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May 31st, 2016
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  1. a_tufted_deer
  2. have you had clinical anxiety? have you been diagnosed by five shrinks? have you undergone ten different courses of medication to find one that will work?
  3. you have no idea what anxiety is like if you think "it's all in your head"
  4. that's not real anxiety, that's a bit of panic
  5. buyoz
  6. you can type fast I don'te want to read that though
  7. a_tufted_deer
  8. if you can sort your mind out through thought and breathing, you dont have anxiety
  9. buyoz
  10. breathe deeply
  11. sip water
  12. you are having a hard time
  13. I hear that
  14. a_tufted_deer
  15. and you're being a straight fucking cock
  16. buyoz
  17. you told me to shut my fucking mouth
  18. a_tufted_deer
  19. telling me it's all in my head
  20. buyoz
  21. that is what mental illness means
  22. you are taking it wrong
  23. a_tufted_deer
  24. no, it implies that it's something someone can get over
  25. that's what "it's all in your head" means
  26. buyoz
  27. your head is the place where the illness lives
  28. a_tufted_deer
  29. it means you can get over it if you just think it through
  30. buyoz
  31. I am going to ask that the mods warn you about your behavior here, I respect your illness and rights
  32. you told me to shut the fuck up
  33. end of story
  34. a_tufted_deer
  35. because you told me it was all in my head
  36. buyoz
  37. never happened
  38. mental illness is real
  39. and it really exists in your head
  40. that's where it starts
  41. ask a professional
  42. a_tufted_deer
  43. i have
  44. five of them
  45. i shared my professional diagnoses, you chose to diagnose me based on the very miniscule bit you know of me
  46. buyoz
  47. bye bye, have a pleasant day and try to think about how your thoughts effect your body and how your words affect the people you interact with
  48. a_tufted_deer
  49. you think the same thing
  50. buyoz
  51. I feel like you are probably just trolling
  52. a_tufted_deer
  53. alright, im done with you
  54. buyoz
  55. thank you
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