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Jul 26th, 2017
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  1. a pleasant experience* found themselves in*
  3. White Dragon Metal Bat pads belonging to one of the metallic doors she was more familiar with that led to a crossroads. “I’ll have to get there first, so give me a head start.” By her tone, she meant business – and Badd should head her word if he wanted this operation to be a success. “Try not to get busted.” As if that needed to be said – of course it did. Zaria took off in a steady jog down the empty, cold corridors. Boots clanking with each step, confidently making her passage until she became familiar with the route. Having yet to encounter any hostile parties, she eventually found the familiar staircase that lead towards the eastern chamber. A large metallic sphere, it radiated with importance. Quietly did she present herself, to a seemingly empty council. It was… suspiciously quiet. The same however, couldn't be said with Badd's route. -e-
  5. White Dragon Metal Bat Badd would mostly likely make a stupid empty-headed comment, but for Zaria it was a crucial moment that linked to her newfound identity. This wasn’t the time to get distracted however; they had a job to complete. “The Main base of operations is located on the east, but we need to get to the archive. That’s where the power line runs; it’s what controlled those robots. It’s what controls everything on this Island. But, getting there is impossible. It’s locked up tight and I know for a fact only one of the Admins can gain access to its chamber.” A fiery sigh. “When you get to the Archive, you have to destroy everything in sight. Everything, Badd..” A vital point that should be announced was that she had yet to be exposed as a traitor to the organisation. So more than likely, she’d be able to reach the Main Base without much hassle. “I’ll get the Admin to unseal the gate, and when it does, that’s your cue to get in there and destroy it.” With that said, Zaria palmed one of the -
  7. White Dragon Metal Bat Wheezily she replied, “Cause’ I’m not a fuckin’ quitter.” Before being guided towards the new exit thanks to Badd’s hulking brutish strength, Zaria fell onto the safety of the ground, having yet to regain composure she remained on all fours for a second, taking a few deep breaths and blinking rapidly. That really wasn’t pleasant experience. The area they found themselves was very much alive to contrast that murky sewer. An active and enhanced mechanism decorated the walls as superior technology worked in a circuit. A string of neon lights flashed here and there, like a twisted secret nightclub with no music. “I haven’t been here…” At last Zaria came to a stand, carefully walking around this new discovery. It looked like something out of a sci-fi horror flick. There were large empty vessels with blue gloop inside. Operating tables and countless scientific tools. Her heart was racing with anxiety, almost too afraid to uncover exactly what these creeps worked so hard to keep hidden. -
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