
blog #2

Feb 15th, 2016
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  1. In my last blog, surprisingly enough, I forgot some things, namely, the 2 games I have console & recorded pbs on, and why I'm trying to get all these console, recorded pb's in the first place.
  3. The first game that I got a console pb on was A Bug's Life for the Game Boy Color. Although I did drop 1:20 off the previous record, there still is plenty of room for improvement. Therefore, I'll probably go back to it at some point, sooner if someone else makes the foolish decision to pick it up. I'd like to implement tuck and roll skip in level 2, but that'd probably take quite a bit of time figuring out timings and everything. It is possible; I've done it on emu, but it is certainly not rta viable yet. However, this game is a long ways off for me.
  5. Next is bomberman tournament. I have no idea how I golded every split when every run before that was at least somewhat close to it. This kinda scares me, especially since it didn't really seem to me like I was doing that much better than normal. Nevertheless, this is a great game that I do intend on going back to soon(ish). It is kinda vicious since dying at any point in the run is run over, since you go back to last save, but other than that, it's a really solid bomberman game.
  8. Why am I going for all of these console, recorded pb's now? I had always streamed from emulator because I've never had the means to stream from console. Playing gameboy color games, since bgb, gambatte and bizhawk are all really accurate, I have always thought that emulator is perfectly acceptable for that console. Also, for me, I couldn't really justify buying a game cube, gameboy player and a capture card, since I didn't really have extra money around. Anyway, now that I do have the equipment to stream, as well as most of the cartridges for the games I have run, I think it'd be fun to get a console pb on each of these games, especially since it doesn't cost anything but time to do them. Plus, it's more ~official~ and if emulator does, for some reason, get banned or unverified, it won't really affect me. As for why I want to have them recorded, it's more of an issue of wanting something I can look back upon, or that other people can learn from, or if something unexpected happens, having a resource that can be used. Streaming for me is usually mostly just to have a recording. Having people in chat, whenever it happens, is just a bonus, not the reason I do it. And I obviously don't do it for money.
  11. TL;DR: ABLFTGBC is improvable, but I probably won't play it for a while; BT is a fun game that I'll go back to fairly soon; I am totally fine with speedrunning on emulator, I just want to future proof and it's fun; I record so I have something to show for my runs instead of just a time, especially since there's usually no good reason not to.
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