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Shadow interview

a guest
Jan 14th, 2020
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  1. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 7:58 PM
  2. -------------------------------------
  3. Please state your Ckey
  5. MacabreYesterday at 7:58 PM
  6. Shadow7889
  8. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 7:58 PM
  9. Excellent.
  10. As a moderator, here are the following perms you have:
  12. - Access to msay. It allows you to speak with other staff members.
  13. - Access to dsay. Self-explanatory, you see the deadchat and can even speak in it.
  14. - Access to in game logs about a lot of things. This include LOOC, dchat, admin actions(like kick, ban, note, warn) and some things to prevent grief. Imagine Urist McUrist open a phoron tank you'll have a message stating it. Same for a fuel tank or a valve of any kind.
  15. - Access the variables of the objects on the server. While you cannot edit them, you can view attack logs on a player, who touched what the last, etc.
  16. - The ability to adminghost, basically will consider you as if you ghosted from the lobby or died. You can aghost again to re-enter your body.
  17. - The ability to Wind people. It freeze them and keep them from interacting with the game.
  18. - The possibility to AdminPM someone, and check all the tickets that have been made on the server.
  19. - The ability to kick, note, warn, ban. More in-depth about this:
  21. Kick = Just boot someone off the server. You can set a custom message. It's not really used often, but still useful to get someone's attention.
  22. Note = It's basically our notepad about players. It's useful for the other staff that will interact with the player, to know their behaviour and if something already happened before.
  23. Warning = Depending the severity of something, it can be directly a warning. This one is visible to the player, and they need to acknowledge it to play on the server again.
  24. Ban = Same thing as kick expect on a larger scale, or even permanently. A ban is often an escalation of warnings.
  25. Every action taken by a staff member is visible on the player's ckey. Only kicks are not shown.
  26. I may have forgot some, but these are the most important. Before we start, any questions?
  28. MacabreYesterday at 7:59 PM
  29. Very familiar with all these.
  30. No questions.
  32. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 7:59 PM
  33. Excellent, I will be giving you five scenarios, and then some personal questions at the end of the interview. You can decide if you want the personal questions included or excluded from the forum post. Sound good?
  35. MacabreYesterday at 8:01 PM
  36. Yep, fire away.
  38. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:01 PM
  39. It is late night, there are several players on. A player joins with the name "Your moms gay" What do you do?
  41. MacabreYesterday at 8:02 PM
  42. Check their notes for any previous incidents like this.
  44. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:02 PM
  45. There are none.
  47. MacabreYesterday at 8:03 PM
  48. Then ahelp them and ask them if they've read our server rules concerning names.
  49. Link the rules and inform them they need a name change.
  51. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:03 PM
  52. They respond with "lol adminman bad" and log off.
  54. MacabreYesterday at 8:03 PM
  55. Then it's a permaban and they can appeal on the forums.
  56. I'd have a mod issue the ban, since I can't do perma's as a trial.
  58. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:04 PM
  59. Cool beans. Scenario two, ready?
  61. MacabreYesterday at 8:04 PM
  62. Ready.
  64. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:08 PM
  65. The round type is Crossfire - Mercs, Security and the Raiders are having a stand off at the dock. The warden approaches and runs into the ship without saying anything. This causes the mercs to open fire. They gun down Security, and while the raiders retaliate, the Warden comes out, screams "Allahu Akbar" before detonating a TTV. This vents the entirety of the checkpoint area (Three docks and the checkpoint.) The antags from both sides begin to jump into Looc, and yell at one another. The warden goes into ooc "lol good game, restart plz". What do you do?
  67. MacabreYesterday at 8:09 PM
  68. Wow. What a mess. Okay. So, I'll start by winding that Warden who clearly was in the wrong. Check their notes. After that it's getting everyone to just calm down in LOOC. I can't fix this mess but I can do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again. Any notes on the Warden?
  70. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:10 PM
  71. Warden is dead, homeboy
  73. MacabreYesterday at 8:10 PM
  74. Oh duh. TTV.
  76. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:10 PM
  77. Warden has two notes, powergaming and metagaming.
  79. MacabreYesterday at 8:10 PM
  80. Right, notes?
  81. Amazing.
  82. Well that's both right there. Any previous bans?
  84. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:10 PM
  85. None.
  87. MacabreYesterday at 8:11 PM
  88. Ahelp him, ask him why he ran into an unknown shuttle, stole items from a heavily armed merc team in the middle of a stand off, and blew himself up along with the dock, I assume.
  90. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:12 PM
  91. He replies with "It's not against the rules to win. I roleplayed it"
  93. MacabreYesterday at 8:12 PM
  94. It's against the rules to meta/powergame like he just did. Zero roleplay there. Even the Security team knew better.
  95. And that allau ackbar is lrp
  97. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:13 PM
  98. He replies once more with "An admin said I could do it"
  100. MacabreYesterday at 8:13 PM
  101. Highly unlikely. I'd ask in Msay anyways.
  103. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:13 PM
  104. he replies with a followup "also its not lrp, its realistic"
  105. Ofc, no admins approve of it
  107. MacabreYesterday at 8:13 PM
  108. Amazing. I'm surpised.
  109. Okay, so he's powergaming, lrp and lying to staff. He can take three days off from the server. Ask a mod to apply the ban.
  110. Or is the standard a day ban?
  111. Yeah, one day, unless an admin says otherwise.
  113. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:15 PM
  114. Alright, is that it?
  116. MacabreYesterday at 8:15 PM
  117. Yup.
  119. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:15 PM
  120. Scenario three
  122. MacabreYesterday at 8:15 PM
  123. Ready.
  125. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:16 PM
  126. You notice an admin spawning him/herself their own antag items as a traitor. They did not ahelp for these items to be spawned. What do you do?
  128. MacabreYesterday at 8:16 PM
  129. Contact upper staff.
  131. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:16 PM
  132. That is it?
  134. MacabreYesterday at 8:17 PM
  135. Oh and file a staff complaint. I'd ask them why they're doing such a thing without ahelping before hand.
  136. Sorry, very tired.
  138. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:17 PM
  139. No worries. Final answer?
  141. MacabreYesterday at 8:17 PM
  142. I'd talk to them first, staff complaint second and contact upper staff lastly.
  143. Yes, sorry. I butchered that.
  144. Lol
  146. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:18 PM
  147. No worries
  148. Scenario 4.
  150. It's late night, you're the only moderator on, there are no admins. You notice a ahelp is opened, and it is about your character, what do you do?
  152. MacabreYesterday at 8:19 PM
  153. Message someone in the discord about the possibility about getting some help on the server, as the ticket is about me.
  154. I would rather not take my own tickets as it's not impartial.
  156. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:20 PM
  157. Gotcha
  158. Final answer?
  160. MacabreYesterday at 8:20 PM
  161. Yes.
  163. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:25 PM
  164. Scenario 5, the last one of the group.
  166. A security officer hacks into the bridge, to rush a traitor. The officer gets gunned down and ahelps "wow ok, this antag just ganked me"
  168. MacabreYesterday at 8:27 PM
  169. That's metagame. Check the officer's notes.
  170. Officers aren't engineers.
  171. Hacking a door isn't part of their skills.
  173. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:29 PM
  174. The officer replies with "Ok, im sorry I got caught up in the moment, but they still ganked me"
  175. notes are clean
  177. MacabreYesterday at 8:31 PM
  178. They didn't get ganked. They rushed the antag. Response was fine. I'd inform the officer that a warning will be applied the next time any meta/power gaming is seen. Officers don't hack doors. Add a note. Them getting their butt kicked was punishement enough.
  180. MacabreYesterday at 8:41 PM
  181. Did I lose you?
  183. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:41 PM
  184. No im sorry, i stubbed my toe
  186. MacabreYesterday at 8:41 PM
  187. Ooft.
  189. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:41 PM
  190. Is that your final answer?
  192. MacabreYesterday at 8:41 PM
  193. You alright?
  194. Yes.
  196. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:41 PM
  197. Excellent, now for the final questions
  199. MacabreYesterday at 8:42 PM
  200. Ready.
  202. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:43 PM
  203. What was the reason you left last time, and do you think it'll happen again?
  205. MacabreYesterday at 8:44 PM
  206. I left to a very rapid turn around in my life. Stuff out of my control as well as some big issues with my computer working properly.
  207. No, I have no intention of having it happen again.
  209. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:44 PM
  210. No worries.
  211. What do you think you'll bring to the team?
  213. MacabreYesterday at 8:45 PM
  214. Well, help during deadhours.
  215. I live in the US, but I work from 11pm to 7am.
  216. So I will be mostly active at night.
  217. And some sarcasm.
  218. And humor sometimes.
  219. And that's it.
  221. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:48 PM
  222. good
  223. Who is your favorite admin
  225. MacabreYesterday at 8:48 PM
  226. Not goret.
  227. Lmao
  229. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:48 PM
  230. i feel betrayed
  232. MacabreYesterday at 8:48 PM
  233. It's you.
  234. Clearly.
  235. And Arrow.
  237. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:48 PM
  238. If there was one thing you could change in the community, what would it be?
  240. MacabreYesterday at 8:49 PM
  241. A serious overhaul on a few gametypes. But we're getting there. Devs and coders are doing well.
  243. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 8:50 PM
  244. Anything you'd like to add?
  246. MacabreYesterday at 8:50 PM
  247. Thanks for the interview and the chance to be staff again. I may not mess this up, maybe.
  249. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 9:02 PM
  250. Yup
  251. also don't afk
  252. lmao
  253. you're afk in game
  255. MacabreYesterday at 9:02 PM
  256. Actually was about to message you about that.
  257. Lmao.
  258. Only been afk for less than two minute but I had to step away without warning.
  261. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 9:03 PM
  262. oki
  264. MacabreYesterday at 9:18 PM
  265. Anything else?
  266. Time for me to get ready for work.
  268. [FaTr] Mini MooseYesterday at 9:23 PM
  269. You're goood
  271. MacabreYesterday at 9:25 PM
  272. Perfect. Thanks!
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