
A cute Snuggling

Apr 18th, 2016
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  1. 08:31] * Destinox was flying his Ship, He was going above most buildings of Neon, looking for a specific cutie~! "God I dont understand these earth addresses...Where is she?".
  2. [08:35] * Ivory could see Destinox and his ship floating around from the top of the building she's standing currently. Portal magic is an awesome thing~! Holding her staff, she chanted a spell - and several orbs of light formed around her. They all flicker on and off, giving him a signal - and if it's not enough she also waves both of her hands up into the sky
  3. [08:40] <Destinox> "...There! What a signal" The Ship lowered, the bottom opened up, a ladder comming down, Destinox standing at the top "Hey Ivory~"
  4. [08:43] <Ivory> "Heya Desti~!" She gave her boyfriend a huge warm smile. Walking towards the ship and climbing up the ladders, the orbs followed her, disappearing one by one as she climbed higher and higher. Finally, she reached her love - and gave him a big hug.
  5. [08:47] * Destinox wasn't quiet use to the hugs yet, but he enjoyed this earth customs, hugging her back
  6. [08:47] <Destinox> "So...I want to try something most modern humans do..."
  7. [08:48] <Ivory> "Hmm? Tell me!" Her eye lighted up, almost glowing in the light.
  8. [08:49] <Destinox> "Its what they call, 'cuddling'"
  9. [08:50] <Ivory> "Cuddling? Ooh! That would be nice!"
  10. [08:51] <Destinox> "Thats good to hear~!....H-How do you do it?"
  11. [08:53] <Ivory> "Hmmm... Usually we just, hold each other when we're in bed, like a hug!"
  12. [08:55] <Destinox> "Really? That all?....Might be a bit hard, my uh, 'bed' is a bit small"
  13. [08:56] <Ivory> "Hmm.. Maybe? Or, I can just get closer to you so we can fit in your bed."
  14. [08:58] <Destinox> "I'd like to try that~" Hugging her, then picking her up bridal style, he walked over to his Pod?
  15. [09:00] * Ivory could get a glimpse of his pod and raised her eyebrow."Huh... Interesting. We can work with this~"
  16. [09:02] <Destinox> "We can? Alright....Ship, make sure to keep the Sleeping Pod open alright?" The ship responded with a rather feminine voice "Yes Captain"
  17. [09:04] <Ivory> "That's eerie... But cool!"
  18. [09:07] <Destinox> "Hey, it gets lonely in space." He sat back into the Sleeping Pod, open arms too Ivy "Well, lets start~!"
  19. [09:10] * Ivory hopped in - and nestled herself in his hug almost instantly. The pod was a little too tiny for her, but she went through worse things. Besides, she got her boyfriend now. She's safe.
  20. [09:13] * Destinox may not be use to the hugs, but damn if they didn't make him feel good, he wrapped his arms around her. "I can get use to this~"
  21. [09:17] <Ivory> "Mmmhm~ Good for you then~" She is even more comfortable with him hugging her. She might be a doll, but she can definitely feel a warm and fuzzy feeling inside her!
  22. [09:24] * Destinox never usually felt warmth like this, comming from deep in the, well, Ocean? Different Planet with not water. Still, her soft body felt good on his green skin "I...I am really liking this Ivy, like...Loving this~!"
  23. [09:28] <Ivory> "Really? That's nice~" She pressed her head against his chest. "Figured that out~"
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