
Helping a Fluffy Family

Aug 25th, 2012
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  1. >You have a lousy job.
  2. >Bussing tables at the Chinese Buffett.
  3. >You're not even Chinese.
  4. >You leave work last, after mopping the floor.
  5. >11pm, no car so you walk home.
  6. >On the way you hear a pathetic voice.
  7. >"Pwease Mista hewp fwuffies?"
  8. >It's a dirty white unicorn stallion.
  9. >With him are four mares...two pregnant.
  10. >At least 12 foals of varying ages.
  11. >They're all crying, skinny & shivering.
  12. >"Fwuffy daddee wuv mummas...wuv babees, nu can find e'nuff nummies."
  13. >Littlest foals cry "Fwuffy hungwy!"
  14. >Mommas and bigger foals try to comfort them.
  15. >Stallion looks up at you with pleading eyes.
  16. >"Hooman pwease hewp...pwease nummies fow babees."
  17. "You got too many kids, dumbass."
  18. >"Wha? Fwuffy wuv babees! Mowe babees coming...fwuffy happy!"
  19. "Here dumbass, I'll help you."
  20. >All the fluffies cheer. "Yay!" "Mista hewp!" "New hooman daddee!"
  21. >Pick the stallion up.
  22. >Part his grungy ass fluff.
  23. >"Whaaa!? Why touch pee-pee?"
  24. >Cut off his balls with your pocket knife.
  25. >"AAAAGGGGHHHRRR! Huwt fwuffy! Why huwt fwuffy?"
  26. >Set him down, the distressed mares leave their foals to help him.
  27. >Collect all twelve foals.
  28. >Check their gender...they squeal for their mothers.
  29. >7 fillies go free.
  30. >5 colts get the same as their father got.
  31. >Six little fluffy nutsacks laying on the wet pavement.
  32. "See, now you won't have more might be able to feed your family now."
  33. >Male fluffies just writhe around crying and clutching their bloody scrotum stumps.
  34. >Selfish animals didn't even thank you.
  35. >That's the last time you do something nice for fluffy ponies.
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