
The Tsunwolf of London (WIP)

Mar 18th, 2019
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  1. It stalks the EARTH today!
  3. As it did in the MIDDLE AGES!
  7. A SHE-BEAST prowls the night!
  9. as DEATH rides the moon beams!
  13. Tibet
  14. >This was finally it.
  15. >After years of you searching with your wife you would finally find it.
  16. >The legendary mariphasa.
  17. >A plant that can only bloom in moonlight.
  18. >You argued with the locals to get them to come up the mountain to find it with you, but they were having none of it.
  19. >Rumors and superstitious of monsters kept them from venturing up the mountain.
  20. >You did your best to explain that monsters and demons weren't real, but they were too set in their beliefs.
  21. >Natsuki tapped her foot, standing by your side.
  22. >"Well?"
  23. >She asked with a rather impatient tone.
  24. "....They don't want to come with us."
  25. >"What? Why not?"
  26. "They're afraid of being attacked by werewolves."
  27. >You say with a slight chuckle found in your voice.
  28. >Your wife gives a smirk in response
  29. >"Wow, they're even bigger wimps than you are."
  30. >She was a bit feisty, but that was a quality you liked about her.
  31. >"So, what now?"
  32. >You shrug, starting to move as you tuck your map into your pocket.
  33. "We're going up ourselves I guess..."
  34. >You eyed the mountain range before you.
  35. >Fist balled, pressed into your hips as you prepared to make the epic journey.
  36. >You were excited to take this quest by yourselves.
  37. >Natsuki on the other hand wasn't, evident by the slight groan.
  38. >"They have the water...."
  39. >Bells were heard off in the distance.
  40. >The locals quickly glanced over, eyes wide with terror.
  41. >You place a hand above your brow, blocking out the bright sun.
  42. >What was this?
  43. >A man on a camel?
  44. >Why were they so scared of that?
  45. >The man came closer
  46. >And closer
  47. >The people of the village broke into a sprint, trying to escape the evil spirit.
  48. >"What's all this about?"
  49. >Natsuki questions as she looks around.
  50. "I don't know...But it's worth investigating."
  51. >You began to approach the camel.
  52. >This was you and your wife's life work.
  53. >You'd be damned if you'd let some midget come between it.
  54. "Hello!"
  55. >You call out to the man.
  56. >He looks over to you, commanding his humped friend to halt.
  57. >"Good evening."
  58. >The short man said with the nod of the head.
  59. "You speak English!"
  60. >The man let a smile appear on his face.
  61. >"And so do you!"
  62. >Natsuki crossed her arms slightly.
  63. >"Finally. It's been three months since I've been able to understand somebody."
  64. >You wrap an arm around the short girls' frame, hugging her close into you.
  65. >"My name is anon and this is my wife, Natsuki."
  66. >The man pressed his hand against his chest, bowing a bit.
  67. >"You can call me, Mr. Salvato. What brings you two all the way out here."
  68. "We're botanists looking for the mariphasa."
  69. >Natsuki interjected a bit.
  70. >"More like /I'm/ a botanist and I let him tag along."
  71. >She said, playfully jabbing you in the gut with her elbow.
  72. >She liked to tease her superiority any chance she could get.
  73. >Dan let out a heavy breath, solemn look on his face as if he had witnessed something tragic.
  74. >"It's dangerous."
  75. >He warned.
  76. >"There's a reason why people don't go up there."
  77. >Natsuki scoffed.
  78. >"Yeah, because of dumb myths."
  79. >Dan pointed directly at you two, barking in a serious tone.
  80. >"There's truths to all myths!"
  81. "Like the ones the locals say of you being a monster?"
  82. >Dan shook his head.
  83. >"I am no demon, but I do study them. Like I said, truths to all myths."
  84. "Yeah, well, I'm not letting a fairy tale get in the way of us and that plant."
  85. >You wave as you start to continue your path towards the mountain.
  86. "It was nice chatting with you!"
  87. >Dan shook his head.
  88. >Brows turning to a scowl of sorts.
  89. >"YOU'RE FOOLS!"
  90. >He shouted after the both of you.
  91. >"Then again...there would be no geniuses if it weren't for fools."
  92. >Natsuki looked back to the short man as she quickened her pace to remain at your side.
  93. >"What a weirdo..."
  94. "Yeah, but in a cute sort of way."
  95. >You look over to your wife, seeing her give you a bizarre look.
  96. "C'mon, people would pay top dollar to see him at a circus."
  97. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  98. >The day finally began to end.
  99. >Bugs deciding to come out for their nightly feast.
  100. >The obnoxious buzzing bothered you as they flew by your face.
  101. >You finally pull yourself up to the top.
  102. >You offer Natsuki a hand, pulling her up with you.
  103. "See? Wasn't so bad!"
  104. >"Would have been here sooner if you didn't stop to take a leak half way through."
  105. >You fold your arms over each other.
  106. >It seemed you had a lot of groundwork to cover if you wanted to find this elusive plant.
  107. >"You take East I'll take West."
  108. >Natsuki commanded.
  109. >"If we split up it'll be easier."
  110. >You smile and nod once.
  111. "Sounds like a plan!"
  112. >You say as you begin to head off to where she told you.
  113. >Seconds turned to minuets and minuets turned to hours.
  114. >It was well into the night and you still haven't found the damn thing.
  115. >You began to wonder if the plant even existed.
  116. >Maybe Natsuki was having better luck.
  117. >Almost as if compelled by the thought of her.
  118. >You heard a shill cry of help come from where she was.
  119. "NATSUKI?!?"
  120. >You call out, hoping she'd respond.
  121. >There wasn't any time to wait.
  122. >You broke into a sprint, trying to find her.
  123. >Eventually you did.
  124. >Along with....whatever IT was.
  125. >She was on her back with a very hairy man over her.
  126. >She had a palm against the beast's neck, stopping it from getting nay closer.
  127. >It kept snapping it's horrible jaws at her.
  128. >Saliva dripping from it's flared lips that housed it's large, pointy teeth.
  129. >The man kept growling as if it were some sort of beast.
  130. "GET OFF OF HER!"
  131. >You called out as you ran over, kicking the beast in it's gut.
  132. >With a wimpier the beast was forced off of your poor wife.
  133. >Your wife crawled back, using a large rock behind her to help her up.
  134. >You on the other hand, stared off with the beast that attacked her.
  136. >The monster only growled in response, showing off his yellow, decaying fangs.
  137. >You pick up a rock, hoping to use it as some sort of weapon.
  138. "Drunk bastard, aren't you?"
  139. >It ran at you, flailing its arms about in hopes it would hit you.
  140. >You hop to the side, slamming the rock into the back of its neck.
  141. >The beast gave a howl of pain, nearly falling over.
  142. >Like a wounded animal who found itself against a much stronger predator, he began to run off.
  144. >You shout after him.
  145. >You look over to Natsuki.
  146. >Facial expressions changing from intense to more relaxed and sympathetic as you slowly move over to her.
  147. "Are you alright?"
  148. >You calmly say as you reach over for her.
  149. >She flinches her arm back, sleeves rolled over them to hide her wound.
  150. >"I'm fine..."
  151. "Are you sure? It looks like he was gonna-"
  152. >"I said I'm fine!"
  153. >She pointed passed you.
  154. >"Besides, it's nothing the money from that wont fix."
  155. >You look over, eyes practically sparkling from anticipation.
  156. >There it was....
  157. >The mariphasa.
  158. >From here on out you and your wife's life would be changed forever....
  159. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  160. >The humming of machinery was heard in the cold, dark room.
  161. >Sweet, earthy smells filled every corner of it from the plenty of plants you had left around.
  162. >A powerful humming was heard and the room practically shook as he flicked on a switch.
  163. >A large beam projected lights onto the plants.
  164. >Any moment now...
  165. >....
  166. >Now!
  167. >You turn off the switch, causing the light to slowly dim and power down.
  168. >You take a glance over to your plants.
  169. >Nothing...
  170. >You curse under your breath, pacing back and forth slightly.
  171. >What was it?
  172. >You and Natsuki had been slaving over this damn plant trying to get it to bloom for ages now.
  173. >All you had to do was find a way to reflect the rays that are reflected off the moon.
  174. >Why was it so damn hard?
  175. >Your attention to your work was drawn away by the sound of the creaking door to your lab, yanking you back to reality.
  176. >"Here you are, you big dork!"
  177. >Your small wife yelled out to you in an irritated tone of voice.
  178. >"I just knew you'd be down here!"
  179. "Well, yeah!"
  180. >You say as you slid off your lab goggles and pulled your coat off your back.
  181. "Wondering why you're not here though. You want to figure this out just as much as me."
  182. >"Because unlike you I have a foot grounded in reality."
  183. >Her finger moved up, pointing at a clock.
  184. >You pause for a moment, taking in the time.
  185. >Shit.
  186. >Was that today?
  187. >Man, you've been dreading this.
  188. >Natsuki's arms were still crossed, her foot lightly tapped on the ground.
  189. >"Well, are you going to come up or am I going to have to drag you up?"
  190. >You shake your head with a slight laugh.
  191. >You couldn't help but do so when she got so upset over these things.
  192. "Fine. Fine. But if I get killed out there I'm haunting you."
  193. >You work your way up the stairs, moving out of your precious lab.
  194. >Tons of investors, businessmen, and other botanists were seen moving about the event.
  195. >Lots of rare and exotic plants were seen all lined up for the presentations people had today.
  196. >You glance back to Natsuki as she exited.
  197. "Who's giving the speech?"
  198. >"Well obviously you."
  199. >She admitted once making her way besides you.
  200. "Great. Why not kill me now? It'd be mercy at this point."
  201. >"I've been talking to the people here to see us all day. Besides, if I didn't make you do this you'd be staying in that room all day like some nerd."
  202. >You make your way to the presentation with her, standing amongst the ground there and listen to all the up and coming botanists give their presentations.
  203. >You chuckle at the notion that brambles are actually carnivorous plants.
  204. >You ponder the theory of the "smart plants" that was proposed.
  205. >You marvel at how large some genetically modified plants really grew.
  206. >The man to introduce each event then mode their way to the podium.
  207. >"And now, the main event. E. Moose's findings of the legendary mariphasa."
  208. >Several party goers began to clap.
  209. >You take a look to Natsuki before going up.
  210. "Wish me luck."
  211. >She gave an excited smile, practically bouncing.
  212. >"You can do it!"
  213. >She caught herself however, stuttering slightly to cover up her embarrassing outburst.
  214. >"B-Because if you don't there'll be hell to pay!"
  215. >She looked away, arms crossed ash she hid her face.
  216. >You smiled, letting a chuckle move out of your mouth before making your way onto the stage to tell the stories of your findings.
  217. >She watched you on the stage, genuinely impressed by how well you were handling yourself in this situation.
  218. >Her concentration on the stories would be broken though, as she heard a very nazly voice coming from next to her.
  219. >"Pretty impressive, huh?"
  220. >She nearly leaped, turning around to see the odd man.
  221. >No.
  222. >Was that the person she met in Tibet.
  223. >"So, I'm guessing you found it?"
  224. >Asked the short man.
  225. >"Well yeah, why else would we be here?"
  226. >Natsuki snapped, hands on her hips.
  227. >The man smiled, holding out a hand for her to shake.
  228. >"I'm sorry, forgot my manners. I'm Mr. Salvato. We met in Tibet."
  229. >"Yeah, I remember."
  230. >She responded as she took a hold of his hand and shook.
  231. >"That's good. I'm afraid I'm here to give you a warning. Your husband is in danger from something that followed him here to London."
  232. >She double took for a moment, blinking twice.
  233. >What was this man on about?
  234. >"Huh?"
  235. >She questioned as she tilted her head.
  236. >Was he some sort of loon or something?
  237. >"A monster that's part man and part wolf that shows itself on a full moon."
  238. >She grew a smug look on her face.
  239. >There was no way this sad, strange, little man was serious right now.
  240. >"A werewolf?"
  241. >Dan bobbed his head once.
  242. >"Yes, a werewolf?"
  243. >Natsuki did her best not to laugh.
  244. >Her hands pressed against her hips.
  245. >"I'm not a kid. I know werewolves aren't real."
  246. >Dan shrugged.
  247. >"Believe it or not, doesn't change the fact that there's an infected lurking the streets of London."
  248. >Without warning his hands hot out at her, grabbing her by the wrist.
  249. >"H-Hey!"
  250. >Natsuki called in shock.
  251. >He yanked her closer, causing Natsuki to have slight flashbacks of her father.
  252. >"One who extracted the virus through the bite of another wolf."
  253. >He rolled down her sleeve, revealing a scar mark from where the previous werewolf had attacked her.
  254. >Dan grew serious, adjusting his glasses after letting go.
  255. >"You must figure out how to get that plant to bloom. It can be used as a cure for your condition. You have to figure out how to do this before the next full moon or we're all in serious trouble."
  256. >Natuski stuttered over her words.
  257. >It was a lot to take in.
  258. >"B-But how did you-"
  259. >Her attention was drawn by the sudden sound of people clapping, causing her to flinch and turn her attention to the stage.
  260. >You finished your speech, relieved it went over well for once.
  261. >You make your way off stage, moving towards your wife.
  262. "So Nat?"
  263. >"Yeah, sure, it was fine."
  264. >She pointed behind her with her thumb.
  265. >"Remember that weird guy from Tibet?"
  266. "Yeah, what about him?"
  267. >"Well he's right here."
  268. >.....
  269. "Where?"
  270. >"What do you mean where, moron?!? Right he-"
  271. >She turned around, only to find that the mysterious man had vanished.
  272. "You feeling okay? We've been working pretty hard, you might need a rest."
  273. >Her heart began to pound.
  274. >Why was it doing that?
  275. >It's not like she actually believed that garbage that creep was saying.
  276. >"I'm fine! Let's just watch the others."
  277. "....Ooookay, I guess."
  278. >She was acting pretty strange, but you decided to ignore it.
  279. >You look to the stage, awaiting the next presenter to come on.
  280. >Natsuki looked to her side, unable to shake an odd thought from entering it.
  281. >Weren't they nearing a full moon?
  282. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  283. >The engines of the machine hummed.
  284. >Static crackling began to build as it gained more and more power.
  285. "Come on...."
  286. >You mutter.
  287. >Silence is broken by the sound of your fingers slamming behind the keys behind the large device.
  288. "Come oooooonnnnnnn"
  289. >Energy continued to build up in the large device.
  290. >You've been at this forever.
  291. >With hundreds of different attempts.
  292. >And hundreds of different failures.
  293. >But you were still confident in your abilities as a scientist.
  294. >Natsuki on the other hand?
  295. >She began to lose faith.
  296. >She saw the pure lust for power and satisfaction in your eyes, arms crossing with her nose turned up.
  297. >"Just give it up already, Anon. We'll never get this damn thing to open."
  298. >You ignore her chastising, all that was important was this stupid flower.
  299. >You slam the lever forward, causing a ray of light to beam onto the flower.
  300. >Your eyes sparkled with awe and wonder as the flower began to uncurl, reaching out for the light source.
  301. >You were about to give a scream of victory, but before the sound can even pass your lips Natsuki beats you to it.
  302. >"YES!"
  303. >She cheers, throwing herself away from the wall she was previously leaned up against.
  304. >Her head then turns to your, cheeks growing hot and ripe
  305. >Her arms crossed again, looking away.
  306. >"Wh-What? I was just happy we wouldn't have to spend another month slaving away over this stupid plant."
  307. >You silently chuckle to yourself, throwing your arm over her shoulders and pressing her into your chest.
  308. >Playfully you poke her cheek, shooting her a rather smug, shit eating grin.
  309. "Yeah? Sure it doesn't have to do with you secretly liking this as much as I do?"
  310. >Her face grew more red as she began to elbow you to get you off.
  311. >"Sh-SHUT UP!"
  312. >You smile, moving away from her.
  313. "Yeah, whatever. Natsuki the nerd."
  314. >Your wife flinched, sucking in air through the gaps of her teeth.
  315. >She felt a sharp pain building up in her right hand.
  316. >You turn around, brows raised with a hint of concern in your eyes.
  317. "You alright?"
  318. >"Y-Yeah! I'm fine! Just pricked my thumb on the thorns."
  319. >She snaps back, holding her hands behind her back.
  320. >"But it's not like you are! You spent so much time in here you forgot to eat, didn't you?!? Go out and get some food, moron!"
  321. >You furrow your brows, looking to your work.
  322. >You scratched the back of your neck, letting off an awkward chuckle.
  323. "Don't know,, I should probably clean all this stuff up first-."
  324. >"Oh, for the love of- I'll do it this time! Just go and get some food, dummy!"
  325. >She seemed to be acting uncharacteristically at the moment, but the grumbling of your stomach urges you to look past it for the sake of a meal.
  326. >You sigh, giving in to your wife's demands.
  327. "Fine, your loss."
  328. >You start to leave the lab, waving back to her.
  329. "See you at dinner!"
  330. >"Yeah, whatever!"
  331. >She shot back.
  332. >The door slowly creaked as it began to close.
  333. CLICK!
  334. >The door finally shut, causing Natsuki to allow her act to drop.
  335. >Her pink eyes were widened in terror and her breaths were rapid and sharp.
  336. >She looked down at her right hand.
  337. >Talons pierced through the tips of her fingers and pink toughs of fur had started to grow out of her skin.
  338. >As the light was shining on the mariphasa it must have touched her hand.
  339. >Was that really all it took to trigger a transformation?
  340. >She remembered what Dan had told her: the mariphasa.
  341. >Finally, the damn thing was able to bloom, and not a moment too soon.
  342. >Like a wild animal seizing it's prey she rushed towards the table.
  343. >Fur began to make its way up her arm as her palms began to grow padded.
  344. >She could feel her teeth grow sharper and taste the irony blood from her torn gums.
  345. >She gripped the stem of one of the flowers, tearing it off.
  346. >A faint growl started to form in the back of her throat before she jammed the stem into the top of her hand.
  347. >Her breaths slowly calmed as the fur began to retreat back into her body.
  348. >The transformation halted and she slowly began to return to her normal self again.
  349. >Damn that midget.
  350. >As you begin to exit the lab you look down at her watch.
  351. >Did you have time to make it home for food or were you going to have to shill money for the greasy crap?
  352. >Distracted by your wrist watch, you find yourself slamming into a short object.
  353. "Oh, Jesus!"
  354. >You call, doubling over slightly.
  355. >You stop, staring in shock at what before you.
  356. >Was that the guy you met on the day you found the flower?
  357. >"Anon! Pleasure to see you again!"
  358. "Wh- How did?"
  359. >Dan tilted his head to it's side with a questioning look appearing on his face.
  360. >"You weren't the only one who was doing research there, Anon. I'm quite the scientist myself."
  361. >He smiled, extending a hand to you.
  362. >You return you grab a hold of it, shaking.
  363. >"I've been relocated to London to carry out my studies here."
  364. >You politely nod in an attempt to make conversation.
  365. "Oh! What a coincidence!"
  366. >Dan shook his head, laughing slightly at the notion.
  367. >"No, there's no coincidences, Anon. Only fate."
  368. >Dan's wicked brow began to raise before he glanced around
  369. >"Sorry, but I do have things I need to attend to, but I'd love to catch up later. Would you and your wife be interested in coming to a party with me?"
  370. >Party?
  371. >Was he seriously asking that?
  372. "I-I don't know. We have a lot of work to do."
  373. >"But I insist!"
  374. >Damn this guy was persistent.
  375. >"There'll be tons of potential backers there. Rich people, they might even fund your research if you woo them enough."
  376. >You were tight on money at the moment....
  377. >You inhale sharply.
  378. "I'll see what I can do, I need to talk to my wife about it."
  379. >Dan nodded.
  380. >"That's all I ask."
  381. >He continued walking, waving back at you.
  382. >"Goodbye, Anon!"
  383. "Yeah...Goodbye."
  384. >What an odd strange little man...
  385. >She was warm and hot.
  386. >Sweat slowly trickling down her forehead.
  387. >She needed air.
  388. >And possibly therapy.
  389. >But mostly air.
  390. >She opens the door to the lab to get out, only to find Dan standing at the doorway.
  392. >"You seem stressed and sweaty. Did you manage to trigger a transformation during the day? How did that happen?"
  393. >Natsuki rolled her eyes, pushing passed the little guy.
  394. >"Not this again. I told you only kids believe in that stuff."
  395. >Dan crossed his arms with a knowing stare to Natsuki.
  396. >Was she in denial maybe?
  397. >Or was she too stubborn to let him know he was right.
  398. >"I need to see the mariphasa to formulate a more permanent solution to this problem."
  399. >Natsuki turned around, hands balled into fists at her side.
  400. >"Look even if I did believe in this crap, which I don't, I've been expose to the plant enough that the cure probably already washed away whatever magic cooties you brought with you."
  401. >Dan shook his head, giving a grim look.
  402. >"The mariphasa isn't a cure, it's a treatment. You'd have to apply it every time you are transforming."
  403. >Natsuki's eyes slowly widened, pupils dilating.
  404. >"Wh-What?!?"
  405. >Was she really cursed with this fate of being a monster forever?
  406. >Dan was silent for a moment, thinking of the best way to approach this situation.
  407. >"Look, I'm sorry. I really am. But I need to take those flowers away from you. There's a lot of good I can do with it."
  408. >Your wife grit her teeth, staring down the man who met her eye level.
  409. >"And give up my only hope?!? Get bent loser!"
  410. >Dan shook his head, adjusting his glasses.
  411. >It seems he'd have to do what he was afraid of doing since coming her.
  412. >For the good of her husband and London itself.
  413. >"Fine, you win, but just know this. The werewolf will instinctively go after that who it loves the most."
  414. >And with that, Dan turned around, beginning to walk away.
  415. >But the comment still lingered in Natsuki's mind.
  416. >Suddenly a worse fate than knowing she'd forever be this hideous monster.
  417. >Was she really going to hurt her anon?
  418. >"W-WAIT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?"
  419. >Dave gave a wave, not looking back as he continued down the hall.
  420. >"I hope you can join me and your husband tonight, but something tells me you'll be on the more hairy side of things."
  421. >Dan cut the corner, disappearing from Natsuki's sight.
  422. >Tonight was a full moon and now she KNEW she had a lot of preparations to do.
  423. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  424. >A howl pierced through the cold of the night.
  425. >Maybe it was something about it's shrill cry.
  426. >The off tone of it that didn't exactly sound wolf like.
  427. >Whatever it was it caused your skin to crawl.
  428. >It was almost as if someone walked over your own grave.
  429. >Dan hand a hand on your shoulder, which he strained to reach.
  430. >He guided you around the rooms in the place, introducing you to all the people who were attending the party.
  431. >Potential benefactors.
  432. >Of course you kept up a smile, shaking everyone's hand, and even participated in some nice conversations.
  433. >But something was off about it all.
  434. >With your wife gone it felt as if your job became increasingly more difficult.
  435. >Maybe her constant banter kept you on your feet.
  436. >It didn't matter now.
  437. >You just kept your fake smile.
  438. >Bearing the conversations about how Richard bought a seventh car, or how many houses each person owned.
  439. >Eventually you felt a tapping on your shoulder, turning around to see an Indian man wearing a polo shirt and long pants.
  440. >He bore a large, pushy mustache on his lip.
  441. >You swore it looked like some sort of giant caterpillar.
  442. >"Doctor E. Mouse?"
  443. >Brows moved up your forehead, still keeping your happy personality you were putting on.
  444. "Yes? That's me."
  445. >You let your hand move out to him, palm open for a shake.
  446. >The man smiled back, returning the gesture.
  447. >"I'm Ajal, I saw your presentation! Very good stuff."
  448. >Your smile began to grow sincere.
  449. >Finally!
  450. >Someone you could talk shop with.
  451. >"Glad you enjoyed it! Are you a botanist?"
  452. >The man shook his head.
  453. >The way his face relaxed and shoulders lowered you could tell this was something that was bothering him.
  454. >"No, sadly. My allergies kept me from pursuing. Became a cop instead, I'm just a friend of the host"
  455. >You shrug with the shake of a head.
  456. "Nothing wrong with that!"
  457. >Ajal laughed, nearly keeling over from his hysteria.
  458. >"I appreciate it, Anon, but we both know that's not true. I think it was around the hundredth call that someone was urinating in someone else's lawn where I figured this wasn't the best choice."
  459. >You were about to come up with a witty retort, but a familiar hand introduced itself to your shoulder again.
  460. >"Making friends already, Anon?"
  461. "Yeah, but I don't think he'll be much help with funding. Dan, Ajal. Ajal, Dan."
  462. >The odd, short man shook hands with the officer.
  463. >His head faced you as he spoke.
  464. >"Anon, you mind getting some drinks for all of us? The table should be in the main living room."
  465. >You WERE going to tell him to get fucked and get his own drinks, but the people here wanted to know the person they trusted their money with was nice, so you didn't start a scene.
  466. "Sure."
  467. >Was all you told the dwarf before heading off to where he commanded.
  468. >You passed through the sea of people.
  469. >Finding the table Dan was talking about.
  470. >You were about to grab a bottle, but you hand stopped half way there, interrupted by a
  471. CRASH
  472. BANG
  473. WHAP
  474. >The loud symphony of destruction was coming from a room connected to the Living Room.
  475. >Did no one seriously hear that?
  476. >Head moved from the table to the door.
  477. ....
  478. >It wouldn't hurt to just see if anyone was hurt, would it?
  479. >Moving from the table you slowly reach out for the door.
  480. >Hands grip the knob, twisting it open to reveal a hall.
  481. "Hello?"
  482. >You ask the darkness of the hallway that stretched out in front of you.
  483. >The door closes behind you as you step inside.
  484. >From the moonlight filling the room through the open window you could see a figure with its back towards you.
  485. >Posture and muscle structure looked female.
  486. >She smelled of something rancid that caused your nose to recoil in disgust.
  487. >It was like a mix of wet dog and rotting flesh.
  488. >You couldn't tell if the chill and tremor you felt was from unease or the cool wind blowing into the room.
  489. >You force out some words after convincing yourself you were worrying for nothing.
  490. "Uhh, ma'am? Have you been drinking?"
  491. >A low huff, almost like a growl came from her.
  492. >She slowly turned to face you.
  493. >The image of her was forever burned in your retinal.
  494. >A harry she-beast with pink fur and a long snout.
  495. >It was almost like a wolf that stood up on two legs, but with human like hands.
  496. >All sounds of the party goers were drowned out.
  497. >The only noise that was present was the sound of your heart pounding and the blood rushing through your veins.
  498. >Your breaths grew shallow and rapid.
  499. >She growled at you, showing off her white, pearly teeth and allowed saliva to slowly drip down her maw.
  500. >She got down on all fours like some sort of animal and sprinted right at you.
  501. "HELP!"
  502. >Were the only sounds you could muster out as you turned to run towards where you came from.
  503. >The distance between you in the door seemed like it was miles away in your terror.
  504. >Just as your hand reaches out for the knob, a force takes you from behind, shoving you to the ground.
  505. >The weight of the monster pressed on you.
  506. >Her arms and legs pinned yours down.
  507. >You reel your head back, clenching your eyes closed and turning your face away from her.
  508. >She leans in closer.
  509. >Warm saliva drips on your cheek as her snout began to smell you.
  510. >You prayed to God for a quick death from this monster.
  511. >You didn't dare call for help.
  512. >Didn't dare move.
  513. >It was almost something primal.
  514. >The fear of moving keeping you from trying to protect yourself.
  515. >A long, wet tongue moved it's way up your face, like a dog licking you.
  516. >The door was kicked open just in time.
  517. >Ajal stood, gun raised.
  518. >"MA'AM GET OFF OF HIM!"
  519. >She turned, offering a growl to your new friend.
  520. >After this she got off, running towards the window and jumping out.
  521. >....You were on the third floor.
  522. >Ajal fired a few shots after her, but missed.
  523. >You still didn't move.
  524. >Paralyzed in your fear, waiting for the adrenaline to wear off.
  525. >Ajal crouches besides you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
  526. >"I heard you scream for help, are you alright?"
  527. >You stuttered over your words.
  528. >A lump was in your throat that you tried to speak past.
  529. "Di-Di-Di-Did you see that?"
  530. >You finally managed to get out.
  531. >He shook his head to this.
  532. >"Too dark."
  533. >By now a crowd had been forming from the sounds of gunshots.
  534. >Dan pushed his way through the crowd, attempting to get to you.
  535. >"Anon! Anon! Are you alright?!?"
  536. "I- I think so."
  537. >You manage, rubbing the back of your head.
  538. "Bumped my head though..."
  539. >"But she didn't bite you?!?"
  540. >You shoot him an odd look.
  541. >Did he know something about this?
  542. >No.
  543. >That was impossible.
  544. "No, she didn't, just sort of licked me...."
  545. >Ajal helped you up, throwing your arm around his shoulder.
  546. >"We should get you to the couch to rest. EVERY GIVE ME SOME ROOM."
  547. >You were lucky to have friends to look out for your
  548. >Natsuki was miles away from the party at this point.
  549. >She hid in an alley way.
  550. >Back lowered like a lion prowling through the savanna.
  551. >She could think of meat right now.
  552. >That rough texture.
  553. >The juicy taste.
  554. >Irony blood.
  555. >She craved it!
  556. >She needed it!
  557. >The sounds of bells could be heard, causing Natsuki's head to perk up.
  558. >A barmaid existing a building.
  559. >She tugged on her jacket to protect her from the cold night.
  560. >Natsuki gave a low growl to the morsel causing the woman to stop.
  561. >"Hmmm?"
  562. >She questioned, looking into the dark alley Natsuki hid in.
  563. >"Is anyone there?"
  564. >There was no response.
  565. >"I know I heard something!"
  566. >She called out again.
  567. >This time she was met with a response.
  568. >Or rather.
  569. >An attack.
  570. >Natsuki launched herself out with super human force.
  571. >The girl screamed, throwing up her arms before she was pinned to the ground.
  572. >She pressed her hands against Natsuki's throat, desperately calling out for help as she kept snapping at the woman.
  573. >And eventually
  574. >...
  575. >Silence.
  576. >Natsuki's strength over powered the other woman's and she bit down on her jugular.
  577. >Ripping her head back.
  578. >The sounds of flesh tearing and ripping was heard.
  579. >Red liquid trickled out into the streets.
  580. >Natsuki would have a meal tonight.
  581. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  582. >You sat at the kitchen table, still shaken from last night.
  583. >You wouldn't tell her though.
  584. >Natsuki must never know of what you saw.
  585. >Instead you sat there, paper in hand.
  586. >Animal mauling the night of the incident.
  587. >Could it be that monster?
  588. >You shudder at the horrific details of jaws digging into flesh.
  589. >Ajal had come up with a way to help get your mind on it.
  590. >A drive through the woods with you, Dan, and Natsuki right before the moon rises.
  591. >And speaking of whom, Natsuki came wandering in.
  592. >She seemed exhausted.
  593. >Bags lying under her eyes and her hair a mess.
  594. >She moved her neck about, rubbing it as she did so and moaned in pain.
  595. >"Hey, Anon..."
  596. >She weakly said before taking a seat.
  597. "Well, look who's finally up. You weren't here when I came back."
  598. >She let off a yawn, hand over her mouth.
  599. >"I was called in by a university."
  600. >You blink twice.
  601. >Usually she'd have some witty retort or jab at you.
  602. "Riiiiggggght, well, maybe you could use a break? That Dan guy invited us out."
  603. >"Great, just how I wanted to spend a break. Hanging out with some weird, smelly midget."
  604. >You stretch your hand over the table, laying it on top of her's.
  605. "C'mon! It'll be fun, they're taking us to see the moon rise."
  606. >Natsuki's eyes dilated, spoon dropping.
  607. >Sudden memories of last night race back in her mind.
  608. >The lifeless, grey eyes of her victim after they were left in the gutter, spilling their warm, red liquid out into the streets.
  609. >No, she couldn't let that happen.
  610. >Especially not near you.
  611. >"Dammit, you idiot! You didn't tell him I'd come right?!?"
  612. >She suddenly barked at you.
  613. >You reel you had back suddenly.
  614. >From zero to a hundred she suddenly burst.
  615. >But this wasn't like her normal, playful banter.
  616. >There was venom in her tone and hatred.
  617. "I just thought-"
  618. >"Oh, you THOUGHT. Because that worked so well for you in the past! Here's an idea, if you're so buddy buddy with him why don't you ask HIM to put out for you tonight?!?"
  619. >You slam your hands on the table as you stand up.
  620. "What the hell's your problem?!? Just trying to be nice!"
  621. >Natsuki stopped.
  622. >She was on edge.
  623. >Lashing out at someone she loved because of a problem she had.
  624. >Just like....
  625. >She shook her head.
  626. >No, best not think about him.
  627. >That monster was gone for good.
  628. >Or was he?
  629. >Maybe a bit of him lurked inside of her?
  630. >They do say children who are abused become abusers themselves.
  631. >"I'm sorry...."
  632. >She said as she calmed, picking up her spoon again.
  633. >"I'm just....Really tired."
  634. >You look over to your pink haired wife.
  635. >Seeing the sadness in her face.
  636. >Did you trigger something?
  637. >You knew with her past things like that were likely.
  638. >You sit back down, eyes focusing on your meal just as her's were.
  639. "No, I"m sorry. I shouldn't have expected you to say yes."
  640. >Her pink eyes move from the bowl, taking a look at you.
  641. >"Do you really want me to go?"
  642. "I thought it would be nice..."
  643. >You try to offer up an earnest smile afterwards.
  644. >Natsuki simply scoffs, pressing her fists against her side.
  645. >"Fine, but you totally owe me for it, dork."
  646. >You lightly chuckle at her response.
  647. >There was the banter you knew and loved from her.
  648. >The perfect distraction from this monster business.
  649. >She honestly wasn't sure if she should have made the promise.
  650. >But after a quick trip to the lab she'd know for sure.
  651. >After she finished her meal Natsuki wandered off to the lab.
  652. >The door creaked open and she moved in.
  653. >She kept her fingers crossed as she moved to where the flowers were.
  654. >"Dammit!"
  655. >She muttered to herself, seeing that the petals hadn't grown back since the stranger broke in.
  656. >Who could be after her flowers?
  657. >A jealous botanist looking to steal the research for themselves?
  658. >Whatever it was, it did mean one thing.
  659. >She wouldn't be able to go on that drive with you.
  660. >Hell, forget the drive.
  661. >What was she going to do?
  662. >The transformation would be inevitable tonight.
  663. >Was it really wise to allow it to happen?
  664. >No...
  665. >She'd have to find a way to make sure she's away from everyone.
  666. >To keep everyone safe.
  667. >But where?
  668. >Natsuki pulled out a chair, resting her elbow on the table and her chin in her palm.
  669. >She searched her mind long and hard to figure something out.
  670. >That's when she found it.
  671. >Something deep and dark in the back of her mind.
  672. >A terrible memory ever so present there.
  673. >There was only one place on Earth that could ever keep her away from people.
  674. >She could feel a shroud of despair envelope her.
  675. >She really hoped she would never have to go back there, not ever again.
  676. >She just sat there, empty and cold realizing she didn't have a choice.
  677. >Well...
  678. >She'd have to tell you eventually.
  679. >She got up from the chair, exiting the lab and locking up behind her.
  680. >After searching the house endlessly for you she soon found you out in the front yard.
  681. >You stood, facing your two new friends Dan, and Ajal.
  682. >Dan shot a look at her, light from the sun reflecting in his glasses.
  683. >"And speak of the devil herself."
  684. >You turn, finding Nat moving towards you.
  685. >Her shoulders were slumped and she kept looking to the ground.
  686. >Was something wrong.
  687. "Hey, we're just talking about the spot we're going to stop at."
  688. >"About that, Anon? I'm not going."
  689. >Your brow moves up, shaking your head lightly.
  690. "But you just said that you were cool to go."
  691. >"Yeah, well, things come up..."
  692. >You shake your head, waving in a dismissive fashion.
  693. "Whatever, we'll go without you. Just get some sleep, okay?"
  694. >"No..."
  695. >Natsuki simply said, not even looking to you.
  696. >Her eyes stayed fixed on her feet as they shuffled about.
  697. >"You're not going either."
  698. >You blink twice, scoffing lightly at the comment.
  699. "Like hell I'm not!"
  700. >Her head raised, piercing eyes shooting the same daggers at you they did this morning.
  701. >"I don't want you out after dark!"
  702. >You laugh to yourself.
  703. >It was absurd how she had been acting recently.
  704. "How about this: I'll do whatever the fuck I want because I'm an adult who can make his own decisions."
  705. >She stomped her foot, water beginning to well up in her bottom eye lids.
  706. >"Anon, you're going to stay in the house tonight, idiot!"
  707. "No!"
  708. >You point a finger directly at her face.
  709. "You're going to stay in the house because apparently this research is more important than our relationship!"
  710. >Natsuki stopped, swallowing hard as if fighting back the words she was about to say.
  711. >She didn't know what to say.
  712. >Did you really feel it was this way.
  713. >"Anon-"
  714. >You shake your head, holding up a hand.
  715. "No, just- I'm not the best of moods after last night, I really don't want to talk right now."
  716. >"F-Fine! I didn't want to talk to you anyway, asshole!"
  717. >She turned around, running back into the house as salty tears began to peak their way out of her eyes and run down her cheeks.
  718. >It doesn't matter in the end she supposes.
  719. >She'd be gone after tonight anyway.
  720. >Ajal just stood there, awkwardly shifting to his side. '
  721. >"Well...That happened."
  722. >He simply said.
  723. "Yeah....It did. Maybe I laid into her too hard, I'll try to calm her down after tonight..."
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