

Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. local Player = game:GetService("Players").ashtonb05
  2. local Character = Player.Character
  3. local Torso = Character.Torso
  4. local Sound = Instance.new("Sound",Torso)
  5. local Play = false
  6. local Pause = false
  7. local Loop = false
  8. local Beat = .8
  10. p = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer
  11. p.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  12. if msg:sub(1,5):lower()=='play/' then
  13. Play = true
  14. local val = Instance.new("NumberValue", p.Character)
  15. val.Name = "Song"
  16. val.Value = tonumber(msg:sub(6))
  17. local id = val.Value
  18. Sound:Stop()
  19. Sound.SoundId='rbxassetid://'..id
  20. Sound:Play()
  21. wait(1)
  22. val:Remove()
  24. elseif msg:sub(1,5):lower()=='pitch/' then
  25. local val = Instance.new("NumberValue", p.Character)
  26. val.Name = "Pitch"
  27. val.Value = tonumber(msg:sub(6))
  28. local Pitch = val.Value
  29. Sound.Pitch = Pitch
  30. val:Remove()
  31. elseif msg:sub(1,4):lower()=='vol/' then
  32. local val = Instance.new("NumberValue", p.Character)
  33. val.Name = "Vol"
  34. val.Value = tonumber(msg:sub(5))
  35. if val.Value > 10 then val.Value = math.huge
  36. end
  37. local id = val.Value
  38. Sound.Volume = id
  39. val:Remove()
  40. elseif msg:sub(1,5) == 'stop/' then
  41. Play = false
  42. Sound:Stop()
  43. end
  45. end)
  47. function Random(num)
  48. local section=num % 1 * 3;
  49. local secondary=0.5 * math.pi * (section % 1);
  50. if section < 1 then
  51. return 1,1 - math.cos(secondary),1 - math.sin(secondary);
  52. elseif section < 2 then
  53. return 1 - math.sin(secondary),1,1 - math.cos(secondary);
  54. else
  55. return 1 - math.cos(secondary),1 - math.sin(secondary),1;
  56. end
  57. end
  59. local Part = Instance.new("Part",Torso)
  60. Part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black")
  61. Part.Anchored = true
  62. Part.CanCollide = false
  63. Part.TopSurface = 'Smooth'
  64. Part.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  65. Part.Transparency = 0
  66. local SelectionBox = Instance.new("SelectionBox",Part)
  67. SelectionBox.Adornee = Part
  68. SelectionBox.LineThickness = .009
  69. local a = 0
  70. game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat(function()
  72. SelectionBox.Color = BrickColor.new(Random(tick()))
  73. local Beats = Sound.PlaybackLoudness/60 * Beat
  74. a=a+.1
  75. Part.Size = Vector3.new(6+Beats ,.1 ,6+Beats)
  76. Part.CFrame = Torso.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,-3,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,a,0)
  78. end)
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