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Jul 4th, 2017
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  1. #0 load(Doctrine_Record_UnknownPropertyException) #1 spl_autoload_call(Doctrine_Record_UnknownPropertyException) called at [/var/www/test/lib/Doctrine.php:32] #2 Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard->filterSet(Account Object ([] => ,[charsInit] => ,[amis] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => Doctrine_Null Object (),[account] => bhguhj,[pass] => huhu,[level] => 0,[email] =>,[lastip] => 1405737112,[lastconnectiondate] => Doctrine_Expression Object ([] => NOW(),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer Object ()),[question] => DELETE?,[reponse] => DELETE,[pseudo] => huhun,[banned] => 0,[reload_needed] => 1,[bankkamas] => 0,[bank] => ,[friends] => ,[stable] => ,[logged] => 1),[] => Array (),[] => 2,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => level,[1] => question,[2] => reponse,[3] => banned,[4] => reload_needed,[5] => bankkamas,[6] => logged,[7] => account,[8] => pass,[9] => pseudo,[10] => email,[11] => lastip,[12] => lastconnectiondate,[13] => bank,[14] => friends,[15] => stable),[] => Array ([account] => ,[pass] => ,[pseudo] => ,[email] => ,[lastip] => ,[lastconnectiondate] => ,[bank] => ,[friends] => ,[stable] => ),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ([preSave] => Doctrine_Event Object ([] => 6,[] => Account Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => 22,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array ())),[] => 3,[] => AccountTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 3,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[name] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[sexe] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[class] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 2),[color1] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color2] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color3] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[kamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spellboost] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[capital] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[energy] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10000,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[xp] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 8),[size] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[gfx] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alignement] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[honor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[deshonor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alvl] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[vitalite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => ,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[force] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[sagesse] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[intelligence] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[chance] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[agilite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[seespell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[seefriend] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[canaux] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => *#%!pi$:?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[map] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 8479,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[cell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[pdvper] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 100,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spells] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[objets] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[savepos] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10298,314,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 20),[zaaps] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 250),[jobs] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[mountxpgive] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[mount] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => -1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => 39,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Personnage,[tableName] => personnages,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BasePersonnage),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BasePersonnage)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([Account] => Array ([local] => account,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => Account,[alias] => Account),[GuildMember] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => GuildMember,[alias] => GuildMember),[LiveAction] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => playerid,[type] => 1,[class] => LiveAction,[alias] => LiveAction))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Personnage Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 4,[] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ())),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xxxxxxx,[password] => xxxxxxxx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xxxxx,[password] => xxxx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ([3] => Account Object ( *RECURSION*)),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => 1,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[pass] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 50),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[email] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[lastip] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[lastconnectiondate] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[question] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => DELETE?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[reponse] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => DELETE,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[pseudo] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[banned] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[reload_needed] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[bankkamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[bank] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[friends] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[stable] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[logged] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[account] => account,[pass] => pass,[level] => level,[email] => email,[lastip] => lastip,[lastconnectiondate] => lastconnectiondate,[question] => question,[reponse] => reponse,[pseudo] => pseudo,[banned] => banned,[reload_needed] => reload_needed,[bankkamas] => bankkamas,[bank] => bank,[friends] => friends,[stable] => stable,[logged] => logged),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[account] => account,[pass] => pass,[level] => level,[email] => email,[lastip] => lastip,[lastconnectiondate] => lastconnectiondate,[question] => question,[reponse] => reponse,[pseudo] => pseudo,[banned] => banned,[reload_needed] => reload_needed,[bankkamas] => bankkamas,[bank] => bank,[friends] => friends,[stable] => stable,[logged] => logged),[] => 17,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Account,[tableName] => accounts,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BaseAccount),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BaseAccount)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ([Personnages] => Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey Object ([] => Array ([alias] => Personnages,[foreign] => account,[local] => guid,[class] => Personnage,[type] => 1,[table] => PersonnageTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 3,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xxxx,[password] => xxx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[name] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[sexe] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[class] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 2),[color1] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color2] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color3] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[kamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spellboost] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[capital] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[energy] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10000,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[xp] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 8),[size] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[gfx] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alignement] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[honor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[deshonor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alvl] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[vitalite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => ,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[force] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[sagesse] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[intelligence] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[chance] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[agilite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[seespell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[seefriend] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[canaux] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => *#%!pi$:?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[map] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 8479,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[cell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[pdvper] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 100,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spells] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[objets] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[savepos] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10298,314,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 20),[zaaps] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 250),[jobs] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[mountxpgive] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[mount] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => -1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => 39,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Personnage,[tableName] => personnages,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BasePersonnage),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BasePersonnage)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([Account] => Array ([local] => account,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => Account,[alias] => Account),[GuildMember] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => GuildMember,[alias] => GuildMember),[LiveAction] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => playerid,[type] => 1,[class] => LiveAction,[alias] => LiveAction))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Personnage Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 4,[] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xxx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[localTable] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[name] => ,[refTable] => ,[onDelete] => ,[onUpdate] => ,[deferred] => ,[deferrable] => ,[constraint] => ,[equal] => ,[cascade] => Array (),[owningSide] => ,[refClassRelationAlias] => ,[foreignKeyName] => ,[orderBy] => ))),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Account Object ([] => ,[charsInit] => ,[amis] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 1,[] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 3,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[name] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[sexe] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[class] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 2),[color1] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color2] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color3] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[kamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spellboost] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[capital] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[energy] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10000,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[xp] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 8),[size] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[gfx] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alignement] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[honor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[deshonor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alvl] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[vitalite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => ,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[force] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[sagesse] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[intelligence] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[chance] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[agilite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[seespell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[seefriend] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[canaux] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => *#%!pi$:?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[map] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 8479,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[cell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[pdvper] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 100,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spells] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[objets] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[savepos] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10298,314,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 20),[zaaps] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 250),[jobs] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[mountxpgive] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[mount] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => -1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => 39,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Personnage,[tableName] => personnages,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BasePersonnage),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BasePersonnage)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([Account] => Array ([local] => account,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => Account,[alias] => Account),[GuildMember] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => GuildMember,[alias] => GuildMember),[LiveAction] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => playerid,[type] => 1,[class] => LiveAction,[alias] => LiveAction))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Personnage Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 4,[] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ())),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => ,[] => Array ()), verif, ) called at [/var/www/test/lib/Doctrine.php:29] #3 Doctrine_Record->_set(verif, , 1) called at [/var/www/test/lib/Doctrine.php:29] #4 Doctrine_Record->set(verif, ) called at [/var/www/test/lib/Doctrine.php:10] #5 Doctrine_Access->__set(verif, ) called at [/var/www/test/models/other/php/Account.php:216] #6 Account->preInsert(Doctrine_Event Object ([] => 7,[] => Account Object ([] => ,[charsInit] => ,[amis] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => Doctrine_Null Object (),[account] => bhguhj,[pass] => huhu,[level] => 0,[email] =>,[lastip] => 1405737112,[lastconnectiondate] => Doctrine_Expression Object ([] => NOW(),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer Object ()),[question] => DELETE?,[reponse] => DELETE,[pseudo] => huhun,[banned] => 0,[reload_needed] => 1,[bankkamas] => 0,[bank] => ,[friends] => ,[stable] => ,[logged] => 1),[] => Array (),[] => 2,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => level,[1] => question,[2] => reponse,[3] => banned,[4] => reload_needed,[5] => bankkamas,[6] => logged,[7] => account,[8] => pass,[9] => pseudo,[10] => email,[11] => lastip,[12] => lastconnectiondate,[13] => bank,[14] => friends,[15] => stable),[] => Array ([account] => ,[pass] => ,[pseudo] => ,[email] => ,[lastip] => ,[lastconnectiondate] => ,[bank] => ,[friends] => ,[stable] => ),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ([preSave] => Doctrine_Event Object ([] => 6,[] => Account Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => 22,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array ())),[] => 3,[] => AccountTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 3,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[name] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[sexe] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[class] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 2),[color1] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color2] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color3] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[kamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spellboost] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[capital] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[energy] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10000,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[xp] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 8),[size] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[gfx] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alignement] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[honor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[deshonor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alvl] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[vitalite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => ,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[force] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[sagesse] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[intelligence] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[chance] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[agilite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[seespell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[seefriend] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[canaux] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => *#%!pi$:?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[map] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 8479,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[cell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[pdvper] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 100,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spells] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[objets] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[savepos] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10298,314,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 20),[zaaps] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 250),[jobs] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[mountxpgive] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[mount] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => -1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => 39,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Personnage,[tableName] => personnages,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BasePersonnage),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BasePersonnage)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([Account] => Array ([local] => account,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => Account,[alias] => Account),[GuildMember] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => GuildMember,[alias] => GuildMember),[LiveAction] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => playerid,[type] => 1,[class] => LiveAction,[alias] => LiveAction))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Personnage Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 4,[] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ())),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ([3] => Account Object ( *RECURSION*)),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => 1,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[pass] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 50),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[email] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[lastip] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[lastconnectiondate] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[question] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => DELETE?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[reponse] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => DELETE,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[pseudo] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[banned] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[reload_needed] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[bankkamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[bank] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[friends] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[stable] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[logged] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[account] => account,[pass] => pass,[level] => level,[email] => email,[lastip] => lastip,[lastconnectiondate] => lastconnectiondate,[question] => question,[reponse] => reponse,[pseudo] => pseudo,[banned] => banned,[reload_needed] => reload_needed,[bankkamas] => bankkamas,[bank] => bank,[friends] => friends,[stable] => stable,[logged] => logged),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[account] => account,[pass] => pass,[level] => level,[email] => email,[lastip] => lastip,[lastconnectiondate] => lastconnectiondate,[question] => question,[reponse] => reponse,[pseudo] => pseudo,[banned] => banned,[reload_needed] => reload_needed,[bankkamas] => bankkamas,[bank] => bank,[friends] => friends,[stable] => stable,[logged] => logged),[] => 17,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Account,[tableName] => accounts,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BaseAccount),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BaseAccount)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ([Personnages] => Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey Object ([] => Array ([alias] => Personnages,[foreign] => account,[local] => guid,[class] => Personnage,[type] => 1,[table] => PersonnageTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 3,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[name] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[sexe] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[class] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 2),[color1] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color2] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color3] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[kamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spellboost] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[capital] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[energy] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10000,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[xp] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 8),[size] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[gfx] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alignement] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[honor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[deshonor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alvl] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[vitalite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => ,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[force] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[sagesse] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[intelligence] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[chance] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[agilite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[seespell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[seefriend] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[canaux] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => *#%!pi$:?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[map] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 8479,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[cell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[pdvper] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 100,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spells] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[objets] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[savepos] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10298,314,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 20),[zaaps] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 250),[jobs] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[mountxpgive] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[mount] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => -1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => 39,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Personnage,[tableName] => personnages,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BasePersonnage),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BasePersonnage)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([Account] => Array ([local] => account,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => Account,[alias] => Account),[GuildMember] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => GuildMember,[alias] => GuildMember),[LiveAction] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => playerid,[type] => 1,[class] => LiveAction,[alias] => LiveAction))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Personnage Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 4,[] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[localTable] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[name] => ,[refTable] => ,[onDelete] => ,[onUpdate] => ,[deferred] => ,[deferrable] => ,[constraint] => ,[equal] => ,[cascade] => Array (),[owningSide] => ,[refClassRelationAlias] => ,[foreignKeyName] => ,[orderBy] => ))),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Account Object ([] => ,[charsInit] => ,[amis] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 1,[] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 3,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[name] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[sexe] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[class] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 2),[color1] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color2] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color3] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[kamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spellboost] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[capital] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[energy] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10000,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[xp] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 8),[size] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[gfx] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alignement] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[honor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[deshonor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alvl] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[vitalite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => ,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[force] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[sagesse] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[intelligence] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[chance] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[agilite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[seespell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[seefriend] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[canaux] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => *#%!pi$:?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[map] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 8479,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[cell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[pdvper] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 100,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spells] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[objets] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[savepos] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10298,314,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 20),[zaaps] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 250),[jobs] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[mountxpgive] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[mount] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => -1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => 39,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Personnage,[tableName] => personnages,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BasePersonnage),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BasePersonnage)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([Account] => Array ([local] => account,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => Account,[alias] => Account),[GuildMember] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => GuildMember,[alias] => GuildMember),[LiveAction] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => playerid,[type] => 1,[class] => LiveAction,[alias] => LiveAction))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Personnage Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 4,[] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ())),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => 24,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array ())) called at [/var/www/test/lib/Doctrine.php:29] #7 Doctrine_Record->invokeSaveHooks(pre, insert) called at [/var/www/test/lib/Doctrine.php:23] #8 Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork->insert(Account Object ([] => ,[charsInit] => ,[amis] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => Doctrine_Null Object (),[account] => bhguhj,[pass] => huhu,[level] => 0,[email] =>,[lastip] => 1405737112,[lastconnectiondate] => Doctrine_Expression Object ([] => NOW(),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer Object ()),[question] => DELETE?,[reponse] => DELETE,[pseudo] => huhun,[banned] => 0,[reload_needed] => 1,[bankkamas] => 0,[bank] => ,[friends] => ,[stable] => ,[logged] => 1),[] => Array (),[] => 2,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => level,[1] => question,[2] => reponse,[3] => banned,[4] => reload_needed,[5] => bankkamas,[6] => logged,[7] => account,[8] => pass,[9] => pseudo,[10] => email,[11] => lastip,[12] => lastconnectiondate,[13] => bank,[14] => friends,[15] => stable),[] => Array ([account] => ,[pass] => ,[pseudo] => ,[email] => ,[lastip] => ,[lastconnectiondate] => ,[bank] => ,[friends] => ,[stable] => ),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ([preSave] => Doctrine_Event Object ([] => 6,[] => Account Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => 22,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array ())),[] => 3,[] => AccountTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 3,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[name] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[sexe] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[class] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 2),[color1] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color2] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color3] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[kamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spellboost] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[capital] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[energy] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10000,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[xp] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 8),[size] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[gfx] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alignement] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[honor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[deshonor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alvl] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[vitalite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => ,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[force] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[sagesse] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[intelligence] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[chance] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[agilite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[seespell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[seefriend] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[canaux] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => *#%!pi$:?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[map] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 8479,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[cell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[pdvper] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 100,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spells] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[objets] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[savepos] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10298,314,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 20),[zaaps] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 250),[jobs] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[mountxpgive] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[mount] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => -1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => 39,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Personnage,[tableName] => personnages,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BasePersonnage),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BasePersonnage)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([Account] => Array ([local] => account,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => Account,[alias] => Account),[GuildMember] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => GuildMember,[alias] => GuildMember),[LiveAction] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => playerid,[type] => 1,[class] => LiveAction,[alias] => LiveAction))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Personnage Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 4,[] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ())),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ([3] => Account Object ( *RECURSION*)),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => 1,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[pass] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 50),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[email] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[lastip] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[lastconnectiondate] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[question] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => DELETE?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[reponse] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => DELETE,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[pseudo] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[banned] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[reload_needed] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[bankkamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[bank] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[friends] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[stable] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[logged] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[account] => account,[pass] => pass,[level] => level,[email] => email,[lastip] => lastip,[lastconnectiondate] => lastconnectiondate,[question] => question,[reponse] => reponse,[pseudo] => pseudo,[banned] => banned,[reload_needed] => reload_needed,[bankkamas] => bankkamas,[bank] => bank,[friends] => friends,[stable] => stable,[logged] => logged),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[account] => account,[pass] => pass,[level] => level,[email] => email,[lastip] => lastip,[lastconnectiondate] => lastconnectiondate,[question] => question,[reponse] => reponse,[pseudo] => pseudo,[banned] => banned,[reload_needed] => reload_needed,[bankkamas] => bankkamas,[bank] => bank,[friends] => friends,[stable] => stable,[logged] => logged),[] => 17,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Account,[tableName] => accounts,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BaseAccount),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BaseAccount)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ([Personnages] => Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey Object ([] => Array ([alias] => Personnages,[foreign] => account,[local] => guid,[class] => Personnage,[type] => 1,[table] => PersonnageTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 3,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[name] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[sexe] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[class] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 2),[color1] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color2] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color3] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[kamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spellboost] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[capital] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[energy] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10000,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[xp] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 8),[size] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[gfx] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alignement] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[honor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[deshonor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alvl] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[vitalite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => ,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[force] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[sagesse] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[intelligence] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[chance] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[agilite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[seespell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[seefriend] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[canaux] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => *#%!pi$:?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[map] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 8479,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[cell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[pdvper] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 100,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spells] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[objets] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[savepos] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10298,314,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 20),[zaaps] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 250),[jobs] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[mountxpgive] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[mount] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => -1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => 39,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Personnage,[tableName] => personnages,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BasePersonnage),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BasePersonnage)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([Account] => Array ([local] => account,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => Account,[alias] => Account),[GuildMember] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => GuildMember,[alias] => GuildMember),[LiveAction] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => playerid,[type] => 1,[class] => LiveAction,[alias] => LiveAction))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Personnage Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 4,[] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[localTable] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[name] => ,[refTable] => ,[onDelete] => ,[onUpdate] => ,[deferred] => ,[deferrable] => ,[constraint] => ,[equal] => ,[cascade] => Array (),[owningSide] => ,[refClassRelationAlias] => ,[foreignKeyName] => ,[orderBy] => ))),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Account Object ([] => ,[charsInit] => ,[amis] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 1,[] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 3,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[name] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[sexe] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[class] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 2),[color1] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color2] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color3] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[kamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spellboost] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[capital] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[energy] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10000,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[xp] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 8),[size] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[gfx] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alignement] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[honor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[deshonor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alvl] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[vitalite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => ,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[force] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[sagesse] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[intelligence] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[chance] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[agilite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[seespell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[seefriend] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[canaux] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => *#%!pi$:?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[map] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 8479,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[cell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[pdvper] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 100,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spells] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[objets] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[savepos] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10298,314,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 20),[zaaps] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 250),[jobs] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[mountxpgive] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[mount] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => -1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => 39,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Personnage,[tableName] => personnages,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BasePersonnage),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BasePersonnage)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([Account] => Array ([local] => account,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => Account,[alias] => Account),[GuildMember] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => GuildMember,[alias] => GuildMember),[LiveAction] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => playerid,[type] => 1,[class] => LiveAction,[alias] => LiveAction))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Personnage Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 4,[] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ())),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => ,[] => Array ())) called at [/var/www/test/lib/Doctrine.php:23] #9 Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork->saveGraph(Account Object ([] => ,[charsInit] => ,[amis] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => Doctrine_Null Object (),[account] => bhguhj,[pass] => huhu,[level] => 0,[email] =>,[lastip] => 1405737112,[lastconnectiondate] => Doctrine_Expression Object ([] => NOW(),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer Object ()),[question] => DELETE?,[reponse] => DELETE,[pseudo] => huhun,[banned] => 0,[reload_needed] => 1,[bankkamas] => 0,[bank] => ,[friends] => ,[stable] => ,[logged] => 1),[] => Array (),[] => 2,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => level,[1] => question,[2] => reponse,[3] => banned,[4] => reload_needed,[5] => bankkamas,[6] => logged,[7] => account,[8] => pass,[9] => pseudo,[10] => email,[11] => lastip,[12] => lastconnectiondate,[13] => bank,[14] => friends,[15] => stable),[] => Array ([account] => ,[pass] => ,[pseudo] => ,[email] => ,[lastip] => ,[lastconnectiondate] => ,[bank] => ,[friends] => ,[stable] => ),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ([preSave] => Doctrine_Event Object ([] => 6,[] => Account Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => 22,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array ())),[] => 3,[] => AccountTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 3,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[name] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[sexe] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[class] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 2),[color1] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color2] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color3] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[kamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spellboost] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[capital] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[energy] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10000,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[xp] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 8),[size] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[gfx] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alignement] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[honor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[deshonor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alvl] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[vitalite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => ,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[force] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[sagesse] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[intelligence] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[chance] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[agilite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[seespell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[seefriend] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[canaux] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => *#%!pi$:?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[map] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 8479,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[cell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[pdvper] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 100,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spells] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[objets] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[savepos] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10298,314,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 20),[zaaps] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 250),[jobs] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[mountxpgive] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[mount] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => -1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => 39,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Personnage,[tableName] => personnages,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BasePersonnage),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BasePersonnage)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([Account] => Array ([local] => account,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => Account,[alias] => Account),[GuildMember] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => GuildMember,[alias] => GuildMember),[LiveAction] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => playerid,[type] => 1,[class] => LiveAction,[alias] => LiveAction))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Personnage Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 4,[] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ())),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ([3] => Account Object ( *RECURSION*)),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => 1,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[pass] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 50),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[email] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[lastip] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[lastconnectiondate] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[question] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => DELETE?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[reponse] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => DELETE,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 100),[pseudo] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[banned] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[reload_needed] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[bankkamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[bank] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[friends] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[stable] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[logged] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[account] => account,[pass] => pass,[level] => level,[email] => email,[lastip] => lastip,[lastconnectiondate] => lastconnectiondate,[question] => question,[reponse] => reponse,[pseudo] => pseudo,[banned] => banned,[reload_needed] => reload_needed,[bankkamas] => bankkamas,[bank] => bank,[friends] => friends,[stable] => stable,[logged] => logged),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[account] => account,[pass] => pass,[level] => level,[email] => email,[lastip] => lastip,[lastconnectiondate] => lastconnectiondate,[question] => question,[reponse] => reponse,[pseudo] => pseudo,[banned] => banned,[reload_needed] => reload_needed,[bankkamas] => bankkamas,[bank] => bank,[friends] => friends,[stable] => stable,[logged] => logged),[] => 17,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Account,[tableName] => accounts,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BaseAccount),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BaseAccount)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ([Personnages] => Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey Object ([] => Array ([alias] => Personnages,[foreign] => account,[local] => guid,[class] => Personnage,[type] => 1,[table] => PersonnageTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 3,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[name] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[sexe] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[class] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 2),[color1] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color2] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color3] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[kamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spellboost] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[capital] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[energy] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10000,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[xp] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 8),[size] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[gfx] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alignement] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[honor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[deshonor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alvl] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[vitalite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => ,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[force] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[sagesse] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[intelligence] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[chance] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[agilite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[seespell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[seefriend] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[canaux] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => *#%!pi$:?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[map] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 8479,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[cell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[pdvper] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 100,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spells] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[objets] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[savepos] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10298,314,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 20),[zaaps] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 250),[jobs] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[mountxpgive] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[mount] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => -1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => 39,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Personnage,[tableName] => personnages,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BasePersonnage),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BasePersonnage)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([Account] => Array ([local] => account,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => Account,[alias] => Account),[GuildMember] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => GuildMember,[alias] => GuildMember),[LiveAction] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => playerid,[type] => 1,[class] => LiveAction,[alias] => LiveAction))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Personnage Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 4,[] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[localTable] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[name] => ,[refTable] => ,[onDelete] => ,[onUpdate] => ,[deferred] => ,[deferrable] => ,[constraint] => ,[equal] => ,[cascade] => Array (),[owningSide] => ,[refClassRelationAlias] => ,[foreignKeyName] => ,[orderBy] => ))),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Account Object ([] => ,[charsInit] => ,[amis] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 1,[] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => PDO Object (),[] => Array ([Account] => AccountTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[Record] => RecordTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => id,[] => 1,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([id] => Array ([type] => integer,[length] => 8,[autoincrement] => 1,[primary] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => Array ([id] => id),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([name] => Record,[tableName] => doctrine__record__abstract,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array (),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => Doctrine_Record_Abstract)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Record Object ([] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 2,[] => RecordTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Personnage] => PersonnageTable Object ([] => Array (),[] => guid,[] => 3,[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Table_Repository Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array ()),[] => Array ([guid] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[name] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 30),[sexe] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[class] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 2),[color1] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color2] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[color3] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[kamas] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spellboost] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[capital] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[energy] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10000,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[level] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[xp] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 8),[size] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[gfx] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alignement] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[honor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[deshonor] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[alvl] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[account] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[vitalite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => ,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[force] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[sagesse] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[intelligence] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[chance] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[agilite] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[seespell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[seefriend] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 1),[canaux] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => *#%!pi$:?,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 15),[map] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 8479,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[cell] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[pdvper] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 100,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[spells] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[objets] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[savepos] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 10298,314,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 20),[zaaps] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 250),[jobs] => Array ([type] => string,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => ),[mountxpgive] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => 0,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4),[mount] => Array ([type] => integer,[fixed] => 0,[unsigned] => ,[primary] => ,[default] => -1,[notnull] => 1,[autoincrement] => ,[length] => 4)),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => Array ([guid] => guid,[name] => name,[sexe] => sexe,[class] => class,[color1] => color1,[color2] => color2,[color3] => color3,[kamas] => kamas,[spellboost] => spellboost,[capital] => capital,[energy] => energy,[level] => level,[xp] => xp,[size] => size,[gfx] => gfx,[alignement] => alignement,[honor] => honor,[deshonor] => deshonor,[alvl] => alvl,[account] => account,[vitalite] => vitalite,[force] => force,[sagesse] => sagesse,[intelligence] => intelligence,[chance] => chance,[agilite] => agilite,[seespell] => seespell,[seefriend] => seefriend,[canaux] => canaux,[map] => map,[cell] => cell,[pdvper] => pdvper,[spells] => spells,[objets] => objets,[savepos] => savepos,[zaaps] => zaaps,[jobs] => jobs,[mountxpgive] => mountxpgive,[mount] => mount),[] => 39,[] => 1,[] => Array ([name] => Personnage,[tableName] => personnages,[sequenceName] => ,[inheritanceMap] => Array (),[enumMap] => Array (),[type] => ,[charset] => ,[collate] => ,[treeImpl] => ,[treeOptions] => Array (),[indexes] => Array (),[parents] => Array ([0] => Record,[1] => BasePersonnage),[joinedParents] => Array (),[queryParts] => Array (),[versioning] => ,[subclasses] => Array (),[orderBy] => ,[declaringClass] => ReflectionClass Object ([name] => BasePersonnage)),[] => ,[] => Doctrine_Relation_Parser Object ([] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([Account] => Array ([local] => account,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => Account,[alias] => Account),[GuildMember] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => guid,[type] => 0,[class] => GuildMember,[alias] => GuildMember),[LiveAction] => Array ([local] => guid,[foreign] => playerid,[type] => 1,[class] => LiveAction,[alias] => LiveAction))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([0] => Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard Object ([] => )),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Personnage Object ([] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 3,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => 4,[] => PersonnageTable Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ())),[] => other,[] => 1,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => Doctrine_Transaction_Mysql Object ([] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Transaction),[expression] => Doctrine_Expression_Mysql Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Expression),[dataDict] => Doctrine_DataDict_Mysql Object ([] => Array ([0] => ADD,[1] => ALL,[2] => ALTER,[3] => ANALYZE,[4] => AND,[5] => AS,[6] => ASC,[7] => ASENSITIVE,[8] => BEFORE,[9] => BETWEEN,[10] => BIGINT,[11] => BINARY,[12] => BLOB,[13] => BOTH,[14] => BY,[15] => BIT,[16] => CALL,[17] => CASCADE,[18] => CASE,[19] => CHANGE,[20] => CHAR,[21] => CHARACTER,[22] => CHECK,[23] => COLLATE,[24] => COLUMN,[25] => CONDITION,[26] => CONNECTION,[27] => CONSTRAINT,[28] => CONTINUE,[29] => CONVERT,[30] => CREATE,[31] => CROSS,[32] => CURRENT_DATE,[33] => CURRENT_TIME,[34] => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[35] => CURRENT_USER,[36] => CURSOR,[37] => DATABASE,[38] => DATABASES,[39] => DAY_HOUR,[40] => DAY_MICROSECOND,[41] => DAY_MINUTE,[42] => DAY_SECOND,[43] => DEC,[44] => DECIMAL,[45] => DECLARE,[46] => DEFAULT,[47] => DELAYED,[48] => DELETE,[49] => DESC,[50] => DESCRIBE,[51] => DETERMINISTIC,[52] => DISTINCT,[53] => DISTINCTROW,[54] => DIV,[55] => DOUBLE,[56] => DROP,[57] => DUAL,[58] => EACH,[59] => ELSE,[60] => ELSEIF,[61] => ENCLOSED,[62] => ESCAPED,[63] => EXISTS,[64] => EXIT,[65] => EXPLAIN,[66] => FALSE,[67] => FETCH,[68] => FLOAT,[69] => FLOAT4,[70] => FLOAT8,[71] => FOR,[72] => FORCE,[73] => FOREIGN,[74] => FROM,[75] => FULLTEXT,[76] => GRANT,[77] => GROUP,[78] => HAVING,[79] => HIGH_PRIORITY,[80] => HOUR_MICROSECOND,[81] => HOUR_MINUTE,[82] => HOUR_SECOND,[83] => IF,[84] => IGNORE,[85] => IN,[86] => INDEX,[87] => INFILE,[88] => INNER,[89] => INOUT,[90] => INSENSITIVE,[91] => INSERT,[92] => INT,[93] => INT1,[94] => INT2,[95] => INT3,[96] => INT4,[97] => INT8,[98] => INTEGER,[99] => INTERVAL,[100] => INTO,[101] => IS,[102] => ITERATE,[103] => JOIN,[104] => KEY,[105] => KEYS,[106] => KILL,[107] => LEADING,[108] => LEAVE,[109] => LEFT,[110] => LIKE,[111] => LIMIT,[112] => LINES,[113] => LOAD,[114] => LOCALTIME,[115] => LOCALTIMESTAMP,[116] => LOCK,[117] => LONG,[118] => LONGBLOB,[119] => LONGTEXT,[120] => LOOP,[121] => LOW_PRIORITY,[122] => MATCH,[123] => MEDIUMBLOB,[124] => MEDIUMINT,[125] => MEDIUMTEXT,[126] => MIDDLEINT,[127] => MINUTE_MICROSECOND,[128] => MINUTE_SECOND,[129] => MOD,[130] => MODIFIES,[131] => NATURAL,[132] => NOT,[133] => NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG,[134] => NULL,[135] => NUMERIC,[136] => ON,[137] => OPTIMIZE,[138] => OPTION,[139] => OPTIONALLY,[140] => OR,[141] => ORDER,[142] => OUT,[143] => OUTER,[144] => OUTFILE,[145] => PRECISION,[146] => PRIMARY,[147] => PROCEDURE,[148] => PURGE,[149] => RAID0,[150] => READ,[151] => READS,[152] => REAL,[153] => REFERENCES,[154] => REGEXP,[155] => RELEASE,[156] => RENAME,[157] => REPEAT,[158] => REPLACE,[159] => REQUIRE,[160] => RESTRICT,[161] => RETURN,[162] => REVOKE,[163] => RIGHT,[164] => RLIKE,[165] => SCHEMA,[166] => SCHEMAS,[167] => SECOND_MICROSECOND,[168] => SELECT,[169] => SENSITIVE,[170] => SEPARATOR,[171] => SET,[172] => SHOW,[173] => SMALLINT,[174] => SONAME,[175] => SPATIAL,[176] => SPECIFIC,[177] => SQL,[178] => SQLEXCEPTION,[179] => SQLSTATE,[180] => SQLWARNING,[181] => SQL_BIG_RESULT,[182] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,[183] => SQL_SMALL_RESULT,[184] => SSL,[185] => STARTING,[186] => STRAIGHT_JOIN,[187] => TABLE,[188] => TERMINATED,[189] => THEN,[190] => TINYBLOB,[191] => TINYINT,[192] => TINYTEXT,[193] => TO,[194] => TRAILING,[195] => TRIGGER,[196] => TRUE,[197] => UNDO,[198] => UNION,[199] => UNIQUE,[200] => UNLOCK,[201] => UNSIGNED,[202] => UPDATE,[203] => USAGE,[204] => USE,[205] => USING,[206] => UTC_DATE,[207] => UTC_TIME,[208] => UTC_TIMESTAMP,[209] => VALUES,[210] => VARBINARY,[211] => VARCHAR,[212] => VARCHARACTER,[213] => VARYING,[214] => WHEN,[215] => WHERE,[216] => WHILE,[217] => WITH,[218] => WRITE,[219] => X509,[220] => XOR,[221] => YEAR_MONTH,[222] => ZEROFILL),[] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DataDict),[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Connection),[formatter] => Doctrine_Formatter Object ([] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Formatter),[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_other,[username] => xx,[password] => xx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 1,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ([] => Array ([base] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=xx_extra,[username] => xxxxxx,[password] => xxxxxxx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[static] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ([] => Mysql,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => static,[] => ,[] => Array ([sequences] => emulated,[indexes] => 1,[affected_rows] => 1,[transactions] => 1,[savepoints] => ,[summary_functions] => 1,[order_by_text] => 1,[current_id] => emulated,[limit_queries] => 1,[LOBs] => 1,[replace] => 1,[sub_selects] => 1,[auto_increment] => 1,[primary_key] => 1,[result_introspection] => 1,[prepared_statements] => emulated,[identifier_quoting] => 1,[pattern_escaping] => 1),[] => Array ([16] => mysql,[8] => 0,[3] => 2),[] => Array ([transaction] => ,[expression] => ,[dataDict] => ,[export] => ,[import] => ,[sequence] => ,[unitOfWork] => ,[formatter] => ,[util] => ),[] => Array ([sql_comments] => Array ([0] => Array ([start] => -- ,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[1] => Array ([start] => #,[end] => ,[escape] => ),[2] => Array ([start] => /*,[end] => */,[escape] => )),[identifier_quoting] => Array ([start] => `,[end] => `,[escape] => `),[string_quoting] => Array ([start] => ',[end] => ',[escape] => \,[escape_pattern] => \),[wildcards] => Array ([0] => %,[1] => _),[varchar_max_length] => 255,[sql_file_delimiter] => ; ,[max_identifier_length] => 64),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([dsn] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ancestra_static,[username] => xxxxx,[password] => xxxxxxx,[other] => Array ()),[] => 0,[] => Array ([foreign_keys] => Array (),[indexes] => Array ()),[] => Array ([112] => INNODB),[] => Doctrine_Manager Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[other] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => Array ([ItemEffect] => base,[Account] => other,[Personnage] => other),[] => 0,[] => other,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([3] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver,[2] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[4] => Doctrine_Hydrator_NoneDriver,[5] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ScalarDriver,[6] => Doctrine_Hydrator_SingleScalarDriver,[7] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver,[8] => Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayHierarchyDriver,[9] => Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordHierarchyDriver),[] => Array ([db2] => Doctrine_Connection_Db2,[mysql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[mysqli] => Doctrine_Connection_Mysql,[sqlite] => Doctrine_Connection_Sqlite,[pgsql] => Doctrine_Connection_Pgsql,[oci] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oci8] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[oracle] => Doctrine_Connection_Oracle,[mssql] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[dblib] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[odbc] => Doctrine_Connection_Mssql,[mock] => Doctrine_Connection_Mock),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([150] => ,[157] => ,[153] => 1,[100] => Doctrine_EventListener Object (),[154] => Doctrine_Record_Listener Object ([] => Array ([disabled] => )),[155] => 1,[107] => 0,[109] => 2,[103] => %s_idx,[104] => %s_seq,[120] => %s,[171] => %s,[101] => ,[105] => id,[106] => 0,[140] => 7,[141] => 2,[156] => doctrine,[160] => 1,[164] => ,[165] => ,[166] => ,[169] => Array (),[170] => Array (),[172] => 1,[173] => Query,[175] => Collection,[176] => RecordTable,[174] => 1,[161] => 2),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ()),[] => ,[] => Array ())) called at [/var/www/test/lib/Doctrine.php:29] #10 Doctrine_Record->save() called at [/var/www/test/models/other/php/Account.php:336] #11 Account->maj(Array ([tos] => ,[account] => bhguhj,[pass] => huhu,[pseudo] => huhun,[email] =>,[question] => DELETE?,[reponse] => DELETE,[guid] => ,[send] => Envoyer,[sent] => 1), 1) called at [/var/www/test/actions/Accounts/new.php:15] #12 require_once(/var/www/test/actions/Accounts/new.php) called at [/var/www/test/index.php:61]
  2. Warning: require_once(Doctrine/Record/UnknownPropertyException.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/test/lib/fonctions.php on line 128
  4. Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'Doctrine/Record/UnknownPropertyException.php' (include_path='./:lib/class/:models/base/php/generated:models/base/php/:models/other/php/generated:models/other/php/') in /var/www/test/lib/fonctions.php on line 128
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