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May 23rd, 2017
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  1. Macbeth begins shortly after a civil war in medieval Scotland with three witches that confront Macbeth and Banquo (a friend of Macbeth and a General) to tell them of Macbeth’s future through prophecy. Macbeth is a highly decorated General of Scotland and through the death of his father, the Thane of Glamis.  Macbeth is intrigued by the Witches and asks them to speak of his future and they tell him three things. Macbeth will become the thane of Glamis, the thane of Cawdor and lastly that he shall be king thereafter. Banquo is told he himself will not be king but his sons will be. Macbeth soon discovers that the thane of Cawdor was removed of his title and the title was given to Macbeth and this leads him to believe in what the Witches have told him. Macbeth teases himself with the thought of killing King Duncan and discusses it with Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is doubtful about whether he should kill Duncan who is a fair and well loved King but Lady Macbeth will hear none of it and convinces him to do it. Lady Macbeth feels Macbeth isn’t cruel enough to do it but also knows as a woman she couldn’t and therefore had to convince Macbeth to do it. When King Duncan visits Macbeth in his Castle they get the King and his attendants drunk and then Macbeth kills Duncan with his own guard’s daggers. When the body of Duncan is discovered it makes the servants with the bloody daggers seem at guilt. Malcolm and Donalbain (Duncan’s heirs) flee the country fearing a target on their back and this causes the blame to fall on them instead. This makes Macbeth King, and while most support him, Macduff who is also a well decorated General does not. Macduff didn’t appear at Scone for the ascension ceremony of Macbeth due to suspicion. Macbeth decides he has to kill Banquo because he knows of the prophecies and Banquo’s sons would become King threatening Macbeth’s rule. Macbeth arranges for Banquo and his son to be killed but only Banquo is killed leaving Macbeth worried. Banquo’s ghost haunts Macbeth and Macbeth almost gives away what he has done in a banquet. Visiting the witches again Macbeth learns that he should fear Macduff but that no man born of women could kill him. The witches also tell him he will not be defeated until the Birnam Woods (the forest around his castle) move towards him. This fills Macbeth full of confidence. Malcolm (Who joined up with King Edward of England and Macbeth) commands his army of combined Scottish and English soldiers to take branches off the trees of Birnam and to take them with them to hide their numbers. This makes it appear that the forest is moving towards the castle. When confronted by Macduff once the castle has been besieged Macbeth reveals he cannot be killed by anyone born of women only to discover Macduff was taken out of his mother before being born. Macduff slays Macbeth and returns the crown to Malcolm who vows to restore order to the land.
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