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a guest
Apr 20th, 2015
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  1. options:
  2. P: [&2UHC&r]
  3. variables:
  4. {timer.going} = false
  6. command /startuhc <integer> <integer> <world> <world>:
  7. usage: /startuhc <PvP> <MU> <world> <netherworld>
  8. permission: skript.op
  9. trigger:
  10. if {timer.going} is true:
  11. message "{@P} &7The timer is currently going. Use &7/stopuhc &7to stop the current timer!"
  12. else if {timer.going} is false:
  13. set {timer.going} to true
  14. set {first.time} to true
  15. set {pvp} to arg 1
  16. set {mu} to arg 2
  17. set {_loc} to location of command sender
  18. if {gamemode} is set:
  19. command sender command "/setmotd %{gamemode}% %{teamsize}% | %{utc}% UTC"
  20. command sender command "/ks off"
  21. command sender command "/ks on"
  22. command sender command "/spectatorinfo reset"
  23. command sender command "/gm 1"
  24. command sender command "/mw goto %arg-3%"
  25. command sender command "/butcher"
  26. command sender command "/difficulty HARD"
  27. command sender command "/tppos 0 242 0 "
  28. command sender command "//pos1 6,239,-6"
  29. command sender command "//pos2 -6,228,6"
  30. command sender command "//set air"
  31. command sender command "/rg delete box"
  32. loop all players:
  33. set the loop-player's food level to 10
  34. heal the loop-player
  35. execute console command "/xp -50000L %loop-player%"
  36. execute console command "/feature on PotionNerfs"
  37. execute console command "/feature on PlayerHeads"
  38. execute console command "/feature on PortalRanges"
  39. execute console command "/feature on DeathLightning"
  40. execute console command "/mw setflag %arg-3% PvP deny"
  41. execute console command "/timer cancel"
  42. command sender command "/mw link %arg-3% %arg-4%"
  43. command sender command "/mw link %arg-4% %arg-3%"
  44. broadcast "{@P} &7Game starting in..."
  45. wait 1 second
  46. broadcast "{@P} &43!"
  47. wait 1 second
  48. broadcast "{@P} &c2!"
  49. wait 1 second
  50. broadcast "{@P} &e1!"
  51. wait 1 second
  52. broadcast "{@P} &aGo!"
  53. command sender command "/day"
  54. command sender command "/gm 0"
  55. execute console command "/freeze"
  56. execute console command "/timer %({pvp}*60)% &7PvP:&a"
  57. teleport the command sender to {_loc}
  58. delete {_loc}
  59. heal all players
  60. loop all players:
  61. execute console command "/effect %loop-player% clear"
  62. apply saturation to all players for 2 minutes
  63. apply resistance 10 to all players for 10 seconds
  64. wait 1 seconds
  65. broadcast "&7-----------------&r{@P}&7-----------------"
  66. broadcast " &aPvP will be enabled in %{pvp}% minutes"
  67. broadcast " &aMeetup is in %{mu}% minutes"
  68. broadcast "&7-----------------&r{@P}&7-----------------"
  69. command sender command "/gamerule doDaylightCycle true"
  70. command sender command "/gamerule doMobSpawning true"
  71. while {timer.going} is true:
  72. if {first.time} is false:
  73. if {pvp} is equal to 20 or 15 or 10:
  74. broadcast "{@P} &a%{pvp}% &7minutes until PvP is enabled!"
  75. else if {pvp} is equal to 5:
  76. broadcast "{@P} &a%{pvp}% &7minutes until PvP is enabled!"
  77. set {rain} to true
  78. else if {pvp} is equal to 2:
  79. broadcast "{@P} &a%{pvp}% &7minutes until PvP is enabled!"
  80. else if {pvp} is equal to 0:
  81. execute console command "/timer cancel"
  82. execute console command "/timer %({mu}*60)% &7Meetup:&a"
  83. execute console command "/mw setflag %arg-3% PvP allow"
  84. broadcast "{@P} &7PvP is now enabled&7!"
  85. exit loop
  86. else:
  87. message "&a%{pvp}% minutes until PvP!"
  88. subtract 1 from {pvp}
  89. subtract 1 from {mu}
  90. wait 1 minute
  91. else:
  92. set {first.time} to false
  93. subtract 1 from {pvp}
  94. subtract 1 from {mu}
  95. wait 1 minute
  96. while {timer.going} is true:
  97. if {mu} is equal to 80 or 70 or 60 or 50 or 40 or 30 or 10:
  98. broadcast "{@P} &7MeetUp is in &a%{mu}% &7minutes!"
  99. else if {mu} is equal to 15:
  100. broadcast "{@P} &7MeetUp is in &a%{mu}% &7minutes!"
  101. else if {mu} is equal to 20:
  102. broadcast "{@P} &7MeetUp is in &a%{mu}% &7minutes!"
  103. set {_loc} to location of command sender
  104. command sender command "/mw goto %arg-3%"
  105. command sender command "/time set day %arg-3%"
  106. command sender command "/gamerule doDaylightCycle false"
  107. teleport the command sender to {_loc}
  108. delete {_loc}
  109. else if {mu} is equal to 5 or 2:
  110. broadcast "{@P} &a%{mu}% &7minutes until MeetUp!"
  111. else if {mu} is equal to 0:
  112. broadcast "&7-----------------&r{@P}&7-----------------"
  113. broadcast " &aMeetUp is now!"
  114. broadcast "&7-----------------&r{@P}&7-----------------"
  115. command sender command "/time set 6000"
  116. exit loop
  117. else:
  118. message "&c%{mu}% minutes until Meetup!"
  119. subtract 1 from {mu}
  120. wait 1 minute
  121. if {timer.going} is true:
  122. set {timer.going} to false
  123. else:
  124. stop
  125. delete {rain}
  126. message "{@P} &7Timer is done." to player
  128. command /timeleft:
  129. trigger:
  130. if {pvp} is greater than 0:
  131. if {pvp} is equal to 1:
  132. message "{@P} &7PvP: &a%{pvp}% minute &2&l| &7MeetUp: &a%{mu}% minutes"
  133. else:
  134. message "{@P} &7PvP: &a%{pvp}% minutes &2&l| &7MeetUp: &a%{mu}% minutes"
  135. else if {mu} is greater than 0:
  136. if {mu} is equal to 1:
  137. message "{@P} &7MeetUp is in &a1 minute&7."
  138. if {mu} is equal to 0:
  139. message "{@P} &7It's now MeetUp!"
  140. else:
  141. message "{@P} &7MeetUp is in &a%{mu}% minutes&7."
  142. else if {pvp} is less than 1:
  143. message "{@P} &7MeetUp is in &a%{mu}% minutes&7."
  145. command /stopuhc:
  146. permission: skript.op
  147. trigger:
  148. set {timer.going} to false
  149. set {pvp} to 0
  150. set {mu} to 0
  151. delete {rain}
  152. command sender command "/team reset"
  153. command sender command "/wl remove all"
  154. command sender command "/wl off"
  155. execute console command "/timer cancel"
  156. command sender command "/killscoreboard off"
  157. command sender command "/wl remove all"
  158. command sender command "/link"
  159. loop all players:
  160. teleport the loop-player to the spawn point of "world"
  161. clear the loop-player's inventory
  162. heal the loop-player
  163. wait 1 tick
  164. message "{@P} &7You have &cstopped &7the timer." to player
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