
Ochimusha Short

Dec 31st, 2020
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  1. “Careful, Lord.” Said Zuen. The ochimusha thrust her sword in front of her master and glared at the solicitor.
  3. “Zuen, she’s just selling fruit…” said Ussin. He smiled apologetically to the dryad. “I’m sorry, she gets a little nervous around strangers.
  5. “This charlatan was merely using produce as a means to lure you in and ensnare you with her charms. Stay back, ye woody harlot; lest I cut you down to size.” Said Zuen.
  7. “Zuen!” said Ussin. The plant girl whimpered and retreated back into her tree.
  9. “Zuen, you can’t do that to every traveler we come across!” scolded Ussin.
  11. “Hmph. So you say, yet here you are, safe and sound thanks to MY protection.” Said the ochi.
  13. Ussin sighed. “Come on, let’s go. I want to get to town before nightfall.”
  15. “But why, Lord? If I may be so bold to ask.” Said Zuen.
  17. “Because you get anxious the longer we’re outside a city.” Said Ussin.
  19. “This is a savage land. There are many beasts that-“
  21. “That lurk these hills. I know. You say that every time we set foot out the door.” Said Ussin.
  23. Zuen scowled at him. Monster and man alike broke like twigs under that smoldering gaze, but Ussin had long ago learned not to shirk from his retainer’s leer. For him, there was always a kernel of kindness in those eyes. A certain ambivalence. She dearly wanted to march him around Zipangu, moving hither and thither to keep him safe, but she could never bring herself to order him around. He was her lord after all. No matter how much she protested or resented his decisions, she was honor bound to follow his word. Ussin stared back into her eyes. Like clockwork, Zuen turned away.
  25. “Fine. We will attempt to reach the city. I’d ask that you not strain yourself, Lord.” Said Zuen.
  27. The ochi walked off ahead of him. Ussin picked up the handle to his cart and began to pull the trusty wagon again. Reaching the city before nightfall would be a monumental task, but it was the only way he was going to get a good sleep tonight. There was also the matter of his place in the market. He had a schedule to keep. If he was late claiming his reserved space, the city would auction it off to whatever rabble showed up without the proper papers. Being relegated to some back alley instead of the square proper would cost him dearly.
  29. Zuen glanced back at him. She slowed her pace to match his own, wordlessly walking at his side. Her hand never strayed far from the sword on her hip. More than anything, Ussin wished that his compatriot would relax for once and enjoy the Zipangu countryside. But idyllic vistas and amicable country folk were beneath such a relentless person. To her, every tree was an ambush point and every traveler was a spy. There was a knife in every boot and evil in every heart. The world existed only to harm her precious lord, and she was all that stood in its way.
  31. Zuen eyed a large rock warily. Her skeletal hand clenched the hilt of her katana as Ussin blundered towards it. At the last moment, he veered to the left and barely missed it. Zuen sighed in relief. Surely Ussin would praise her if he knew that she had held her tongue. Though he was a kind and wonderful man, worthy of all the titles and praise she gave him, he could be such an ingrate sometimes. The first trips they had been on devolved into long arguments after Zuen had taken precious time to inform him of the dangers of the road ahead and the potential threats they would face. Ussin had insisted that he could see the rocks and potholes just fine and that Zuen didn’t need to point out “every Eros forsaken lump in the road.” He had ALSO insisted that a wyvern swarm or a flood of nereids bubbling out of a spring to seize him was “practically impossible and not something that they could realistically stop even if it did happen.” Zuen sighed and watched him go. The poor fool. He even insisted on pushing that damnable cart himself. She had offered many times to pull the cart, but he had declined every time. Eventually, he admitted that he was more comfortable if she had both hands ready for combat, a sentiment Zuen agreed was most practical in the very likely case of an ambush.
  33. Her breath hitched as the cartwheel neared the edge of the road, listing it to the side. Ussin moved back to the middle of the path and the cart stabilized. Zuen grit her teeth. Foolish lord. How long was he going to insist on this trading business? It had been… Gods, how long had it been? Two years? At least. Two years since he had saved her. Since he had found her on that accursed field.
  35. For years, she had laid there. Back buried in the cold mud as she looked skyward. The blood of her friends seeping into the dirt around her. Covered in the stench of defeat. Unlike the others, she was spared the mercy of death. As the rasping breaths of her comrades ceased, she alone remained lucid. In time, it became clear that the reaper had forgotten her. Day turned to night, night to day, and days to weeks as she lay there. The sword that pinned her to the ground mocked her, untarnished by rust or wear no matter how many seasons of brutal cold or driving rain battered the steel. So Zuen thought. For years she contemplated her failure. How her inadequacies had cost her her life, her friends, her family, and even the afterlife. Until Ussin found her.
  37. Zuen almost tripped on a pebble. She averted her gaze from her precious lord. Lord Ussin… He had found her there. At first, she thought him to be some sort of illusion. A phantasm come to mock her. But he persisted. No matter how many times she blinked, he remained standing over her. And he spoke to her. What should have been terror was childlike curiosity. Zuen shook her head at the irony. If her master tried speaking to some strange corpse-woman in the middle of a field now, she would stab him herself. What a foolish thing to do…
  39. Their conversation felt like it lasted an eternity. Ussin, asking questions and Zuen croaking out answers. Words she had forgotten existed rasped out of lips she hadn’t used in years. There was something enchanting about him. He reminded her of the world beyond the field. How there were fields of crops that were harvested in the fall. How families huddled together around the fire in the winter to stay warm and enjoy each other’s company. She remembered that there were orchards of cherry trees whose blossoms coated the ground like snow in the spring. Memories she had long since forgotten, or though herself undeserving of remembering kindled a spark within Zuen. At long last, he pulled the blade free that pinned her to the ground. Ussin wasn’t able to free Zuen of the burden she carried, but he did inspire her to begin her penance.
  41. “Careful, Lord.” Said Zuen eyeing an especially steep slope the road was eroding off of.
  43. “I see it, Zuen.” Said Ussin.
  45. Zuen walked a little closer to him, ready to catch him if he fell. Following him was the natural thing to do after she came to terms with her failure. To be in service to such a kind and virtuous man did her spirit good. She swore herself to him then and there, taking the sword that had kept her imprisoned as her weapon. It was a gruesome reminder of her past, but also an idea that she would not let her past failures define her. With this damnable sword, she would protect what she held dear in the world.
  47. Zuen ran a hand over the scar on her abdomen. Never again…
  49. “Zuen?”
  51. The ochimusha’s hand shot to her sword. Ussin stopped in his tracks.
  53. “Zuen? Are you alright?” he asked.
  55. “Yes, what is it?” asked Zuen hastily, looking for whatever danger he had seen.
  57. “I was talking about the plum wine in the town we’re visiting. I asked you if you’d like to get some.” Said Ussin.
  59. Zuen averted her gaze to spare Ussin from seeing her shame. “O-oh. Yes, I’d quiet like that, Lord.”
  61. “Are you alright?” asked Ussin.
  63. “Yes, fine.”
  65. “…Do you want to talk about it?”
  67. Zuen’s skeletal hand clenched the handle of her sword. She hated how he could see through her. No matter how hard she tried, it was impossible to hide anything from him.
  69. “I see. Just let me know if anything is bothering you, we have a long way to go and I certainly don’t mind the conversation.” Said Ussin.
  71. Zuen pouted. She hated small talk. It distracted her from her endless vigil. Not that she had much to talk about anyways… Her time on the battlefield had eroded her memories. There were gaps in her memory that she couldn’t fill no matter how hard she tried to remember. And it’s not like laying in a field for years on end gave her much to talk about. The most exciting thing she remembered was seeing some birds nest in a tree. Then a weasel at them. Zuen had told that story to Ussin a few times already.
  73. The brush rustled. Zuen widened her stance and placed her foot in front of Ussin.
  75. “Zuen?” he asked quietly.
  77. “Shh…”
  79. Ussin had learned by now to humor Zuen’s antics in these situations. Most of the time it was just a rodent or bird. But sometimes…
  81. “Tsk! Heard me coming? And here I was thinking I was going to get an easy meal…”
  83. A woman waltzed out of the bushes. Her clothes were unscathed by the briars and branches that she crawled from, a testament to her dexterity.
  85. “Lord Ussin…” muttered Zuen.
  87. “Easy, Zuen. Who are you?” called Ussin. He knew that this probably wasn’t going to end well, but if she was just hungry, he could afford to give her a free apple.
  89. “Hey there boy, why don’t you ditch the stiff and have some fun with me?~” said the woman.
  91. Zuen’s katana whistled out of its sheath. Ussin quietly stepped behind his cart. Flirtatious women were the bane of Zuen’s existence. For some reason, she seemed to hold more contempt for them than the raging beasts or slovenly marauders they occasionally encountered. He had asked her about it once, but she had just grumbled something about their ‘perfidious ways’ and went back to polishing her sword. Ussin just shrugged it off and guessed that they reminded her of someone who had slighted her in the past.
  93. “Back off. First and last warning.” Said Zuen sternly.
  95. “Whats’a matter, coffin-filler? Did your boy-toy not give you enough loving?” sneered the woman.
  97. “Go easy on her, Zuen.” Said Ussin.
  99. “I don’t have to.”
  101. Ussin gulped. Zuen must see something in this girl that he didn’t. It had happened before; a seemingly ordinary traveler transforming into a monster using magic. Now that she mentioned it, he could see a faint shimmer around the woman. Time to let Zuen do her thing…
  103. “Aww, are you looking out for little ol’ me?~ I’ll be sure to treat you extra nice for that, handsome~” said the girl.
  105. Zuen held her ground. The girl frowned.
  107. “What, no retort? Hmph. Fights are never much fun if you’re just going to stand there. Oh well.” The girl shrugged. She smiled at Zuen and conjured a ball of blue fire in her hand. “If you’re not going to play, then I-“
  109. Zuen was already on her. Ussin wasn’t sure what allowed her to spit in the face of physics, but he surmised that her alacrity must be a blessing from the gods themselves. She lunged in low, sweeping her blade up through the girl’s torso. Ussin caught a glimpse of spectral ears and a tail as the blade passed through her spirit. Poor thing didn’t even look surprised. Zuen’s sword was already in her sheath by the time the kitsune-tsuki hit the ground. She quickly trotted back over to him and looked him over. Satisfied by what she saw, the swordswoman clasped her hands together and waited.
  111. “You get faster every day, Zuen. Nice work.” Said Ussin.
  113. Zuen nodded. Her lips creased as she desperately tried to maintain her composure.
  115. “You can smile if you want.” Coaxed Ussin.
  117. Zuen blushed and faced the tsuki. “I’m fine. I’m not smiling because there’s nothing to smile about.”
  119. Ussin shook his head. There was no point in arguing with her when she was doing her ‘cool’ pose. He picked the wagon back up and continued on his way.
  121. “You know, this might seem hypocritical given that I just commended you on slashing your way through a vagabond, but can’t you try diplomacy for once?” said Ussin.
  123. “They aren’t worth my words.” Said Zuen.
  125. “Yeah. You’ve said that. But I can’t help but feel bad for them…” said Ussin glancing back at the sleeping maiden heaped in the road. He usually though himself a good person, but you can only leave so many maiden-heaps in your wake before it starts to weigh on your soul.
  127. “Bah. Let them lie where they fall. They will serve as a warning to others who stray from the righteous path.”
  129. “Until they wake up and walk off.” Said Ussin.
  131. “Hmph.”
  133. Oh well, there was always time to work on that habit later. Ussin had to savor these rare moments of conversation while he could. That violence put her in such a good mood was troubling, but Ussin couldn’t help but smile as he watched her hips sway a little more and her feet stretch a bit farther each step after a battle. Most of the time Zuen would just grunt or reply with a single word.
  135. “There it is!” said Ussin. He took a break at the top of the hill to drink in the view of the valley before him. Farmers trickled in from the fields towards the homes and businesses as the sun slowly sunk towards the horizon.
  137. “Mmm.” Grunted Zuen.
  139. ‘Mmm’ she says. Ussin just prayed that she enjoyed the little things in life as much as he did, even if she didn’t talk about it.
  141. “There are monsters in that village.” Said Zuen.
  143. “So?”
  145. “I don’t like it.” Said Zuen, folding her arms.
  147. “You’re a monster.” Said Ussin.
  149. “But they want to hurt you.”
  151. “That’s paranoia. Come on, let’s go get dinner. I’ll buy you some wine.”
  153. Zuen stiffened. That got her attention. Zuen was many things; a highly trained fighter, a brilliant tactician, a deceptively erudite poet, and a sucker for good wine. “Just one cup.” Every time she drank, it was always “just one cup.” Then one became one more, and then she forgot that she had ever stipulated a limit in the first place. How a corpse could get so drunk was beyond him, but Ussin had carried an inebriated Zuen to her room more than once.
  155. And of course, she was always mortified to hear tales of her antics in the morning. Zuen insisted that she must be sober at all times to be prepared for an attack. Knowing that her master, whom depended on her for his safety (her words, not his) had to carry her to her bed was beyond humiliating. The cloud of shame she bore every time she got carried away was worse than any hangover.
  157. “I’m not drinking.” Said Zuen.
  159. “What? But you already agreed to it” pouted Ussin.
  161. “No, I didn’t.”
  163. “Yes, you did. Remember? I was talking to you about getting some wine and you said you’d have some with me. I think your mind was elsewhere at the time, though.”
  165. “I never said…” her face scrunched as she tried to recall whether or not she had made the commitment. Ussin suppressed a smile. Zuen needed to cut loose a little more and savor life. Unlife, as it were. An eternity of regret was a fate that no being should have to suffer.
  167. “Are you saying that I’m misremembering things?” asked Ussin.
  169. “No! Never!” said Zuen, shaking her head. No way she could ever resist an order from her ‘lord.’
  171. “Then let’s go!”
  173. Zuen sighed. Keeping a close eye on the shifty laborers, she marched behind him as he hurried into town.
  175. ~~~~~~~~
  177. “Another!” said Zuen.
  179. “Yeah! Another!” said Ussin.
  181. The tavernkeeper gave the two inebriates a bemused look as she poured them another round.
  183. “What are you hanging around for, huh?” slurred Zuen as the kitsune poured Ussin’s drink. Her hand slipped to her sword to emphasize her point.
  185. “Zuen, if you pull that thing out, you’re fired.” Said Ussin.
  187. “You can’t FIRE me!” whined Zuen.
  189. “Ara! It must be nice to have such a doting wife, hmm?~” teased the fox woman.
  191. Zuen stared at her in terror and averted her gaze. “N-no it’s not like that! I jush owe him fer somethin…” insisted Zuen.
  193. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” said the kitsune, feigning shock. “Just let me know when your cups are empty and I’ll come fill you up again~”
  195. “Yeah, walk away! I’m wachin him!” said Zuen.
  197. “Zuen, don’t be mean.”
  199. “I’m not MEAN.” Said Zuen, pounding her skeletal fist onto the table. Ussin was always confused why that part in particular never healed. The rest of her shlorped back together after she got injured, but her skin never stretched back over her right arm for some reason. Zuen had mentioned something about the skeletal arm channeling the powers of death into her sword, so clearly she didn’t know either.
  201. “Yes you are! You need to be nice sometimes. Not everyone is out to get us.”
  203. “Look at them, Ussin.” Said Zuen, her drunken voice heavy with disgust. “They’re all LOOKING at us, waiting for a chance to strike. Cause they HATE US.”
  205. True enough, many of the bar patrons were watching the shouting ochimusha drunkenly degrade them. Ussin gave them an apologetic smile.
  207. “Zuen, dear, calm down.”
  209. Zuen blushed. “Don call me DEAR. I’m your RETAINER. I SERVE you. Cause you’re a good person and I love you.” she said jabbing her skeletal finger in his face. The ochi spread herself out over the table and sighed. One of the wine bottles rolled off and shattered on the ground.
  211. “AS A MASTER!” shouted Zuen, bolting back upright. “Not like, as a wife or nuthin…”
  213. “Mmm…” said Ussin.
  215. Zuen drained her cup in one swig and stifled a belch. “Am I being loud?”
  217. “A little bit.” Said Ussin.
  219. Zuen’s eyes watered. “I’m sorry…”
  221. She began to cry into her arms.
  223. “Shh! Shh! It’s okay! Don’t cry!” said Ussin, rubbing her back. For whatever reason, monsters HATED to see women cry. A group of scantily clad women were staring holes through him as he tried to console his retainer.
  225. “I-I just don’t want anyone to hurt yoooouuuu!” wailed Zuen, clinging to Ussin.
  227. “No one’s going to hurt me! We’re in the middle of a bar!” said Ussin. He reciprocated the drunken zombie’s hug, desperate to mollify her. One of the women whispered something to the others and left.
  229. “But they’re LOOKING at you! You don’t UNDERSTAND!” sobbed Zuen.
  231. “Understand what?!” said Ussin.
  233. “THEY WANT YOUR PURITY, LORD!” shouted Zuen.
  235. “More wine?~” interjected the tavernkeeper.
  237. “YES.” Bellowed Zuen.
  239. Zuen didn’t wait for the woman to stop pouring before she drained the cup. The tavern keeper adroitly filled her cup again as it swayed back and forth in the air.
  241. “My purity?” asked Ussin.
  243. “YEAH. They want your ESSENCE. You’re such a nice and handsome man, but…” she shuddered “… but you’re so NAÏVE!”
  245. Zuen wailed again and collapsed onto the table. Ussin rubbed her back.
  247. “You’re a good person too, Zuen. Even if you’re a little crazy…”
  249. Ahh, this took him back. To see her so weak and vulnerable. It was a miracle that he had found her on that field. Ussin wasn’t an adventurous type, but he had sworn that he had seen a forlorn woman in the woods that day. Following the fleeting glimpses of the woman, he stumbled onto the field where Zuen rested and thus, her. He was a bit startled by her appearance and demeanor at first, but it wasn’t as if she posed a threat. Ussin spoke with her for hours until he determined her to be safe to free. Not that he would have left her there even if she wasn’t. Seeing the look in her eyes was enough to melt the heart of a paladin. So much pain hidden in those steely yellow eyes. How they pleaded with him not to go, not to leave her there again. How grateful they were when he slid the sword out of her. And how intently they watched him now, hellbent on ensuring his safety and happiness. Zuen really was something special.
  251. “BACK OFF, HARLOT!” shouted Zuen to a passing succubus. The demon girl yelped and scurried away.
  253. “Zuen!”
  255. “I’m sorry!” she said.
  257. “I think you’ve had-“
  259. “One more for the road?~” asked the tavernkeeper.
  261. “No, I think-“
  263. Zuen cut Ussin off by shaking her cup at the fox-woman and grunting until she filled the ochi’s cup.
  265. “I think we’re done.” Said Ussin firmly.
  267. “I wan more.” Said Zuen, wrapping her arm around his shoulder.
  269. “You ‘wan’ sleep, Zuen. Come on. Let’s go.”
  271. Ussin hoisted Zuen to her feet. She mewled in protest and weakly tried to hold onto the table. Ussin dumped a pile of coins onto the table and shambled out the door, protector in tow.
  273. “Ahh… That was nice.” Said Ussin.
  275. Zuen moaned. Fortunately for her, undead didn’t get sick like the living when they drank. Or she had an exceptionally strong stomach. Either way, he had never seen her vomit after a night of binge drinking.
  277. “Sleepy.” Said Zuen softly.
  279. “I know. We’re going to bed.”
  281. “We?” said Zuen.
  283. “I’M going to bed. You sit next to me, remember?” said Ussin.
  285. That had taken some time to get used to. Ussin had agreed to let Zuen follow him after he had ‘saved her’ both because she had nowhere to go, and because he was a little lonely himself. No matter how much he insisted that his simple act of kindness didn’t warrant a life-debt, Zuen wouldn’t have any of it. The first few days they had traveled together started with him screaming after waking to Zuen watching him sleep. She quickly corrected this behavior by keeping a more respectable distance while he slept. Allegedly. Some mornings he still heard the patter of her feet scamper away as she tried to retreat to her supposed distance before he was fully awake.
  287. Zuen mumbled an unintelligible string of words and grunts as she staggered along on Ussin’s shoulders.
  289. “Almost there. Look, you can see the inn.” Said Ussin.
  291. “Ussin…”
  293. “I’m right here.”
  295. “Then whosh behind us?”
  297. Ussin glanced behind him and started as he found himself face to face with a masked woman.
  299. “Oh.” She said softly.
  301. “Who are you?!” said Ussin, offput by the stranger’s subtle approach and unconventional wear. A thin tail dangled behind her, ending in a point.
  303. “I uhh…” she began.
  305. “Hey… You at that table in the bar, weren’t you!?” accused Ussin.
  307. Her eyes widened. “I thought you were drunk!”
  309. Ussin smirked. “I didn’t survive this long in business without developing a keen eye.”
  311. “Ussin…!” moaned Zuen.
  313. “We’re going, Zuen. Just hang on.”
  315. “No… She’s…”
  317. The woman nodded. “Impressive. You’ll make a strong addition to our clan.”
  319. “She’s here for you!” said Zuen.
  321. The ochi shoved Ussin away and unsheathed her sword. Her feet shuffled and swayed as she tried to keep her balance. The other woman stared at Ussin, indifferent to the inebriated swordswoman.
  323. “What are you talking about?” said Ussin.
  325. “We kunoichi need men to keep our clan strong. You may be weak, but I see that you are of keen eye and sharp mind by your deduction and shrewd business in the market earlier this evening.” Said the woman.
  327. “You were stalking me?”
  329. “Indeed. I suspected that your bodyguard had seen us more than once, but it appears she lacks the same perception as y-“
  331. “I TOLD YOU!”
  333. The ninja gawked at Zuen as the drunken ochi tottered to face Ussin.
  335. “I said ALL DAMN NIGHT that someone was following us! And you said, said… “Zuen, there’s no one following us! You’re imagining things! Trust me, we’re not going to get attacked in the MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING TOWN!” shouted Zuen, crudely mimicking Ussin’s voice.
  337. “I see. Perhaps my kin and I need more practice. No matter, I’m sure training with my daughters will benefit us both.” Shrugged the ninja.
  339. Zuen planted her feet. Though she wavered, she held herself better than she did a moment ago.
  341. “Stay away from my master.” She said.
  343. “I’m taking him. My clan needs this. If you wanted him, you should have claimed him for yourself.” Said the kunoichi.
  345. “She DID claim me. I’m her master.” Said Ussin.
  347. “That’s not what I meant, you fool. It’s a miracle you haven’t been wed yet. I suppose your ochi doesn’t have the resolve.”
  349. “Zuen has more resolve than anyone!” said Ussin.
  351. “Indeed…” mused the kunoichi, watching the drunk teeter. “I am not without mercy. If she so wishes, she can join our clan. But you, human, have no say in this matter. You’re coming with me.”
  353. “You want me to SHARE him?!” asked Zuen in disgust.
  355. “I want you to surrender him. The clan will decide how many wives he takes. I suppose we can tolerate one more.” Shrugged the ninja.
  356. “He’s MINE and MINE ALONE.” Said Zuen.
  358. “I don’t relish the idea of fighting a drunk, but I need that man. If that means staining my honor, so be it.” Said the kunoichi. She flourished a tanto from a sheath hidden behind her back and stared at Zuen. “He’s mine now.”
  360. Zuen changed her stance to hold her sword level at eyelevel. “Over my undead body.”
  362. “As you wish.”
  364. The kunoichi sauntered forward confidently. Zuen stood her ground, waiting for her come into striking distance. Dipping under the sword, the ochi lunged for Zuen’s stomach. Zuen brought her sword down and was parried by the ochi. The ninja ducked back as Zuen took a slash at her extended leg. Reaching into her clothes, the kunoichi pulled out a kunai and advanced again.
  366. As she advanced again, the kunoichi whipped her kunai at Zuen. Zuen flicked it aside with her supernatural speed. But the defense left her open for a quick slash to the wrist. Zuen roared and kicked the kunoichi away.
  368. “Enough. Surrender, ochimusha.” Said the kunoichi.
  370. “No!”
  372. Zuen advanced on the ninja and began hacking wildly at her. The kunoichi dipped and ducked as the steel whistled through the air around her. Slipping past Zuen, the kunoichi using her tail to drag Zuen’s foot with her. Zuen’s stance widened as she staggered back. She slipped her sword into one hand and swung behind her in a wide arc to ward off any assault. Ducking Zuen’s wild sweep, the kunoichi kicked the back of Zuen’s knee to stagger her. As Zuen tipped forward, the kunoichi stabbed her in the back.
  374. “NO!” shouted Ussin.
  376. Zuen gasped as the kunoichi pulled her sword loose and let Zuen collapse to the ground.
  378. “You should have taken my offer, ochi. Now then…”
  380. Ussin froze as the kunoichi advanced on him.
  382. “Learn from your companion’s mistakes. Do not trifle with me, human. I promise you will enjoy yourself if you-“
  384. The ninja whirled around, pointed ears flicking. Zuen wasn’t unconscious yet. The ochi was squirming in the dirt, trying to pick herself up.
  386. “Hmph. I must have missed…” said the kunoichi.
  388. Zuen clenched her sword as she flopped back into the dirt. Was it really going to end like this? All the time she had spent with Ussin, all the experience they had, all the moments they had shared, taken from her? Visions of the field came rushing back to her. Alone. She would be alone again if she couldn’t save him. That couldn’t happen. Not again. Ussin was the only reason she had to exist on this earth. If he was taken from her, what was left? Planting her sword in the ground she pulled herself up.
  390. “…That won’t happen twice.”
  392. The kunoichi was already standing over her, tanto poised to strike. Zuen flicked her sword up in time to redirect the strike, gouging a cut into her shoulder.
  394. “Stay down, vassal!” said the kunoichi.
  396. Zuen stumbled back and stood up. Mana was pouring out of the wound in her back.
  398. “Look at you! It’s over! You fought well, but there’s nothing more you can do.” Said the kunoichi.
  400. Zuen advanced on her. The ninja sighed and strode forward to finish the injured ochi.
  402. “I suppose your loyalty is commendable. But have the honor to know when to admit defeat, corpse.”
  404. Zuen swung her sword in an upward arc. The kunoichi easily parried the strike and prepared to stab Zuen in her exposed chest. But a flicker of movement turned her attention elsewhere. A phantasmal blade sweeping down at her from the opposite angle. The kunoichi quickly deflected the spectral strike and took a step back.
  406. “What the hell was that?”
  408. Zuen lunged at her. The kunoichi side-stepped the suicidal attack and tried to strike her neck. Again, a ghostly hand and manifested, this time to foil her attack. Zuen slashed at the ninja’s feet. The kunoichi cartwheeled away and took a defensive stance.
  410. Zuen’s eyes glowed as she charged at the kunoichi again. She had discovered this technique on accident: astral projection. That’s what Ussin had called it. For years she had dreamed of wandering through the trees. What she would see there, how the air would feel on her face, the sounds of the birds in their nests and the wind on the leaves. In time the daydreams became more lucid. The details of the forest seemed more vivid every time she ventured out in her mind. Curiously, the forest stopped changing after one of her trips. When she imagined it again, the trees, rocks, and terrain remained the same no matter how much time passed. Her favorite thing to do was to stand by the road and watch the imaginary travelers as they went about their business.
  412. As Ussin explained to her, she must have been magically projecting her spirit outside of her mortal coil. If she used the same concentration, she could briefly force her spirit out of her body for opportune strikes while remaining anchored enough to move.
  413. The kunoichi desperately tried to fight off the hail of blows as Zuen’s spectral aspect accosted her from unpredictable angles. Nicks and scratches began to accumulate on her skin as Zuen bored into her. The ochi found her opening as she caught the kunoichi’s blade extending a bit too far on a parry. Flicking the blade down and to the side, she pinned it between the ground and her own sword.
  415. “Stay away from my Lord.”
  417. Zuen’s spectral form manifested above the kunoichi, blade raised, and delivered the coup de grace with a slash through her neck. The kunoichi collapsed into the road with a moan. Just another maiden-heap.
  419. “Zuen! Zuen! Are you alright?!” asked Ussin, rushing over to his injured Vassal.
  421. Zuen slumped into his arms. “No.”
  423. “Aww Zuen, look what she did to you…” bemoaned Ussin, feeling the warm mana seep out of the cut on her shoulder.
  425. “Bed…” moaned Zuen.
  427. Ussin carried her over to the empty cart and heaved her in. Sprinting towards the inn, he rushed Zuen to their room.
  429. “Zuen, just… stay here! I’ll go get help!” said Ussin.
  431. “I’m fine… stay.” muttered Zuen.
  433. “I know, but it looks worse than usual this time.” Said Ussin.
  435. “Stay.” Demanded Zuen.
  437. Ussin bit his lip. Obviously, she wasn’t going to DIE, but that didn’t mean that those realm-silver wounds didn’t sting. Against his better judgement, he sat next to her. Zuen offered him her skeletal hand, which he took. Her expression didn’t change, but Ussin did note that she became a bit more flushed.
  439. “I’m sorry, Lord Ussin.”
  441. “Zuen, don’t.”
  443. “It was my fault.”
  445. “Zuen, shut up. That’s an order.” Said Ussin. “You saved me, that’s all that matters.”
  447. Zuen pouted.
  449. “You’re always looking out for me. I appreciate that more than you’ll ever know. Don’t sell yourself short; you won. We’re both here, we’re both safe, that’s all that matters.” Said Ussin.
  451. Zuen blushed. She wasn’t really listening to what he had to say, all of her concentration was focused on maintaining her composure. He was holding her hand! At long last. How shameful for a vassal to be so bold, but oh Eros, did it feel RIGHT.
  453. “M-Mmm…” stammered Zuen.
  455. “You were incredible out there. I’ve never seen you fight like that before.” Said Ussin.
  457. Zuen cracked a dopey grin. “I suppose I did perform rather admirably given the circumstances.”
  459. Ussin yawned. He was feeling a bit sleepy himself.
  461. “Zuen, move over.”
  463. “Lord?”
  465. “Scoot.”
  467. Zuen sputtered and squeaked as Ussin kicked her to the other side of the bed and slid in next to her.
  469. “W-w-what are you doing! I’m your servant!” said Zuen.
  471. “What kind of lord would leave his precious servant in her hour of need? Besides, I’m tired.” Said Ussin.
  473. “A-as you wish, Lord.”
  475. Ussin nestled in next to Zuen. It always surprised him how warm she was. Not quite as hot as a living creature, but not as clammy as one would expect a body to be.
  477. “Are you cold?” asked Ussin.
  479. “No!”
  481. “You’re shivering? Is it your wounds?” asked Ussin.
  483. Zuen tried to remain calm. It was happening! Finally, after all this time! Did she dare? No! It was too shameful! It went against everything she stood for.
  485. “Actually, I’m a little cold.” Said Zuen. Ussin hugged her tighter.
  487. Ares forgive me! Such a shameful ploy! But it was too good to pass up! It was all for Ussin. The lord needed his respite. And what better way to comfort him than with her body? Yes, it was only fitting. This was a perfectly normal and acceptable thing to do.
  488. “Zuen? Your breath is kind of shallow. Is it poison? Maybe we should go see a doctor.”
  490. “I’m fine.” Growled Zuen. She wrapped her own arms around Ussin. He didn’t resist. Gods was he warm.
  492. “Hey, Zuen?” said Ussin.
  494. “Yes?”
  496. “When you were fighting that kunoichi, and you said: “over my undead body…””
  498. “Yes?”
  500. “That was pretty cool.”
  502. Zuen’s heart swelled with pride. “Truly? I was also thinking about saying ‘from my cold undead hands,’ but I liked the other one more.”
  504. Ussin laughed. “That’s clever.”
  506. Zuen smiled. The wound in her back was already feeling better as his mana permeated her body. She was a little sad that falling asleep in his arms would be almost impossible now that his invigorating energy was pouring into her, but that didn’t bother her. As long as she could hold her lord as he slept, that was good enough for her.
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