
Will spell

Jan 15th, 2023
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  1. As I was dangling there, the celedon began a special serenade just for me. She sang about letting go, laying down my troubles, resting by the banks of a river, I don’t remember the exact lyrics, but you get the idea.
  2. It was all I could do to hold on. I didn’t want to drop, but the celedon’s music washed over me, dismantling my resolve. I imagined that I would float down safely. I would land on the banks of a lazy river, where I could have a nice relaxing picnic with my girlfriend,
  3. Annabeth.
  4. I remembered the time I’d saved Annabeth from the Sirens in the Sea of Monsters. I’d held her while she cried and struggled, trying to swim to her death because she thought she would reach some beautiful promised land.
  5. Now I imagined she was holding me back. I could hear what she’d say: It’s a trick, Seaweed Brain! You’ve got to trick her back or you'll die. And if you die. III never forgive you!
  6. That broke the celedon’s spell. Annabeth's anger was way scarier than most monsters, but don't tell her I said that.
  9. TSoA pg.37
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