
Towa no Kuon TL v0.1

Aug 26th, 2011
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  1. Block off a 5km perimeter of Shinigusa Park.
  2. Displaying current image of the target.
  3. Display image.
  4. Image displayed.
  5. Zoom into target.
  6. Zooming in.
  7. Intersections have been sealed.
  8. Intersections sealed.
  9. Fly to operation region.{check, maybe チーム}
  10. Arrived at the strategy coordinates.
  11. Roger.
  12. BC Car, head to Route 11 from Rena Junction.{BC Car? Rena Junction? check}
  13. Condition all green for Alpha through Epsilon.
  14. Metropolitan Expressway 2, Yoyogi entrance, sealed.
  15. Operation time is 21 minutes and 40 seconds from kick off.
  16. Target BF503—traveling north through Shinigusa park.
  17. Cannot lock on to target.
  18. All neighboring roads have been sealed.
  19. All personnels at their stations.
  20. Signal strength please.
  21. Signal strength: 5.991.
  22. It's broken phase 6.
  23. How's the bestia?
  24. Target BF503's larva signal is still unstable.
  25. The signal is above average level.
  26. Begin.
  27. Sending display.
  28. Larva signal has broken phase 8.
  29. Target's transformation has begun.
  30. What?!
  31. Carrier 2 lost.
  32. Beginning sweep around the area.
  33. WTOC reached operation time limit.
  34. There's also a sign of change in Epsilon's brain wave.
  35. Retreat.
  36. Notice to WTOC.
  37. Operation is canceled.
  38. Begin retreat.
  39. Roger.
  40. So that... was Insania.
  41. {TS,6.58}Chapter One—Ephemeral Petals
  42. Master Kuon.
  43. How does your body fair?
  44. It's fine now.
  45. Thank you, Tei.
  46. How is he?
  47. Do you mean Yuma?
  48. He's stabilized now.
  49. It was fortunate that he hadn't broken past the danger level.
  50. I see.
  51. That's good.
  52. You may be tough, Master Kuon,
  53. but after your injury last night...
  54. I'm honestly fine.
  55. Everyone's already hard at work.
  56. I can't be lazing about.
  57. Let's go. It's business hours.
  58. Welcome to Fantasium Garden!
  59. Come in for an enticing dream experience!
  60. We have tons of events for you to enjoy.
  61. Hey, did you know?
  62. Fantasium Garden's also called Shinjuku Cabbage.
  63. I'm Cabbagey!
  64. I'm helping out at the Goat Corner.
  65. Morning, Takao.
  66. I'll be your guide, so come say hi!
  67. When are you gonna stop doing the impossible?
  68. You can't save everyone who awakens.
  69. It's just impossible.
  70. Our only fighters are you and Yuri!
  71. Still...
  72. I want to save everyone.
  73. Once you're done feeding them, can you feed the birds?
  74. Okay.
  75. Goat is a common name for an animal of Bovidae Capra.
  76. It usually refers to those that are farmed.
  77. There are seven different kinds, and the most common one is the Bezoar goat...
  78. Hey! Look at this, Kuon.
  79. I got a rash again because I used my power!
  80. My beautiful skin has a rash!
  81. But we couldn't have saved Yuma without it.
  82. Hey, can you check over here?
  83. There's nothing wrong.
  84. Perfectly fine.
  85. See ya!
  86. Hey wait, Kuon!
  87. You perverted old man!
  88. How nostalgic.
  89. This place used to overflow with dyed cloth.
  90. The clothes floating in the river looked as if they were dancing.
  91. It was beautiful.
  92. It was a long time ago though.
  93. Is that a music box?
  94. Could I listen to it?
  95. Thank you.
  96. It's definitely a great piece.
  97. Hey!
  98. You've got some nerve picking up girls instead of working!
  99. Goodness!
  100. I'm sorry.
  101. We're supposed to be working.
  102. We'll treat you well, so come play, okay?
  103. Stop, Yuri!
  104. When I sensed her power, that piece was playing.
  105. Are you sure?
  106. Yeah.
  107. She's also awakening.
  108. Target BF503 and AA001, aka Insania, have been lost.
  109. They are off the radar.
  110. A new signal found in west Tokyo.
  111. Beginning surveillance.
  112. Ordo has made great investment in developing and maintaining you.{Ordo = latin for order}
  113. If you don't accomplish your tasks, then you're just a bunch of useless tin dolls.
  114. Yes, the 3 destroyed units can't move,
  115. but why did you fail to act, Epsilon?
  116. You wern't nervous on your first operation, I hope?
  117. When I...
  118. identified Insania, I did hesitate for a second.
  119. However...
  120. You will do better next time?
  121. Am I dealing with a rookie soldier?
  122. Watch what you say.
  123. Sir.
  124. I demand perfection and completeness in every aspect.
  125. Please remember that, Private Rookie.
  126. Sir.
  127. I don't see anything wrong.
  128. What a strange feeling.
  129. When I had my live body, I couldn't stand just sitting around all day long.
  130. With our current technology, we still can't surpass the reaction time between the brain and nervous system,
  131. but we can manage everything else in software,
  132. so we can even control emotions like boredom.
  133. All of my physical parts are working fine.
  134. Why don't you try rebooting?
  135. I don't want a malfunctioning unit that acts on emotion to be watching my back.
  136. It's only because your brain is working that you can be sarcastic.
  137. You're a nice person.
  138. Not entirely.
  139. I'm treating you guys as objects when you still have emotions.
  140. If there's a heart in my body,
  141. then it's made entirely of tektite.
  142. Keep a strong heart.
  143. Your ability is wonderful.
  144. However, you'll only make everyone sad if you abuse it.
  145. Don't worry.
  146. If you wear that, you can suppress your power,
  147. and you also won't be targetted.
  148. If you train here for a bit,
  149. you'll be able to control it perfectly.
  150. You... You can say that because you can control it.
  151. But I... I can't!
  152. I'm a human just like you.
  153. I make mistakes.
  154. But I don't ever give up.
  155. So make me a promise.
  156. Promise me not to abuse your power.
  157. I...
  158. Just stay here.
  159. This is your home.
  160. The Fantasium Garden is now closed.
  161. Please come again.
  162. Man, I'm tired.
  163. What to eat today...
  164. We have yakisoba today!
  165. {otsukaresama}
  166. Where's Master Kuon?
  167. Miya, did you use your power again?
  168. I see.
  169. He's with her.
  170. Look. This is the cafeteria.
  171. They're all your friends.
  172. Yuma!
  173. Have you already recovered?
  174. Just take your time and learn to get along with them.
  175. What's up?
  176. {TS,15.48}Did Ku and Tsukky have dinner?
  177. {TS,16.00}Shirogasaki Japanese Dance School.
  178. Thank you. Sorry.
  179. Kiri.
  180. Oh, never mind.
  181. What a beautiful voice.
  182. Your voice is a magical voice that makes everyone happy.
  183. I believe your granddaughter has lost her voice due to her mental damage.
  184. Don't worry, you'll be able to talk again.
  185. And sing that song, even.
  186. It's definitely a great piece.
  187. Larva signal detected near Shinjuku-ku.
  188. It's not in the database.
  189. It's a new individual.
  190. Signal level: blue.
  191. Here you go.
  192. It might not look good, but it tastes good.
  193. The vegetables were grown in the green house here.
  194. It's very important to eat seasonal vegetables, so that you get plenty of...
  195. Here we go again...
  196. Hey, food on your face.
  197. Signal level has risen to yellow.
  198. Appointing the target as BF509 due to the risen level.
  199. Yes, we believe it's the girl.
  200. Okay. Thank you.
  201. Master Kuon is on his way.
  202. Little Taka, in an emergency, you're in charge.
  203. Psh, no I'm not.
  204. WTOC, stand-by.
  205. Roger.
  206. WTOC stand-by level set from 4 to 3.
  207. Begin loading units Alpha through Epsilon.
  208. Larva signal rising further.
  209. It's only a matter of time until it breaks surveillance level.
  210. Signal lost.
  211. Could not find its location.
  212. Location unconfirmed.
  213. WTOC, revoke stand-by status.
  214. Thanks for working till so late.{osoku made gokurou san}{tl = bleh}
  215. I'm introducing a new friend in your garden.
  216. What is it?
  217. Oh, it's persimmon.
  218. When I sneaked into the warehouse back home,
  219. I found the seed in my great grandfather's belongings.
  220. I never thought it'd actually sprout.
  221. Oh, that persimmon tree that was in your garden.
  222. I remember climbing it with you.
  223. No, you made me climb it!
  224. You always brought up my great grandfather and made me do the impossible!
  225. How's the boy from last night?
  226. Holding up.
  227. What about you?
  228. I want to protect her too.
  229. Kiri.
  230. Aren't you tired of taking care of me all the time?
  231. Why don't you go play outside every now and then?
  232. Don't mind me. Go out and play.
  233. I want to be alone sometimes too.
  234. {TS,22.06}Front of Fantasium Garden
  235. Flan. You're back?
  236. Here.
  237. Have some tea.
  238. Kiri, make yourself at home.
  239. I know!
  240. I'll give you a tour.
  241. Due to the owner's policy, most of the employees are youngsters like us.
  242. Let's go.{"maa"}
  243. Seeing is believing.
  244. Enjoy.
  245. Hardening of the skin...
  246. It's a new case.
  247. This is your home.
  248. Hey!
  249. Wait up!
  250. Well hurry up! Or we won't make it in time.
  251. Okay!
  252. Each of the five areas has a virtual attraction,
  253. and there's a shopping mall on the second floor.
  254. They have lots of Cabbagey's goods—
  255. Hey, we'll go there later!
  256. Towa...{name? or it could be "Eternity"}
  257. Thank you.
  258. It's definitely a great piece.
  259. I'm Kuon.
  260. You?
  261. Kiri.
  262. She's Jogasaki Kiri.
  263. Kiri, huh?
  264. It's a great name.
  265. {TS,24.54}National Hospital Medical Center
  266. Kiri...
  267. Don't worry.
  268. You'll be able to talk again.
  269. And sing, even.
  270. I wish... you had never been born!
  271. Grandma...
  272. Kiri, you have the voice of an agnel!
  273. The words... that I sing...
  274. will save my loved ones.
  275. The words that I sing...
  276. Oh no... What do I do?
  277. {kataru... desuka?}{this is what I hear, but doesn't make sense}
  278. How is she?
  279. She's under cardiac arrest.
  280. Contact the ICU.
  281. I will warm up the world, and...{song: kono sekai atatamete}
  282. Grandma?
  283. I knew it.
  284. Your voice is so magical.
  285. Grandma!
  286. Thank god!
  287. Thank you, Kiri.
  288. Ms. Jogasaki!
  289. Eh?
  290. My...
  291. New larva signal detected.
  292. It's the BF509 we lost last night.
  293. Another signal.
  294. It's BF503 that was seized by Insania.
  295. Send out the WTOC.
  296. Roger.
  297. BC Car, set in.
  298. Permission to launch granted.
  299. I thought he had calmed down.
  300. No one could understand how deep his wounds were.
  301. Yuma isn't safe right now.
  302. We have to find him quickly!
  303. Locking on to BF509 in 530 seconds.
  304. BF503 is heading south toward Shibuya.
  305. Team WTOC has passed route 7.
  306. Getting ready to surface.
  307. We have two targets.
  308. We will split into two.
  309. Beta and gamma, go after BF503.
  310. Delta, Epsilon, and I will take BF509.
  311. All hands, {no clue}
  312. Beta and gamma, change into heavy shield.
  313. Roger.
  314. Entering operation range.
  315. All hands ready for deployment.
  316. Connect complete.
  317. Condition all green.
  318. Alpha through Epsilon, separate at {somewhere}
  319. Arriving at {somewhere} in 2 minutes.
  320. World peace will be kept by order.
  321. If someone breaks the order...
  322. then they are evil.
  323. Two signals.
  324. Yuma and Kiri?
  325. I think so.
  326. What are they up to?
  327. They're sealing off all the rodes.
  328. Then those cyborgs too?
  329. Yes, they're on the move as well.
  330. Are they taking them both at once?
  331. What?
  332. We can't save them both at the same time!
  333. Master Kuon?
  334. Don't try to be a hero.
  335. You can't save them both.
  336. Which one are you going to save?
  337. Eh, hero?
  338. Both.
  339. I want to save them all.
  340. And that won't change in 1000 years.
  341. BF503 found.
  342. Following.
  343. 500m perimeter of Shinjuku West Exit has been sealed.
  344. All units at designated location.
  345. My voice...
  346. Kuon used his power.
  347. Which one is he going to?
  348. She's still nearby.
  349. Begin search.
  350. Roger.
  351. No!
  352. Stay back!
  353. Man, give me a break.
  354. If I wasn't close to you, I would've gotten hurt.
  355. Yuri, what was that?
  356. Your voice...
  357. It was your power.
  358. I'll explain later.
  359. Now, hold on tight.
  360. Identified Insania.
  361. Procedding to process 2.
  362. How are they?
  363. Checking now.
  364. Yuri.
  365. Can you hear me?
  366. Yuri.
  367. Tei?
  368. I got in contact with Kiri.
  369. Can you get Kuon to come?
  370. They're inside this building.
  371. Switching from larva detection mode to thermal mode.
  372. I see. They're a fun bunch.
  373. Switch to normal vision.
  374. We'll find them with our eyes.
  375. Roger.
  376. Goodness.
  377. Hurry up, Kuon.
  378. What are you people?
  379. We're Attracters.
  380. According to Kannazuki, we awakened.
  381. We can change our feelings into power.
  382. Change feelings to power?
  383. It's cold.
  384. Why do I feel so cold?
  385. Yes, and you're one of us.
  386. What? I am?
  387. Stop!
  388. Please don't kill me!
  389. Are they fighting each other?
  390. Yuma.
  391. Calm down.
  392. Look at me!
  393. Look.
  394. I'm also incomplete.
  395. But... Still...
  396. I want to use my power to save everyone.
  397. I'm sure your power will be helpful too.
  398. Which one won?
  399. Insania?
  400. Master Kuon...
  401. Please. Don't overwork yourself anymore.
  402. Damn it.
  403. Kuon, you fucking idiot!
  404. Hurry it up, you shit head!
  405. They... teleported?
  406. Hey.
  407. If I happen to die and I have a horrible expression.
  408. Could you close my eyes?
  409. Come on.
  410. I can't die looking ugly!
  411. I... don't think I'll have that kind of time.
  412. Of course...
  413. Lost?
  414. What's going on?
  415. They're here!
  416. I see.
  417. So that's how it is.
  418. Little Taka!
  419. Are you okay?
  420. No.
  421. I'm at my limit.
  422. That's for skipping training!
  423. Shut up.
  424. Kiri, hurry up.
  425. Take this chance and escape.
  426. Okay...
  427. Now, come on.
  428. But...
  429. Hurry!
  430. Coming!
  431. Where is he?
  432. Delta, are you still functioning?
  433. Yes, but barely.
  434. He was a tough opponent, just as the data said.
  435. But... that'll end today.
  436. Get away!
  437. {TS,40.04}Alert. Intruders Alert.
  438. What's going on?
  439. The security system of the factory seems to have activated.
  440. What was the strategy team doing?
  441. Looking into the cause.
  442. Local police and firemen are heading toward the scene.
  443. We're not ready to deal with the Japanese government yet.
  444. Retreat.
  445. We did it!
  446. Ow, that hurts.
  447. Be more gentle!
  448. Just be quiet!
  449. A-Are you okay?
  450. Yeah.
  451. I'm fine.
  452. Shut up! You can't do anything alone.
  453. That's enough!
  454. You're exactly right.
  455. I can't save everyone alone.
  456. But you came.
  457. Thank you, Takao.
  458. And you too, Yuma.
  459. I'm sorry.
  460. I broke our promise.
  461. In return, you learned how to rightfully use your power.
  462. Isn't that right?
  463. But...
  464. I need to practice more.
  465. Then we can practice together.
  466. Yeah!
  467. Hey guys!
  468. Good work!
  469. What do I do?
  470. You're also all of our friend.
  471. I want to save everyone, no matter what.
  472. Those who fear their powers...
  473. Others like you and Yuma who don't know what to do...
  474. Everyone.
  475. And to do that, they're all helping me.
  476. So I'd like you to help me as well.
  477. {ED}
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