
TellMe 0.7.0 - (Simple) advancements dump example

Nov 7th, 2018
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  1. +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+
  2. | ID | Name | Description | Parent |
  3. +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+
  4. | minecraft:adventure/adventuring_time | [Adventuring Time] | Discover every biome | minecraft:adventure/sleep_in_bed |
  5. | minecraft:adventure/kill_a_mob | [Monster Hunter] | Kill any hostile monster | minecraft:adventure/root |
  6. | minecraft:adventure/kill_all_mobs | [Monsters Hunted] | Kill one of every hostile monster | minecraft:adventure/kill_a_mob |
  7. | minecraft:adventure/root | [Adventure] | Adventure, exploration and combat | - |
  8. | minecraft:adventure/shoot_arrow | [Take Aim] | Shoot something with a bow and arrow | minecraft:adventure/kill_a_mob |
  9. | minecraft:adventure/sleep_in_bed | [Sweet dreams] | Change your respawn point | minecraft:adventure/root |
  10. | minecraft:adventure/sniper_duel | [Sniper duel] | Kill a skeleton with an arrow from more than 50 meters | minecraft:adventure/shoot_arrow |
  11. | minecraft:adventure/summon_iron_golem | [Hired Help] | Summon an Iron Golem to help defend a village | minecraft:adventure/trade |
  12. | minecraft:adventure/totem_of_undying | [Postmortal] | Use a Totem of Undying to cheat death | minecraft:adventure/kill_a_mob |
  13. | minecraft:adventure/trade | [What a Deal!] | Successfully trade with a Villager | minecraft:adventure/root |
  14. | minecraft:end/dragon_breath | [You Need a Mint] | Collect dragon's breath in a glass bottle | minecraft:end/kill_dragon |
  15. | minecraft:end/dragon_egg | [The Next Generation] | Hold the Dragon Egg | minecraft:end/kill_dragon |
  16. | minecraft:end/elytra | [Sky's the Limit] | Find an Elytra | minecraft:end/find_end_city |
  17. | minecraft:end/enter_end_gateway | [Remote Getaway] | Escape the island | minecraft:end/kill_dragon |
  18. | minecraft:end/find_end_city | [The City at the End of the Game] | Go on in, what could happen? | minecraft:end/enter_end_gateway |
  19. | minecraft:end/kill_dragon | [Free the End] | Good luck | minecraft:end/root |
  20. | minecraft:end/levitate | [Great View From Up Here] | Levitate up 50 blocks from the attacks of a Shulker | minecraft:end/find_end_city |
  21. | minecraft:end/respawn_dragon | [The End... Again...] | Respawn the ender dragon | minecraft:end/kill_dragon |
  22. | minecraft:end/root | [The End] | Or the beginning? | - |
  23. | minecraft:husbandry/balanced_diet | [A Balanced Diet] | Eat everything that is edible, even if it's not good for you | minecraft:husbandry/plant_seed |
  24. | minecraft:husbandry/break_diamond_hoe | [Serious Dedication] | Completely use up a diamond hoe, and then reevaluate your life choices | minecraft:husbandry/plant_seed |
  25. | minecraft:husbandry/bred_all_animals | [Two by Two] | Breed all the animals! | minecraft:husbandry/breed_an_animal |
  26. | minecraft:husbandry/breed_an_animal | [The Parrots and the Bats] | Breed two animals together | minecraft:husbandry/root |
  27. | minecraft:husbandry/plant_seed | [A Seedy Place] | Plant a seed and watch it grow | minecraft:husbandry/root |
  28. | minecraft:husbandry/root | [Husbandry] | The world is full of friends and food | - |
  29. | minecraft:husbandry/tame_an_animal | [Best Friends Forever] | Tame an animal | minecraft:husbandry/root |
  30. | minecraft:nether/all_effects | [How Did We Get Here?] | Have every effect applied at the same time | minecraft:nether/all_potions |
  31. | minecraft:nether/all_potions | [A Furious Cocktail] | Have every potion effect applied at the same time | minecraft:nether/brew_potion |
  32. | minecraft:nether/brew_potion | [Local Brewery] | Brew a potion | minecraft:nether/obtain_blaze_rod |
  33. | minecraft:nether/create_beacon | [Bring Home the Beacon] | Construct and place a Beacon | minecraft:nether/summon_wither |
  34. | minecraft:nether/create_full_beacon | [Beaconator] | Bring a beacon to full power | minecraft:nether/create_beacon |
  35. | minecraft:nether/fast_travel | [Subspace Bubble] | Use the Nether to travel 7km in the Overworld | minecraft:nether/root |
  36. | minecraft:nether/find_fortress | [A Terrible Fortress] | Break your way into a Nether Fortress | minecraft:nether/root |
  37. | minecraft:nether/get_wither_skull | [Spooky Scary Skeleton] | Obtain a wither skeleton's skull | minecraft:nether/find_fortress |
  38. | minecraft:nether/obtain_blaze_rod | [Into Fire] | Relieve a Blaze of its rod | minecraft:nether/find_fortress |
  39. | minecraft:nether/return_to_sender | [Return to Sender] | Destroy a Ghast with a fireball | minecraft:nether/root |
  40. | minecraft:nether/root | [Nether] | Bring summer clothes | - |
  41. | minecraft:nether/summon_wither | [Withering Heights] | Summon the Wither | minecraft:nether/get_wither_skull |
  42. | minecraft:nether/uneasy_alliance | [Uneasy Alliance] | Rescue a Ghast from the Nether, bring it safely home to the Overworld... and then kill it. | minecraft:nether/return_to_sender |
  43. | minecraft:story/cure_zombie_villager | [Zombie Doctor] | Weaken and then cure a zombie villager | minecraft:story/enter_the_nether |
  44. | minecraft:story/deflect_arrow | [Not Today, Thank You] | Deflect an arrow with a shield | minecraft:story/obtain_armor |
  45. | minecraft:story/enchant_item | [Enchanter] | Enchant an item at an Enchanting Table | minecraft:story/mine_diamond |
  46. | minecraft:story/enter_the_end | [The End?] | Enter the End Portal | minecraft:story/follow_ender_eye |
  47. | minecraft:story/enter_the_nether | [We Need to Go Deeper] | Build, light and enter a Nether Portal | minecraft:story/form_obsidian |
  48. | minecraft:story/follow_ender_eye | [Eye Spy] | Follow an Ender Eye | minecraft:story/enter_the_nether |
  49. | minecraft:story/form_obsidian | [Ice Bucket Challenge] | Form and mine a block of Obsidian | minecraft:story/lava_bucket |
  50. | minecraft:story/iron_tools | [Isn't It Iron Pick] | Upgrade your pickaxe | minecraft:story/smelt_iron |
  51. | minecraft:story/lava_bucket | [Hot Stuff] | Fill a bucket with lava | minecraft:story/smelt_iron |
  52. | minecraft:story/mine_diamond | [Diamonds!] | Acquire diamonds | minecraft:story/iron_tools |
  53. | minecraft:story/mine_stone | [Stone Age] | Mine stone with your new pickaxe | minecraft:story/root |
  54. | minecraft:story/obtain_armor | [Suit Up] | Protect yourself with a piece of iron armor | minecraft:story/smelt_iron |
  55. | minecraft:story/root | [Minecraft] | The heart and story of the game | - |
  56. | minecraft:story/shiny_gear | [Cover Me With Diamonds] | Diamond armor saves lives | minecraft:story/mine_diamond |
  57. | minecraft:story/smelt_iron | [Acquire Hardware] | Smelt an iron ingot | minecraft:story/upgrade_tools |
  58. | minecraft:story/upgrade_tools | [Getting an Upgrade] | Construct a better pickaxe | minecraft:story/mine_stone |
  59. +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+
  60. | ID | Name | Description | Parent |
  61. +---------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------+
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