in the past.
  537. [2015-12-18 19:30:44] [Output] : [English] Garry Hopkins says: Let me handle it then.
  538. [2015-12-18 19:30:51] [Output] : ★ Brad Foster lifts himself to the ledge reversed from him, sitting onto it.
  539. [2015-12-18 19:30:58] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Alright, make sure to safely turn it off first.
  540. [2015-12-18 19:31:05] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: Otherwise the recordings can get delted.
  541. [2015-12-18 19:31:07] [Output] : Tim Harrison: (( deleted* ))
  542. [2015-12-18 19:31:09] [Output] : ((San Andreas Highway Patrol)) William Carson: Garry
  543. [2015-12-18 19:31:13] [Output] : ((San Andreas Highway Patrol)) Garry Hopkins: Yes?
  544. [2015-12-18 19:31:17] [Output] : ((San Andreas Highway Patrol)) William Carson: fix 61's car please.
  545. [2015-12-18 19:31:24] [Output] : ((San Andreas Highway Patrol)) William Carson: he dun fucked up in the training
  546. [2015-12-18 19:31:28] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: And this man over there is allowed to sit and watch like it's some sort of Cinema?
  547. [2015-12-18 19:31:29] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Or play?
  548. [2015-12-18 19:31:57] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: If he has a problem. I'm sure he shal face me to face, without trying to hit on my wife.
  549. [2015-12-18 19:32:17] [Output] : [English] Tim Harrison says: As I said, i suggest you visit a shrink with your wife to sort this stuff out.
  550. [2015-12-18 19:32:34] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: I've already sorted it with her.
  551. [2015-12-18 19:32:38] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: He keeps trying to get at her.
  552. [2015-12-18 19:32:48] [Output] : [English] Brad Foster says: Or can we call this, Harrassment?
  553. [2015-12-18 19:32:55] [Output] : *Garry Hopkins reaches his both hands out towards the dashcam as he carefully unattaches it, taking it -*
  554. [2015-12-18 19:32:58] [Output] : * with him as he does so. (( Garry Hopkins )) *
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