
Text Adventure Chapter 4 Log

May 7th, 2014
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  1. >You thought of something just as Pinkie Pie finished with her business, joining the three of you in the silent contemplation that had befallen the destroyed night.
  2. “Twilight, if this thing is such a monster, then why doesn’t the magic hurt me?”
  3. >Her eyes widen at this statement, and she begins to ponder what it could possibly mean.
  4. >”What exactly did you feel when you ran through those flames?”
  5. “...Well, there was a sort of force, like a resistance, and it did sting me a little bit but no real pain.”
  6. >Twi looked completely bewildered at this.
  7. >”But… That makes no sense! No dark magic has ever been so ineffective to anyone before!”
  8. >Pinkie and Redheart gave her a questioning look, and she gave an exasperated sigh.
  9. >”You see, dark magic like we’ve seen tonight is a very rare occurrence, and very few ponies have ever mastered it enough to practically use it. The reason for this is because it’s highly unstable -not something to be played with- because its dangerous and unpredictable. Being able to shrug it off like Anonymous does is completely unheard of!”
  10. >Pinkie starts making ‘Ooh’s and ‘Aah’s in bizarre excitement.
  11. >”Does that mean Nonny is like a super-powered alien robot guy who can totally tank the most dangerous magic in all of Equestria?!”
  12. >”That’s just it… I don’t know. What exactly are you, Anon?”
  13. “I’m just me, a normal human. Maybe humans aren’t affected by magic because there isn’t any in our world?”
  14. >”It’s a possibility, but we wouldn’t really know unless we ran some tests.”
  15. “...Maybe later.”
  17. “Is there anything else we could help with, while we’re here?”
  18. >”Right now, we’ve gotten all the ponies that could be helped, the only thing left to do now is cleanup, but we save that for the construction workers. The best thing you could do is get some sleep, and come back by
  19. the treehouse for those tests. It could be really important to this threat!”
  20. >Redheart speaks up.
  21. >”What would you be doing in the meantime, Ms. Sparkle?”
  22. >”I’ll be contacting the Princesses and preparing the Elements of Harmony in case whatever that thing is, comes back.”
  23. >Wait, what-
  24. >”Don’t worry about what they are, either, they’re just something that can help us. Pinkie, are you going or staying?”
  25. >”I think I’ma stick with Anon for now, Twi! He’s really cool and they might need my help for whatever amazing adventure they plan on going!”
  26. “What adventure?”
  27. >>”THE adventure! The whole point of this game, duh!”
  28. >You, Twilight and Redheart gave her strange looks, but she just started bouncing around and humming a catchy tune.
  29. “...O-okay.”
  31. >Status: (Anon: Your skin tingles from the recent exposure to dark magic, but you have no injuries. Feels good man. [HP: 100/100])
  32. (Redheart: The large amount of work you’ve done to help the injured tonight has left you completely exhausted, lowering your abilities slightly. [HP: 120/125] [Fatigued])
  33. (Pinkie Pie: Death and destruction has settled upon you, but you won’t let it get you down, not when other ponies are counting on you! [HP: 98/100])
  35. >Twilight gave her goodbyes to the party and left for the library, saying she was first going to make a stop to see how Spike was faring.
  36. “Is there anything else we can do, Redheart? It seems pretty clear at this point, and maybe I could watch you now if you were still on duty.”
  37. >”Not that I can see, but I’ll most likely get called to the hospital very soon, so I need what rest I can get.”
  38. “Alright.”
  39. >What do you do now?
  50. >you get a flashback of your past life-<COMMAND NOT FOUND (Pinkie: Do you really think that this happened before he came here?)
  54. >The day is over, and nothing else is occupying your time now.
  55. >You’ve been feeling feverish all day, and you are pretty sure that the only thing that will cure it…
  56. >...Is dancing like an ogre.
  57. >It happens out of nowhere. You begin to bust out your moves right where you stand.
  58. >The surrounding ponies watch in awe at the spectacle before them.
  60. >This goes on for a good two minutes before you begin to wind down.
  61. >Once you finish, you feel a lot better.
  62. >You feel something.
  63. >Taking some time, you ponder on this feeling.
  64. >Then it hits you.
  66. ~*Ability unlocked: Ogre Dance! (Causes mass confusion to enemies if post ends in 0, 2, 5, 8, 9, will otherwise do nothing.) *~
  68. >>17629290
  69. >>17629232
  70. >>17629242
  71. >>17629276
  73. “So, where do the three of us sleep for the night, then? Your house is demolished for the time being, Pinkie’s shop is caved in…”
  74. >Redheart gives you a “thank you captain obvious” expression.
  75. >”I’m aware, Anon. I’m thinking.”
  76. >Something comes to mind.
  77. “Any spare rooms in the hospital maybe?”
  78. >The nurse shakes her head.
  79. >”You know that’s not possible, there’s too many injured. That place is going to be packed, unfortunately.”
  80. >Pinkie decides to chime in.
  81. >”We could go catch up with Twilight and ask to stay with her?”
  82. >You realize that’s probably your party’s best bet.
  83. >”If she’ll let us stay, that is?”
  84. >The excitable mare grins and gives a small bounce in place.
  85. >”Oh, of cooourse she’ll let us stay! She might not be the element of kindness like Fluttershy but she’s always been a really really nice pony and she’d totally let us stay there with her!”
  86. >The pink pony just smiles after that breathless sentence, and starts bouncing off after her.
  87. >You and Redheart quickly follow, eventually catching up with her and asking for a spare room.
  88. >Thankfully, Twilight agrees.
  89. >”You could normally stay in the basement, but I had a lot of equipment out recently. The earthquake didn’t help much, either. I hope the guest bed upstairs will do for you.”
  90. >All three of you assure her that it’s fine, and make your way up.
  91. >There are two beds, one is what you assume is a guest bed, and her own.
  92. >Twilight catches up with the group and speaks.
  93. >”I’m sorry, we’ll probably have to share beds tonight.”
  94. >Pinkie hops up from her position beside you, landing on Twilight’s bed.
  95. >Twilight just shakes her head and giggles.
  96. >”So, it looks like it’ll be me and Pinkie, and you and Redheart.”
  97. >The poofy-maned mare in Twilight’s bed gives the two of you a wink, and lays her head back down.
  98. >This ought to be interesting
  99. >You and the nurse shift awkward glances, then shrug.
  100. >A few minutes later, both of you are sharing the same bed, ready to sleep for the night.
  101. >You hold the white pony close to your body, deciding that holding back on the romance is just plain underrated.
  102. >After a kiss to her cheek, you say goodnight, and fall asleep.
  104. ~*All party HP restored! Fatigue removed from Nurse Redheart*~
  105. >The next day, you wake up deciding that it might be a good plan to help Nurse Redheart at the hospital.
  106. >She is hesitant at first, unsure of your medical abilities; after a bit of convincing though, she decides to bring you along and see what smaller tasks you could help with.
  107. >Later, the two of you arrive at the hospital.
  108. >For the next few hours, you help the nurse, even earning a bit of pay for your performance.
  112. Awaiting command inputs...
  121. [21 bits obtained]
  123. >The mare in bed thanks you and Redheart for your assistance, and it warms your heart as she turns her body to the side to sleep.
  124. >She'd has a nasty cut along her side, which thankfully the medical staff was able to stitch up.
  125. >With a quick check up on the patient done, you and Redheart walk out.
  126. "Who's next?"
  127. >"That's it Anon, our list of patients is done for now."
  128. >Phew, this was harder than you thought.
  129. >You did pick up a few tricks though.
  130. >Checking the surroundings, you spot a few medical booklets.
  131. >Real medical booklets, not on procreation.
  132. >You snag a few, never know when they'll come in handy.
  134. [Medical pamphlets added to inventory!]
  135. [Medical knowledge increased! You are now capable of beginner use of medical supplies.]
  137. >You think back to the previous nights events.
  138. >Those that you rescued fresh in your mind, Octavia and Berry should be here somewhere.
  139. >Berry, she was cut up pretty bad.
  140. >Maybe you should give her a visit before heading out.
  141. "Hey, Red, do you know where Berry is at? I wanted to check up on her too."
  142. >She giggles a bit at the nickname before responding.
  143. >"Yes, I do. I'll show you the way."
  145. >En route to Berry's room conversation between you and Red cease.
  146. >The silence let's your mind wander, and soon you find the nurse invades your thoughts.
  147. >She was cute, smart, caring.
  148. >It might not be the best time, but dammit you had to ask.
  149. "Hey, um. Red?"
  150. >"Yes Anon?"
  151. "Would you, maybe, like to go to dinner with me tonight?"
  152. >A bright smile from her was all the answer you needed, but she replied anyway.
  153. >"I'd love to!"
  154. >The excitement in her voice filled your entire being with warmth.
  156. >You finally reach Berry's room and as you enter her head snaps to attention, eyes lighting up once she recognizes you.
  157. >"It's you! Thank you so so so much!"
  158. >You smile, glad to see she is okay.
  159. >There were a few bandages wrapped around her wounds, but overall she seemed to be alright.
  160. >In fact, it seemed she was better than alright once she got out of bed and ran to you.
  161. >Hooves wrapped around you in a tight embrace before she audibly winced and backed up, remembering her injuries.
  162. >"I should probably take it easy."
  163. >Berry looks past you towards Redheart before signaling you to get closer.
  164. >You kneel down, curious as she whispers in your ear.
  165. >"Hey, uh, think you could one more thing for me? I could reallllllyyyy use a drink right now."
  166. >This did not seem like a good idea.
  167. >"I could make it worth your while, I wouldn't mind repaying you."
  168. >She ends that sentence with a wink and you nervously laugh it off.
  169. >Redheart steps between you two and stares Berry in the eyes.
  170. >"No alcohol."
  171. >Berry looks at bit disheartened, but holds her tongue regardless.
  172. >"Well I need to at least get out of this room! I am can't stay stuffed up in here. Hey! Maybe I can tag along with you guys?"
  173. >Redheart rolls her eyes as she looks toward you, waiting for you response.
  174. >Well, why not?
  175. "Sure. Come on, let's get some fresh air. We could all use it."
  176. >The nurse trots behind you as the drunk follows suit.
  178. >Let's see, Twilight wanted to see you today.
  179. >Octavia was still here in the hospital, as well as well as Spike whose status hasn't changed.
  180. >You wonder how Lyra is doing as the image of that mangled body invades your mind.
  181. >No no, shake those memories. Let's see, what t-
  182. >"Hey Nonny!"
  183. >Redheart and Berry shriek and you clutch your chest to keep your heart from popping out.
  184. >You all turn to find Pinkie behind the group, smiling as if her sudden appearance wasn't strange.
  185. >Well, looks like the gang's all here.
  188. >What would you like to do?
  192. >You figure it'd be best to go to Twilight's now, get that out of the way.
  193. "Alright, let's head to Twilight's guys."
  194. >The group nods, following your lead as you leave the hospital.
  195. >Suddenly a brilliant idea strikes you.
  196. >Why walk, when you can ride?
  197. >Let's see, you definitely want to ride Red, but not in that way.
  198. >Berry is in bad shape, so no go on her.
  199. >Pinkie.
  200. >Pinkie.
  201. "Pinkie, can I ride you?"
  202. >Pinke began giggling at the statement.
  203. >Redheart's eyes widened and nostrils flared in clear disapproval.
  204. >Berry gave a sly smile along with bedroom eyes.
  205. >" least ask me to dinner first!"
  206. >You heard an audible huff from the nurse.
  207. >Shit.
  208. "I meant. I mean...not like. Like, you know. On your back."
  209. >She giggles madly at you.
  210. >"You are too heavy for me Anon!"
  211. >Redheart pushes past you, obviously displeased.
  212. >Berry nudges you and gives you a wink.
  213. >Pinkie laughs maniacally.
  214. >Dammit.
  216. >As you and the mares travel, you decide to spark conversation.
  217. >Who would you like to speak to?
  222. >You approach Redheart and attempt conversation.
  223. "So, uh. About that."
  224. >She turns to you with a deadpan expression, obviously still pissed.
  225. "It was a bad joke, I'm sorry. The only person I want to ride is you."
  226. >Her face flushes red in embarrassment and fury.
  227. >You simply smirk.
  228. >As she walks faster you hear her mutter something about 'better be a good dinner'.
  231. >You speak to Berry next, figuring you should get to know her better.
  232. "Hey Berry, so, what's up?"
  233. >"Well, I still want that drink. Among other things I want in my mouth."
  234. >She winks at you, giggling at your blush.
  235. >Well, isn't she quite the flirt.
  236. >"I'm sorry Anon, I am just busting your balls is all. I got a way with stallions...and mares."
  237. >Jesus.
  238. "I bet you do."
  239. >"Oh, was that sarcasm? Watch."
  240. >Before you can reply, Berry trots up to Redheart.
  241. >Slapping her on the rear and whispering into her ear.
  242. >She looks back at you winking.
  243. >Red looks back at you, a nervous grin on her face, a burning anger in her eyes.
  244. >That dinner better be fucking amazing.
  248. >You approach Pin-
  249. >"Hey Nonny, what's up?"
  250. "Hey Pinkie, do you know anywhere that serves dinner. To take Redheart to, of course."
  251. >She looks at you quizzically, tilting her head.
  252. >"I don't think any eateries are still standing Nonny..."
  253. >She looks down at the ground and you realize that above all she is talking about where she was employed.
  254. >Instantly she bounces back up in excitement.
  255. >"Why don't I help you make a dinner though!?"
  256. >You smile, happy to see somebody with so much determination to smile.
  257. "Sure, thank you Pinkie."
  259. >Soon enough, you arrive at Twilight's treehouse.
  260. >As you raise a hand to knock on the door, you can hear light sobbing on the other side.
  261. >You remember how hard she was trying to free Spike from the dark magic.
  262. >His condition hadn't improved at all.
  263. >They must have been close.
  265. >What would you like to do?
  270. >You knock on the door, gently.
  271. >Pushing down the urge to just kick the bitch down.
  272. "Hey Twilight, are you okay. We're coming in."
  273. >You hear some shuffling before getting a response.
  274. >"Y-yeah. Just hold on a bit. O-okay."
  275. >You look back to the group, everybody sharing a somber expression.
  276. >Soon enough the door opens, and Twilight stands there.
  277. >Her eyes are red, but she is shedding no more tears.
  278. >She gives a smile and pushes as much joy as she can into her voice.
  279. >"Please, come in."
  284. >You embrace Twilight immediately, catching her off guard.
  285. "It'll be okay Twilight. He'll be okay."
  286. >She embraces you as well, whispering.
  287. >"Thank you."
  288. >You let her go as the others enter the room.
  289. "So, about my magic resistance..."
  290. >You trail off, waiting for Twilight's response.
  291. >"That'll have to wait, without Spike I can't contact Celestia. So I'll need to go to Canterlot and speak with her personally. I was actually hoping that you and you friends would want to accompany me?"
  292. >You look to Redheart and Berry as they look back to you, awaiting your response.
  293. >Pinkie hops over to Twilight, wrapping a hoof over her neck.
  294. >"Of course Nonny will join us! That is the adventure!"
  295. >You can't help but share the bewildered look the others have plastered on there face.
  297. >What do you say? Yes or no?
  299. >CONTINUE?
  304. "Yes. Yes we'll join you."
  305. >You hadn't turned around yet, still looking to Berry and Red for reactions.
  306. >Both nodded in agreement to your decision.
  307. >Twilight smiled and Pinkie jumps high into the air, releasing a high pitched-
  308. >"YAYYY!"
  309. >Crossing your arms, you nod and respond.
  310. "As long as I get those books I asked for."
  311. >You give your best shit eating grin and Twilight responds with a smirk.
  312. >Twilight raises a hoof to you, ready to shake on it.
  313. >As you grasp it firmly you can hear the door behind you open.
  314. >"Oh, since you are joining us. You can meet my other friends, aside from Pinkie."
  315. >You turn to see three mares standing there, one mare flying in the air.
  316. >"What the fuck are you?", says a cyan mare floating at your eye level.
  317. >"Don't be so rude darling.", responds a unicorn with a purple mane.
  318. >"It, um...seems kind of big.", squeaks a yellow pegasus hiding behind the group.
  319. >"Ah wouldn't worry sugarcube, he don't look so tough.", speaks a orange mare wearing a stetson hat.
  320. >Well, looks like you had a few introductions to make.
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