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Feb 14th, 2012
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  2. ____________________________MORE NEWS:http://rwandan-hackers.blogspot.com_______________________________
  3. Our Message: -----------------------------------------------------
  4. --------------Freedom of the Press in Uganda---------
  5. A new bill tabled before parliament threatens the freedom of the press in Uganda. The country's journalists need the world to speak out against it
  6. that's why we hack uganda gov website.
  7. One of the reasons why Museveni was originally labelled one of a new breed of African leaders was because of media freedoms. Magazines and newspapers thrived under the new "visionary" leader and broadcast media were liberalised, leading to the creation, over the years, of more than 150 private radio and television stations.
  8. There have always been cracks in this relationship between state and the fourth estate, but they have become ever more glaring over the last 10 years, characterised by harassment of journalists critical of the government and the closure of media houses. In Uganda today, radio stations, especially those upcountry, in more rural areas where most Ugandans live, are considered very brave to host senior opposition figures, like Kizza Besigye of the Forum for Democratic Change. Some stations have denied him paid-for airtime, citing "orders from above" or for fear of being blacklisted by the Intelligence and the Broadcasting Council.
  9. But the latest assault on the media, which has sent chills down the spines of independent newspaper editors, is the press and journalists (amendment) bill 2010. Reports indicate it has been tabled in Cabinet, although a minister recently said it is yet to be discussed.
  12. _______________________________Ministry of Internal Affairs _____________________________________________
  13. Target:
  14. Date:14/02/2012 15:01:27
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  60. ernest 57224ac83a8e1bb92db715d89620d5b4
  62. ________________________Justice, Law and Order Sector | JLOS – Republic of Uganda________________________
  63. Target:
  64. Date:14/02/2012 15:03:57
  65. DB Detection:MySQL >=5 (Auto Detected)
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  101. edgar 1f19a7bbf497addd9064c362682f163d
  103. ___________________Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda________________________________
  104. Target:
  105. Date: 13/02/2012 16:03:14
  106. DB Detection: MySQL error based (Auto Detected)
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  152. MunduaPatrick 2fb9a8aede4234c57f23a4a68f2a77c3
  154. ___the Petroleum Exploration and Production Department of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development_
  155. Target:
  156. Date: 13/02/2012 16:04:15
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  192. admin bc6737c1de3f5ae9bfe3c05ec0f943e5
  194. __________________________________National Medical Stores - Uganda_______________________________________
  195. Target:
  196. Date: 13/02/2012 16:10:20
  197. DB Detection: MySQL >=5 (Auto Detected)
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  237. admin da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709
  238. nms ab24aed5a7c4ad45615cd7e0da816eea39e4895d
  239. sidine 65dc98a99ef22b57976a727f787128483a46f55d
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