
Vapor errors

Jun 16th, 2013
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  1. Command executed:
  2. "C:\FreeBasic\fbc.exe" "C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\code\puzzlum-code-20\puzzlum-fbc068\Timothy2\Timothy2.bas"
  4. Compiler output:
  5. C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\code\puzzlum-code-20\puzzlum-fbc068\Timothy2\Timothy2.bas(27) error 56: Illegal specification, at parameter 1 (tree) of Vapor_MkLeaf() in 'sub Vapor_MkLeaf(tree() as Vapor_Cell, address as unsigned long, byref label as string, byref value as string, label_offset as unsigned integer)'
  6. C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\code\puzzlum-code-20\puzzlum-fbc068\Timothy2\Timothy2.bas(30) error 213: Symbol not a CLASS, ENUM, TYPE or UNION type, before '.' in 'if (tree(address).leaf.written and Vapor_IS_WRITTEN)=Vapor_IS_WRITTEN then'
  7. C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\code\puzzlum-code-20\puzzlum-fbc068\Timothy2\Timothy2.bas(31) error 213: Symbol not a CLASS, ENUM, TYPE or UNION type, before '.' in 'tree(address).value=value'
  8. C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\code\puzzlum-code-20\puzzlum-fbc068\Timothy2\Timothy2.bas(32) error 213: Symbol not a CLASS, ENUM, TYPE or UNION type, before '.' in 'tree(address).length=len(value)'
  9. C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\code\puzzlum-code-20\puzzlum-fbc068\Timothy2\Timothy2.bas(33) error 213: Symbol not a CLASS, ENUM, TYPE or UNION type, before '.' in 'elseif (((tree(address).leaf.written) xor Vapor_IS_WRITTEN) and Vapor_IS_WRITTEN)=Vapor_IS_WRITTEN then'
  10. C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\code\puzzlum-code-20\puzzlum-fbc068\Timothy2\Timothy2.bas(34) error 213: Symbol not a CLASS, ENUM, TYPE or UNION type, before '.' in 'tree(address).leaf.written))=tree(address).leaf.written)) or Vapor_IS_WRITTEN'
  11. C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\code\puzzlum-code-20\puzzlum-fbc068\Timothy2\Timothy2.bas(35) error 213: Symbol not a CLASS, ENUM, TYPE or UNION type, before '.' in 'tree(address).value=value'
  12. C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\code\puzzlum-code-20\puzzlum-fbc068\Timothy2\Timothy2.bas(36) error 213: Symbol not a CLASS, ENUM, TYPE or UNION type, before '.' in 'tree(address).length=len(value)'
  13. C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\code\puzzlum-code-20\puzzlum-fbc068\Timothy2\Timothy2.bas(40) error 213: Symbol not a CLASS, ENUM, TYPE or UNION type, before '.' in 'if (tree(address).child(temp).written and Vapor_IS_WRITTEN)=Vapor_IS_WRITTEN then'
  14. C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\code\puzzlum-code-20\puzzlum-fbc068\Timothy2\Timothy2.bas(42) error 213: Symbol not a CLASS, ENUM, TYPE or UNION type, before '.' in 'elseif (((tree(address).child(temp).written) xor Vapor_IS_WRITTEN) and Vapor_IS_WRITTEN)=Vapor_IS_WRITTEN then'
  15. C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\code\puzzlum-code-20\puzzlum-fbc068\Timothy2\Timothy2.bas(42) error 123: Too many errors, exiting
  17. Results:
  18. Compilation failed
  20. System:
  21. FBIde: 0.4.6
  22. fbc: FreeBASIC Compiler - Version 0.23.0 (08-14-2011) for win32 (target:win32)
  23. OS: Windows NT 6.1 (build 7601, Service Pack 1)
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