

Dec 15th, 2020
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  1. Is cap­tur­ing falling that the roast fish Hakut three peo­ple of vi­sion brush to that hot pep­per chicken on, see­ing is a stretch of glow­ing red hot pep­per sec­tion, the hot spicy aura has a lik­ing for one, then thought that body was dry and hot.
  2. How­ever this ma­te­r­ial ob­ject and pic­ture also are re­ally tally per­fectly, this takes a quick look around, has not seen half chicken ob­sti­nately, all was the hot pep­per sec­tion.
  3. „Re­ally isn't one will fry the hot pep­per?” Hakut took up the chop­sticks to dial a hot pep­per, looked like sweeps a fallen leaf to re­veal under the sal­low chicken nugget.
  4. Sliv­ers golden yel­low that the scrap the chicken ex­plodes, the lus­ter is at­trac­tive, hides in a large num­ber of hot pep­per sec­tions.
  5. This hot pep­per opens out, ex­cept for hot, the cake of chicken also sends out fra­grant, mak­ing three peo­ple of eyes in abun­dance one bright.
  6. „It seems like also re­ally in­ter­est­ing, I first taste.” Hakut some­what picked chicken to feed the mouth im­pa­tiently.
  7. Bites, crisp fra­grance that the chicken sem­blance ex­plodes, but after bit­ing open, in­side ac­tu­ally es­pe­cially del­i­cate juicy, this gets down, the spicy crisp fra­grant mouth­ful is, but hemp not wooden and spicy but is not dry, eats quite to have the chewa­bil­ity, more chews is more fra­grant, only thought that can­not stop, could not bear and clamped one.
  8. This chicken should ex­plode two, the first low oil tem­per­a­ture lives, the sec­ond time high tem­per­a­ture turns round to ex­plode, makes this chicken have out­side in the cake the ten­der won­der­ful taste.
  9. This method, Hakut only a few fried chicken inns in Roe City eats to have been, in gen­eral chef may re­gard as the se­cret of not pass­ing on.
  10. But the con­trol of oil tem­per­a­ture, sim­i­larly is most im­por­tant.
  11. The hot pep­per chicken that Mag makes, the be­fore con­di­tion of chicken far ex­ceeds him, have eaten that sev­eral fried chicken inns.
  12. The con­di­tion of each meat is just right, lets the per­son en­joys de­li­cious at the same time, can­not bear want to thump the table and shout praise.
  13. Must know that these fried chicken inns may be sev­eral gen­er­a­tions of in­her­i­tance, the for­mula im­prove im­proved, ac­tu­ally can­not com­pare Mag this re­cently launched a new dish.
  14. Boss Mag cook­ing skill can be in­ferred.
  15. More­over this chicken was out­side bound a fla­vor in­ces­santly, the in­side same taste was rich, ob­vi­ously be­fore putting into the pot, this chicken was ahead of time mar­i­nate, can achieve to think the same way.
  16. The de­tail often de­cided whether a dish can be called gourmet food, but this hot pep­per chicken, the cre­ativ­ity or the de­tail, make Hakut feel im­pec­ca­ble.
  17. In­clud­ing is eat­ing sev­eral chick­ens, Hakut put down the chop­sticks to ex­hale, slightly slow, de­tected on own fore­head nose is the beads of sweat.
  18. Under rec­om­men­da­tion, 【App】 The sin­cer­ity is good, is worth in­stalling, after all can the buffer read, the off-line read aloud!
  19. „Care­free! This hot pep­per chicken was also too fra­grant!” The Hakut to praise sighed.
  20. He can de­ter­mine now, Milo has not lied, his writ­ing can only dis­play the Boss Mag cook­ing gourmet food 1/10, tastes this food per­son to ex­pe­ri­ence this de­li­cious truly, the de­scrip­tion of any writ­ing seems some­what pale.
  21. For ex­am­ple his pre­sent brain can­not think that too can de­scribe the lan­guage of this hot pep­per chicken, per­haps after he needs to wait to go back, in the evening per­son peace­ful sit­ting, tastes earnestly, knows how should write this draft.
  22. Nat­u­rally, now the mat­ter of pri­mary im­por­tance is front the so­lu­tion this table of gourmet food, oth­er­wise was too ashamed to one­self.
  23. Milo and Gar­land lower the head to eat the chicken not to speak, at this time made what gourmet food speech! Can­not stop!
  24. In ad­di­tion one side, the Vi­vian im­pa­tient pick­ing chicken puts the mouth to­gether, chews is chew­ing, eyes is even more bright, after swal­low­ing, ex­claims: „Wú!! This quite de­li­cious!”
  25. „Out­side in cake ten­der chicken, is a bit like to Beg­gar's Chicken, but ex­quis­ite , ex­pe­ri­ences the com­pletely dif­fer­ent two tastes, has the sim­i­larly im­pres­sive taste, spicy is tasty, was too sim­ply good!” Vi­vian clamped chicken to feed the mouth, chewed is chew­ing, in the eye is full of the happy tears.
  26. That fa­mil­iar warm feel­ing ap­peared!
  27. In her body, the warm cur­rent flows to­gether slowly, re­stored body again warm sup­port.
  28. Ex­cept for spicy grilled fish, she had the new choice!
  29. „So is re­ally de­li­cious?” The Michael half be­liev­ing and half doubt­ing pick­ing chicken, can smell to­gether hotly, but does not seem like to/clashes very much, at least does not have spicy grilled fish that per­vert.
  30. Hū the one breath lightly, Michael feeds the mouth the chicken.
  31. tooth bites open the chicken, in­deed is the crisp fra­grant taste, but the crisp fra­grant sem­blance is wrap­ping del­i­cate in­side, after bit­ing open, the meat broth is abun­dant, the fresh and spicy feel­ing starts to blast open in the mouth!
  32. Hemp! Spicy! Fresh! In­cense stick|Fra­grant!
  33. The face of Michael be­comes flushed slightly, is open­ing the mouth, main­tain­ing com­po­sure holds up a hand slowly fan the wind, si­mul­ta­ne­ously on the face must main­tain the city lord dig­nity, in the eye the same tears flash.
  34. „Is fa­ther, ultra de­li­cious! The de­li­cious tears must re­main.” Vi­vian looks at Michael , the fil­ial pick­ing chicken feeds Michael was open­ing slightly in the mouth to­gether.
  35. Michael:(???)
  36. „Un, too de­li­cious......” the Michael tears flowed slowly, are blush­ing to nod to say.
  37. Luna looks at this fa­ther kind fe­male fil­ial piety scene, the cor­ners of the mouth belt/bring smiles, ac­tu­ally also a lit­tle missed home­land sud­denly.
  38. „Luna, you also taste.” Eu­nice clamped chicken to put in the Luna bowl with the Duke chop­sticks, smiled was say­ing.
  39. „Thanks.” Luna ate chicken, sees that full red pep­per, in the heart re­gard­ing spicy al­ready some­what ex­pected, in range that ac­tu­ally in can also ac­cept.
  40. Not too big nor too small chicken, the en­trance is just the best chew­ing pel­let con­di­tion, spicy is crisp, chews some above, mak­ing one im­merse.
  41. Her sub­con­scious rais­ing the head looks in the kitchen di­rec­tion, by the crowd, can only see a busy sil­hou­ette, the cor­ners of the mouth ac­tu­ally did not show a smile vol­un­tar­ily.
  42. Mis­ter Mag as be­fore is that cre­ative per­son, can al­ways bring pleas­antly sur­prised gourmet food.
  43. „Boss Mag was too fierce, can al­ways give me to put in order some new pat­terns.” Vi­vian ate sev­eral chick­ens, is full of praise.
  44. „I looked that mar­ried Boss Mag you to be hap­pi­est you.” Eu­nice said with a smile.
  45. „Mother, do you have this method?” Vi­vian turns head, a face earnest looks at Eu­nice.
  46. „You re­ally can think.” Eu­nice does not have say­ing with a smile of an­noyed.
  47. „This mar­riage, I op­posed!” With great dif­fi­culty by drink­ing Beer lifts the hand se­ri­ous say/way Michael that sup­presses hotly.
  48. „Fa­ther, you eat your.” Vi­vian picked chicken to feed the Michael mouth.
  49. Michael: „......”
  50. „I do not think ac­tu­ally, but our Teacher Luna......” a Vi­vian vi­sion rev­o­lu­tion, with a smile looks at Luna, qui­etly said: „Mother, Lit­tle Amy is the Luna stu­dent, may like Luna, or do you help rec­on­cile?”
  51. „Vi­vian!” Luna put out a hand to pinch a waist of Vi­vian, the com­plex­ion leapt up rapidly red, looks at Eu­nice qui­etly said: „Aunt...... she talked non­sense...... no mat­ter......”
  52. Eu­nice smiles say­ing: „All right, the aunt is also a sea­soned per­son, I un­der­stand, Boss Mag is in­deed good, then the aunt helps you ask.”
  53. A Michael brow wrin­kle, thinks that a tact­ful re­minder this wed­ding is not quite per­haps ap­pro­pri­ate, Irina is not a veg­e­tar­ian, Mag mostly also hav­ing courage quan­tity.
  54. How­ever looked at the eye to put out a hand to take Vi­vian of chop­sticks, knew the lim­i­ta­tion shut the mouth.
  55. Oh.
  56. Charm of Boss Mag this nowhere im­po­si­tion.
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