

Jan 15th, 2012
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  1. Scenario: Ayumi Aozaki and Satsuki Kurushima, Ayumi’s POV
  3. Today marked the beginning of a new life at a new school. Ayumi’s parents had been among the many who were interested in sending their children to a new combined human-youkai school, in an effort to ease tension between the ever-expanding humans and the restless spirits. But up until now, she couldn’t get one idea out of her head. Wasn’t this dangerous?
  4. The thought had itched at her mind all day, but had now made its way to her mental reserves. These youkai, mostly humanoid with various appendages, skin colors, and other indescribable features, seemed to be in the same position as the other human (or human-looking) students. The first-years stood together, the hundred of them eagerly awaiting the end of the ceremony, and at the same time abhorring the impending moment when they’d have to mingle.
  6. And Ayumi stood at the center between two rather hostile-looking youkai—she couldn’t tell from this angle what kind—wringing her wrists where nobody could see. She’d done enough reading to know that most youkai preyed on humans in one way or another, enough to know that they did exist. But she didn’t know how docile they were. At least, in a public situation.
  8. Regardless, the school had been active a year before her, and to her knowledge, there hadn’t been many accidents. Or…that many. With security posted at every corner of the school grounds, it was presumed safe. Though, before the ceremony was over, all students were warned of the dangers of leaving the grounds.
  10. There would be no classes; today was just for getting used to the school grounds, getting placed in dorms, visiting classes, and mingling. And then the mandatory welcoming party. Though making it mandatory was hardly required.
  12. After the entrance ceremony, there were already mixed groups of humans and youkai—people who had made the adjustment so quickly. Though there were also exclusive groups who scowled and sneered at lone passersby. Already rivalries were being formed and arguments were breaking out, but none so out of control that they required attention from the security officials.
  13. Her class placement seemed simple enough. Class 1-3, mixed as the rest, in a cozy little room with an outside view. The thing she found herself concerned with was how the dormitories would be set up. This detail was conveniently left out, supposedly to delay the imminent backlashing.
  15. She was feeling a little lonely after seeing the other students engaged in conversation with another. She could barely even picture herself joining—she was much too shy. However, it looked like she wasn’t the only one. A lone girl walked in the opposite direction. Youkai, obviously, judging by the protrusions that replaced her ears. Each step she took was filled with caution and shakiness, like she didn’t know if the floors beneath her were stable. Then at the end of the hall, she tripped and collapsed against the wall, pulling herself up quickly and heatedly storming off.
  17. And Ayumi found herself a little entranced, lost in why someone would struggle with such a simple task like walking. Then she mustered a little motivation, and followed after the girl—walking pace of course—and at the other girl’s speed, it didn’t take long to catch up.
  18. She didn’t know how to call out, so she settled with a quick tap on the shoulder, which was immediately refused with a lurch and a scowl. Ayumi recoiled in response, and again when she was met with long, slender eyebrows—not so much of a good feature. They were long enough to hang off of the girl’s head, a complement to the antennae-like appendages on the sides.
  19. And then the girl shrugged Ayumi’s hand off of her shoulder and turned away.
  21. Ayumi felt her face redden at the rejection of a simple conversation, and tried again to hold the girl’s attention. Even if for just a moment. She swore she would let it go this time if she had to, and spare herself further embarrassment.
  23. That started to look attractive as she found herself confronted with the glowering face.
  25. “What do you want?” the girl replied heatedly.
  27. “I….” Ayumi found herself at a loss for words, something that happened quite frequently in her social life, or lack thereof. “Are you okay?”
  29. “Obviously. Leave me alone, I have someplace to be.”
  31. If she had given in to her natural self, she wouldn’t have approached her in the first place. But she was already here, so why waste the effort? She fumbled with her thoughts as she tried to think of a delicate way to ask why the girl was walking so awkwardly. And there was no way to do so without being annoyingly blunt.
  33. “Look, love to stand around here all day, but I’m tired and….”
  35. “Yes, yes…! So that’s why you tripped.”
  37. The girl’s face reddened. “I don’t have time for this.”
  39. Ah, why did curiosity have to be so damaging? “I’m sorry!” Ayumi replied with a quick bow.
  41. When she raised her head again, she caught sight of those…things growing out of her head again.
  43. And the girl seemed to notice where her eyes were. She folded her arms, and glanced to the side for the duration of her comment. “You’re a human, aren’t you.”
  45. It then occurred to Ayumi that this person might be one of those who loathed the opposing race, and her reply was feeble. “Y-yes.” She had to take a breath in order to continue.
  47. “What kind of youkai are you?”
  49. “Why are you so concerned? I was keeping to myself.”
  51. “I’m just…curious.”
  53. “Look, I’m from the water, okay? That’s all you need to know. Now I really have someplace to be. There’s a lot I have to do before the welcoming ceremony.”
  54. “Wh-what class are you in?” What a sudden question for one that wasn’t even on topic.
  55. “1-4. And since I can see you’re gonna ask, it’s Kurushima Satsuki. And your name is…?”
  56. “Aozaki Ayumi. Class 1-3. Nice to meet you, Kurushima-san.”
  58. “A pleasure, I suppose. We’re in different classes though, so maybe I’ll see you around, Aozaki-san.” And with a half-hearted wave, Satsuki turned and left.
  59. Ayumi wasn’t really able to tell whether or not the girl shared her enthusiasm of meeting a new person. It seemed almost as though she had wanted to get away from her. She was used to it by now but still her shoulders dropped. She was at least close this time. Why was making friends so hard….
  61. The welcoming party was in a few hours. And after that, maybe some well-needed sleep. And after that? Classes, at least one place she felt at home.
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