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On my Shoulder

a guest
Nov 5th, 2023
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  1. Conflicted and confused, ideas collide
  2. Temptation and desire, what shall I abide
  3. “Do this. No, do that.” they yell repeatedly
  4. Living life with a lack of certainty
  6. His voice as sinister as a snake’s hiss
  7. Heart as cold as ice, and dark like an abyss
  8. “Indulge in these pleasures, give in to temptation.
  9. Turn a blind eye to eternal damnation”
  11. Her voice, a gentle melody, a soothing balm,
  12. Guiding toward goodness, a tranquil, healing psalm.
  13. An embrace as warm as a summer’s breeze
  14. With love that puts my heart at ease
  16. I stand between the two, a mortal's fate,
  17. Balancing on a fine line so delicate.
  18. In the midst of this eternal tug of war,
  19. I seek the path where my true self will soar.
  21. Amidst the clash of voices, one truth rings clear,
  22. Our destiny's shaped by the choices we hold dear.
  23. In the end, the choice is mine to explore,
  24. The path I take, the destiny I implore.
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