
Twilight Story

Apr 15th, 2013
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  1. >Day Twilight in Equestria.
  2. >
  3. >"What do you reckon it is, Twi?"
  4. >"I-I don't really know, AJ."
  5. >"He sorta looks like anon to me."
  6. >"I just hope he likes parties!"
  7. >"Oh, he's got such a pale complexion."
  8. >"D-do you think he's sick?"
  9. >"I don't know, Fluttershy. He seems fine to me, I'm more worried about Anon right now."
  10. >
  11. >
  12. >You are..
  13. >Well, it didn't really matter who you are or what name you went by.
  14. >You had been dead for quite some time now.
  15. >Well, technically you were dead.
  16. >In reality, your body didn't quite feel like giving out just yet.
  17. >And so you continued to live.
  18. >If you could call whatever it was that you had a life..
  19. >The moment your heart had stopped beating, your primal nature had changed.
  20. >The man you once were lost in time..
  21. >The hopes and dreams you formerly possessed shattered and gone.
  22. >All that remained was but a broken shell, the outline of what used to be a being full of life with grand aspirations.
  23. >A hollow and cold feeling was all that would reside within you these days, freezing you to the very core.
  24. >Darkness.
  25. >Silence.
  26. >Those were your usual surroundings.
  27. >Nothing like these girly voices.
  28. >Now to find their source..
  29. >You cautiously try to pry open your eyes.
  30. >The sudden invasion of the light beams upon your retinas felt like somebody had struck you right in the face with blunt force.
  31. >"Look Twilight, I think he's waking up!"
  32. >The voices felt like they were assaulting your brain directly, threatening to pound you into unconsciousness once more.
  33. >You couldn't remember the last time you had a headache.
  34. >You couldn't even recall whether you actually had suffered a headache before, for that matter.
  35. >Twi: "Uhm, hello? Can you hear me?"
  36. >There were those voices again, grating your nerves.
  37. >You struggle to get up, your body burning with foreign pains, but eventually manage to make it into an upright sitting position.
  38. >You turn your head towards the source of the noises and wait for your eyes to adjust to the harsh and violent lighting.
  39. >Bright colors and strange shapes began to edge their way into your peripheral vision.
  40. >It took you a few moments before you could discern what stood in front of you.
  41. >Were those.. little ponies?
  42. >Such odd coloring too...
  43. >You could not recall ever seeing creatures like this before.
  44. >"A-Are you okay?" the one standing in front of you asked.
  45. >A pony just asked you if you were okay..
  46. >It certainly had taken you long enough, but it looked like you had finally lost your sanity.
  47. "Did.. "
  48. "Did you just speak to me?"
  49. >"Oh great, you DO understand me!" the purple pony enthusiastically spoke up.
  50. >You groan and grab the sides of your head.
  51. >You start rubbing in circles over your temples.
  52. >So this is what insanity feels like..
  53. >"Oh look, he's doing the same thing Anon did the first time!" a pink one with poofy hair giggled.
  54. >You rapidly look back up to them.
  55. "What are you talking about? What do you mean?"
  56. >A sensation of panic overcame you and your body heightened all senses, preparing itself for combat with a shot of adrenaline.
  57. >You felt like you had been driven into a corner right now.
  58. >Waking up in an unknown place where talking animals are mocking you tended to have that effect.
  59. >"Allow me to explain everything." the purple one spoke once again.
  60. >Looks like she was the leader of this group.
  61. >"My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends."
  62. >"Applejack."
  63. >She pointed to an orange pony wearing a cowboy hat.
  64. >"Howdy." she greeted as she gave you a little nod.
  65. >"Pinkie Pie."
  66. >The pink one with the 80's haircut started frantically waving at you.
  67. >"Rarity."
  68. >"EnchantΓ©."
  69. >A white one with a fancy hairdo fluttered her eyelids a few times.
  70. >"Rainbow Dash."
  71. >A blue one with even fancier hair was hovering a couple of inches above the floor.
  72. >"Hey." she says with a uninterested look on her face.
  73. >"And lastly, Fluttershy."
  74. >"..."
  75. >"She's a bit shy."
  76. >You just blink and continue to stare at them.
  77. >"Anyway, I'm afraid to say I accidentally teleported you here when I was trying to send a friend of ours back to his dimension."
  78. >Silence permeated the air flowing in the room.
  79. >"Soooo... uhm, I'm sorry?" she says as a sheepish grin is thrown into the apology.
  80. >Without a response from you, the mare begins to sweat profusely and nervously shuffle around on her hooves.
  81. >Suddenly a light scent brushed against you.
  82. >You perk up and notice that a very familiar odor was filling the air.
  83. >You lifted your nose and began sniffing.
  84. >Your hosts in return all started looking at you either confused or weirded out.
  85. >"What's it doing, Twi?"
  86. >Before she could answer however, you speak up.
  87. "This friend of yours wouldn't happen to be a human male, would he?"
  88. >"How- How did you know that?" the one called Twilight says, baffled by your sudden response.
  89. "I can smell a human. He's moving towards us as we speak."
  90. >"Anon is still here? Oh thank Celestia, he's all right!"
  91. >The fragrance you knew far too well became stronger and stronger until-
  92. >The human, apparently called Anon, barges into the library.
  93. >"Hey Twi, that spell of yours was no good. You just sent me home. But like 'in my house'-home, not 'other dimension-home."
  94. >It was only then that he noted your presence.
  95. >He looked at you, confused at first, before he squinted his eyes.
  96. >After staring at you like a mad man for a couple of seconds he walks towards you in brisk paces.
  97. >"No."
  98. >"No. No. NO!"
  99. >"God fucking damn it, Twi. What the fuck, mare? What the actual fuck?"
  100. >He now stood directly in front of you.
  101. >"Anon, calm down. Are you okay?" the purple pony asked.
  102. >"Am I okay? Do you mind explaining this to me?" he shouts, accusingly pointing a finger at you.
  103. >"I-I-.. He showed up after I had teleported you. Why? What's the matter?"
  104. >"What's the matter? I'll tell you what the matter is."
  105. >"You just brought a vampire in Equestria."
  106. >"What?"
  107. >"He's a vampire, Twilight."
  108. >"Don't be silly, anon. Vampires don't exist."
  109. >Anon breaks his gaze with you and redirects it towards Twilight.
  110. >"Wait.. Wait, let me get this straight. This.. this is rich."
  111. >"Pinkie, write this down. This is comedy gold right here."
  112. >"You -Twilight Sparkle- A purple, magic shooting unicorn, personal student of the being responsible for the very movement of the sun, are telling me that vampires don't exist."
  113. "If anyone ever needs a textbook example of irony, you just gave it to them."
  114. >"Anon, just calm down. Maybe you're seeing things from the spell. Let me check up on you."
  115. >"I don't need to be checked up on. I want you to send -this thing-
  116. >Another one of his accusingly glares is sent in your direction.
  117. >"back where it came from. Or any other place than here, I don't care."
  118. >"You're overreacting, anon. Just calm down."
  119. "He is speaking the truth, though."
  120. >Six heads turn themselves towards you, Anon instead choosing to smugly grin at Twilight.
  121. >"What? That can't be true. There's no such thing as a-"
  122. >You stand up, causing her to abruptly end another one of her rants and in a gruff, low voice you began
  123. "My name.. is Edward Cullen. I am a vampire and I have been so for the past few hundred years."
  124. "I am designed as nature's most effective predator and I nourish on the blood of living creatures."
  125. >The drop of a pinprick could have been heard in the room at that moment.
  126. >Rather than talking to the entire group, you now focus your attention on Anonymous.
  127. "Not once in my entire lifespan has any creature been able to see what horrible abomination I truly am."
  128. "Yet, you were seemingly able to discern the nature of my being on first sight."
  129. >You slowly walk over to the human and take in his scent.
  130. "Do you mind telling me how you did that exactly?" you say, your face but mere inches away from his.
  131. >Before he could respond however, you heard screaming.
  132. >"He's gonna gobble us all up! Everyp0ny, run for your lives!"
  133. >The pink one.. Pinkie, that was it.
  134. >Pinkie scrambles onto all fours and runs away with a speed you didn't conceive possible for anyone but yourself.
  135. >You turn towards the group of ponies as you address them
  136. "Do not fear me, I intend no harm to any intelligent life."
  137. >"Nah, you're too big a fag for that."
  138. >Suddenly all heads turned towards the source of that blunt statement, yours being no exception to that.
  139. >"Anonymous, you brute! How dare you say such things about Edward?!"
  141. >"Oh great, the fangirling has already begun..."
  142. >"Let me guess, Rarity, you find him intriguing and mysterious."
  143. >"The uncertainty of who or what he truly is excites you to no extent."
  144. >"You couldn't wait for him to drag his fingernails over your coa-"
  145. >"NO! I.. I mean, it's nothing like that." Rarity bashfully says, a deep blush burning through her cheeks.
  147. "Where'd you pull that from, Anon?"
  148. >"My girl used to have the hots for you so bad. Man, you don't even know how much fanfic-"
  150. >"Everyp0ny!" Twilight shouts.
  151. >"Ahem."
  152. >".. and human."
  153. "Ahem."
  154. >".. aaand vampire. Can we please all calm down for a moment?"
  155. >"We need to figure out what to do. First and foremost, we'll need to find a home for Edward for the time being until I figure out how to send him back home."
  156. >"Applejack, do you think he can stay with you?"
  158. >"I'm mighty sorry and I ain't got anything against ya Edward but harvest is about to start. I'll be swimming in work in less than a week, I just can't take in anyone right now."
  160. "Don't worry about it, I don't want to impose."
  162. >"Well, Rainbow, your house isn't really an option. Rarity, do you think you could take him in?"
  163. >Her face scrunches up in the most adorable way.
  164. >"Oooh, I'd absolutely love to, I really do. But Sweetiebelle is staying for the next couple of weeks and I've got to finish those order for Hoity Toity and there's the new line of dr-"
  165. >"Okay, Rarity, you can't take him in either.." Twilight interrupts her.
  167. "It's fine, miss Rarity. Really, it's okay."
  169. >"Hey Anon, why don't you take him in?"
  170. >"WHAT?!"
  171. >"Oh Anon, stop overreacting already. Your house is more than big enough and you don't have any responsibilities."
  172. >"Let me repeat that: WHAT?!"
  173. >Twilight groans and slams a hoof on her face.. muzzle..
  174. >Yeah, your horse terminology was going to need some expanding if you were to stay here.
  176. >"Okay, let me put it this way then: either you take Edward in for a while so I can figure out what went wrong and find a way to send the both of you back to where you came from or you're stuck here with him for good."
  177. >He gulped loudly.
  178. >"Well, if you put it that way.."
  179. >He turns toward you.
  180. >"H-Hey roomy."
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