
Ben & Zita

Jun 19th, 2016
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  1. <DarnellJermaine> *CLINK CLANK CLINK CLANK* Here comes Big Ben! He's strolling his way towards...the infirmary? He doesn't appear hurt at all- not like the infirmary could help him if he was. Turns out, Ben had put some thinking into this whole 'Being your own person' thing, and Ben decided what he liked was helping people- so where better to learn how to help people than the infirmary, where students and staff helped heal hurt
  2. <DarnellJermaine> students?
  3. <Silvy> Zita, in the mean time, was leaving the infirmary. No, no. She hadn't hurt herself. She was picking up her blood bag for the day. The cafeteria doesn't keep them in stock. Zita was sipping on it and glanced at Ben, the big clanker, and kept sipping out the blood bag's little tube as she looked at him. Zita looks unhurt! And her hair is a lavender color. Her shirt is red but, well, she didn't want to get blood on any of the shirts
  4. <Silvy> she actually liked!
  5. <DarnellJermaine> Ben kept walking- a loud *thud* with every big step he took. However- he did slowly turn his head down *creeeaaak* to the small girl coming out of the infirmary with a blood bag. Puzzled as to why someone would be drinking one of those, he came to a halt and just stared at her. Although he had nothing but good intentions- due to his muscles being made entirely of nickel, he couldn't really move them too well- so
  6. <DarnellJermaine> his face was always a stolid and unreadable expression, maybe even a bit intimidating if someone would normally be afraid of a 400 lbs 6'2" man made entirely of metal staring at them. But that was up for interpretation
  7. <Silvy> Zita wasn't most people, but she could smell that this dude didn't have blood and was metally smelling. So she just glanced at him and kept sipping blood through the tube like it was some kind of straw. Small? Zita's a whole 5'3, thank you very muuch... Oh, yeah, she's a foot shorter than him! She looks up at him and keeps drinking with a tilt of her head.
  8. <DarnellJermaine> He just stares at her- happy to not scare her off- though his face wouldn't show that. Oh gosh- he should speak up! Surely, he was being rather rude right now. "Hi" he said, giving a slow wave with his giant metallic arm.
  9. <Silvy> Zita was used to slow people not made of humanbits, so she wasn't too weirded out by the metal man. She waved, one hand keeping a hold on the bloodbag she was drinking from. "Hey!" She spoke with pep, pulling her lips, which were now a tad shiny with blood, away from the tube.
  10. <DarnellJermaine> Ben was an interesting one- quite smart actually, his mind constantly darting between thoughts- just like right now. Who was this girl? Why was she drinking blood? What powers did she have? Was she a friend or a foe? However, Ben often spoke with few words and slow movements- his outward demeanor and appearance hardly ever mimicking his inward feelings. "My name is Ben" he says, reaching that same arm over to
  11. <DarnellJermaine> her to shake. His arm was massively thick and large- cold like metal to the touch in the Canadian Winter. Thankfully- Ben hardly felt hot or cold- or pain for that matter. All of his senses were a very dulled version of their fleshy counterpart save his eyes.
  12. <DarnellJermaine> (and ears)
  13. <Silvy> Sounds like someone else Zita knows. A girl that used to have a horrible, horrible sense of touch. Zita reached an arm out and accepted the handshake, holding her bloodbag with the other. "I'm Zita." She replies with a smile, before going to sipsip more on her baggie of bloody.
  14. <DarnellJermaine> "Why are you drinking that?" he asks. By the way, now might be the time to mention that do to the whole not moving vocal chords well and stuff- his voice is /loud/, booming even. And he can hardly raise or lower it from there. So his voice is probably carrying halfway across campus if people are quiet and listening.
  15. * Knave has quit (Quit: Knave Out)
  16. <Silvy> Zita looks at her blood bag then at him. "Because I'm 'sposed to?" Zita asks with a tilt of her head, licking her teeth to clean them of blood and then smiling up at him. Then she went back to sipping and started walking. "You can walk with me, if you wanna." She adds in with a grin back at him.
  17. <DarnellJermaine> Ben turns his head to follow her movements *creeeaaak* and stands there for a few seconds before joining her. His steps are slow, but his strides wide- so he manages to catch up after a moment with her. Every step he takes creates an audible *thud*. Quite the loud one, really. "Do most people drink blood? I haven't seen anyone else do it- Ma and Pa never did it either"
  18. <Silvy> Zita shakes her head as she keeps sipping. "No. But I have to... it's a part of what I am." Zita says as she sips, glancing up at him and then forward. "I don't like drinking it." Zita had already half drunk it and was rushing through the remainder.
  19. <DarnellJermaine> Ben just stares at her as they move- expression completely stolid. However, on the inside he felt quite bad for her- worried even. Poor girl, she had to drink icky blood against her will! If only he could help... Speaking of help! "Do you know first aid?" he asks out of nowhere.
  20. <Silvy> Zita shakes her head, the tube in her mouth tugging a tad as she kept drinking. "No. Sowwy." Zita says, still drinking. She was drinking the blood down at a rather rapid pace. She hated it. Both drinking blood and this blood specifically. It's so cold and sloshy. Like a flat soda.
  21. <DarnellJermaine> If Ben focused- he could detect all the metals around them- including the iron in the blood she was drinking. Yup- that was real blood. Poor girl- that seemed awfully sad, for some reason. "You have to hurt people to survive?" he asked- completely unaware that people donated blood freely and quite often around the world- having lived outside of society on his Ma and Pa's farm in Wyoming until coming here
  22. <DarnellJermaine> recently. He was very smart- just unlearned. He figured blood only came from hurting people.
  23. <Silvy> Zita shakes her head. "No. Um... the infirmary gives me these blood bags! So I don't have to bite people." Zita says with a nod. "But, um... I do have some people that let me feed on them. Only if they ask me to though!"
  24. * Knave ( has joined
  25. <DarnellJermaine> Ben looks questioningly at Zita, wondering how he can help. Well- Ben has blood too- it's just liquid nickel with /faint/ traces of human blood, hardly blood really at all. "You can feed off me" he offers his arm to her- yes Ben, as if your blood would even work- or she could puncture through your thick metallic arm and muscles. Poor Ben.
  26. <Silvy> Zita shakes her head, downing the rest of the blood bag and tossing it into a trash can. "Um, no thanks Ben." Zita prefers the blood of cute girls anyways. She's a weirdy pants. She smiles up at him. "Thanks for offering though! It really means a lot."
  27. <DarnellJermaine> He nods his head, again a completely unreadable expression. On the inside though... oh boy, she was actually grateful for his help! And it meant a lot! If Ben was capable of blushing he certainly would be right about now. "Your welcome" is all he says on the outside though, continuing to walk alongside her. "What do you do for fun?" Ben trying to make conversation, folks. Actually- he was still trying to figure
  28. <DarnellJermaine> out what exactly fun was. He spent most of his time learning or helping his Ma and Pa on the farm- never really did sports or played games or got to hang out with other people.
  29. <Silvy> Zita tilts her head and shrugs, licking her lips and teeth clean of blood. "Well... I hang out with my friends. Or I paint or draw. Sometimes I play games with my friends. I mostly cuddle with them though! I do homework, but that's not funny. Ooh! I do like doing yoga now! And, um, yeah!"
  30. <DarnellJermaine> "Games?" Ben asks after receiving all of that information at once. Ben had played games before with Andrey! "I play Mario" you've played twice, Ben. Twice. "Mario is fun- do you play?"
  31. <Silvy> "Me and one of my friends played it before, I think." Zita says with a nod. She wasn't much of a gaming master, but she's played more than a few! "I mainly like hanging out with friends though. Or my girlfriends."
  32. * SpookyBee ( has joined
  33. <DarnellJermaine> "Girlfriends" Ben pondered this, "I thought boys had girlfriends and girls had boyfriends" Ben wasn't against gay relationships or anything- he had just only ever lived with his Ma and Pa and his best experience with the outside world was very /limited/ viewings of TV, so he had simply never heard of same sex relationships before. "Am I confused?"
  34. * DarcellJermaine has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  35. <Silvy> Zita shakes her head. "Um, no. But girls can have girlfriends and boys can have boyfriends, if they wanna." Zita says with a nod. "So I'm a girl, but I like girls instead of boys. So I have girlfriends." Zita says wiht a nod and a smile.
  36. <DarnellJermaine> Ben nods his head, "Oh, I understand. My apologies- I'm still new to 'relationships'" he says, seeming genuinely curious to learn more about the world around him. "I only had Ma and Pa to talk to until recently. I'm still not sure how to make friends- I have a few now though!"
  37. <Silvy> Zita nods her head and smiles. "Making friends is easy and fun! Keeping them can... sometimes be hard though." Zita says with a frown and a shake of her head. "But the bestest friends are the ones that stay with you no matter what!"
  38. <DarnellJermaine> Ben's fast paced mind quickly builds up on the little snag in her statement, "Do you have trouble with your friends?" he asks- again stolid and unreadable, but on the inside he seems quite worried. Poor Zita, Ben didn't have many friends himself and knows he would hate to lose any! "Can I help?" Ben asks, slowly raising a metal hand and pointing to himself. Poor Ben, at least his intentions were good!
  39. <Silvy> Zita sighs. "One of my friends hates me because I got worried and wanted to keep her safe." Zita says before shaking her head and shrugging. "But I'm fine! I've moved on. Besides, if she wants to leave me for some stupid boy, she probably wasn't a good friend anyways, right?" Zita asks before smiling, a hint sadly, and shaking her head. "I'm happy!"
  40. <DarnellJermaine> "Why would a friend be mad for you helping them? I am confused" he says leaning down a bit to get closer to Zita- not very effective since he has a whole foot on her height wise. "Why would she stop being your friend because of a boy? Is he a bad person?"
  41. <Silvy> "Because people are dum. That's why... and yeah. I think he's bad! But she thinks he isn't. So, uh, that's why we're not friends. Apparently." Zita says with a frown. "Even though we've been friends for months! But... I guess that doesn't matter. But I'm good! I'm fine. I'm awesome! I've got better friends!"
  42. <DarnellJermaine> Ben feels very sad for poor Zita- in fact, this was his chance to help! He gently tapped Zita, setting her to North Polarity, and then tapped his back- setting it to south polarity so she'd be stuck to him. "Tell me where this boy is- I will confront him!" Ben please ;n;
  43. <Silvy> Zita's eyes go wide. "N-No! It's fine. I don't want you fighting for me. Please? I'm stronger than I look." Zita says, trying to pull herself free to no avail. "P-Please?" She didn't want to be a backpack!
  44. <DarnellJermaine> "No fighting- I will speak with him! Where is he?" Ben started jogging- although his strides were wide, he wasn't very fast- so it was at best a slow jog as loug *THUDS* resounded with every step- even though he wasn't sure exactly where he was running yet.
  45. <Silvy> "Don't talk to him! Just let go of me! Stop!" Zita says, starting to turn around and... shit. She can't bite him! He's metal! "I'm still thirsty, can I have some of your blood?" Zita! You're being decietful!
  46. <DarnellJermaine> Ben stops moving for a bit, "Sure! Uhh..." he doesn't really know how to open a wound- his exterior is /thick/ most things just ended up denting him anyways. "How do I get it out? My body is very...sturdy"
  47. * SpookyBee has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
  48. * SpookyBee ( has joined
  49. <Silvy> Zita shrugs. "I dunno... um... lemme down and we can find out?"
  50. <DarnellJermaine> Ben nods- again would be blushing if he could. "Ok! Sorry, I got carried away. I didn't mean to scare you" he said, stretching his arms out as wide as they would go to either side of him before slamming them together for a BOOMING clap that could easily be heard all around campus- releasing the magnetic effects from them, making sure to kneel down first so she wouldn't fall from his back to the ground.
  51. <Silvy> Zita would land on her feet regardless. She walked over and hugged him but shook her head and smiled. "It's okay. I just didn't expect you to try and, um... protect me like that. Thanks!" Zita says, maybe sounding a tad questioning as she smiled up then walked forward. "Wanna, um, go for a walk?"
  52. <DarnellJermaine> Ben stood still for a moment before slowly nodding his head once *creeaaak* "Ok" what he didn't say? Oh boy- she was thankful he wanted to help- he made her happy (or at least he thought he did). Ben really did love helping people! In fact, he was so happy and excited that he managed to move his face muscles just a bit- to crack the teeniest bit of a smile- but certainly noticeable if Zita looked. At this point,
  53. <DarnellJermaine> he's completely forgotten about the infirmary for now. "Walk where?"
  54. <Silvy> Zita shrugs. "I dunno. Um... just walk?"
  55. <DarnellJermaine> Ben didn't nod or shrug or anything, he just followed. Walking was fine.
  56. <Silvy> "So..." Zita has no idea what to talk about! "Do you like Mario?" He said he's played it before, right?
  57. <DarnellJermaine> Ben nods his head once, and then doesn't speak for a while. Come on Ben, a /girl/ is talking to you! Get it together, you doofus! Actually, Ben didn't know why it was a big deal to talk to girls, but that's how it was on TV. "Do you like Mario?" he asks back. Oh, she just asked /you/ that you dummy! Poor Ben isn't good at this kinda thing, but Zita can probably tell he's trying.
  58. <Silvy> Zita giggles at him and keeps walking. "I dunno. I like Peach more. But Sheik is the coolest!" Zita was more familiar with Smash Bros than any of the normal Mario characters. "Wait. No. I like Samus. Samus is amazing!"
  59. <DarnellJermaine> Ben seemed lost- he only knew Mario. It didn't help he hadn't got past the 2nd level, "Do they show up later?" he asks, completely unaware of what she's talking about. (OOC Smash is the fuckin bomb fam)
  60. <Silvy> "Oh! Um, no. They're in Smash Bros." Zita says with a frown as she goes along. "But, um, I think Peach is in Mario? She's the princess."
  61. <DarnellJermaine> "Oh" he nods his head once, "Smash Bros? Is that like Mario?" no Ben, no it isn't.
  62. <Silvy> "Kiiinda?" Zita asks with a tilt of her head and then a nod and smile. "I dunno!"
  63. <DarnellJermaine> Ben nods his head once. Why only once? Who knows- it's apparently a thing! He's soaking in everything Zita tells him, "So what is having a girlfriend like?" ah, there's something he was curious about! Ben had never dated anyone before, much less had a gf
  64. * Knave has quit (Quit: Knave Out)
  65. <Silvy> "It's amazing! Every day I get to go and I get hugged and kissed and I get to know that no matter what, that certain someone will care for me and love me." Zita says with a smile, shutting her eyes to imagine it for a moment.
  66. <DarnellJermaine> Love? Ben knew his Ma and Pa loved each other very much- it was a warm and happy feeling. And they loved him too- but in a different way. He had seen hugs and kisses on TV before- he loved hugging people but had never been kissed. "Oh, that sounds very nice!" he says, once more cracking the teeniest of smiles.
  67. <Silvy> Zita nods her head, shutting her eyes and smiling happily. "It's the best." Zita says before shaking her head and opening her eyes. "I like it. I love them. My girlfriends." Zita says happily, almost like she's singing it out. "So, yeah!"
  68. <DarnellJermaine> "I would like to have a girlfriend" it sounded nice enough- hugs and kisses and someone you loved being around! Ben had never felt any kind of sexual urges or knew what those were, but hugs and kisses sounded great! "How do I get a girlfriend?" rather blunt of you there, then again you are made of metal (ba dum tss)
  69. * Lirnd has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  70. <Silvy> Zita shrugs. "Just find somebody single who you like a lot... make sure the person's single though! You can't date Eponnie because she's my girlfriend. So if you dated her, I'd cry a bunch. See? So no dating people if they already having someone they're dating." Zita says, being a hypocrite.
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