
Aura - Scenes of Nature and Civilization

Jan 11th, 2022
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  1. “Okay, here I go.”
  3. With that announcement to Shalltear, who stood at her side, Aura unfurled the World Item she had brought—a scroll—and activated its power.
  5. Scenes of Nature and Civilization…
  7. In a nutshell, it allowed the user to trap their target in an isolated space. More precisely, the world depicted on the World Item and the real world intersected, altering the real world to match the painting.
  9. The target would be an area, just like how the super-tier spell the Creation worked, which included all things animate or not—if something was in that location, it had no way to resist.
  11. In this case, everything inside the gigantic cave, including the capital city, was trapped in the alternate world created by Scenes of Nature and Civilization.
  13. Naturally, since Ainz and Shalltear were protected by the World Items they carried, they weren’t imprisoned by the effects, instead merely appearing in the painting world that had been created to replace the reality that had been swallowed up. Since Aura had used the item, she was forcibly pulled into the alternate world.
  15. The world of the painting seemed identical to the real world—except it was an illusion created by the World Item; that meant once the power of Scenes of Nature and Civilization was cut off, or people inside the area of effect stepped beyond the boundaries, any changes that occurred in the temporary painting world would all disappear like smoke. In other words, even if they acquired treasure in the painting world, that would go up in smoke, too.
  17. Of course, Ainz and Shalltear entered the altered real world voluntarily. Normally, World Items didn’t affect people carrying World Items, but if they accepted the effects, that was a different story. Or more accurately, this function came about mainly thanks to a patch from the admins, who hated becoming stuck somewhere.
  19. ***
  21. Volume 11, Chapter 5.4
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