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a guest
Jan 25th, 2018
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text 0.94 KB | None | 0 0
  1. (gdb) mon swdp_scan
  2. Target voltage: Not Detected
  3. Available Targets:
  4. No. Att Driver
  5. 1 EFM32 Happy Gecko
  6. (gdb) att 1
  7. Attaching to Remote target
  8. warning: No executable has been specified and target does not support
  9. determining executable automatically. Try using the "file" command.
  10. 0x00002a4e in ?? ()
  11. (gdb) info all
  12. r0 0x3 3
  13. r1 0x40006120 1073766688
  14. r2 0x74b7 29879
  15. r3 0x2000091c 536873244
  16. r4 0x2000091c 536873244
  17. r5 0x0 0
  18. r6 0x20000c0c 536873996
  19. r7 0x7530 30000
  20. r8 0x10000000 268435456
  21. r9 0x1000044 16777284
  22. r10 0x0 0
  23. r11 0x0 0
  24. r12 0x20000805 536872965
  25. sp 0x200008f8 0x200008f8
  26. lr 0xfffffff9 0xfffffff9
  27. pc 0x2a4e 0x2a4e
  28. xpsr 0x1000011 16777233
  29. msp 0x200008f8 0x200008f8
  30. psp 0x0 0x0
  31. special 0x1 1
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